The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 279


It was drizzling continuously. Pedestrians on the street opened their umbrellas and hurriedly walked through the wet streets to avoid the drizzle of raindrops getting on their sleeves. Few people spoke, and the bright car lights in the sky also seemed to glow faintly. Jellyfish, swimming in the neon silent sea water.

Two glowing creatures stood quietly on the street.

The one who emits golden light is the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, and the one who emits white light is an old man wearing a hood. Sleipnir lowered his head and watched the old man slowly place the rough wooden turntable on the stall. There was a line of crooked words painted in red paint, "One draw for 10 coins."

In the busy night scene of the city, these two fantasy creatures looked as abrupt as if they had traveled through time. However, the pedestrians passing by them did not cast a surprised look at them. Thin drops of rain flew away from the edges of various umbrellas and splashed on Sleipnir's burning mane.

"Rare visitor, rare visitor!" the old man said slowly, "I dare to ask, what is the purpose of rare visitor visiting the humble place?"

"Am I a rare visitor?" If Sleipnir had a human face, he would definitely be smiling lightly at this moment, "It's really not easy to find you, Old Man of the Deep Valley."

The old man in Shengu laughed, his old face wrinkled like bark: "What's the point of coming to me to bring reinforcements for your Odin? Don't think about it, what a majestic thing the Jade Record is, the Book of Destiny What can you do in front of it? The Book of Destiny can only wave the stars, but the Cuiyulu is the master of all things that create the stars. Aren't you also defeated? Why drag me into the water?"

"It's not my turn to save Odin yet." Sleipnir's voice still contained a faint smile, "I'm just... very confused."

The old man in Shengu said: "What are you confused about? About love, about hate, about power, about greed, about the choice of the world... Are you confused about these, wise Pegasus?"

Sleipnir didn't answer, and the old man in the deep valley laughed: "Why don't we draw a lottery! The lottery is also a kind of divination for the future. What you think, why not let your luck tell you."

After a pause, a sly smile appeared on his face: "10 copper coins a time, thank you for your patronage!"

Sleipnir laughed dumbly: "I am the mount of the God King, and God's good fortune also accompanies me. Aren't you afraid of going bankrupt?"

The old man in the deep valley gradually stopped smiling, and his expression became calm and nostalgic.

"You can no longer draw the biggest reward." He looked at Sleipnir. "The most precious and important thing was taken away by a child three years ago. That was his fate and Even God... cannot possess the future!"

At this moment, his face looked as usual, but his whole body was majestic, as if wrapped in thunder and fire.

Sleipnir was startled for a moment, then fell silent, looking at the flashing neon lights in the distance.

That majestic demeanor only lasted for a moment, and the old man in the deep valley collapsed. He said easily: "Let me guess... In the battle between you and Ragnarok, you won and lost, right?"

"Why do you say that?"

"You won, because you did lead the young - almost young Odin, to defeat Nidhogg, the Black Dragon of Despair. You lost, because you failed to get what you wanted, and again Lost Him.”

Sleipnir cheered up and said with a smile: "It is indeed the destiny book of Morning Star... Can you calculate this too?"

The old man in Shengu rubbed his hands and smiled enthusiastically: "Oh, the guest's forehead is covered with black clouds and the golden light is dim. He looks like he has lost money... Come and draw a prize! I won't lie to anyone about the luck of the draw. I’ll lie to you!”

Sleipnir's head was full of black lines: "The golden light is dim because if the light is too strong, I won't be able to see the road on both sides... And I'm a horse, so where does my face come from?"

"Everything has a face!" the old man in Shengu said matter-of-factly, "Come, come, come, it's better to act than to move your heart..."

The playful and smiling expression froze on his face, and the old man in the valley suddenly stopped talking. He looked into the distance, staring in the direction that Sleipnir had been looking at, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice: "... What is that thing?"

"What I originally wanted to exchange for the Oath of Frigga." Sleipnir replied, "It was the love and compassion of a cruel person, a drop of the king's tears and her few tenderness, a person who can turn the world around The promise of time and rules…”

"... He embraced love and saved the world she was in," Sleipnir said softly, "and her love saved him."

The holy nun has raised her arm, something beyond her control, but what she did is indeed happening. Unknown memories revived before her eyes, and the pages of the book turned rapidly like heavy snow. She saw blazing fire, saw the city that would never see the light of day illuminated by the fire, and saw the flowers withering and flying in the fire.

In the broken light and shadow and the overwhelming picture, she then saw the huge moon crossing the horizon, a mechanical giant as tall as a mountain and sea rising from the ground, its shoulders covered with tearful moonlight; she saw the girl of the four seasons flying into the sky, and the sky was filled with light spots. Like a sea of dandelions; seeing the Golden Palace rising from the ground, the river full of bones roaring endlessly...

In a daze, she seemed to be being held by someone's hand and running away on the crumbling bone bridge, and her skin was in pain from being splashed by the river water. The moment she was pushed to the shore, she finally saw the man's broken face clearly. Those familiar and clear blue eyes looked at her tenderly and told her to run forward and don't look back.

The sight stretched infinitely, and the last thing the Holy Sister saw was a tower reaching the sky. The top of the tower was covered with golden light, and flowers were in full bloom. A girl in heavy clothes stood on the top of the tower and looked down at the world. As if sensing her eyes, the hem of her clothes fluttered, and the girl slowly turned around. Her white hair was like a pile of snow, and her blue eyes were like the sea.

Two identical faces looked at each other across time and space, and the girl whispered: "I'm still back, you can never get rid of me again."

The holy nun said in shock: "It's's you!"

The heart of her lover that she had banished to hell, the part that she thought she had abandoned forever, but escaped from the shackles and merged with herself again... When did it escape from hell? When did the fusion begin

The holy nun instantly understood all the joints, why the two humans wanted to persuade her to return to the uncanny valley, and why she suddenly took back the Jade Record... The moment she stepped onto the uncanny valley, the trap was established, and everything was for This heart, in order for it to meet myself again!

The fury of calculation filled her body, and the Holy Sister roared: "Do you think you can control me like this?! It's just a heart, it can't stop the destiny of mankind!"

"But now I am you, and you are me." The Holy Son stretched out his hand, "At this minute, this second, I don't care about the fate of mankind, I just want to... pity the fate of one person."

She whispered: "Don't die!"

Two completely different expressions appear on the same face. The left face of the Holy Nun is a tearful expression of compassion, and the right face is a boiling Shura expression. The characters spit out by the Holy Son are as light as moonlight, and the Holy Nun roars in anger. It's like a raging flame.

"-do not die!"

Jade Record radiates unparalleled light, which reaches directly to the sky, penetrates the earth, and reaches the deepest inner world.

A ray of light fell on the messy grass.

Hela stopped suspiciously, not understanding where this change came from. She held the spear and was about to pull out the small ball of light in the pool of blood, "What the hell is this..."

Before the arrogant smile formed at the corner of her mouth, the spear suddenly shattered into powder the moment it came into contact with her. She was knocked tens of meters away by the force of the recoil, and she also plowed deep ravines in the snow!

"Master!" Garm's expression changed. He rushed to intercept Hela, and he was also hit so hard that his blood surged.

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The light group was still expanding, like a dense cocoon, from which countless pure white tentacles were drawn out, wrapping the young man's scarred body. It floated upward, and Hattie followed it with his eyes, saying in disbelief: "Impossible! He is already dead, how can he still break free from the shackles of the other world?!"

She knew in her heart, and the remaining seven people also knew in their hearts, that Xie Yuanyuan became the God King Odin at the expense of himself, and smashed Ragnarok at the expense of his identity as the God King. Now he is just an ordinary dead person - even Not even as good as an ordinary dead person. Saving the world comes at a cost, no matter how great a good thing it is.

In the past, he could assassinate death itself, but now he is forgotten by the world, lying alone in an unknown corner. Xie Yuanyuan has reversed the future of the Uncanny Valley, so he must be the sacrifice for Ragnarok himself. This is the iron law of replacement and the law of conservation. Who can modify it without authorization

It would be fine if the keys with the highest authority of the three executives could barely do it, but He Qin... He Qin is not dead yet, and has not come to the other world. This boy is still forgotten by everyone, except...

… Apart from.

A ridiculous idea suddenly passed through her mind.

No, there is actually someone who can change this iron law, this law, and that is the supreme master of this world, the demigod who has transcended the constraints of intelligent life and stepped into a higher realm, Saint Sister Theresa.

But how is this possible

Just like a person wouldn't care about the life or death of an ant, how could she care about a person's life

"This is a loophole... This must be a loophole!"

The white light is still spreading, seeming to cover all the way to the edge of the other world, with the big cocoon at its center. The hallucination engulfed the members of Muspelheim in an instant—there was a figure standing under the cocoon. She was dressed in such a grand red dress, and her white hair was flowing like the snow feathers of a swan.

Fafnir said horrified: "Holy... Holy Son!"

The lover's heart of the Red Nun, the Holy Nun, was finally released by those people!

He had already guessed why the Holy Son appeared here, and he struggled: "Wait... wait! You can't save him, and you can't kill us! You love everyone. This is an equal feeling, how can there be bias? You are denying the meaning of your own existence!”

Under the extremely bad premonition, he forgot that in the city that never sleeps, the furious Holy Son had tried to kill him thousands of times.

"Yes, I love everyone." The Holy Son smiled slightly, and that smile contained too much tenderness. A smile is a legend, and a smile is endless wars and epics. "But between love and love, there is also different."

She stretched out her hand to touch the cocoon body and said softly: "-I love you the way you die. Is this also an equal emotion?"

The pages of Cuiyulu's book moved automatically without wind, and then the page was turned gently. Eight light spots were blown out by the fragile paper and turned into scattered dust in the air.

“You have been expelled from this day, and from now on you no longer have unlimited opportunities and life,” said the Son. “Ashes will return to ashes, and dust will return to dust.”

Hela let out a scream of terror. Her body collapsed, like the irresistible sand between her fingers. They had no authority to resurrect the next time. The Holy Son who had fused with Ceresa was also the master of Cuiyulu. Cuiyu The record determined their death!

Huge, irresistible pain was inflicted on their souls, which was an experience Xie Yuanyuan had experienced before. The biting cold eroded into every corner of their brains. They fell downwards and collapsed helplessly into the blizzard. The gravity of the earth pulled them endlessly until their mouths and noses were covered by snow, their sight was submerged, and everything was submerged.

The Holy Son looked at the white cocoon and whispered: "Don't get hurt. If you encounter danger, I hope Feng can fly far and high like a butterfly, okay?"

This is what she said when she gave the straw butterfly to Xie Yuanyuan in the past, and now she repeats it again, her voice flows slowly, and the cocoon slowly cracks, bursting out thousands of rays of brilliance.

-Xie Yuanyuan is the butterfly that emerged from the cocoon.

"So, they are a pair of lovers?" Old Man Shengu asked doubtfully, "It's related to the Cuiyulu, and I can't figure out what its owner is like."

"No," Sleipnir glanced at him deeply, "This is what puzzles me the most. Love that has no connection and should not be reciprocated can actually give him the ability to resist Ragnarok. Courage allows her to change the rules of life and death to save him... Why?"

The old man in Shengu smiled.

"How can there be a why? Anything that can answer the why is not called love." He sighed, "There is no reason for this thing. If you want to get the answer, why not ask n-star to find you a human reincarnation? Like your Odin..."

"No need, I don't have that plan." Sleipnir interrupted his suggestion, "Besides, he is no longer my Odin."

"...Duplicity." Old Man Shengu muttered and shrugged, "It's up to you, that's what I just said anyway."

Consciousness gradually returned, Xie Yuanyuan opened his eyes blankly, and found that the surroundings were pure white, and he was lying naked among a pile of... a pile of white weeds.

"What a scam!" He jumped three feet high in fright, "What's going on? Am I dead? What does this mean, I'm resurrected again?"

Suddenly recalling the tragic situation before his death, how he was fucked and riddled with holes by the beasts of Muspelheim, Xie Yuanyuan felt angry and wished he had the sword in his hand right now | I have the dog's head, I can go up and chop it off Let’s talk about it again.

As soon as he jumped up, he was startled.

He stared blankly at the glowing white barrier in front of him, and couldn't help but carefully stretched out his hand and slowly pressed it on it.

Xie Yuanyuan felt an extremely familiar breath, his lips moved, and the name lingered between his lips and teeth, but he couldn't spit it out.

"Even in the other three seasons, you were just the most ordinary and inconspicuous green leaf, but now in your own season, you have really turned into the most dazzling and passionate red leaf..." Through a thin layer of obstacles, Xie Yuanyuan heard someone sigh sadly, "Fly, you butterfly."

"Holy Son... Holy Son!" Xie Yuanyuan slapped the barrier excitedly, wanting to break it open to see her again, but the barrier in front of him was so tough that he couldn't tear it open even with all his strength, "Holy Son!"

He felt like he was being pushed up, getting further and further away from the girl he loved. This eggshell and cocoon-like thing brought him to the ground. It seemed to have exhausted a lot of energy and finally became thin. He waited until the rising momentum stopped, then used his hands and feet to break open it, and then rolled down in embarrassment. go out.

Finally, he saw the familiar land in front of him. At this moment, Xie Yuanyuan suddenly heard a familiar... familiar roar.

"Xie Yuanyuan! You bastard!"