The Ultimate Teacher

Chapter 856: She said, Let there be light!


Starting from the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, Yanziwu becomes busy.

This is not only a happy event for the Fang family, but also a happy event for the entire Yanziwu.

Three ways of the world, this is something that has never been heard of in Yanziwu, the leader of the secluded inner world. What's more, there is a little transparent dog that appears and disappears mysteriously. People in the inner world are discerning people. They can tell its true strength from some of its subtle movements-----

According to the tradition of Yanziwu, every time someone enters the Heavenly Dao Realm, the whole village will celebrate for seven days. It just so happens that Fang Yan is getting married to Ye Wenrou again this time - two Heavenly Dao Realm masters are getting married, and this big happy event is so big that it is not excessive to celebrate for any length of time.

Fang Yan's grandparents came over early. Lu Zheng was still thin and lean. He patted Fang Yan's shoulder vigorously and said with a big laugh, "Finally, someone can control you. Let's see if you dare to be lawless in the future."

Instead, the grandmother took Fang Yan's hand and hid in the corner, and asked quietly: "Did Chaoge give you an explanation for your marriage to Wenrou? I don't know what this kid has been busy with recently. He hasn't visited us for a while. Nothing will happen, right?"

Some time ago, the Jiang family pressed on step by step. Chaoyan Technology represented by Lu Chaoge and the Huacheng Enterprises led by her suffered a huge impact and could be swallowed up or disintegrated by the opponent at any time. At that time, Lu Chaoge was extremely busy and under great pressure. She had no way to visit the two old people. It would be bad if they saw Lu Chaoge's impatience.

Fang Yan patted his grandmother's hand and said with a smile: "I talked to her on the phone and invited her to come to my wedding. She said she was too busy with work recently and had too many things to deal with. But I will go to Huacheng soon, and I will bring her to visit you then."

"Fang Yan, what on earth is going on here?" Grandma looked at Fang Yan in confusion. She was bewildered by this complicated relationship.

Fang Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "Grandma, let me explain it to you slowly."

"Okay." Grandma nodded and said, "Don't let the girl down."

"I know." Fang Yan nodded seriously and said.


Loud firecrackers were heard outside again.

Zhou Mingli and a group of children from Yanziwu were outside frying fish with firecrackers. Fang Yan's aunt Fang Yijing ran out of her sister-in-law Lu Wan's room and shouted, "Zhou Mingli, you are being naughty again----"

Fang Yan turned around to stop Xiaogu and said with a smile: "Xiaogu, it's okay. Let them play."

"I'll chase them into the woods behind." Fang Yijing said with a smile, "There are so many guests at home, it will disturb other people's conversations."

The last time Fang Yijing came back, her husband Zhou Fan and her son Zhou Mingli did not get along well with Fang Yan, which made Fang Yijing feel very uncomfortable. After all, this is her home. It is undoubtedly a slap in her face that her husband and son look down on her home.

But after some things happened, her son Zhou Mingli was completely cured by Fang Yan, and her husband also re-recognized the profound heritage of the Fang family. It sounds a bit mercenary, but the Fang family can prosper under the leadership of Fang Yan, and she, a married woman, can also stand up straight and live more confidently in her husband's family.

"That's fine." Fang Yan didn't care about this matter and said, "Listen to my aunt."

Zhou Fan came back from outside with a group of people. It was windy and snowy outside, but he walked with his face red and beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Unload the goods from the truck. Everyone, be careful and handle them with care. Put those valuable items in the backyard house. They will be carried to the Ye family as a burden."

"Ye Fengsheng, red cloth, pay attention to the corners of the red cloth, don't step on it and make it dirty----it will be wasted if you step on it and make it dirty-----"

"Zhu Xiaodan, what are you doing? ---Put those two carps in the tank and take good care of them. Don't let them die. You can't find any carps bigger than these. ---Ruan Jing, come and help carry these steamed buns. ---"


Zhou Fan was Lu Wan's assistant and also Fang Yan's butler for this wedding. Whenever Lu Wan was too busy or inconvenient to show up, he would help with a group of young people.

"Uncle, sit down and have some tea and take a break." Fang Yan greeted him.

"Not tired." Zhou Fan waved his hand. "The wedding day is getting closer and closer, and everything must be prepared. This is the biggest event in life, and we can't be careless at all, not even a little bit of carelessness----"

Without even saying anything more to Fang Yan, he turned around and ran towards the backyard.

Mo Qingdi was accompanying Mr. Fang Huwei to entertain guests. Mr. Fang and some respected elders in Yanziwu were drinking tea and chatting in the old man's room. From time to time, Fang Huwei's hearty laughter could be heard, and it seemed that the old man was in a very good mood.

Everyone was busy, except Fang Yan himself.

Fang Yan is the groom of this wedding, but he is the most leisurely person in this wedding.

On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, more guests arrived at Yanziwu.

The current principal of Zhuque Middle School, Zhong Deyi, and the former principal of Zhuque Middle School, Zhang Shaofeng, came together.

Li Mingqiang, the former Dean of Studies and current Vice Principal of Suzaku Middle School, also came along. He grabbed Fang Yan's hand tightly and refused to let go. With red eyes, he said, "Teacher Fang, I haven't seen you for a long time. You're not here - you're not in Suzaku, everyone is doing well -"


Fang Yan's close friend Baldy also came, and he came with his girlfriend. Baldy and Li Ahua from the school's logistics department have confirmed their relationship, and it is said that the two are planning to get married early next year.

Fang Yan saw the bald man and gave him a big hug. The bald man, who was wearing a suit and tie, was shaking all the time and stammered that Yanjing was too cold and he was not ready.

Li Ahhua had a plain face and looked like a good homely woman. She just grinned at Fang Yan but didn't dare to say hello to him.

Xiao Meng also came, she came on behalf of Lu Chaoge, and presented Lu Chaoge with a gift, a set of keys to a Yanjing villa and a Ferrari car key.

The villa had been bought a long time ago, and even the decoration had been completed. The car was ordered from abroad before, and it could be delivered back just in time for the wedding day. Lu Chaoge was also thoughtful.

When Xiao Meng saw Fang Yan, she hesitated and said in a low voice: "Teacher Fang, I think Principal Lu----"

"What's wrong with Principal Lu?" Fang Yan asked.

Xiao Meng thought for a moment and said, "I feel like she might be feeling a little uncomfortable."

Fang Yan thought for a moment and said, "I'll call her again."

"Yes." Xiao Meng nodded with a blushing face and said, "Teacher Fang, congratulations. I wish you a long and happy marriage."

"Xiao Meng, I also hope you can find your Prince Charming soon." Fang Yan patted Xiao Meng's shoulder and said seriously.

Xiao Meng nodded repeatedly, but there was a trace of melancholy in her heart that was difficult to relieve.

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

The sky was still gray when the giant beast of Yanziwu woke up.

Countless people were awakened from every corner and rushed towards the Fang family or the Ye family.

The wind and snow are stronger today, and it is also the wedding day.

On the wedding day, the man went to the woman's house to pick up the bride. Because the Fang and Ye families were neighbors, a sedan chair was carried by eight people. According to the plan, they had to go around Yanziwu before entering the Fang family's gate.

It was still dawn when Fang Yan was pulled up by the aunts. A group of people put all kinds of makeup on his face, head and body. This was even more stressful than when he faced the dragon.

Then a group of people played music and drums, lifted the sedan chair, returned the carriages and horses, welcomed the sedan chair, got off the sedan chair, worshipped heaven and earth, performed the wedding ceremony, and entered the bridal chamber...

The whole process was tedious and festive, and Fang Yan became a puppet without consciousness. Apart from grinning and being manipulated, he had no independent consciousness.

According to the previous agreement between the Fang family and the Ye family, the Ye family will host a banquet in the morning, and the Fang family will host a banquet in the evening. Otherwise, if both parties hold banquets at the same time, the neighbors and foreign guests of Yanziwu will be too busy to know which one to go to.

Fang Yan thought so too. If the two families held the party at the same time, each family would only receive one gift. Of course, with Fang Yan's current wealth, he didn't care about this, but it was still necessary for more people to gather together to liven up the party.

The marriage of the Ye family's daughter and the marriage of Fang family's Fang Yan were considered big events in the eyes of many people.

Du Qing came out of the prison. This burly man hugged Fang Yan tightly for a while, then smiled and handed him a big gift box.

The tall and beautiful Li Ya stood beside Du Qing with a smile on her face, and the tall and skinny Fang Haohan stood beside Li Ya with a silly smile on his face.

Compared with the past, Li Ya's attitude towards the local hero has improved a lot. In the past, she would directly drive him away, but now she just treats him as a transparent person-------

Fang Yingxiong also came back alone. The policewoman he had his eyes on was officially in a relationship with him, but the relationship was not strong enough. As the Spring Festival was approaching, it was not convenient for him to bring the girl home for the holiday - mainly because the girl didn't want to.

Fang Yan sighed in his heart, wondering why the emotional journeys of his two young nephews were so bumpy

Summer is here, and along with it come two little girls, Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin.

The arrival of the three of them caused a stir in Yanziwu. After all, there are fans in every field. Xia Tian was originally a superstar. As the Tiannanxing group became more and more popular, Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin became more and more popular with the audience.

Yuan Lin looked at Fang Yan with a smile on her face and said, "Teacher Fang, congratulations - I didn't expect to say this to you so soon."

Jiang Qin forced a smile and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

She walked forward and hugged Fang Yan, her eyes instantly becoming moist.

Fang Yan gently hugged the girl's increasingly mature body and said with a smile: "I know you are very busy now, I am glad that you can come-------"

"I'm coming anyway------" Jiang Qin whispered. Then, while no one was paying attention, he bit Fang Yan's neck hard.

But she was worried that leaving lip marks would be bad for the other person, so she quickly gave up on the action.

Xia Tian sighed softly and said, "It's hard for these two girls. I don't know if it was the right thing to bring them out back then. If you let them stay with you, would it be better?"

Fang Yan looked at Xia Tian and said with a smile: "How can there be such a thing as if in this matter?"

Xia Tian sighed softly and pulled Yuan Lin and Jiang Qin towards the women's lounge at the back.

Except for Jiang Zhuliu, all the important figures from the other three major families in Huacheng rushed over.

The one who came from the Lan family was Lan Shan Gu, the one who came from the Liu family was Liu Shu, the one who came from the Mei family was Mei Yingxue, and some wealthy families in Huacheng who wanted to establish relationships with the three major families or wanted to rely on the relationships with the three major families to establish relationships with Fang Yan also sent important figures to present generous gifts.

From now on, Fang Yan will have the final say in Huacheng, and no one will be able to compete with him.

Tang Cheng came. After Fang Yan left Suzaku, Tang Cheng also dropped out of school and went to the northwest to train. This time when Fang Yan got married, he also rushed back from afar.

Qianye Xun also came, Qianye Xun came with Du Qing and Li Ya. With Du Qing's care, she should be able to find the life she wants in Huacheng.

Gongsun Qi has arrived, and his gift is the demon-slaying sword that his master Shenlong worked so hard to obtain.

"Master said that swords are weapons of destruction, and are not suitable as wedding gifts. But we are not fussy about trivial matters, and this sword is named "Exorcist", which means to slay demons and exorcise evil spirits. Master said that this sword is a good sword. I hope that it will rise again in your hands even though it fell in yours."

Fang Yan quickly took the sword, thanked Gongsun Qi again and again, and said that after the wedding he and Ye Wenrou would go to thank Mr. Shenlong together.

The young leader also came. He first went to the Ye family, and then to the Fang family. After sitting down and drinking a cup of tea with Mr. Fang Huwei, he said goodbye to the newlyweds. He was very busy every day, and it was a great honor for him to take time out to attend a wedding.

All the important figures of the Ye family have returned, especially the second and third sons of the Ye family, who now hold high positions outside. The guests who came to congratulate them were many high-ranking officials and celebrities, and the motorcade almost stretched from Yanziwu to the outer ring of Yanjing City.

The Jiang family was sent by Jiang Shangxin, who was his confidant. The news that Jiang Shangxin had become the helmsman of the Jiang family had already spread. It was just that because old man Jiang Xifu had passed away, the Jiang family was also holding a funeral at this time.

According to custom, people in mourning cannot attend other people's weddings, so I explained this matter to Fang Yan in advance. Fang Yan would naturally understand.

He knew that Jiang Shangxin was a smart woman, and smart women always knew what they needed.

When Jiang Shangxin took over, the Jiang family was no longer a threat to him.

The person who came from the Qin family was Qin Dongling, who was Qin Yitian's uncle and an important figure in the Qin family. Having him deliver the gift was considered giving Fang Yan enough face.

There were Fang Yan's friends, and there were friends of Fang Yan's friends. There were even some people from the Inner Jianghu who came under false names, saying that they were here to witness the biggest event in the Inner Jianghu. Two Heavenly Dao Realm people getting married was something that had never happened in the Inner Jianghu.

The martial arts fanatic Hou Zhendong came and clamored to compete with Fang Yan again.

The flower-crazy Lin Puyang also came, and Fang Yan asked him to help with the carving.

Le Chi Shui Liuyun is here, Le Chi is the performing guest of this wedding.

Fang Yan's Buddhist master and Taoist master also came. The Taoist master did not come, but wrote a calligraphy of "Match Made in Heaven" for Fang Yan and had it delivered to him.

There are guests Fang Yan knows, most of them are guests Fang Yan does not know------

This wedding connected the business, political and military circles, and later generations called it a miracle in wedding history.



The sky is gloomy and the earth is like brocade.

Qin Yitian, dressed in a red dress, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the whistling wind and flying snow outside, and remained silent for a long time.

She was holding a glass of red wine in her hand. Qin Yitian didn't drink alcohol before. Most of the time she drank milk or juice.

But today's mood is obviously not suitable for drinking those.

She was not in her own Xiangshan villa because it was too cold.

She did not return to the Qin family's old house because she did not want to talk and was even more afraid to hear other people's comfort.

She didn't want to go to a bar, a cafe, anywhere.

She stood here for a long time, so long that Mu Ying behind her was worried that she would be frozen into an ice sculpture by the wind and snow just across the window.

"Is it there?" Qin Yitian stretched out a slender finger, pointing in a direction and asked.

The question was asked in a strange way, but Mu Ying knew the answer.

He nodded and said, "That's it."

Qin Yitian tried hard to look in that direction, but the wind was too strong and the snow was too heavy outside, blocking her sight. The distance she could see was very limited.

"Why is it so dark there?" Qin Yitian asked. She was talking about the edge of the city, where there was an intersection leading to Yanziwu.

The road leading to Yanziwu had just been repaired, but there were no street lights. The further you went into the remote area, the fewer lights there were.

"Because-------" Mu Ying opened his mouth, but didn't know how to explain. He knew in his heart that the young lady knew the answer to the question.

"Let there be light." Qin Yitian said.

Mu Ying thought about it and said, "Yes, I understand."

Mu Ying took out his cell phone from his pocket and made a call. Soon, before their eyes and under their gaze, a long dragon of lights spread towards the edge of the city.

That was the result of all the companies under the Qin family and the family businesses related to the Qin family turning on the lights at the same time.

In the farthest darkness, a firework flew into the sky with a long tail.


Fireworks bloomed high in the sky, and the colorful lights stunned the entire night sky.


Countless fireworks rushed into the night sky at the same time, just like countless flowers blooming in the sky. It was overwhelming and bustling.

The flawless face finally broke into a smile, and she said softly, "The excitement is theirs, I have nothing."

(PS: Having written this far, you should be able to see that the book "Ultimate Teacher" is nearing its end. I will publish the following chapters on Zongheng Chinese website and Lao Liu's WeChat public platform at the same time. Friends who are interested can follow Lao Liu's WeChat platform public account: liuxiahui28.) (To be continued)