The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 105


"... Yoshihara?" Wen Zheliu was startled, "Why do you want to go there?"

As he spoke, the ghost general who had been beheaded by He Qin stood up again. His chest was like black sand, and a cloud of ghost fire suddenly spurted out from his throat bone, and it condensed again in just a few seconds. An intact skull. The flying antlers fragments clinked, and at the moment two balls of fire lit up in its eyes, it drew its sword and roared wildly, its firm and heavy steps shook the earth, and it rushed towards He Qin!

He Qin borrowed the lantern before, and the gold buried here can only help the ghosts once. Now there is no second pot of blood for Long Ji, who is seriously injured and on the verge of death, and the rest of the people are not sure how to fight against the sea of ghost soldiers. Zhong Shengsheng fought a bloody path, so they all followed He Qin's example, each using their magical powers to snatch several skeleton horses from the rebel army, and ride them to trample them randomly in the array of spears that were thrown and impaled.

He Qin didn't panic, he hugged Wen Zheliu in front of him, holding the rusty reins in his hands, and exerted force on his strong thighs. He heard the muffled sound of broken bones, and his military boots became jammed. The corresponding ribs on both sides of the skeleton war horse were broken, causing it to hiss wildly and rush towards the swarms of ghost soldiers swarming madly!

The ghost general's mount itself was much taller than other skeleton war horses, and it was also covered with a relatively complete carcass. The collision was as powerful as a mad tiger, violently crushing the bodies of dozens of ghost soldiers. Wen Zheliu only listened below The loud sound of cracking bones and armor was heard continuously, and the body was bumping constantly. Seeing the road right in front of him, he heard He Qin whisper in his ear: "Hold on!"

He hurriedly grabbed the long and thick rope knot on the horse's neck. He Qin used the reins to shake the air hard, and there was a loud and ear-piercing "pop!", which made the horse jump in shock, and he just crossed over the thorns that were piercing upwards. The golden sword and iron gun landed heavily on the open space with few ghost soldiers on the outside!

The surrounding white mist was thick and pungent, and the moss on the ground was thick and slippery. Wen Zheliu was afraid that the horse would break his leg in a hurry while carrying two people. Fortunately, He Qin's riding skills were superb, and Wen Zheliu only felt the horse's hoof hit slightly. After a slight slip, he landed on the ground without any danger.

The people behind him followed suit, and Du Zijun took the lead in snatching a horse. The skeletal war horse was forced by the close pressure of the mermaid, and even the will-o'-the-wisps in the eye bones were almost extinguished. He raised his hand and blasted the heads of the two charging skeleton soldiers into pieces. He threw Long Ji up first, and saw Xie Yuanyuan dodging left and right behind him, screaming, making him panting, and couldn't help but roll his eyes. .

Although there was no danger in letting this kid run after the horse's ass, but out of the meager friendship of his teammates, he still got on the horse and stretched out his hand to Xie Yuanyuan: "Come up!"

Xie Yuanyuan burst into tears and cried loudly: "Sister! You are so good to me!!"

"..." Du Zijun was so disgusted that his face twitched, and he wished he could regret it immediately and leave him here alone.

No one can sleep and run away, so it won't be a problem for an experienced player like Shenzao. Seeing that the ghost general rode another horse, and Wen Zheliu and He Qin in front attracted most of the hatred points, Yu Hongyao easily grabbed a horse and followed behind with his teammates.

"Boss, are we going to follow them?!" Zhong Jiashi asked loudly.

"As soon as the people from Muspelheim intervene, this competition will change. Even if you follow them, you won't lose anything." Yu Hongyao said, twirling her long and thin fingers, and in an instant the Emei thorn suddenly split the water. It flew out, and the weapons along with it crushed the bones of the chests and necks of dozens of skeleton soldiers, and then returned to his hand with a buzzing sound, "Be careful!"

The two parties fled in front, one behind the other, and behind them were the ghost soldiers chasing after them like a tsunami. As the distance was widened, arrows like raindrops were also flying toward them!

Du Zijun grabbed the reins and hugged Long Ji in front. Xie Yuanyuan held up the defensive props behind him. During the violent jolts, the blood from the wound on Long Ji's chest began to spread more and more. Du Zijun glanced down and saw that he was bumping into someone. She raised her gaze.

There were constant noises all around, flying arrows shot through the wind and broken rocks, and the roars of Jin Ge followed closely, but her eyes contained a whole deep and lightless ocean. Those obsessions and madness, innocence and cruelty, patient waiting and long planning are all submerged quietly under tens of thousands of tons of sea water. When you look into her eyes, you will only feel a miraculous loneliness, but you will not think that, Hidden in this loneliness are storms and tsunamis that can annihilate the world and love and hate in an instant.

"You..." She opened her lips, "Where are you taking me?"

Her voice was breathless, and her palms weakly climbed up to the skirt of Du Zijun's chest - this was a state of attachment that was beyond the reach of clothes. However, Du Zijun knew clearly that the sharp tip of her armor was clasped above his heart, ready to go at any time. It can break through this layer of paper-like suit to her and penetrate deeply into her heart.

Du Zijun laughed without emotion and looked back with indifferent eyes: "I'll elope with you."

I shouldn't be here, I should be in Ma Di. It's a plot of three people. I don't need to have names... Xie Yuanyuan closed his eyes tightly and muttered silently behind Du Zijun, pretending to concentrate on blocking arrows with defensive items.

Long Ji was stunned: "You..."

Du Zijun: "Close your eyes, someone is chasing us now."

Long Ji closed her eyelids and murmured: "They are just a bunch of cheap and low-level rabble..."

"But, but you are bleeding..." Xie Yuanyuan was trembling, and he mustered up the courage to say from behind, "You must be seriously injured."

That arrow not only seriously injured Long Ji, but also interrupted her state of madness and despair. She gasped slightly and whispered in pain: "Because the arrow was poisonous, I recovered very slowly."

At the same time, Wen Zheliu was also discussing with He Qin from the front. He said: "I think the prop used by Muspelheim to attack Long Ji is the arrow of Hercules."

The prop he mentioned is a golden poisonous arrow stained with the blood of Hydra, owned by the hero Hercules in Greek mythology. Even without reading the description of the prop, you can know that it has the ability to kill if it touches it. Well-known props for great effects.

"To make the mermaid's wounds recover so slowly, there must be a curse or venom on the arrow," He Qin said, "It's very possible."

"Right," Wen Zheliu wanted to turn around and take a look at Du Zijun's horse, "I didn't look at it carefully at the time, but it definitely conflicts with Long Ji's setting of immortality. In terms of weight, the Third World is still Longji’s home court, so the immediate death sentence may not be serious enough to be executed immediately... But, why should we go to Yoshihara?"

He changed the topic and returned to the previously interrupted topic. He Qin smiled and whispered in his ear against the howling wind: "Because now, it happens to be the time for the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts."

Wen Zheliu was suddenly startled: "What?!"

He Qin stopped talking. After the two of them got together, he always got confused a lot. It was good that Wen Zheliu could guess it. If he couldn't guess it, he could only think about it again and again in confusion and ask him. , he also raised his eyebrows, and then flicked and smelled Zheliu's forehead, asking him to think for himself.

"There are so many puzzles, can't I tell you them all?" Facing Wen Zheliu, he always had countless smiles, "If one day I'm no longer here, you have to learn to face it on your own - Hey, wait, stop. Stop, don’t hit, don’t hit, you’re just kidding, that’s what your brother said… Hey, hey!”

Of course, this kind of joke always ended with Wen Zheliu jumping on him and beating him with his fists. But he also knew in his heart that He Qin had many secrets, and the parts involving himself were even more obscure.

It didn't feel good to be hidden, but every time I heard Zheliu's smile when she looked at him, I could feel the serious love and tenderness hidden under the frivolity, so I couldn't bear to be really angry with him.

Several skeleton horses controlled by the player were galloping down the muddy and slippery road. Wen Zheliu's thoughts were also spinning rapidly: "Hakki Night Parade... You want to take advantage of the Hundred Ghost Night Parade to compete with the ghost army? But this works. ?"

"These Yin soldiers themselves are not difficult enemies to defeat," He Qin looked straight at the road ahead, "but the key is that we haven't found a way to kill them completely yet, so we have to delay for time."

A faint smile appeared on his lips: "You know, at this time, even Yoshiwara, the city that never sleeps, has to close its doors and windows and not see guests."

Thinking of what the boss of the White Wooden House said to them about Yoshihara when they first entered the third world, Wen Zheliu also remembered: "Yes, it is because of Long Ji's instigation and indulgence that supernatural events in this world are particularly rampant. , if it’s the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts, it must have different power!”

Heavy horses' hooves trampled the ground, and after a rumbling sound, everyone ran towards Asakusa. Amid the sky full of arrows and shouts of death, will-o'-the-wisps all over the mountains and plains rolled over the closed villages, crossing two dozen roads. Meter-wide ditch, running headlong into the huge sign hanging at the entrance under the hanging red lantern, and stepping onto the wide and sparsely populated street!

Inhuman roars spread everywhere, and the skeleton war horse beneath him smelled the strong smell of living people, and couldn't help but snort anxiously under He Qin's suppression. Before Wen Zheliu had time to take a closer look at this bustling place of bustling fireworks, he saw curious wandering girls on rows of tall buildings on both sides opening their windows to check the situation, and then they were frightened by the sudden influx of Yin soldiers and let out shrill screams. Call.

"How can there be a hundred ghosts walking at night?!" Wen Zheliu yelled, "It's clearly brightly lit!"

The drunken samurai and wandering girls wearing high clogs on the street hurriedly hid in the teahouse nearby. They hid too late. Wen Zheliu could even hear the panic and heavy locks locking inside the teahouse. He Qin flicked the reins again, making a crisp and explosive sound in the air, and shouted: "It's right in front!"

The horse's hoof hit the ground heavily, and at that moment, Wen Zheliu suddenly felt that the world seemed to be silent for a second.

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The author has something to say: I send 4, there are still five chapters left to finish this world!