The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 278


Nidhogg let out a sharp roar, and in the rain of fire from the sky, it felt the coldness of death. The tip of Gungnir's spear pierced its bone wing, and then pierced from the base of the wing to its heart. The Pegasus is still accelerating, accelerating endlessly. It drags the divine realm and charges towards the depths of hell. At the same time, it takes its master with it, sending eternal death deeper into Nidhogg's body.

The black dragon finally had fear. It is the condensation of the despair of all things. It is the judge who was born to gnaw the World Tree and bring about Ragnarok. But now it is afraid. Facing this God King who has always been silent, it is proud of The ability to confuse people's hearts has failed, and persuasion is also feeble. The devil may be able to instigate an ordinary person with greed, but the devil may not be able to instigate a madman.

It flapped its wings desperately, stepped on Sleipnir with its heavy claws, and tried its best to distance itself from Odin, but its dragon tail was too entangled with the armor, and the armor of the God King undulated and breathed like a living creature. The rugged dragon tail was firmly stuck in the gap in the armor.

Everything is too late - Nidhogg has such an ominous premonition, it is the black dragon of despair, any negative prediction will come true, it is just unwilling, strongly unwilling.

"Why, talk! Talk!" It roared wildly, spitting out ambergris like a poisonous blizzard, "Answer me, why did you come?! Is this the ending you want to see! This should have been What a great and magnificent beginning, yet you are trying to continue the lingering past. Is this what you want to see?! Answer me, answer me why!"

Its roar was earth-shattering, but the only answer was the wound that was getting deeper and deeper, and the roar of wind and thunder that filled the sky.

All answers are nothing more than three words. He spoke softly, even if His voice could be heard by external objects, the volume would be drowned in the loud noise of the destruction of the world, - I love you.

However, He showed a somewhat naughty smile. You couldn't hear it, and these three words were not meant for you.

A flash of light for all eternity!

He roared, and Sleipnir also roared. This god rode forward with unparalleled force, nailing the eternal spear through the black dragon's huge steel body and nailing it to the magnificent throne. Above!

The realm of God collided with hell. Some people were roaring in the chaos, and some were laughing wildly. That bit of golden light pierced the darkness and penetrated the eternal blood and darkness of hell. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil were like two stars vowing to destroy each other. The planet exploded into a magnificent sea of light like the birth of the universe.

For a moment, the world was silent and time stood still.

In the infinitely extended slow motion, everyone's eyes were staring at the sky uncontrollably. There was only a ray of brilliant light. At that moment, it was like a meteor slowly crossing the sky, and then blooming like a flower, exploding into an unparalleled storm. .

That was the god-king Odin galloping in the clouds on his Pegasus. The place where the light of the meteors shone brightest was the tip of Gangnir's spear.

The black dragon opened its rotten wings, its tail twitched like a sharp open skeleton, and behind it was a broken hell. The God King Odin above it pierced the chest of the Black Dragon of Despair with a shot, and pushed it towards the ruins in the void!

This must be the most magnificent fireworks in the world. The earth is dark and silent, but a burning galaxy flows in the sky. Then the galaxy turns into a spreading ribbon behind the God King, surrounding him and charging towards the end without hesitation. Look back again.

Thousands of years ago, Odin failed to stop the coming of Ragnarok. On the corpses of the old gods, new gods were born. The new people also drank, danced, and caroused around the bonfire all night long. No one remembered the wars and deaths of the past. of sentient beings.

Now He is here. He made a vow to the tip of a spear that will surely be fulfilled. At the same time, He takes the secrets, past, and love that no one knows and plunges into the land of the dead filled with fire and brimstone.

The heavy rain did not stop. Wen Zheliu stood in the rain, with the water flowing on his face like tears.

… Why are you crying

He stared blankly in the direction of the final battle. They were really lucky. Perhaps this was how the protagonists were treated in novels and movies. At the critical moment, there would always be foreign aid to help. Although they still don't know who the person is - a player, or a real god attracted by Ragnarok, but why is he crying

Witnessing this world-famous war, a war worthy of being recorded in epics and sung by wandering bards from generation to generation, I only felt sad, heartbreakingly sad when I heard about it. He stood in the rain that blurred the sky and the earth, feeling that if the sorrow in his heart could turn into rain, it would definitely be like this heavy rain day and night.

"Don't go..." He stared blankly at the star river, a weak and unconscious plea escaping from his throat, "Don't... go..."

The rain was still falling, and the sound of falling on the ground drowned out the sounds nearby. The aurora was gorgeous, and the starry sky was as bright as the sea hanging upside down above our heads. The door to hell has been closed. To be precise, hell has disappeared with the deadly battle between the Black Dragon of Despair and the God King Odin. There are only stars and aurora, all over the sky, with the magnificence of the world-destroying battle. And the majesty remains in the night sky above their heads.

No one spoke. Wen Zheliu staggered forward a few steps in a daze, as if he was going to chase something. He Qin, who had always been silent, gently held his hand, so he finally stopped. He was also confused. .

Du Zijun stood in the rain, his wet black hair winding along his face. He stood like a stone sculpture for a long time before he said in a hoarse voice: "'s raining so hard."

He Qin's voice was low and he suddenly said: "It's not over yet."

"… What?"

He let go of Wen Zheliu's hand and walked forward alone: "He's not dead yet. This matter... isn't over yet."

Wen Zheliu came back to his senses and looked ahead in shock. The plain was burned into a sea of fire by the flaming rubble that had been smashed down. It had not been completely extinguished by the rain at this moment, and there were still shadowy flames burning in the scorched ruins. He vaguely saw a dark figure stumbling up from the ground just below where God King Odin and Nidhogg disappeared.

At this moment, Wen Zheliu's heart suddenly burst into an unknown fire a hundred feet high. Is he still alive? Why isn't he dead? !

He took a step forward and had to grit his teeth to prevent himself from spitting out the vicious curse: "He shouldn't be alive!"

"God King Odin... killed his part as the Black Dragon of Despair Nidhogg," He Qin motioned for him to stay here, "but his human part has not been killed yet."

"Stay, Ning Ning, I'll go alone." He whispered, "There is no way to avoid this battle, we can only welcome it."

At this time, most players are in a state of paralysis physically and mentally. They have watched the battle between gods and demons with their own eyes. The human spirit cannot accommodate such a huge amount of information. It is true that the players have not been attacked, but if the system is still there, you can see that their mental values continue to decline while watching, until they fall below the dangerous critical point.

As he walked forward, he drew the knife.

He Rui staggered up. The identity of the black dragon Nidhogg was penetrated into hell by Odin. Now he is just a human, but the arrogant and violent energy in him has not diminished at all. He couldn't help but laugh, his throat roaring with laughter: "... You're here! You're here! Brother, you're still here!"

He Qin smiled and actually answered him: "Yes, I'm here."

He Rui narrowed his scarlet eyes: "Why, now you have an attitude of answering all questions. If you want to be a qualified younger brother, it's too late!"

"It's not that I want to be a qualified younger brother," He Qin sighed, "Whose younger brother would break his elder brother's limbs and exile him for another ten years? It's just the courtesy you should have when facing a dying person. It’s just an attitude, don’t be surprised.”

Such tit-for-tat confrontation, if their appearance and names were not so similar, no one would believe that they are actually a pair of blood brothers.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Faced with such malice, He Rui was just stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Speaking of which, why do you hate me so much?" He suddenly stopped smiling. The smile faded too quickly, like thin snow melting in the fire. He looked at He Qin thoughtfully, standing crookedly, "You and I were supposed to be the closest brothers. We grew up together, lived together, and we grew up from the belly of the same woman... Why? We were supposed to support each other and share the world equally!"

His eyes were extremely confused. If his pupils were not the color of blood, his eyes at this moment should be as clear as a child's.

"Biological brothers in the world should help each other - is this a natural law? If you don't abide by it, you will break the law? He Qin showed a sarcastic smile, "Goodbye! You and I both know very well that I am a freak in your eyes, and you are the same in my eyes. We are destined to be strangers. Blood relationship, how strong a rope is blood relationship, can it connect two strangers together? "

His expression was indifferent: "Power is very poisonous, and you were born like a snake and scorpion, loving the company of poison. Do your relatives matter in your eyes? You know this much better than me, so you should answer it yourself. Bar."

He Rui was silent for a moment, then laughed even harder. He laughed with all his strength, so hysterically that the whole plain only echoed with his voice.

"Not bad, not bad!" He looked at He Qin happily, "We are really brothers!"

The light of the knife fell into the middle of the scorched earth. He Qin heard him take a deep breath and then spit it out slowly: "...So, are you sorry that I didn't die?"

"Indeed, it's really a pity that such a big battle failed to kill you."

"Are you confused, who played the God King Odin just now?"

He Qin's expression did not change and he did not respond, but He Rui pointed at him and said with a smile: "You want to know! You want to know a lot, don't you?"

He stopped smiling again, and his posture was like an emperor provoking another king, and said softly: "Then give it a try. When I slit your throat, maybe I will be merciful and tell you... my brother .”

In the flash of lightning, the two people jumped up at the same time and attacked each other's vital parts!

In the boundless void, Xie Yuanyuan felt like he was floating aimlessly.

… Where is this

… Where are you going

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, it’s not very important anyway.

The battle between the heavens just now was still engraved in his memory. It was really an exaggeration to think that he could actually create such a grand scene... So the world is safe? Is everyone saved

He recalled what Wang Shufen said to him in the sixth world - I lost, but in the future, you will definitely die for your identity.

He was still very ignorant at that time. The most serious crisis he encountered was that he lost contact with the world. No one could remember him, so he couldn't understand this sentence that sounded like a prophecy and a curse.

Now he finally understood that what the goddess of death saw was the end of everything, and she naturally saw the end of him. The words that came out of her mouth were the facts that would happen in the future.

"Sons of the Void."

A hazy call came to his ears, and Xie Yuanyuan was startled. Who else was calling him now

The horses' hooves clattered, and the golden light was like the rising sun. Sleipnir slowly walked out of the void and stood not far from him.

"Sleipnir!" Xie Yuanyuan was very surprised, "I... I won, right! Nidhogg is dead, right!"

Sleipnir's eyes softened and he whispered: "Yes, you won, and the crown of righteousness will always be reserved for you."

Xie Yuanyuan sighed and said with satisfaction: "It's great, I saved everyone..."

Halfway through his words, he looked around suspiciously: "No, if you say that, I should be dead too? But how can I still be conscious and talk to you now?"

"Look at this place." Sleipnir whispered, "This is the void, the place where you were born, and the place where you will end."

Xie Yuanyuan looked around in surprise. There was snow all around, and there was no one around. It was the strange world where he had traveled a long distance before and was trapped and couldn't find a way out.

"This is the other world?" He was shocked, "I... have been walking around in the other world before?"

"In your words, that's right." Sleipnir replied, "When the black dragon dies, you also lose your identity as a son of the void. Now you are just an ordinary dead person, that's why you came back here."

Xie Yuanyuan asked nonchalantly: "So, I can never go back...?"

"Yes," Sleipnir sighed, "Logically speaking, this is indeed the case."

Xie Yuanyuanxin said what is meant by speaking according to reason. Is there anything that is not said according to reason

"However, it's time for me to leave." Sleipnir looked at him, "You have to experience the sufferings that follow. Goodbye, son of the void, Odin, the god-king of this world. You are the unity of millions of people. A hero among gods.”

Although it was indeed too lonely here, Xie Yuanyuan couldn't think of anything to say to keep it. After being silent for a while, he could only say softly: "Then... Goodbye, and thank you."

Sleipnir nodded to him, turned around and disappeared into the white snow and dense fog.

As the Eight-legged Pegasus left, the aura of god that enveloped him seemed to disappear. Xie Yuanyuan gradually felt the bone-chilling cold eroding into his internal organs, accompanied by a nameless weakness - death was slowly and irresistibly coming to him. Even the strongest assassin in the world, who had assassinated the God of Death, could not in the end Avoid this moment.

He opened his numb mouth and fell from the clouds, all the way to the ground, and fell into the thick snowdrift. It wasn't until he was submerged in the biting and cold snow that Xie Yuanyuan suddenly discovered that there was not nothing under the snow. There were countless corpses that would never open their eyes again. They were scarred and looked as if they were alive. .

He didn't have the strength to move anymore, and he couldn't climb out of the long snow. He used to walk on the snow, like a bird circling the sky, but now his bones are rotten, his muscles are cold and hard, and his body is heavier than the rocks. He can only sink, and he keeps sinking.

"…Look, what do I find?"

There was a vague sound in his ears, and Xie Yuanyuan tried his best to open his swollen eyelids. He couldn't resist, and was violently pulled out of the snowdrift in the other world by a force.

The woman's voice was hoarse and sharp, like a black crow howling in the night. Xie Yuanyuan tried hard to focus his pupils, and finally saw the person standing in front of him clearly.

"God King Odin, the lost data core of the inner world, our great and respectable savior, the assassin who kills death..." Hela grabbed his hair and smiled viciously, "Many titles and honorable titles Ah! Are these you, my dear?"

Xie Yuanyuan's already weak and beating heart trembled suddenly at this moment.

He saw eight familiar men and women standing in front of him, each wrapped in a black robe that symbolized the dead, looking down at him like a flying unicorn that suddenly broke into the middle of a boring children's party.

… Why aren’t they dead yet? No, it is not accurate to say that they will die. If they were penetrated by Gangnir's spear point, they should be wiped out in ashes!

Xie Yuanyuan couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out. He stretched out his arms with all his strength, trying to grab Hela's hand that was holding his hair. However, he was already too weak. Hela twisted his hands with a smile of revenge. fingers, and then broke them all the time.

The muscles on Xie Yuanyuan's face twitched, and his lips seemed to be filled with ice. Even screaming became impossible.

Ymir stared at Xie Yuanyuan with some surprise. Among these people, she was the one who had the least contact with No Sleep. She never imagined that the young man in front of her with a purple complexion and an ordinary appearance like a passerby was actually Odin who had sunk the entire Ragnarok.

"That's him." Fafnir stood diagonally behind him and spoke sullenly, "Hela, why don't you relax a little and give him some ability to resist? He has been eroded to death by the other world. Bullying What’s the point of a dying man?”

"He ruined the leader's plan, we might as well take this opportunity." Garm suggested, standing behind Hela, "The leader is on the ground, and we need to wait for his summons at any time. If we can let this kid's companions see his death, Wouldn’t that be more convenient?”

Fenrir grinned and laughed violently. His human form also had sharp canine teeth: "Very good! Very good! Why not just turn this place into our hunting ground! Your companions and you killed me three times, I want your life here to be worse than death!"

Hattie pursed her lips delicately: "So, who do you want to record it?"

It's really like a group of violent beasts, waiting to tear apart the helpless lambs in the encirclement at any time. Hela also laughed softly after hearing her companion's discussion. She slightly relaxed her grip on Xie Yuanyuan, but she heard the young man say in a voice as gentle as a gnat: "...Wang Shufen...what are you... so proud of?" …”

The smile on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by irritated madness. Hela knocked Xie Yuanyuan flying with one palm, and then like a she-wolf snatching food, she chased the boy's powerless rolling body and pushed him into the snow.

The cold snow flooded into Xie Yuanyuan's mouth and nose. Hela was satisfied with watching his convulsions, and at the same time lowered her voice: "How are you? Were you confused and scared when you saw us? Do you feel that Gangge How can the person Neil penetrated still appear in front of you, right?"

Xie Yuanyuan almost suffocated, hearing her uncontrollable laughter: "Because our data is not in the inner world, nor the outer world, but is placed in the Jade Record! As long as there is one member alive in Muspelheim, As long as the Holy Sisters do not collapse, we will never be controlled by the rules of the game! Is Ganggnir better than the Jade Record? He is just a waste in the name of an artifact! Only waste will believe in waste!"

"...Finally...a question..." Xie Yuanyuan gasped desperately during the struggle, "'t forget, forget me..."

Hela suddenly let go of her hand and laughed as sharply as a knife: "Don't be impatient. When your companions are all dead, they will also remember you!"

"Just struggle with all your strength," Jörmungandr looked down at his wretched and writhing appearance and said softly, "to add a little fun to our leisure time..."

Xie Yuanyuan sensed the danger. He tried his best to turn his weak body to the right. A sharp ice spear instantly penetrated his waist. The severe pain also penetrated his already paralyzed brain, causing him to spit out a cold breath. Blood foam.

If he hadn't rolled to the right, the shot would have destroyed his spine and pinned him like a specimen to the endless snowfield.

At this moment, Xie Yuanyuan couldn't hear their crazy laughter. He just crawled forward, dragging the dying body forward desperately. If there was still a glimmer of hope, he couldn't die here, he couldn't die among this group of people. Men!

Fatal attacks kept falling on him, and the snow behind him was painted with an eye-catching, intermittent streak of red. Golden Wolf Skull said: "It's stupid to still try to escape from the other world."

"We are the real masters here, and nothing has authority higher than ours." Silver Wolf Hati's right eye turned into a flashing chip, faithfully recording this killing game. "The former God King Odin was no more than They are just ants who are left to be slaughtered."

The man crawling not far away finally stopped.

There were several broken knives and guns stuck on his back. The blood dyed the clothes and the snow red. He had no strength and could not even move forward an inch.

The young man half-opened his cloudy eyes, and a butterfly fell gently from his arms.

It was supposed to be a butterfly made of straw, but it had been following its owner for too long. Now it was rolling in a pool of blood. Its original appearance as a butterfly could not be seen at all. Instead, it looked like a tangled ball of grass, a messy butterfly. cocoon.

The Holy Sister looked at the fratricidal fight to the death and suddenly raised her head.

A drop of tear soaked the snow-white veil and flowed down the left side of her face.

She held her beating heart and said in a daze: "Don't die... don't die!"