The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 16


Outside the room, Muto and the others had already been waiting at the table.

"How's it going? Did you find any useful information?" He Qin pulled out the chair and let Wen Zheliu sit down first, while he sat on one side and wrapped his arms around the back of the chair.

Gao Xinghan replied: "I found it, but I don't know if it is useful."

Zhou Qing was taking care of the ends of his ponytail, and started talking next to him: "Looking for it, we found a very important clue this time!"

Wen Zheliu looked around and knew in his heart that after what happened last night, a dozen or so people in this group had split into several small groups: Mu Tuo, Zhou Qing and Zhou Yao were in one group; Gao Xinghan, Bai Hao, Xiong Lin and Ke Wenyan are in the same group; he and He Qin are in another group; Du Zijun lives alone and doesn't make friends with anyone. He... uh, she is also considered to be in the same group for the time being...

He was counting and suddenly realized something was wrong.

It seems... one person is missing

His eyes carefully scanned the crowd, and then he found a boy in the corner with his head lowered and silent.

This person... ah, has he spoken to the team before? Why don't I remember him at all

Wait, what does he look like...

Wen Zheliu thought hard for a long time and was suddenly shocked.

He is a person who is very good at associating memories. There are 36 classmates in high school. As long as he hears the self-introduction once, he will never forget their respective personality traits, hobbies and specialties, but he just thought about it for a long time. , I actually can’t think of anything worth remembering about the boy sitting in the corner, not even one thing! If this boy is not an inhuman creature, then his sense of existence is too low!

What kind of EX-level breath blocking skill is this... The male version of Red Lantern is still the phantom sixth person of the strange generation!

As if hearing the fierce complaints in his heart, He Qin turned his head in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Zheliu's mouth twitched and he asked in a low voice: "Brother, you... do you know the person sitting in the corner over there?"

At this time, the boy was still hanging his head unconsciously, writing something on the paper with a pen.

He Qin raised his eyes and said casually: "In the corner? There is nothing in the corner..."

Before he finished saying the word "人", his pupils shrank slightly.

After a long silence, he slowly said: "If the data is not modified, it proves that his own sense of existence is so low... "

"His name is Xie... What is Xie? I only remember his last name is Xie!" Wen Zheliu pressed his temples painfully, feeling that his memory was blank, as if someone had forcibly erased it, "This guy is really incredible... If I hadn’t discovered him when I was counting people just now, we probably wouldn’t have even known that this person existed when we cleared the level!”

On the other side, Muto asked politely: "What clues did you find?"

Ke Wenyan smiled, raised a paper bag in his hand, and said with a slightly complacent tone: "We discovered the true origin of the monsters and their identities during their lifetimes."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people perked up and turned to look at him. Wen Zheliu no longer cared about the existence of the brother, and hurriedly pricked up their ears with concentration.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

The origin and origin of the eyeless monster is also a key part of solving the mystery and restoring the truth. If they really find out these things, wouldn't it be easy to pass the level

At this time, even the Zhou brothers and sisters, who had always had conflicts with them, stopped talking and waited quietly for Ke Wenyan's explanation.

Suddenly receiving everyone's attention, Ke Wenyan was still very proud. He paused and said, "I think everyone has gone to the study room on the first floor to look around? Did you find the description of the book about the town in it? ?"

Now that he had given up, Wen Zheliu kindly answered, "Well, I found it. There is a book that records in detail the strange things that happened in the town. It mainly said that the guards in the town did all kinds of evil, and later they were all killed. Even the corpses disappeared, and most of the people in the town were gone. The town has been deserted since then, and we still don’t know what happened.”

"Yes, that's it." Ke Wenyan nodded affirmatively, "In addition to the story Marian told us before, the origin of the monster must have a lot to do with what happened in the town!"

He Qin turned the charcoal pen in his hand, took out a blank piece of paper and put it under his wrist, and said with a smile: "Please continue."

"First of all, let's pay attention to what those gangsters did." Ke Wenyan said, "These gangsters seem to like to bully women - especially unmarried girls. They have committed two felonies, one of which was against a woman. A church girl committed it, and a farmer’s daughter.”

"Among them, the church girl's life was not in danger, but the other farmer's daughter who went out to fetch water was tortured to death by them..." Ke Wenyan's expression was a bit gloomy, "But after the incident, , but these people are still at large and do not feel any guilt for what they have done! Under such circumstances, how can the townspeople not resent them? "

His tone was firm and inflammatory. After he finished speaking, Muto said: "You mean, it was the gang of gangsters who killed the two girls when the angry town residents united together to avenge the two girls?"

"No, no," Ke Wenyan shook his index finger, "These people are all guards and very powerful. One of them is a relative of the Sheriff. I think the common people in this era do not have enough courage to fight against the ruling class. ? And don’t forget that besides those gangsters, many people died in the town. If it was a union of townspeople, how could there be so many more dead people? "

"... What if the casualties were caused when the townspeople were fighting with those gangsters?" Zhou Karen complained quietly, "You also said that those gangsters are guards. How could the guards not have weapons?"

Wen Zheliu noticed that Ke Wenyan's speech was still continuing, but the pen in He Qin's hand that he wanted to take notes was hanging lower and lower. When he finished speaking, He Qin simply put down the pen and slowly moved the white paper forward. Pushed some distance.

He wanted to laugh for no reason, but in the end he just coughed lightly.

A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Ke Wenyan's face. He ignored Zhou Qing and continued: "—until we discovered this."

He carefully took out a roll of parchment from the paper bag and passed it around to everyone present.

After getting it into He Qin's hand, he and Wen Zheliu unfolded it and took a closer look. They saw something regularly painted with auburn paint. They didn't know if the paint was composed of blood. Just looking at it made it feel fishy. Tangy.

Nothing could be seen from one of them. When Wen Zheliu put two or three of them together, he realized that they seemed to be the fragments of a huge circular formation. They were densely packed with sentences full of resentment and prayers for death. .

Ke Wenyan sat down, and Gao Xinghan stood up and said, "I found these in the attic on the third floor. I think there must be some hidden secret in them."

The Zhou siblings and Mu Tuo exchanged glances, but their doubts were quickly hidden behind calm expressions.

"Oh." He Qin lowered his eyes, and the arc at the end of his eyes was sharp and lazy. He pinched Wen Zheliu's fingertips under the table and rubbed the smooth edges of his nails. Wen Zheliu felt that he had already He lost interest a little, "What's the secret? Can you tell us?"

Gao Xinghan could not hear the irony in He Qin's words. He said solemnly: "I think those eyeless monsters were transformed by the family members of the victims."

As soon as the conclusion came out, everyone fell silent.

Wen Zheliu thought about it and asked seriously: "What does this mean?"

"We need to realize that supernatural events can completely happen in this world. Since there are already eyeless monsters, why can't there be real magic?" Gao Xinghan said eloquently, "So I have a conjecture for everyone. You can listen and see if what I say makes sense."

He said: "As Ke Wenyan said, the people of this era do not yet have the courage to resist the ruling class. Even if a girl is raped and killed, even if they are very angry, they do not dare to go against the guards. The only one who really has the intention to kill is Yes, only the victim’s family members, so…”

"So they found these magic circle-like things and turned themselves into... eyeless monsters?" Muto hesitated, "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes," Gao Xinghan affirmed, "that's what I mean. According to my speculation, the families of the victims gathered together and found these magic circles through some unknown means. They wrote their wishes for revenge on them. Maybe It was magic backlash, maybe this was its original effect, in short, they all turned into terrifying but powerful monsters, and took revenge in their own way."

Zhou Yao suddenly asked: "What about the innocent civilians who died in the town? They had no enmity with the monster in life, so why did the monster kill them?"

Gao Xinghan's expression was quite sarcastic, and he smiled: "Humans are inherently complex creatures, and the dead townspeople were not the executioners who directly caused the girl's tragedy. But in this closed and backward era, the theory of victim guilt and questioning of the victim Those people must have said a lot about their families and the like before they were born."

He looked around and saw the different expressions of thinking on everyone's faces, and added: "Of course, I am just providing a guess. If you have different opinions, you can tell me."

He Qin tapped the table and said slowly: "Mr. Gao's speculation is not unreasonable, but I have something to ask you."

Gao Xinghan did not dare to neglect this unfathomable man and said hurriedly: "Please speak."

"What role does Marianne play in this? Do you have any idea?" He Qin asked.

Gao Xinghan hesitated for a moment, and Wen Zheliu could tell that he was very cautious when answering this question: "I think she should exist as a recorder or a bystander."

He Qin stared at the tip of the charcoal pen with a half-smile, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"What does Mr. Gao do in real life?"

Seeing that Gao Xinghan was obviously at a loss, He Qin said again: "I have no other meaning. I just see that you are very organized in everything you say and do. If you could return to the real world, would you consider working in Company N?"

Gao Xinghan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Ah, sorry, because someone in my family already works in a branch of Xinxing Company, and I quite like my current job, so..."

"It's okay, don't force it." He Qin's attitude was easy-going, as if he was chatting cordially with an ordinary friend, "Seeing that Mr. Gao's conversation is very refined, he must have a good family background and a bright future. By the way, are your family members? Are you here too? It’s really worrying.”

"...Huh?" Gao Xinghan was stunned, as if he didn't realize what He Qin had asked.

He Qin was a little surprised. He pointed to his wrist and said, "Wouldn't Company n give its employees free access to the Uncanny Valley? As a distinction, there will be a barcode logo on the wrist of the employee's character. I am in the prop state now, so I don’t have one on hand, and I don’t think you have one on hand either. I think you should have used the admission qualification you drew. Then are your relatives..."

Gao Xinghan suddenly realized: "So that's what you meant!"

Then he lowered his eyebrows and sighed: "Yes, I am really worried about my family, so I have been trying to solve the puzzle faster. Maybe we can meet in the next world..."

He Qin looked at him fixedly and comforted: "I think there will definitely be such a day."

He suddenly held Wen Zheliu's hand under the table.

His fingers were as slender as plum bones, with clear joints, and the temperature of his skin was slightly cool. This made Wen Zheliu's back suddenly stiffen, but then he clearly drew two words on Wen Zheliu's palm.

"The mole".

Is Gao Xinghan the mole? !

Hearing Zheliu was shocked, but his face remained calm. During their conversation, Mutuo's side also sorted out the evidence they collected, and Zhou Qing also stood up with a paper bag. At this moment, He Qin suddenly raised his voice: "Wait a minute, Miss Zhou. "

Zhou Qing looked at him in confusion: "...what's wrong?"

He Qin smiled lazily: "Before you speak, I would like to ask you, have you forgotten a teammate?"

Wen Zheliu understood what He Qin wanted to do. Since he had recognized at least one Gao Xinghan among the moles, he would not be allowed to hear more evidence that the players had searched for - even Zhou Qing's team was also suspected of being a mole. , at this time, everyone’s attention turned to the boy whose presence was almost zero before. Although it felt a bit like betraying his teammates, he couldn’t care less about it at this time.

The boy sitting in the corner hurriedly raised his head and looked around at everyone with ordinary eyes on an ordinary face. He seemed to know that He Qin was talking about him. He hurriedly raised his hand and said what he had heard. The ordinary voice that was immediately forgotten said: "Um... is it my turn?"

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Qing said blankly: "Who is talking?"

After a long while, she finally realized: "Who are you! Why is there an unknown person in the team?"

Zhou Yao pushed up his glasses, stared at him with disbelief for a long time, and finally murmured: "... This kid is really a good candidate to be an assassin... "

Mu Tuo rubbed the back of his head and said doubtfully: "Yes, I also suddenly remembered that my house is supposed to be for two people, but when I sleep at night I always feel that one person is missing. Is it you?"

Bai Hao couldn't help but contorted his face and complained: "Your sense of presence... No, it is more appropriate to say that it is a sense of air than a sense of presence..."

While everyone's attention was on this teammate who had been ignored, He Qin led Wen Zheliu to stand up without changing his expression and walked towards the kitchen. When passing by Du Zijun, he flicked a paper with skillful force. clumped on her skirt.

Du Zijun: "?"

She looked back and saw Wen Zheliu taking the initiative to hold He Qin's hand and drawing an ambiguous circle on his palm.

Du Zijun's face suddenly twisted: "..."

That's enough! It’s not over yet! Did he trigger some passive skill? Will he definitely see two men showing off their affection when he turns around? !

But in fact, Wen Zheliu just imitated He Qin's previous behavior and drew a question mark on his palm.

Because he was really curious about how He Qin discovered Gao Xinghan's identity as the mole.

The two of them were already some distance away from the noisy crowd. He Qin no longer tried to hide it, but said in his ear: "I deceived him."

"Are you talking about taking a job in company n?" Wen Zheliu's mind was spinning rapidly.

"Yes." He Qin nodded with a smile, "I said something completely contrary to the truth. In order to ensure fairness, the access to the Uncanny Valley will not be given to group employees for free this time. Of course, if they need it, , or you can purchase it internally at a price that is three times higher than the market price. Moreover, under the unified channel, there will be no barcode identification on employees’ hands at all.”

"So he is lying. His family does not work in Company N at all... Maybe he does not have this family at all." Wen Zheliu frowned, "Why would he lie? This makes no sense at all."

He Qin leaned leisurely on the stove, waiting for Du Zijun to come over, "Who knows? Whether it's because of his unscrupulous words, or to completely reject my invitation, since he took the initiative to hit the gun, he can use a little lie to defraud A person with great suspicion is still worth it.”

While talking, Du Zijun had already walked to the kitchen. Although she couldn't stand the gay atmosphere between the two, she still felt that He Qin would not come to her rashly for trivial matters.

"What's the matter?" She held a cigarette and stood with her legs spread out as a habit. I don't know if it was because of the contrast with her slender body. Wen Zheliu always felt that her posture was better than that of the other men combined. All men.

"We don't have much time, so I'll tell you straightforwardly," He Qin raised the corners of his lips and calmly said three words, "Mr. Du."

Du Zijun's impatient expression suddenly froze on her face, her eyelashes trembled, and she stared at He Qin as if she were staring at a living ghost.

"You...!" She gritted her teeth and uttered one word, then quickly lowered her voice, "How did you see that!"

Wen Zheliu stood aside and heard Miss Du's almost acknowledgment question. The solid and solid outlook on life in his heart seemed to fall to the ground with a crisp shattering sound...

She is actually... really a man! !

The author has something to say: The two acg words that were ● are the character Akaza Adenori in Swaying Lily and the Phantom Sixth Man in Generation of Miracles, which makes me scratch my head.