The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 276


This is an unsolvable problem, but the answer is much more self-evident than the so-called trolley problem.

Choosing to use Frigga's Oath, the player escapes from Ragnarok, and the Uncanny Valley becomes the carrier of judgment; choosing to turn around and leave, he alone can save his life, and the human player and the Uncanny Valley are finished together; as the last option, he becomes Odin , became the king of the world for a short period of time, and raised the banner of crusade towards the final destiny... Then mankind survived, and the Uncanny Valley survived.

When three weights are placed on a weighing scale, it is clear at a glance which one is lighter and which one is heavier.

"Have you really decided to do this, Son of the Void?" Sleipnir looked at him solemnly, with no sadness or joy in his eyes, only pity. "This world is the beginning of all strife and war, and it is worth sinking into." The source of evil under the ground, pick up Frigga's Oath and you can get the best of both worlds, so why sacrifice yourself?"

In the dusk glow, Xie Yuanyuan looked like a silent statue standing in the wilderness, wordlessly gazing at the distant horizon.

"There is a story in the Bible that I never understood before," he said softly, "Why did Lot plead to God over and over again, and finally said that even if there was only one righteous person in Sodom, the city should not be destroyed. Then It is a city where sin is overwhelming, a place where even God cannot bear the evil. How can the glory of just one righteous man be exchanged for the right of pardon for the whole city?"

"Now I finally understand... As long as there is one person, one person in your heart," Xie Yuanyuan and Sleipnir looked at each other, "Even if it requires saving all hell for this, I will not hesitate."

Sleipnir took a step back, actually avoiding his gaze.

"There is a fire in your eyes, child," it whispered. "Don't you have a companion to rely on, you alone and lost? The only thing in the box that has not been released is called hope. Therefore, it is always difficult for human beings to learn how to wait and how to look forward to tomorrow, so why not wait for them?”

Xie Yuanyuan said: "I have companions, and I came to you for help just to save them. They are all very good, very good people... But I can't rely on them all the time. Time is too precious. Maybe in the past People are dying every minute, I can't waste the opportunity and must make a decision as soon as possible."

Sleipnir sighed.

"If this is your choice..." Its eyes suddenly became sharp, "Then catch up with me! If you want to get on my Sleipnir's back, you have to run faster than the stars and faster than time. quick!"

The eight-legged divine horse gave a long neigh, like the horn that turned on the wheel of time, and the wilderness echoed with the sound of its coming footsteps. This is the speed of a true god. Even light is far behind it, and even time is far behind. Left behind by it. It raised its front four hoofs and crossed the distance between the sky and the ocean. Its rear four hoofs had already stepped on the edge of the stars. Xie Yuanyuan could only see the fire that could burn the world, and nothing else!

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

How to chase? How to chase

His mind went blank, and he only had time to put the butterfly back into his arms.

If I can't catch up this time, will I never have another chance

Catching up with Odin's horse is faster than the speed of the planet - this is definitely not something that can be achieved by human power alone. However, recalling Sleipnir's words, he cannot be completely considered a human.

"I'm sorry," Xie Yuanyuan said, "This time... I really can't listen to you anymore."

He stretched out his hand, as if he had grasped something in the air, and the sharp hidden sword popped out of his wrist. The sword passed silently, just like the moment he took the lives of every enemy.

How can one catch up with the fleeting stars

"But I am..." His voice has spread endlessly, "... everywhere."

When Sleipnir called out this title, Xie Yuanyuan already had a vague hunch in his heart that he needed and must reach this point.

He cut off his connection with the world again and was forgotten by the world - perhaps as Sleipnir said, he was a child of the void, born lonely, and even when he died, he should be lonely.

What happened to Little Transparent

Little Transparent can also save the person he likes... Little Transparent also has spring.

Xie Yuanyuan closed his eyes and opened them again. In fact, his eyelids could no longer block his sight, and his consciousness spread to the infinite boundary in an instant.

He sees everything, observes everything, the secrets that have been preserved since ancient times are completely displayed in front of Him, and the sorrows and laughter that have been forgotten by people are all carried on His shoulders.

He is nothingness.

- Opposite to "being", opposite to "one", opposite to "remembering", it is something that cannot be seen or perceived by all things, but it actually exists.

"I have... seen you," He said.

He really saw Sleipnir's footsteps. This peerless divine horse ran with all its strength. Any person or god who wanted to catch its traces with his eyes would only have his eyes burned by the bright light ignited by the horse's hooves. Only the omnipresent void could burn it. It is contained within its own bosom.

Xie Yuanyuan gently leaned against its burning mane, like a veil descending from the sky.

"I've got you," He said, "Sleipnir."

The eight-legged divine horse roared loudly and raised its front hooves high. It trampled the earth heavily. The universe behind it was gorgeous, and the broken remains of the planet were radiating, floating in the darkness of the vacuum.

"Yes, Son of the Void!" It sighed solemnly, "You have caught up with me, at the cost of giving up your own body, seeking integration with the void that gave birth to you. At this point, you have indeed no retreat. !”

"So, how can I pick up Gangnir?" He continued to ask.

"In your current state, you cannot pick up a physical gun." Sleipnir said, "In that case, then put on Odin's armor and use it to hold up a human figure! "

Then the formless thing got into the armor of the god, grasped the eternal spear with its glorious fingers of gold and bronze, took Sleipnir's reins with its other hand, stepped on the stirrups, and rode on the majestic horse. Like mountains on horseback.

"Sit tight!" The giant horse hissed, "The horn of war is about to sound. Although there are no thousands of troops following your throne, you are already the God King of all ages, so you should be invincible and invincible!"

Its horse hooves trampled the sky and the ocean, and in an instant it appeared in Valhalla from the ruins of the planet, and turned into a violent golden light, crashing through the barrier between the worlds!

During the turbulent flow of data, He Qin's hand holding the reins of the Changye King suddenly tightened.

Just now, he felt the scales on the Evernight King's body stand up, not on guard, not to resist the coming harm, but out of awe, out of some kind of apprehensive fear.

What did it find

Wen Zheliu frowned and drew a question mark on his palm.

What's wrong? He was a little confused.

"Did you discover something?" The first one to speak was the Holy Sister at the front. "Indeed, there was a dangerous wave coming from a distant place just now... But that is a matter from another world. It seems, Something strange happened?"

Her neck didn't move, and her head suddenly turned 180 degrees, facing the two people with her smiling face, "Executive Officer, have you noticed it too?"

"He Rui is about to activate the Yellow Gods. The biggest abnormality is the absence of abnormality," He Qin replied calmly, "However, as you said, since this is a matter in another world, then It’s better to leave quickly, I think you know better than me what Ragnarok is. If you go too late, I’m afraid not only human players but also your base camp will have trouble.”

The holy nun stopped talking. Wen Zheliu said: "He Rui regards himself as your master. I'm afraid that in his eyes, the Uncanny Valley is also his private property, right? Although we are allies, you..."

There was a sudden pause in his words.

This time, he also felt that something... was withdrawing from his mind and memory, like evaporating mist, disappearing mostly in the blink of an eye.

Someone or something is being forgotten by him!

He Qin whipped his whip violently, causing the Night King to hiss in shock and jump forward crazily. At this time, there was really no need to care about disguise or composure. He and Wen Zheliu felt this strange and ominous situation at the same time. Was it the influence of Ragnarok? Or has someone activated some kind of secret and unknown advanced prop

"Quick! Quick!" Wen Zheliu shouted against the strong wind, "Go back quickly, or...!"

He subconsciously wanted to say that otherwise... it would be bad, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't spit out the words he was about to say. Who is in trouble? Why can't he remember

He has encountered such a situation before, in the sixth world, in the territory of the Black Nun, when facing Hela, the God of Death... Why can't he remember it now

He Qin said sharply: "Hurry up!"

The Night King is as fast as lightning, even the Holy Sisters are inferior to this speed. Seeing that their anxiety was not fake, the Holy Sister raised her arms and pushed them out, and a path suddenly opened up in the chaotic space.

The strong wind roared. Wen Zheliu ripped off the dog tag from his neck and stuffed it into He Qin's hand. The entrance was close at hand. The dog tag emitted bursts of fire. The flames flowed along the complicated metal patterns and gradually transformed into A stringed copper bow, a single lens turned into an elongated arrow shaft, He Qin clamped the horse's belly, took out the brooch with his fingers, and placed it on the head of the arrow shaft, just like a sharp arrowhead.

Wen Zheliu hugged his waist tightly and felt every muscle in his body tighten and exert force, twisting vigorously like gears in running water.

He Qin drew his bow and faced the heavily chained world gate in front of him.

"Break it for me!"

The common authority of the three executive officers, the supreme key, broke through Nova City's complete blockade of the Uncanny Valley at this moment!

The holy nun screamed in ecstasy: "Power! All my power is coming out!"

The King of the Night leaped with all his strength and rushed into the sky of the Uncanny Valley!

At this time, the influence of Ragnarok has already penetrated into the core of the world, and everything as far as the eye can see is blood-like glow and heavy black clouds. The moment he broke into this place, the King of the Night let out a wail and fell straight from the sky.

It felt unparalleled majesty and pressure. Even though it was an S-class vehicle, it had to descend from the sky to the earth and give up its position to another ruler of King's Landing.

"... Cuiyulu." He Qin hissed.

They galloped towards the battlefield, and the communication channel was opened simultaneously. Wen Zheliu had already seen the brilliance of the Jade Record. It was unmistakable, because the pendant on his chest was trembling uneasily, fearing the existence that could determine the life and death of all items. .

"Hold on... hold on!" He shouted on the headset, "We are coming! Hold on!"

The Kingdom of God fell, and the gate of hell above the sky slowly opened, revealing the majestic and ferocious demon god inside. Wen Zheliu could clearly see that they were Jormungandr, Fenrir, Fafnir and other dead people who had been killed by them, but now they have reappeared in the world, and are waiting to attack in Ragnarok. Shen the world's vitality and hope.

"No wonder... no wonder they want to die one by one," Wen Zheliu said with an ugly face, "It turns out it's for this, to occupy the other world, make a comeback, and meet the conditions for launching Ragnarok!"

"That's right," He Qin whispered, "Twilight of the Gods is a catastrophe launched by one world against another world. The evil god represented by Nidhogg rises from the ground to the sky, heading towards the Kingdom of God headed by Odin. Start a war. They want to start the Uncanny Valley version of Ragnarok, and they must also occupy a world lower than the human world... I was careless, I didn't expect this."

He Rui was leaning on the throne of the Kingdom of Death, and had already seen the light emitted by the King of Night as he galloped. He smiled hoarsely, and his tone seemed to be tempered with poison: "Although you are late, my brother, such a magnificent feast, How could I start without waiting for you?"

He sighed softly: "But now that you are here, the distance is just right and the viewing angle is perfect... Just chase in vain while admiring the world-famous fireworks. Will the flames burning in the world make you feel frustrated? I Brothers?"

He Qin stood up from the galloping horse, and the authority of the three executive officers melted back into the scabbard, handle and blade, which he held in his hand.

"We can't count on the Holy Sisters," he said softly, "Let's go up."

The communication device rang noisily through the turbulent flow, and Du Zijun's voice was sharp: "Don't die! He has a Jade Record in his hand. The Suiren species will be decomposed by that thing in less than a minute. Run!"

"Stop joking!" Wen Zheliu shouted, "If you fight hard, you still have a chance to win. If you run away, you will lose everything. You won't even have a chance to collect the body!"

"No one can stop that lunatic now! Where is the Holy Nun? The Cuiyulu is hers, why doesn't she take action?!"

"Our purpose is just to lure her back to the uncanny valley," He Qin said. "The rest...someone will deal with it."

The gate to the sky was completely opened, and the Night King was suppressed and unable to fly. They were still separated from the main battlefield by a vast plain. Wen Zheliu looked at the sky. It was really a hellish scene. The undead were flooding like a flood, and the big ship made of dead people's nails was sailing on top of them, heading towards the end of human life. Magma poured out of the earth, ferocious demons all pounced on living creatures, and the world was about to become their paradise.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up! Wen Zheliu's eyes were bloodshot, staring at the increasingly shorter junction between the monsters and the earth. Once they stepped on the ground, tore open the body of the first human and dedicated their lives to death, Ragnarok would really be The situation is irreversible!

The Night King suddenly let out an excited neigh. It raised its head and looked up at the sky. He Rui, holding the Jade Record in his hand, also suddenly raised his head and stared at the front of hell.

—The golden light exploded, causing a shock wave that shook the world!

He Rui closed his eyes suddenly, and in an instant, tens of thousands of dead bodies floated in front of him as a barrier to resist, but the destruction was a matter of an instant, and the ashes were also an instant. The roar of thunder and fire echoed with the emperor's overriding trembling. ring!

"Who is it?" He jumped up crazily on the throne, like an enraged python, with a trace of black and red blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, "Say your name!"

In the golden calamity clouds that filled the sky, the eight-legged divine horse stood tall. The man riding it was wearing bronze and gold armor and holding the eternal spear as bright as the sun.

"Sleipnir, and Gangnir?" He Qin's pupils narrowed, "Who is he...?"

The man on the horse said nothing, his silence was like an eternal rock. He came alone, facing the army of demons who destroyed all the worlds. Anyone in the world can understand how powerful, evil and irreversible the fate of the end is. However, this person came wearing Odin's armor, holding a scepter, and carrying a scepter. Riding a Pegasus that can transcend time, the thousands of devils on the opposite side also trembled in their hearts, feeling that they were disobeying the King of God!

"...Who is it?" As if there were thousands of words stuck in his throat, Wen Zheliu stared at the human figure on Sleipnir, feeling that he had forgotten something, "Who is the person sitting on the horse? "

Du Zijun ran out of the resting point and wanted to see the man's face clearly. He shouted: "Look at his face! Isn't the helmet not fully covered? Who can see what he looks like? Is he a player?!"

The person silently raised Gangnir, Sleipnir raised his front hooves, and with a flash of golden light, he dragged the Eternal Spear and collided with thousands of troops and horses in one person's posture!

The moment they got closer, the human players vaguely saw the true appearance of the visitor.

"No one!" they said with uncontrollable horror, "It's empty... there's no one under the armor!"