The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 277


The moment he raised the Eternal Spear, his heart felt unprecedentedly calm.

He saw the moonlight in a trance. At that moment when the ground was burning with fire and the huge moon crossed the sky, he was also looking at the distant horizon and looking up at the butterfly flying across the sea.

At that time, he was still very sad. He felt that he was a human being, but he fell in love with an AI girl who could only exist in the virtual world, not to mention that the girl was destined to love another man who gave everything to her. This was a story. There will be no fruitful love, but He is actually a little happy now.

Look, I also abandoned my identity as a human and became a god, a monster, and something that is always accompanied by forgetfulness... In this way, can I get closer to you

The first oath that must be fulfilled, He said in a voice that no one could hear or understand, anything that touches the tip of the spear will be shattered into pieces and fall into the abyss of eternal destruction.

Sleipnir's roar was like thousands of roaring thunders or ancient bells. He thrust forward the eternal spear and hit the first charging demon head-on!

He was only one person, but his majesty suppressed the world. The devils and monsters with claws and claws did not touch the hooves of His horses or the corners of His robes, and they all fell to the earth wailing. A spear|pierced out, carrying not only the fierce murderous aura and edge, but also the iron law that must be followed in cause and effect, the order of the King of Gods!

A realm of extreme meaning washed out like a breaking tide, quickly covering the entire vast sky. This spear|pierced thousands of miles, so all the devils and evil gods within a thousand miles were annihilated and turned into fly ash in the void.

The second oath that must be fulfilled, He then spoke, I will end Ragnarok without affecting others, and without letting the world bear the fate of destruction.

The two wolves devouring the sun and the moon and the vicious dogs of hell rushed towards him. Sleipnir raised his four hooves and crushed Hati's backbone, and the bright light of the full moon exploded all over the sky; Eternity The gun cut across a sharp semicircle in mid-air, and a full golden sun shot out from Skull's broken belly, covering the blood-colored dark clouds; Garm's body was separated at the same time, and disappeared in an instant.

The light of the sun and moon paved the avenue under Sleipnir's hooves, and the speeding God-King overlooked all things and all the devils who were about to be destroyed. Heaven and earth are upside down, the sun, moon and stars are under Him, and the gates of hell are above Him, and He rides on a celestial horse, holding high the banner of judgment towards the villains who defy God's orders.

He Rui opened his eyes wide, trying his best to see the person's face and identity, but to no avail. He asked the Cuiyu Record for the answer. The Cuiyu Record flipped frantically, but only four ancient characters could be displayed: God King Odin.

He always thought that He Qin was the Odin who finally stopped Ragnarok, and that he and he were destined to have a life-and-death war, but He Qin turned out not to be the one, Odin had someone else!

The snakes surrounding the atrium perished, and the ancestors of the frost giants evaporated in the blazing sunlight. The moment the ship of the dead collided with Gangnir's spear point, Hela, the god of death, stood on the deck of the bow of the ship, her black clothes flying in the air, fighting with him. The invisible eyes on Leipnir’s back stared at each other.

In this glance, she saw the ending of two people.

"You're here!" She screamed hoarsely, as loud as a jackdaw, "You're finally here... This is the fate of you and me!"

The tip of the spear spewed a raging fire that burned her ships and death itself.

This is the reason why Gangnir is ranked S-level, but needs the protection of the SS-level vehicle Sleipnir, and is placed in Valhalla, a palace far away from the ordinary game world. It is an existence that transcends ordinary high-level props. Any oath uttered to the tip of the spear can be fulfilled. Every word uttered to the tip of the spear will become a rule that changes the world!

Blocking the road leading to the gate of hell, the demon wolf Fenrir lifted Qingtian's back! In the real Ragnarok, it was the world-destroying monster that ended the god-king Odin. Faced with it, even Odin had to wield the Eternal Spear and choose a path of common death. However, here, Sleipnir's eyes were spinning thousands of stars, and at the same time, they were spinning countless fury and fire. It roared fiercely: "It was once given death and despicable things, how can it be crowned with a monster that shakes the earth?" In the name of resisting the king’s control!”

It shook its head violently, spitting out unparalleled golden thunder from its mouth, which instantly penetrated Fenrir's head, burning out its skull and pupils!

The last line of defense fell, and He Rui finally stood up from the throne.

He is Nidhogg, the Black Dragon of Despair, the never-ending evil that bites the World Tree. The moment the World Tree collapses, the end of all things will come.

Before that, he had always thought that he and He Qin would make a long-awaited decision. This was their battlefield, but the appearance of Odin interrupted his plan.

"Who are you?" He Rui asked softly, his tone was like cool saliva dripping from a snake letter, falling to the ground silently, but carrying deadly poison.

He and He Qin were indeed brothers. The more furious they were, the better they could control their emotions and the softer their attitude towards the enemy.

But he couldn't hear the god-king's answer. The only response he got was Odin's raised scepter.

"Why are you here?" He Rui continued to ask, with the Cuiyulu suspended in front of him, "Are you a god or a human? If you are a god, why do you have to make futile sacrifices for the future that is bound to happen? If you are Humans, why should you sacrifice your life for someone of your kind who has nothing to do with you? In any case, destruction is for the sake of creation... Without Ragnarok, how could a new world be born?"

His face and body shape are changing. Dark, hard scales protrude from the depths of his skin. His knuckles twist and lengthen. The bones all over his body make the sound of turning and squeezing. There are sharp bone spurs and scimitars. The head-like horns grew out of this human body, cutting the clothes into pieces.

He is growing taller and elongating. No human being will have such a winding spine, but the direction and height of his eyes remain unchanged. They are always blood-red and glowing with a sticky divine light. .

"Think about it!" He Rui said, his vocal cords also changed, like thousands of swords cutting each other, it was so harsh that it was heart-breaking. "What kind of spirit is this? Is it stupidity, or should it be crowned?" In the name of bravery? The people you save will not care about your death. They have their own lives to live. You will soon become a symbol, a one-sided legend, and you will not get anything in return. Even so Are you willing too?"

Odin remains silent, or he is a creature that cannot speak. Facing the black dragon in front of him who was commanding all the troops, he raised the Eternal Spear, and Sleipnir also made a charging move.

I'm not great. He said, I am just a selfish monster who became a so-called hero in order to save the world with her - whether it is hell or heaven.

As for forgetting, He seemed to smile. Originally, I was something that should not be remembered by people.

The light of the setting sun flows from the tip of Gangnir's spear, and the person confronting him is no longer human at all. Nidhogg, the desperate black dragon, waves its wings that cover the sky, and rises up from its entrenched throne with a snake-like long neck, Its scales are disaster, its breath is plague, and every drop of saliva that falls on the ground along its chin turns into a poisonous python, swarming and exploding from the ground.

"The destruction of the old world is a predetermined outcome, and the old king must be nailed to the ancient throne!" Nighold roared, "Be afraid, you traitor who blocks the wheel and the torrent. !”

I don't know when it began to rain heavily, and the sparks in the sky fell to the ground together with the rain, like a sad, unstoppable tear.

At this moment, His heart was as still as water, as calm as an old monk in meditation. He said softly: Maybe there is really such great love that can change the trajectory of a world, but it will not be believed by you people.

So let's start a war. Saying so much can only make me feel that the person who is really afraid is you.

Sleipnir said in a deep voice: "The black dragon of this world is right in front of us! Odin, this battle is the end. Are you prepared?"

Gangnir struck the sky majestically, like some unspoken response.

"Then come!" Sleipnir also roared, and the roar from its chest was like thunder, "Nidhogg! It's time to decide the winner between you and me!"

This is a scene like a myth, a picture like a legend. Perhaps in the ancient times tens of millions of years ago, the god-king Odin was like this, riding a Pegasus, dragging a big gun of meteors, and fought alone into the destined end. The army of heroic spirits has fallen, the noble gods have all died, and the corpses of the dead have flooded the world. He is the only one standing in the sky and on earth as the last pillar, with the hope of the continuation of all things on his shoulders.

Storms and lightning pierced the sky and everyone's field of vision. The clouds behind Odin cracked, and a golden realm descended to where he was, far away from the gate of hell. This was actually a collision in a literal sense - using the divine realm to collide with Ragnarok, which had summoned the world-destroying disaster. !

Sleipnir ran wildly, dragging the divine realm behind him. The heavy rain poured down, blurring the moment into a tragic color like an oil painting. Nidhogg roared crazily, and his huge claws suddenly grabbed the jade log.

"Do you think you are the real Sleipnir, the descendant and creation of God?!" It mocked wantonly, "It is just the result of human programming. You are given life and the ability to think, and you claim to be the king of God!" Mount, how pathetic and ridiculous! Dusk is the fate of the world, and death is your fate!"

The Jade Record emitted a magnificent light, and Sleipnir said solemnly: "Everything in the world has its end. I have long been prepared to embark on my end. What about you? Add the name of the Black Dragon of Despair to Are you also prepared for your own people?"

Nidhogg was furious and roared through the storm and fire: "Dismantle it!"

However, Cuiyulu did not obey its orders.

This supreme secret record turned into white light, dissipated into a ball of fireflies in the dragon's claws, and immediately flew into the distance. The black dragon looked back in anger and saw the Holy Sister standing at the edge of the earth, extending her palm towards it.

"You actually betrayed me... You were the first to tear up the contract between me and you!" Nidhogg roared angrily, "You despicable thing, are you trying to become a god!"

After leaving the human body and transforming into this majestic dragon, it also became more violent and irritable. It seemed that with the disappearance of its human form, its humanity also disappeared.

The holy nun looked at the Cuiyulu that was suddenly taken back from her hand, and a rare look of confusion appeared on her face.

Logically speaking, she no longer needs to take care of it. Although Odin's appearance was something she had not expected, the two sides fighting on the field, one brings destruction and the other bears destruction. The two are balanced, and she only needs to ensure the safety of the Uncanny Valley. , just sit back and watch. However, after seeing He Rui attack with Cuiyulu, she didn't think anything and just subconsciously raised her arm.

... Is it possible that when she returned here, her fair and just character, which was rooted deep in the central system, was also activated

"Betrayal?" She came back to her senses and couldn't help but sneer, "You want to destroy my kingdom, but now you use this word to describe me. I think you have never seen real betrayal, human being!"

The black dragon tightened its huge dragon pupils, but it was already too late. Sleipnir's speed was beyond anything in the world. In fact, even if the Holy Nun does not take back the Cuiyulu, the Cuiyulu cannot be dismantled because it is too fast, just like a person cannot catch a wisp of wind, nor can he stay for a while. In the blink of an eye, the eight-hoofed divine horse is close at hand. Din's first shot hit Nidhogg's dragon wing, and it seemed as if ten thousand thunderbolts exploded in mid-air!

The black dragon roared loudly, and the spear tip that penetrated the bone wing had not stopped yet. Gangnir continued to move forward, as if he wanted to nail it to the world-destroying throne.

Nidhogg couldn't break free, and it violently grabbed the Pegasus' body. The rugged dragon tail whipped back and forth like a whip, and then twisted around the armor and horse like a snake. I don't think any painter, poet or sculptor can describe the tension and ferocity of this scene. The fight between gods and demons will use the world as their burial ground!

"Are you going to kill me! Are you going to end this new life!" Nidhogg struggled crazily. This shot penetrated so deeply that he could feel the flesh and blood near the wound weathering rapidly, scattering like calamities in the heavy rain. Ash, "Why, answer me why!"

You can't hear me even if I say it. He replied that it was better not to say anything.

The sharpness of the dragon's tail was comparable to that of a divine weapon. It penetrated the armor of the God King, and the location was exactly his heart. However, he remained indifferent and allowed the huge external force to squeeze the body that contained him into a distorted sound.

He suddenly thought of Hua Ying. Apart from being sad, he was once curious about what that man saw in his hallucinations before he was willing to die bravely. He asked this question to other people, and they all said, you have to think about it yourself.

Now he finally understood that maybe what Hua Ying saw was himself, the self that neither dared to love nor could love. Time flies like lightning, and there is only a mirror between the past and the present, so he walked over and smashed the mirror decisively.

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War is a strong drink for cowards. It can make all those who are timid no longer timid and those who flinch no longer flinch. What about love

what is love

Come to hell with me! He said that the god-kings Odin and Nidhogg throughout the ages will choose this ending, and you and I can't escape either!