The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 22


On the steep slope, Zhou Qing faced six cruel and murderous monsters with her back closed. At this moment, she closed her eyes to cultivate herself. The hair on her body stood on end and she couldn't help but shudder.

Stay calm, she told herself. Even though they had no eyes, they could smell fear and sweat.

Her brother looked at her worriedly from above. She silently thought about the buttonhole doll, carefully stepped on the sand, and slowly approached the six monsters who were breathing heavily.

Fifty meters, forty-five meters, forty meters... No, is this distance too far? But my brother’s grappling gun has a range of two hundred meters, don’t worry, you shouldn’t worry…

The fishy smell assaults the nostrils, mixed with traces of heat, and is even more unbearable than excrement. At least the smell of feces is not mixed with the smell of death that is layered with fishy flesh and dirty blood. Half of this smell comes from the people and animals they have killed, and half comes from their skinless muscles exposed to the air, and their rotten and sore private parts.

Thirty-five meters, thirty meters…

Where did the thief go? His name is too hard to remember... Not only his name, but his entire sense of existence is as light as white water. If she just calls him a thief, she can evoke some impression of him in her mind. Only Wen Di can call him. His name... If you let him do this job, there will be no mistake. The monsters can't even see where he is, but how can he distinguish the remaining two monsters holding mission props

Twenty-five meters, twenty meters...

Her heartbeat was extremely violent, hitting her heart heavily, and the sound was so loud that even she could hear it. She tried her best to control it, trying to calm it down, for fear that the sleeping monster would hear the repeated urging drums. It is said that there are only two things in the world that cannot be concealed, one is a cough, and the other is love...

Fuck it, she cursed, and at the same time fearfully glanced at her declining mental value, 85%, 81%... The two combined are not more difficult to conceal than fear. The most difficult thing to conceal in the world is fear…

Fifteen meters, thirteen meters...

The communication device turned on silently, and He Qin's voice was so soft that it was almost a whisper.

"After one minute, you come to attract their attention, then put the props and run away. Your brother will hold you, and we will solve the rest."

After a pause, he comforted: "Good girl, you have done very well. You are already a very brave girl. Don't be afraid."

The expression on Zhou Qing's face twitched, and she whispered: "...I'm not afraid."

Ten meters away, she shouted: "I'm not afraid!!!"

The girl's loud and trembling roar shook the air, and the eyeless monster jumped up like an electric shock, roaring angrily at the bold human being. Zhou Yao's pupils tightened, and the steel wire of the grappling gun stretched into a tight line under the dim moonlight. Broken string!

five meters.

The four monsters rushed towards Zhou Qing under the roar of the two in the middle. He Qin decisively ordered: "The judgment is correct, it is the two in the middle, the hands of thieves!"

Three meters.

Xie Yuanyuan jumped forward and made rushing ripples in the wind when it was picnic time. The thief's hand did not miss a beat and instantly caught something on one of the monsters!

Two meters.

The bloody tongue pierced the air and the sound was like a steel whip. Zhou Qing screamed loudly: "Doll! A doll with button holes!!"

one meter.

Wen Zheliu clenched the crowbar tightly, waiting to jump down the steep slope to support Xie Yuanyuan. Four eyeless monsters that had lost key items tore the suddenly appearing big doll into pieces in the air. They were about to pursue Zhou Qing, who was quickly withdrawn by the hook gun. Hearing the sound, he turned back immediately. Xie Yuanyuan held his breath and looked calm. The last customs clearance item is obtained at the same time!

—Death is imminent.

Zhou Qing shouted: "Thank you...! No, come after me, come after me!!!"

Wen Zheliu held the rope with one hand, jumped down from the steep slope, and shouted: "Run!!!"

Bloody tongues and sharp claws intertwined in the moonlight to form a terrifying scene of hell. Xie Yuanyuan dodged the first blow, but was severely slapped on the waist and abdomen by the second blow. He fell heavily and screamed in pain. His health was reduced to 43%.

He Qin flew up and brought up a cold sword light from the center of the two sides, splitting the bright moon and shining through the snowy night -

Xie Yuanyuan shouted: "Wen Di! Hold it carefully!"

Wen Zheliu grabbed the hemp rope and flew to the ground. Regardless of his numb knees and 16% loss of health, he received three props thrown at him: a sleeve, a lock of bloody hair, and a piece of Cotton underwear dyed red.

Six objects gathered together, and in an instant, time and space seemed to freeze in this second, and the system's ethereal and illusory female voice sounded in the player's ears again:

All main storylines have been triggered.

Players are asked to work together to defeat the boss.

Players are asked to work together to solve puzzles and achieve clearance conditions.

Wen Zheliu's vision was blurry, and the only thing he could see clearly was the deadly sharp blade in He Qin's hand. Xie Yuanyuan opened his mouth and vomited blood, Zhou Qing screamed, and Zhou Yao roared at her to hold on...

Boss, but who is the boss

But you didn't see it,

But you didn't see it,

What dirty jokes did they play on me

They broke my pitcher and it overflowed,

And scared my mother,

Then scolded her daughter,

Ended up kissing my sister instead of me.

The last part of the light and sad song also sounded. At this moment, the pages of memory turned rapidly. The narwhal cut through the empty ocean, and the land rose up from the sea. The truth underneath was as clear as a carved stone tablet... Wen Zheliu woke up from a dream, and he picked it up from his pocket. He took out the silver pendant and looked at its changing properties following the song. He held it high and said sternly: "Jenny - your master is Jenny! She is Marianne's sister, and she is also the real victim and victim of the town's legacy. The Purge! Jenny, her name is Jenny!”

Item name: Jenny’s pendant

Level: unknown

Launch type: None

Cooling time: none

Attack power: unknown

Effect: unknown

Equipment level: 1

Prop introduction: I am like wild fire, burning weakly at the end of the church, my enemies are all buried in the grave, and my mourning candle dries up with tears. My hometown was annihilated by me in the depths of the river of death, and my old friends were torn to pieces in the dilapidated halls of the official residence. The evil spells did not burn out my mind, but also burned out my soul—

I'm like wildfire.

"I'm like wildfire!" He roared loudly, and at the same time, he pushed the pendant forward with one hand, causing the silver chain to make a shivering sound. "Back off now! I have solved the puzzle!"

In an instant, like water trembling, the dense jungle, rolling mountains and deserted wild scenery under the moonlight all faded away in everyone's eyes. Instead, there were ruins, ruins, thorny walls, and the cries of crows. The place they were in now was a decaying cemetery.

"Ah!" Zhou Qing screamed while hanging on the rope, and Zhou Yao also looked in disbelief, "How... how could this happen!"

The eyeless monsters screamed, and their bloody tongues hit the broken tombstones nearby. They dragged their rotting and smelly lower bodies, like bad horses that were forcibly pulled by the reins. They raised their upper bodies high and fell heavily to the desolate land. There were violent bursts of dust. They opened their mouths full of sharp teeth unwillingly, facing He Qin who was blocking Xie Yuanyuan.

"He told you bunch of beasts to get lost," He Qin said with a murderous expression on his face, and there was blood on the side of his face that was accidentally wiped out when he was fighting with the monster. He spoke slowly, his nose wrinkled slightly, like a beast about to show its saber teeth in the next second, "Can't you understand what humans are saying?"

After a moment of stalemate, the brisk melody of the song was still playing in everyone's ears. The eyeless monsters flinched. They finally retreated slowly, then turned around and disappeared into the dark ruins of the town.

Wen Zheliu limped over quickly, and he said urgently: "Go back to the hut quickly, I know, I know everything! Go back quickly, or it will be too late!"

Xie Yuanyuan struggled to get up from the ground, "What's going on... Are we living in an illusion all this time?"

Zhou Yao pulled Zhou Qing up, fired his hook gun, and hoisted the remaining people up one by one. He Qin said: "This matter will be explained later. The top priority now is to rush back and join the remaining people."

"I should have thought of it earlier!" Wen Zheliu grabbed his hair in frustration and repeated the system prompts, "The boss has been activated in the plot, the boss has been activated in the plot... I should have thought of their identities earlier!"

Zhou Yao carried Xie Yuanyuan, who was unable to move, while He Qin supported his arm. He whispered: "It's not too late for you to understand now."

"...Brother?" Wen Zheliu looked back at him in disbelief, " knew it a long time ago, why didn't you tell me?"

He Qin looked straight at the path in front of him. Although his facial features were handsome, they were also mixed with a deep and sharp feeling. The curvature from the brow bone to the mountain root was like a dark valley, highlighting the straight bridge of his nose that connected like a blade. Below It was the sexy thin lips... After a long, long time, he said hoarsely: "I told you once is okay, twice is okay, three times, four times... Where am I going to remind you, warn you?"

Wen Zheliu was stunned.

"Brother, I believe in you," his voice was soft and slow, in sharp contrast to the cold and howling night wind, "you can do it."

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The candlelight flickered faintly, and Mu Tuo took an apple and bit it. He sat on a chair in the living room, waiting for his companion to return from the night patrol.

"What took you so long?" he muttered. "The day lilies are almost cold."

Du Zijun sat aside and glanced at him nonchalantly: "It's still early, just wait."

Opposite them, Ke Wenyan, Bai Hao and Gao Xinghan were sitting on the sofa together. Their expressions, movements and even their sitting postures were similar. Under the flickering candlelight, at first glance, one might have thought they were three neatly arranged corpses.

"Why worry." Ke Wenyan said.

"There is a winning mode, and so many people died." Bai Hao said.

"The difficulty of the game will definitely be greatly reduced." Gao Xinghan said.

The blank expressions on their faces, one sentence after another, seamlessly connected, full of tacit understanding, almost like half-sibling triplets, so weird and scary. Seeing this situation, even Mu Tuo felt that it was abnormal. He chewed the fruit pulp slower and said in a daze: "What are you doing? Why are you so nagging..."

Du Zijun looked at them coldly, narrowed his eyes, and said softly: "The game is not over yet, so there is no need to lift the table too early."

"Play games with smart people." Ke Wenyan said.

"It's often difficult to hide secrets." Gao Xinghan continued.

Du Zijun looked solemn, took out a telescope from his arms, and pointed it at Mu Tuo.

Muto's eyes widened: "Hey, what are you doing with a prop on me? Put it down quickly!"

Du Zijun then slowly put down the telescope, and then slammed it on the head of Bai Hao opposite.

There was a muffled sound, Bai Hao's face was expressionless, and his head was tilted when he was hit. The wound on his forehead was deep enough to see the bone, and blood slowly flowed down.

"Hey!" Muto was already stunned, "I asked you to put it down immediately, I didn't ask you to put it on your teammates' heads! What's wrong with you, a woman!"

"Come and sit next to me, idiot." Du Zijun spat, "Stop asking so many questions."

Mu Tuo was confused, and there was a "ding-dong" sound in his ear without warning, and suddenly the system prompt sounded.

All main storylines have been triggered.

Players are asked to work together to defeat the boss.

Players are asked to work together to solve puzzles and achieve clearance conditions.

Then, there is the ballad with the same melody in the last bar.

"What's going on," Mu Tuo asked in surprise, "Brother He Qin and the others...unlocked all the plots?"

"It seems so." A sweet and soft female voice sounded from the other side of the house, "Four days, it's not even midnight yet, it's really fast."

The two of them looked back and found that standing at the top of the stairs was Marianne holding a candlestick.

Du Zijun jumped up, picked up the fruit knife placed on the table, and turned it neatly in his hand with a dazzling silver light.

"It's your good sister's fault too, isn't it?" he asked hissingly, his face pale and his eyes cold, like a poisonous snake in the forest.

"See, I've already said it." Bai Hao's face was dripping with blood, but his expression still didn't change.

"It's often difficult to hide secrets when playing games with smart people." Ke Wenyan continued.

The author has something to say: There are about three or four chapters left in the first world, and by the way, I can finally say that the name of this song is "Melancholy Song", which comes from the nursery rhyme of Mother Goose.

Thank you all for your comments and encouragement, take a bow~