The Ultimate Teacher

Chapter 855: You must be happy!


The cold wind was howling and the snow was flying heavily.

The yard of the old house was already filled with a thick layer of snow. In the past, everyone would have started to shovel the snow aside to prevent it from freezing the flowers, plants and vegetables planted by Grandpa Xifu.

However, today, the room was full of people, but no one thought of this. Some people drank tea, some stood at the door smoking, and the heater in the yard was turned on very high, but everyone still felt cold physically and mentally.

They had held a small meeting before, or rather heard someone hold a small meeting, and no one had the opportunity to speak, and the only one who could issue orders was the old man. The result was very unsatisfactory, he actually made such a foolish decision.

If what he said was true, what would happen to them? Would the Jiang family still be the Jiang family

"The Jiang family is going to break up!" This was what every direct descendant of the Jiang family present thought in their mind.

Their eyes met, and then they shook their heads at each other.

They knew the old man's character too well, and it would be difficult to change his decision.

It must be said that Qin Yitian, the new player, has a very good playing style. It is aggressive and hard to defend against.

The most important thing is that she doesn't care about the details and tries her best to hurt the opponent to preserve her own strength.

After the attack, the Jiang family was indeed under tremendous pressure.

Especially after hearing about what Bai Xiu had in his hands, the last bit of hope in the old man's heart disappeared.

"Shang Xin, I know that the Jiang family owes you, and I owe you too-----" Old Master Jiang Xifu held Shang Xin's hand tightly and said, "But, no matter what, you are still a member of the Jiang family. You have the blood of the Jiang family flowing in your bones----the same blood as me."

"Grandpa, I want to help you, I want to save the Jiang family----" Jiang Shangxin burst into tears and said, "Tell me, how can I save the Jiang family?"

The old man smiled and said, "I knew you wouldn't abandon the Jiang family."

He let go of Jiang Shangxin's hand, walked to the desk, opened the desk drawer, took out a folder, handed it to Jiang Shangxin, and said, "Take a look. If you have no objection, sign the back."

Open the folder carefully and take out the information inside to check.

"Grandpa-----" Jiang Shangxin exclaimed: "Do you want me to----take charge of the Jiang family?"

"You are not mistaken." Old Master Jiang Xifu nodded and said, "This is the best way, and the only way."

"But----but uncles and aunts-----"

"If they could have saved the Jiang family's fortune, I wouldn't have made such a decision." Old Master Jiang Xifu said very frankly. "If any one of them could have resolved the crisis, I wouldn't have made such a decision. But, they can't-----care about it, only you can. This is the only way."


"Shang Xin." Jiang Xifu reached out and held Shang Xin's hand tightly, saying, "I know that what I am doing is very difficult for you, but it is better than the Jiang family disappearing into thin air and being swallowed up step by step by them. I understand the relationship between you and Fang Yan, and I understand the feelings between you - I am not asking you to betray him, because the cost is too high. The Jiang family - the Jiang family has proven that its opponents are powerful."

"I just want you to remain independent. You protect the family's foundation, which means you protect your own career. That way, you will be able to gain more say with Fang Yan. Most women like to rely on men, but some women can keep pace with men and even surpass all the men in the world. For example, Qin Yitian, and you."


"If you agree, then sign it." Old man Jiang Xifu waved his hand, looking extremely tired, and said, "I still have to give those good-for-nothings a warning. Otherwise, they will not cause trouble."

The general thought about it and signed his name on the back of the document.

"Let them in." Jiang Xifu said.

Let Shangxin go out and let the group of people from Jiang’s family come in.

Let the group of people from the Jiang family come in, and let the group of people from the Jiang family go out.

From then on, no one could enter Mr. Jiang Xifu's study.

Old man Jiang Xifu was told that he wanted to have a good rest and no one was allowed to disturb him.

When dinner was ready, the old housekeeper went to invite Mr. Xifu to come out for dinner. He called for a long time but no one answered. When he went in, he saw his whole body lying on the ground next to the sofa.

His body was arched and twisted, looking like a steamed shrimp.

He choked to death on a mouthful of thick phlegm in his throat.

Those who return will ascend to glory.

When someone leaves, there will be no news of them again.



Bai Xiu went to the police station to turn himself in. If nothing unexpected happened, he would never be able to get out in his lifetime.

Moreover, based on the things he confessed, he might soon receive the most cruel punishment.

Perhaps for him, such punishment is also a relief

Bai Xiu used his own death to nail the Jiang family to the pillar of shame for colluding with a terrorist organization. The more serious the crime Bai Xiu admitted, the more miserable the Jiang family's fate would be.

Qin Yitian would not give him any chance to regret or betray. All he could do was to act according to the script Qin Yitian gave him.

He is a pawn, a dead soldier.

He had a miserable end, and he deserved it.

Everyone has his or her own destiny, and sometimes just a blink of an eye can change your life.

Fang Yan went to the Qin family's old house to visit Qin Yitian, but it was Li Xinnian who came out to greet him.

This gorgeous and noble woman who inspired respect was not enthusiastic towards Fang Yan. She was even colder than the last time they met.

Li Xinnian likes to drink coffee, she likes its rich aroma.

Gently stirring the liquid in the cup, he looked at Fang Yan who was sitting opposite him and said, "Are you here to say thank you?"

"I am indeed very grateful to the Qin family. If it weren't for the Qin family's help this time, I don't think the matter would have been resolved so quickly, and there would not have been such a satisfactory solution------"

Li Xinnian interrupted Fang Yan and said, "You are wrong. The one who helped you was Qin Yitian, not the Qin family. The Qin family did not intend to help you so unconditionally because this is not the most advantageous choice for the Qin family."

"I understand." Fang Yan said sincerely, "You represent the Qin family, so I have to thank the Qin family when I see you. When I meet Yitian, I will thank her individually."

"Fang Yan-----" Li Xinnian looked at Fang Yan thoughtfully with his beautiful eyes, and said, "You have achieved success at a young age. You have such a high level of martial arts cultivation at such a young age. Soon you will marry a beautiful wife and become a couple of gods. On your wedding night and when your name is on the imperial examination, you have both of these things, right?"

Fang Yan remained silent. He didn't know how to continue with this topic.

Li Xinnian sighed softly and said, "Once you meet Fang Yan, you will ruin your life-----Since you finally choose to give up, why do you have to continue to pester him?"

Fang Yan opened his mouth, but still couldn't say anything.

He stood up, bowed deeply to Li Xinnian, then turned and walked outside.

Li Xinnian looked at his back in deep thought for a long time, then instructed the servant beside him, "Miss, please come over for some coffee."

The servant left, and soon came back trotting, saying, "Madam, the young lady is out."

Li Xinnian frowned slightly and said, "It's a mess and it's hard to sort it out."



Fang Yan's car was stopped when it was about to enter the city. When he saw the extended version of the Rolls-Royce luxury limousine, Fang Yan's depressed mood suddenly became relieved.

There was a layer of white snow on the roof of the RV, and it seemed that the car had been waiting in the snow for a long time.

The rear door of the RV was opened by Mu Ying, and a girl wearing a red down jacket, a red woolen hat, and a thick towel around her neck stepped out of the car.

She stood in the ice and snow, whiter and brighter than the vast expanse of ice and snow.

She waved at Fang Yan and said, "Teacher Fang, let's go enjoy the snow."

Fang Yan pushed open the car door and got out, striding towards Qin Yitian.

"Why are you here?" Fang Yan asked.

"Waiting for you." The girl answered as a matter of course.

"I just went to the Qin family's old house and wanted to thank you in person-------"

Qin Yitian picked up a snowball from the ground and threw it at Fang Yan with all his might, giggling and shouting, "Come on, let's have a snowball fight. You better be careful, I'm very good at it."

Fang Yan was stunned for a moment, then leaned over, grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and threw it at Qin Yitian who was running away.

One was running in front, the other was chasing behind, with laughter and snowballs flying everywhere.

It's like they don't have any worries.

Mu Ying stood beside the convoy, watching the scene before him with a worried look on his face.

In this world-----there are actually people who can reject the eldest daughter of their Qin family. What is wrong with this world

As the sky gradually darkened, Fang Yan was finally ready to return to Yanziwu.

Qin Yitian stood beside Fang Yan's car, staring at him with his gem-like eyes without blinking, and said, "Teacher Fang, I may not be able to attend your wedding, but I have sent a gift to you--------"

"Yitian-------" Fang Yan's heart was tightened, and this feeling made him feel like he was about to suffocate. Although he was already a master of the Water Overflow Realm, his cultivation could not make him feel a little more comfortable and peaceful at this moment.

The girl's delicate and flawless face turned towards Fang Yan, her lips moved, and she said in an inaudible voice: "You must be happy." (To be continued)