The Ultimate Teacher

Chapter 53: Du Qing commented on Fang Yan, a first-class young man!


Li Ya brought in new tea, and Fang Yan took it and brewed it again. The tea and water complemented each other, and the fragrance was overflowing. Good tea with good water, the brewing effect is indeed very different from before.

After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, the atmosphere on the scene became more harmonious. It was like the instant warming of the relationship when you take the other person's cigarette and drink a glass of wine together at a social event.

"What a great tea." Du Qing said to the two cheongsam women, "Xiaobai, Xiaoting, you two should learn more from Mr. Fang Yan - Mr. Fang is a master of tea ceremony."

The two cheongsam women were a little disapproving when Du Qing invited Fang Yan to comment. What insights could a guy who hasn't even fully grown his hair have

Even after listening to Fang Yan's comments, they were still a little unconvinced. This is good tea and water, who can't taste the flavor

It was not until Fang Yan finished his Kung Fu tea performance and they drank the tea brewed by Fang Yan that they were convinced. They had also brewed this box of old tree Da Hong Pao before, but the taste was not as mellow and fragrant as this one.

When they heard the boss ask them to learn from Fang Yan, they stared at Fang Yan with shining eyes and said, "Mr. Fang, please give us your guidance."

Fang Yan waved his hand and said, "I don't deserve your advice. You two are good at making tea, but you still lack understanding of the ingredients. As time goes by, you will accumulate more experience. Good tea and good water can be recognized at a glance."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang." The oval-faced girl said gently.

While several people were tasting and discussing tea, Tianlang was also brought over.

He was pushed over in a wheelchair. Looking at Fang Yan, who was sitting opposite Du Qing, he had an irrepressible hatred in his eyes. He stared at Fang Yan for several seconds before greeting Du Qing and saying, "Mr. Du, you are looking for me----"

"Tian Lang, I want to ask you something." Du Qing walked up to Tian Lang and said, "What's the conflict between you and Mr. Fang?"

Tianlang glanced at Fang Yan again and whispered, "It's just a small misunderstanding."

"Is the misunderstanding resolved now?"

"It's solved." Tianlang said. Someone had explained it to him when he came here, so how could he dare to speak nonsense

"Will there be no problem in the future?" Du Qing looked at the bruises on Tianlang's face, and had a new understanding of Fang Yan. The people below only reported to him that Tianlang was injured, but they didn't expect him to be injured like this. This kid's methods are also dark.

"No more." Tianlang said unwillingly. "The misunderstanding has been resolved."

Du Qing turned to look at Lu Zheng and said, "Mr. Lu, you see - the attitude of the parties involved is quite good. How about letting me be the peacemaker and let this matter be resolved?"

Lu Zheng waved his hand and said, "There must be something hateful about a pitiful person. Let him go."

Du Qing patted Tianlang on the shoulder and said, "Have a good rest."

"Yes----" Tianlang's eyes were red, and he said with a choked voice: "Thank you, Mr. Du."

Du Qing waved his hand and Tianlang was pushed out.

"He's also a good man." Du Qing said with a smile. "No fight, no acquaintance. Brother Fang Yan, we can still be friends in the future. Right?"

"We are already friends." Fang Yan said with a smile. "Mr. Du, I have had a relatively in-depth communication with Brother Wolf. He said that he was just following orders. I heard that someone behind the scenes wanted to frame me. I am really curious, who is the person who has such a deep hatred for me that is determined to ruin my reputation?"

Du Qing pondered in silence.

Obviously, Tianlang was just a staircase, allowing both parties to save face without tearing each other apart. However, the other party was very dissatisfied with this explanation.

Du Qing looked at Fang Yan and asked, "Brother Fang Yan is a refined person. Which of the Four Gentlemen of Plum, Orchid, Chrysanthemum and Bamboo do you like the most?"

"Bamboo," Fang Yan said. It is strong because it has joints, and it is upright because it has no heart. It has been through many storms, but it would rather break than bend. It remains green all year round, and does not compete with other flowers for beauty. Listen to how highly bamboo is praised.

"Brother Fang Yan should dislike bamboo the most." Du Qing said with a smile.

Fang Yan's eyes flashed, and he looked at Du Qing thoughtfully.

"Haha, drink tea. Drink tea." Du Qing said with a smile. "Mr. Lu, it's really a waste to keep this tea here. Take the tea with you when you go back. I know your mansion. I'll have someone send the newly-drawn spring water over there later. Elegant people should do such elegant things. It's a waste for a rough man like me to drink this."

Lu Zheng refused and said, "I won't accept bribes without merit. No matter how delicious the tea is, I feel uneasy. If I feel uneasy, the tea will have no taste."

"Then Grandpa will give Mr. Du a piece of calligraphy." Fang Yan said with a smile. "Grandpa's calligraphy is not worse than Mr. Jigong's."

Du Qing was overjoyed and said, "That's really great. I am so lucky to receive Mr. Lu's calligraphy."

Lu Zheng glanced at Fang Yan, but ultimately did not refuse.

"There are three thousand guests at Chunshen Gate, and the sky is five feet high in the south of Xiaodu City."

Two lines of large regular script characters are presented on precious rice paper, with rich ink that penetrates the back of the paper.

Lu Zheng thought about it and wrote his signature in small regular script below.

Du Qing was overjoyed. He bowed to Lu Zheng again and again and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for the calligraphy. I will definitely frame it and hang it on the wall. I will study and appreciate it every day."

Three thousand guests at Chunshen Gate, Little Du has a five-foot sky in the south of the city. This is a couplet written by the secretary general of the resigned President Li Yuanhong, describing the Shanghai tycoon Du Yuesheng. Du Yuesheng is one of the most famous figures in the modern Green Gang, known as the "Chinese Gangster Boss" and "China's No. 1 Gangster". He was a powerful figure throughout his life, in and out of the black and white worlds, and in the business, military, and political circles. It can be said that there is no one before him and no one after him.

Just like those ordinary gangsters regard Chen Haonan in "Young and Dangerous" as their male idol, Du Qing himself also has an admirer, that is Du Yuesheng, a prominent figure hundreds of years ago.

They both have the same surname "Du", and both started out in the underworld. Who wouldn't want to be a modern-day Chunshen Jun like Du Yuesheng

It can be said that Lu Zheng's couplet expressed his thoughts vividly.

"It's just a bunch of trivial matters." Lu Zheng said indifferently. He was not interested in these things at all.

"Li Ya, wrap up the tea and send it to Brother Fang Yan. Also, I will personally deliver Mr. Lu's writing fee to your house----"

After seeing Lu Zheng and Fang Yan off, Du Qing stood in front of the calligraphy and admired it happily.

Li Ya pushed the door open and walked in, saying, "Uncle Du, normally when someone gives you such an expensive gift, you've never been so happy - isn't it just a piece of calligraphy?"

"What do kids know?" Du Qing said with a smile. "Do you know how the former prime minister praised Old Man Lu? The prime minister's original words were, I am the prime minister in the political world, and you are the prime minister in the academic world. Thousands of years later, the people will forget me, but they will still remember you."

"The Prime Minister of the Academic World. This Prime Minister of the Academic World is a man of integrity, but I've never heard of him sending calligraphy to anyone."

"I can see that he was unwilling at first. It's just that the guy surnamed Fang is greedy and lustful, so he asked grandpa to exchange the calligraphy."

"Greedy and lustful?" Du Qing laughed. "Is this your evaluation of Fang Yan?"

"Yeah. Doesn't he just want our old tree Da Hong Pao? His eyes kept looking at Xiao Bai and Xiao Ting's thighs, and I wanted to dig his eyes out."

Du Qing shook his head and said, "Li Ya, everyone has their own unique personality. I asked you to stay with me so that you can learn how to judge people. If you don't judge people correctly, the dishes you serve will definitely not suit your taste. This Fang Yan is not as bad as you say. On the contrary, he is still a first-class figure."

"What's so great about him?" Li Ya was a little unconvinced.

Li Ya is the daughter of an old friend of Du Qing. During a gang conflict, she rushed over to help him block a fatal bullet. Du Qing survived, but his old friend died.

From then on, Li Ya became Du Qing's adopted daughter. He had no children of his own, so he trained Li Ya as the successor of his Qingyun Group. Therefore, he was willing to teach her more things when he had time.

"In my eyes, he is more lovable than old man Lu." Du Qing said. "Some people are mythical, so it is difficult for us mortals to approach them. Everyone knows Lu Zheng's personality, and no one can do anything to him. They can only respect him. However, being too strong will break easily. Lu Zheng's personality is destined to make him a lonely man."

"But how can a person live in this world without friends? Lu Zheng is a cultured person. He can endure loneliness and even enjoy the loneliness brought by his good reputation. But can others do the same? If Lu Zheng refuses my good tea today, then he and I will never have any intersection in the future----"

Du Qing smiled and said, "But Fang Yan was the one who smoothed things over, giving me and him a chance to interact. I gave him tea, he gave me calligraphy and paintings, and then I looked for an opportunity to go to his mansion to give him a fee for his writing. After this, didn't we become familiar with each other?"

"But why do we do this?" Li Ya asked. "Those intellectuals always look down on us, why should we make friends with them?"

"It's not me who wants to make friends with Lu Zheng." Du Qing smiled. "It's Fang Yan who wants to make friends with me. His grandfather can isolate himself from the world, but he can't. He doesn't have the face, the occasion, the affection, but I do."


Li Ya rolled her eyes and said, "Why are you men so complicated? Wouldn't it be better to just talk it out? Aren't you afraid of getting dizzy from going around in circles?"

Du Qing shook his head helplessly and said, "Some words, whoever says them, will be in a bad position."

Du Qing pointed to his head and said, "You need to understand."

After a pause, he smiled playfully and said, "Isn't this great? Jiang Zhuliu versus Fang Huohuo----Huacheng has been quiet for a long time, it should be lively now, right?" (To be continued)