The Ultimate Teacher

Chapter 39: I think you are really pretty!


"What?" Li Ziqiang was so excited that the boiling water in the cup burned his tongue. "What did you say?"

"Those hooligans just left like that." Zhao Dazhu said with a sad face. "They said a few words to Fang Yan and then left. There was no conflict with Fang Yan at all, and they didn't fight with Fang Yan."

"No conflict? No fighting?" Li Ziqiang stuck out his tongue and angrily cursed, "What are they doing here?"

"have no idea."

"You don't know? Aren't you being watched? How come you don't know?"

"This is a bit strange." Chen Dahai's face was gloomy, and he felt bad. How wonderful they thought. Fang Yan was beaten by gangsters, and they charged Fang Yan with colluding with gangsters and kicked him out of school. Why did those gangsters leave? Do they still have professional ethics? Are they qualified to be full-time gangsters? "I just stood upstairs and took a look. Those gangsters surrounded Fang Yan and looked like they were going to fight. Did Fang Yan agree to some of their conditions?"

Li Ziqiang took out a small mirror from the drawer and stuck out his tongue to check the condition of the burn.

"We need to investigate this matter thoroughly," Li Ziqiang stammered. "Although there was no direct conflict, a group of idle people in society came to the school gate and surrounded it. How can this be justified?"

"Yes, yes. I'll go investigate right away." Zhao Dazhu said.

After Zhao Dazhu turned to leave, Chen Dahai walked up to Li Ziqiang and said, "Director, this kid is really lucky. There was no conflict, so I could only scold him a few words. It's not easy to use this excuse to expel a regular teacher."

"Let's put it aside for now." Li Ziqiang waved his hand and said, "Da Hai, I know you and Fang Yan have conflicts. But let's put this matter aside for now. The influence of the reporter's report is still there. If it is too obvious, it will make us look low-class."

"Director, I understand. He and I don't have any personal conflicts, but I feel that this matter should not make Director Zheng feel uncomfortable. Right?" Chen Dahai said with a smile.

Li Ziqiang nodded and said, "Don't worry. With us here, he won't have an easy time in Suzaku."



"Teacher Fang, are you okay?"

"Teacher Fang, even little hooligans want you to be their tutor. You are so amazing."

"Teacher Fang, that man is Brother Wolf, right? He is very famous in West Street-----"


Fang Yan dismissed the students who had gathered around him to ask about his well-being. When he was about to walk to the bus stop, someone behind him called out, "Fang Yan."

Fang Yan turned around and saw Vice Principal Lu Chaoge standing not far away looking at her.

Sure enough, the woman was also alarmed.

Fang Yan quickly walked up to Lu Chaoge and said, "Principal Lu, has this alarmed you as well?"

"The whole school has been alarmed." Lu Chaoge said with a cold face. This guy, can you please be quiet for a while? You have only been here for a few days, do you know how much trouble you have caused

"It's not a big deal, the school doesn't need to praise me deliberately. Otherwise, people will misunderstand me as vain." Fang Yan said embarrassedly. "Besides, they wanted me to be their tutor, but I refused. I am now a formal teacher at Suzaku Middle School. My heart and soul are all on the students of Suzaku Middle School. How can I have the time and energy to teach them?"


"Hey-----" Fang Yan nodded. "But you can't think that I'm a philistine and look down on their gangster status just because I rejected them. As long as the gangsters are ambitious, they are still ambitious gangsters. Is this reason reasonable?"

"Come with me." Lu Chaoge said.

After saying that, he turned and left.

Fang Yan followed behind her body, admiring the graceful manner in which she swayed her waist.



A black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was parked on the street corner opposite the gate of Suzaku Middle School.

The car's windows were pitch black, making it impossible to see what was inside from the outside.



The man's fingers tapped his thigh rhythmically, and he said gloomily, "It seems that things are more serious than we thought."

"Young Master, there's no need to get angry about this kind of thing." The old man sitting in the passenger seat said expressionlessly. "It's just a woman."

"Just a woman?" The man's handsome features turned ferocious. "I gave my all, but she never gave me the slightest response. Now, she treats a little scoundrel differently - do you want everyone in Huacheng to think that I, Jiang Zhongzhu, lost to a little scoundrel?"

The old man ignored Jiang Zhuliu's anger and said to himself: "The target person has been invited by Miss Lu. Should we continue to wait or go find him directly?"

"Go back." Jiang Zhuliu said. "The meeting is canceled."

"Yes, young master." The old man said. He said to the driver next to him: "Go back."

"I'm suddenly interested in those little hooligans." Jiang Zhuliu leaned softly on the seat, his face hidden in the shadows of the car, and said in a cold voice: "Bring them to see me."

"Master, they are just some trash. It will dirty your hands. It's not worth it."

"No matter how mature a man is, he can have a childish mentality sometimes." Jiang Zhuliu said with a smile. "I just want to play with mud. Maybe it will be fun. But you are right, they are just a few scumbags. It's not a big deal if their hands are dirty, but I am afraid that they will smell bad. Uncle Liu, go talk to them."

"Yes, young master." The old man replied.



Zhuque Middle School covers a large area, and it not only has teaching areas, office areas, student living areas, student activity areas, but also teachers' dormitories.

The teachers' dormitory area and the teaching area are separated by a wall with a small door in the middle. Teachers can go home or to the classroom for classes freely through the small door.

The dormitory area is shaded by green trees, with red walls and green tiles, rockery and pavilions, which is very comfortable and freehand. The environment and supporting facilities here are more complete and perfect than some high-end residential areas.

When Fang Yan first came, he offended the son of the school director, so the school logistics department had no intention of assigning him a dormitory. Later, when he became a regular employee, everyone pretended to forget about it.

So, this was his first time entering the teacher dormitory area.

"The environment is really nice." Fang Yan praised. It is said that private schools are rich, and this is absolutely true.

Lu Chaoge didn't say anything, just walked forward and stopped at the gate of a small courtyard with red walls.

She took the key out of her bag, unlocked the door, and walked in.

She didn't close the door, which meant she was inviting Fang Yan in for tea.

Fang Yan strode over the threshold, turned around and locked the gate.

Lu Chaoge turned around, frowned and said, "Why did you lock the door?"

Fang Yan was stunned and replied, "To protect your safety."

"I'm so fucking smart." Fang Yan said to himself.

"I don't need your protection for my safety." Lu Chaoge said coldly.

"As a man, it is my duty." Fang Yan said with a serious expression.

Lu Chaoge was too lazy to argue with him on this topic. He turned around and pushed open the door, and a faint fragrance hit him in the face.

This is a row of three tiled houses with their own doors and courtyards, like a small villa hidden in the campus area.

The yard is well lit, and there are a large number of potted flowers planted on the eaves.

Unknown flowers are in full bloom, red, yellow, and colorful, and the alluring fragrance is silently emitted by these beautiful little elves.

Maybe it was because the door hadn't been opened for a long time, the fragrance of flowers had been accumulating in the room, and as soon as the door was opened, it couldn't wait to roll out and vent.

After Lu Chaoge entered, he unbuttoned his clothes and tried to take off his suit jacket.

Fang Yan got anxious when he saw this and said, "Don't do this, I'm not a casual man----"

"What did you say?"

"According to international practice, shouldn't we drink a glass of red wine first?" Fang Yan carefully put forward his personal opinion. He really had no experience in this kind of thing, but he had seen some similar plots in a few unconventional novels and TV movies for reference.


Lu Chaoge was too lazy to talk to him. He took off his suit jacket and hung it on the hanger in the corner of the yard. Then he put on a slim white shirt and opened the windows of all the rooms. A large amount of fresh air rushed in, and the rich floral fragrance in the room was slowly diluted.

Teacher Fang Yan felt very sorry.

It turns out that taking off clothes is for work, not for pleasure.

Lu Chaoge went to the kitchen to boil some water, and after making two cups of tea, he sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at Fang Yan and asked, "What's going on?"

"Didn't I just explain that?"

"Do you think I would believe that?"

"I don't believe it." Fang Yan said. "Isn't that excuse enough to deal with their accusations and attacks against me? I didn't have any conflict with them."

"I must understand it more clearly to prevent them from finding more problems and loopholes and catching us off guard." Lu Chaoge held the teacup and said seriously, "I don't like to fight a battle that I am not sure of."

Fang Yan hesitated for a moment and said, "It seems that I can only tell you the truth. In fact, the truth of the matter is this. Yesterday, when I was going home from school, I passed by the door of a bar and saw them molesting a little girl. The girl was obviously a student. At that time, there were two villains fighting in my mind. The villain called beast said, "Let's go, it has nothing to do with you anyway, and the girl is not your student." The villain who is worse than beast said, "You can cut your head and bleed, but you must stand up when you encounter hooligans." The villain called beast was beaten to death by the villain who is worse than beast. So I went up to stop a malicious harassment incident----"

"So they want revenge?"

"They were prepared to retaliate. But when they saw me, they suddenly felt that it was unjust to treat a teacher who was full of justice and served students wholeheartedly. They shook hands, thanked each other for their hard work, and went back."

"Do you think I believe it?" Lu Chaoge asked expressionlessly.

Fang Yan carefully looked at Lu Chaoge's fair and delicate face and clear and charming eyes, grinned and said, "I think you are really good-looking." (To be continued)