The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 119


He was suddenly startled, and his body hit the bed board hard, making a loud "clang" sound, which was particularly harsh in the silent night.

This bed... why isn't it solid

Where did they come from, and why was it early morning instead of daytime

"Wen Di, you can't fucking understand people, can you?"

In the dark night, a furious voice was heard, trying to lower the voice. Ju judged that it was coming from the right side of Wen Zheliu, "If you don't want to die, get out of here and stop dragging us down!"

… what's the situation.

Wen Zheliu was confused and his mind was full of questions.

He quickly collected and arranged in his mind the information he could access at the moment: it was early in the morning, and he was lying on a hollow bed... a modular bed? He was still wearing cotton pajamas and a quilt... He touched it and found that the fabric was slippery. This made Wen Zheliu sigh in relief. It seemed that he was not in a place like prison.

Apart from himself, there were five other sounds of high and low breathing in the room, evenly distributed, plus the fearful and angry scolding from the other side, and the distant sound of heavy objects being dragged outside... was there anything unusual about it? Something wandering? Wen Zheliu immediately responded to the situation and lowered his voice and replied: "I'm sorry! I'm just too scared..."

He should be in a certain student dormitory now, right

A low voice of dissuasion came from the other end: "Okay, stop making noise. If we are heard, then none of us will be able to sleep."

The person who just scolded him snorted coldly and continued to shrink into the quilt.

Wen Zheliu checked in the dark, and saw that the cane was lying next to him, and Jenny's pendant was also attached to his neck. It was refreshing, but all his attributes, except for realism, had been suppressed to only half of their original value. The value of one.

what happened? !

Wen Zheliu was surprised and found a line of gray words slowly appearing next to the attribute panel.

The fourth world is a world where ordinary people live. Except for the villain, there is no obvious supernatural setting. To ensure participation value and game balance, players' abilities in this world will be debuffed by a 50% reduction.

… Depend on.

Wen Zheliu cursed lowly and began to look for the communication tools distributed this time.

He fumbled around on the bed for a long time, and finally took out a cold, heavy touch-screen mobile phone from under the pillow.

"Oh..." He sighed secretly, "It can be considered an antique."

The indicator light above the screen kept flashing. He hurriedly huddled under the quilt and turned on the screen. He was almost blinded by the strong white light in an instant.

"..." Wen Zheliu lowered the screen brightness, opened the communication software, and found that there was an automatically generated group hanging on it.

He Qin should have been the first to react, having already made three hairs on his forehead.

He Qin: Ning Ning? When I saw it, I said, I'm in the teacher's apartment.

He Qin: Is everyone okay

He Qin: Even if I see it, I will reply.

Below is Xie Yuanyuan’s response.

Xie Yuanyuan: This time the world is set in a campus setting! I'm in the student dormitory. Oh my god, I'm most afraid of campus ghost stories!

Wen Zheliu hurriedly typed on the keyboard: Brother, I'm here! I am also in the student dormitory now. There seems to be something outside the door, and the NPCs are very scared.

He Qin: Well, Ning Ning, stay here and don’t go out tonight. I'll check it out on the teacher's apartment website.

Wen Zheliu discovered a blind spot: Brother, are you in the teacher's apartment? ?

He Qin: Uh-huh.

Wen Zheliu: Are you a teacher? ?

He Qin: Uh-huh.

He Qin: Do you want to come and play the after-school tutoring game with the teacher

Wen Zheliu bit her lower lip, feeling angry and funny: Bah, go play with yourself!

After talking for a while, Xie Yuanyuan suddenly said: Hey, where is sister? Why don't you speak

Only after hearing Zheliu did he realize why Du Zijun had been silent all this time. It’s not like he hasn’t found the communication equipment yet. Could it be that the transmission location is wrong

Thinking of this, he became nervous: Du Zijun, are you okay

Xie Yuanyuan also shouted in the group: Sister? It's okay to just say something, it's really worrying.

After a while, Du Zijun's bubbles slowly rose.

Du Zijun:.

Wen Zheliu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as everything was fine: What's wrong? Why didn't you say anything for a long time

Du Zijun: ...because I was assigned to the female dormitory! ! !

Wen Zheliu was laughing so hard under the covers that he was shaking all over, almost making the bed tremble. He didn't even have time to see what was said next in the group. It was just that he had been covered in the quilt, and his forehead was sweating, and his whole body was suffocating, so he poked his head out of the quilt and took a gentle breath of the cool air outside.

He suddenly froze.

No, something's not quite right.

What's wrong

On the door of the student dormitory, there is usually a window the size of an A4 paper for teachers to check the dormitory regularly, and this window is usually covered with newspapers or flyers that students do not want.

From just now to now, according to Wen Zheliu's memory, the lights in the corridor have been on no less than three times, each time accompanied by a dragging sound, indicating that the lights in the corridor are voice-controlled. Right now, he was lying on his back on the bed on the second floor, looking at the white painted wall very close to his head. He could still feel the faint white light coming in from the window covered with paper, but compared with the previous times , I always feel a lot bleaker.

This means that there is something... blocking the light source of the window.

Wen Zheliu's body stiffened for a moment. He quietly stretched out his hand from the quilt, gently pressed down the bulging fluffy quilt with two fingers, and glanced at the bed diagonally below through the gap in the fence next to the bed. Door and window glass.

... A black shadow in the shape of a head is reflected on the thin and transparent paper!

Wen Zheliu's breath suddenly suffocated, he slowly loosened his fingers, closed his eyes tightly, and like a living fish, silently sneaked back into the barrier of the bed.

—The thing was standing at the door, trying to peek inside.

Wen Zheliu knew that he was very safe. Not to mention other props, just a pendant was his biggest magic weapon to save his life. Basically no boss would dare to come up and have anal sex without being wise. But this pure, cold feeling of fear of being watched by an unknown inhuman creature standing at the door cannot be offset by any props.

After a while, the voice-activated light returned to darkness, but there was no sound from outside the door. Everything was reduced to dead silence, and his mental value stayed at 96%.

The moon ring on his hand gave off warm heat, which slightly regained Wen Zheliu's attention. He opened the screen and saw He Qin calling him anxiously.

Ning Ning? What's wrong with you? Nothing happened

Wen Zheliu calmed down and replied: There is something standing at the door. It has not left yet and is looking inside.

Xie Yuanyuan:... Damn it!

Wen Zheliu: I'm fine. It hasn't come in yet. As long as it stays quiet, I think it should be fine.

Du Zijun: I seem to have some here too. What's going on in this school, a ghost cave

After a while, He Qin sent a link to the website: Take a look, this is a relatively complete record of the incident that I can find.

Wen Zheliu clicked on it and found that it was a report on a news portal. The title was very eye-catching: Campus disappearances occur frequently, who is to blame

"Recently, incidents of disappearances of students and staff of Haihe Middle School have occurred frequently..." Wen Zheliu browsed carefully and thought to himself, "... So this is called Haihe Middle School."

"...According to statistics, there are two teachers and twelve students in the school missing. The number of missing persons has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. The school and the police have been searching for more. As of August 13, one faculty member and four students were still missing. Unknown…”

He continued to look down, and the accompanying picture was a picture of the gate of Haihe Middle School, "... It is reported that Haihe Middle School was founded in 2007, adhering to the international education direction of combining Chinese and Western elements, and is committed to integrating the humanistic essence and scientific spirit of the East and the West. , a full-time teaching plan is more conducive to cultivating talents who combine knowledge and action... "

He frowned, not bothering to read these clichés that had nothing to do with the main event. He scanned the lines at a glance, but then there was nothing. The bottom date was August 22, 2011. Wen Zheliu looked at the time on his phone: July 31, 2012, almost a year later.

He patiently turned the short report over and over several times: Is it gone? It only said that someone was missing, and the reason for the disappearance was not mentioned. It was only blown later.

He Qin: Don’t worry, look at this again.

Wen Zheliu took a look and saw that this was a blog written by a private blogger.

"Revealing the secret and exploring the haunted incident in Haihe Middle School... This is quite interesting."

The quilt was getting hotter and hotter. He turned over the screen to prevent any light from leaking out. He slightly opened a slit on the edge of the quilt, took a few breaths of cool fresh air, and then took the time to look around. What was outside the door was still there. He couldn't take it lightly until he left.

The author of this blog seems to be a person who loves exploring and uncovering unusual things. He wrote at the beginning of the article that several students and a teacher have disappeared from Haihe Middle School. According to widely circulated rumors, they were all in the school. The inner group played the so-called psychic game. If this legend is true, then the psychic field in this place must be very powerful, and supernatural events will definitely occur in the middle of the night. He decided to risk climbing over the wire fence outside the middle school and go in late at night to find out.

"How brave..." Wen Zheliu imagined what was still standing outside the door at this time, and his heart was trembling. However, the author actually planned to go inside the school late at night and experience these things for himself. It can be said that he is a ruthless person with 24k pure gold.

He scrolled down again and found that this was his last blog, and the signature date at the bottom was November 3, 2011.

He Qin: The third one.

As if he had a telepathic connection, He Qin happened to be stuck at the point where he had finished reading and sent the third link. Above it was a short and concise notice. The letter was written on the evening of November 4. A man fell into the sea with photography equipment late at night. When the wall of the middle school was turned out, the camera strap accidentally hung on the wall, causing him to fall headfirst to the ground and died on the spot.

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

"He died on the spot..." Wen Zheliu thought, "The things in the camera are probably gone too."

The author has something to say: Let me just say that this chapter’s high-energy part has just begun. If there are no accidents, the world will continue to be high-energy. Friends who are timid should not read it at night.

By the way, I usually synchronize this article on Weibo, and the reminder is directly mentioned above. If it happens at the beginning of the chapter, it will inevitably affect the smoothness of reading, friends, please forgive me.