The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 283


By the time Wen Zheliu arrived, it was already too late.

"Run, run faster!"

"If you don't run faster, your ass will be ruined!"

"Help, help! Help!"

The monster's dull roar and sharp howl were mixed together, and occasionally there were a few gloating urgings... Wen Zheliu and He Qin stepped on the wall to take a look, and immediately fell silent.

Like cats playing with mice, two eyeless monsters chased a fat ball of mud back and forth, grinning to bite... No, maybe it was a person, but he was too dirty, and the way to escape was on the ground. The way he was rolling around made him look like a ball of mud rather than a human being.

"What are you... doing?" Wen Zheliu was stunned, and He Qin was also startled for a moment, "This, this..."

This scene was simply too weird. Xie Yuanyuan looked like a playboy in the old society who bullied men and women, riding on the monster, yelling and laughing wildly. Du Zijun looked like a feudal patriarch in the old society who protected the playboys, just hanging next to him. His eyes were glaring, as if he was about to speak slowly to the victim who came to ask for an explanation in the next second. Young people like to play and make troubles. As long as he doesn't kill anyone, he is still a good boy...

… Good boy, what a good boy! What the hell is this? If he wasn’t hallucinating, then these two were hallucinating, and their characters were all wrong!

Xie Yuanyuan turned around and said hurriedly: "Ah, brother, are you here?"

He Qin patted the eyeless monster on its back and told it to move forward: "Who is this? Time is very tight."

He looked at Du Zijun: "You also let him do whatever you want?"

Du Zijun put down his gun and sighed: "It is also important to combine work and rest."

Wen Zheliu stared at the rolling mud ball. Although the owner changed sides and the player did not say anything at this time, the innate malice against humans of the eyeless monsters still surged in their bones, and they still used sharp and sharp weapons. The poisonous claws pulled the exhausted man back and forth, as if he were rolling a ball of yarn.

After rolling back and forth, the man's face was finally exposed in front of Wen Zheliu. Even though it was covered with soil marks, the familiar facial features and expressions still flashed through his mind like lightning, causing him to scream: "Liu Tianxiong?! "

He Qin turned his head and frowned: "Your cousin?"

The two eyeless monsters that were about to extend their claws shrank back, hurriedly retreated, and quietly disappeared into the dark shadows of the alley, making no sound.

Liu Tianxiong opened his mouth. After a brief shock, he wanted to jump up and bite off a piece of meat from Wen Zheliu: "Wen Zheliu! You are not dead yet, you..."

When Wen Zheliu was still staying at his house, Liu Tianxiong liked to tease him. Wen Zheliu usually didn't like to talk at home, but he was not vague when making moves. In the early two years, because of the threat of relics, Wen Zheliu often tolerated it, but later he didn't want to tolerate it anymore. Every fight was easy and easy to fight without water, and he could not defeat Liu Tianxiong's habitual arrogance. After all, Liu Tianxiong's sense of superiority was It will not disappear - every day before adulthood, Wen Zheliu can only be an orphan living under the shelter of others.

"Bite him to death." He Qin said with a smile.

Before Liu Tianxiong finished speaking, the monster who had restrained himself immediately jumped out from the shadows, wrapped its long tongue around his chest, and threw him upward!

"Ah!" Liu Tianxiong was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly and his voice was so high that it broke.

"...Forget it, there's no need to kill him, we still have business to do." Wen Zheliu shook his head. The eyeless monster noticed his attitude, and the dense teeth that were about to close froze, so he had to close them first. The person was rolled up and thrown aside. But the monsters didn't understand restraint. They only followed orders. Liu Tianxiong hit the wall hard and screamed in pain.

He Qin said: "Bite him to death."

The eyeless monster caught it again and threw it up blankly.

"…don't bite."

Toss aside.

"Bite to death."

Throw it up.

"You should listen to me or him! Don't bite!"

Toss aside.

"Listen to me and bite him to death."

Throw it up.

Xie Yuanyuan and Du Zijun's eyes swayed back and forth, watching the figure like a rubber ball bouncing around. Even Xie Yuanyuan, who wanted to make the fat man angry at first, now shrank his neck and hesitated. Said: "Well, brother, stop playing... If you keep doing this, people will be killed by being bitten or thrown to death..."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Wen Zheliu opened his mouth and looked at Liu Tianxiong who was lying on the ground like a dead pig. He couldn't help but feel ashamed. He was too busy fighting with his boyfriend to notice his mentally retarded cousin. He glared at He Qin: "Stop making trouble and leave quickly! We are still wasting time here, the Holy Sisters will be waiting for us, right?"

"Hey, Ji Ji Ji," He Qin teased him, "The balance between work and rest is also very important."

Wen Zheliu was too lazy to pay attention to him. He looked down at Liu Tianxiong on the ground, put down a tube of potion, and said, "I took back the house your family bought with my money, and I've thought about it too. I haven't asked you for so many years." The rent your family requires should be regarded as alimony. If you don’t believe it, just go back and ask your parents and see what they will answer you.”

He raised his head and looked into the distance, lowered his head and said: "Run south along the road. That is the direction of the retreat of the large army. I will give you the medicine. It will be more than enough to cure your injuries. The rest... depends on your own luck."

This time He Qin didn't come out to cause trouble again. Wen Zheliu no longer cared about Liu Tianxiong's life and death. The four people passed through the hub of the Oriental Plaza and surrounded the Western Plaza.

SSS-level props: Eternal Time City

Current fusion progress: 100%

Need to wait for resolution Current world time: 24 hours

There are currently: 17:52 minutes: 00 seconds left

The player camp in the Uncanny Valley is still in a stalemate with the Holy Nun. It is suspended in the air like a huge helicarrier, completely covering the east and west of Nova City. In contrast, the Holy Nun and her army look like An ant is so small. But players dare not slack off. Players with intellectual responsibilities from various teams have gathered together and have formed a think tank with thousands of people to analyze the final effect of the Kingdom of Eternity.

The collective efforts of so many people are comparable to a large-scale AI with rapid calculations. The results of brainstorming are transmitted instantly on the communication platform and rejected in an instant. Soon, the think tank settled on a conceptual conclusion.

"The concept of the country, or nation," Bai Jingxing said, "is the principle of the synthesis of the Eternal Kingdom...a kind of aggregate, a kind of cohesive force."

"If a country has 100 million people, then all the damage suffered by this country will be borne by these 100 million people," Gu Xi pondered, "And all the decisions made by this country will be supported by these 100 million people. .”

"Calculated to the Kingdom of Eternity," Xi Ling said, "all the attacks it receives are shared by its people; all the attacks it launches are also concentrated by the people's strength... It does not seem appropriate to say that it is a human sea tactic. It should be called a national tactic."

"So, how many living individuals are currently synthesized in Wanshi Kingdom?"

Bai Jingxing chaired the think tank. He raised his eyes and took a deep look at the player who asked the question.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine... This is the limit of Emperor Wa's land."

The players present exchanged glances with each other, unable to hide their emotions. After the shock, there was endless confidence. With a magnitude close to tens of millions, even if it is a disaster that can destroy the world, how much power can be left after being diluted tens of millions of times? But now, the Kingdom of Eternity has resisted only a few attacks from the Holy Nun, and there are countless humans shrouded in its shadow, waiting for support at any time.

Yu Hongyao stood at the top of the Golden Palace and received this message simultaneously. His long sleeves are flying like immortals in the wind. This is the highest point. From his perspective, the people of Wanshi Kingdom are like a swarming ant colony, and the players and intelligent life below are like a swarm of ants in the air. Precipitated dust. The holy nun faced him far away, and her radiance was like a distant sun.

There is no one around, not even the members of the gods are far away from the scope of this golden palace. He is like an ancient priest standing on an astrological platform. He can reach out and fiddle with the stars in the sky, and use the bright gravel to divine the future of the world.

The Holy Sister was far away from him, but he could feel that she was looking at him carefully with her eyes.

Cuiyulu's first attack on the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Worlds was like the mythical flood that destroyed the world, flooding down from the sky. The second attack was wrapped in unparalleled thunder and fire, like an angel overturning the wine glass of the Seven Deadly Sins. Both attacks were neutralized by the Kingdom of Eternity, and the player analyzed some of its attributes based on the results of the two attacks. At this time, the Holy Nun had not yet launched another attack.

"Even if you die, do you still have to defy fate?" she suddenly asked.

Yu Hongyao was thousands of miles away from her, but these words still reached his ears without any hindrance. He didn't expect that the Holy Sister would talk to him, so he couldn't help but pause.

In fact, beauty and ugliness have no meaning in her eyes. She has seen the most magnificent and glorious Palace of Destiny, and has also experienced the most vicious and despicable cruelty. But at this moment, she looks at this human being standing alone on the top of the Golden Palace, with all his clothes on his sleeves. Flying majestically in the wind, standing so high with only flying clouds around her, she suddenly became interested in asking questions.

Yu Hongyao didn't speak, his pipe was stuck in his belt. Although he still maintained a standing posture, his pupils were already a little dilated. The Holy Nun's question hit the mark. The power of thousands of high-level players activated the Wa Empire, and he was the center of the gathering of power. How strong must a person's mental strength be to be able to control an SS-level item that can compete with God

He will indeed die, and if there is no accident, his death will be an event with a high probability.

Yu Hongyao smiled faintly. As a man, his smile could be described as charming.

"You can ask this to most of the people here. You don't have to ask me alone."

The holy nun said softly: "I just think... it's a pity."


"You often say that there is nothing after death, and you use this sentence to solve many dilemmas and endure humiliation. But judging from your actions, it is obvious that you do not agree with this sentence."

Seeing that Yu Hongyao just smiled and did not say anything, the Holy Sister continued: "I have seen everyone's record of breaking through the level, including yours. I can tell that you are not an upright opponent, and you don't even have much awareness of facing the enemy head-on. But your qualifications and strength, as well as your will to win, are still worthy of being called a hero."

"I feel pity for the hero, my friend," the holy nun sighed. "You must know that you are all short-lived creatures, but you can use a moment to ignite the afterglow of glory for generations. Isn't it a pity? The value of man is based on what he created. The value will be determined, and as long as you live, you will continue to create value... Yes, life has high and low levels. When facing noble heroes, even gods must look down with pity."

Yu Hongyao laughed softly.

"Yes, people have high and low status. I agree with you, God of the virtual world!" A layer of invisible blood smeared from the inside of his lips, "There is only one thing I cannot agree with."

"Oh?" The Holy Sister tilted her head with interest.

"The conditions for obtaining the Wa Emperor's Land are very harsh." He said, "It requires players to cultivate the barren land in each game world for several years, more than ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years before it will randomly appear in the land. In front of you. Someone has estimated that in countless game worlds, a player who focuses all his talent points on luck will have to struggle for an average of sixty-three years before he is likely to be favored by it. When it appears, the sky becomes dark Chaos, the earth also becomes chaotic, all the creatures in front of you disappear, and when you pinch a handful of soil, you will find that the prototype of a world is held up in your palm."

"At that time, I was still an unknown little player. I met a man in the wilderness of an unknown game. He had been cultivating this land for more than forty years, from his youth to his deathbed. that moment."

Yu Hongyao had habitually slowly pulled out the pipe, but did not light it. He just rubbed it in his hand, "He is not satisfied in reality and came to Xinxing City to escape. He has worked for more than forty years and only wants to I am an undisturbed old farmer, and I have never thought about god-level props. When I met him, he was already very old and dying soon. I was also being hunted by my enemies at the time, so I hid in the Then, I took care of him for half a month and sent him on his last journey."

"He was very happy when he died. He said that he had no wife or children in his life, but when he died, he met a stranger who was like a son... He left everything he had to me, the wooden house, the land, the farm tools... where he was buried. For a moment, I watched the dust bury his face, the sky became chaotic, and the mist rose from the ground. I supported the tombstone, bent down by accident, and grabbed a handful of dirt - I wanted to collect it as a souvenir."

The ashes burned slowly, approaching Yu Hongyao's lips, with a subtle tremor. He took a puff, leaving a faint blood mark on the cigarette holder.

Yu Hongyao said: "That day, I created the Divine Creation."

"Does the value of a person really only lie in the value of living?" He looked deeply at the Holy Sister, "I have been thinking about this issue since I got the land of Emperor Wa. Finally, I figured out that a well-deserved death is better than anything else. Everything must be rare and precious. You said that I am a hero, and yes, I think so from the bottom of my heart. So what kind of grand and well-deserved ending is worthy of me, a god-given hero, worthy of being among the legendary heroes? Where is the land of Emperor Wa?"

The holy nun listened to his ramblings quietly, with a cold smile on her lips.

"...The answer is you, Holy Sister, claiming to be God's creation." He smiled faintly, "Are you destiny? Then I will compete with God for destiny."

The pipe was spinning and falling. He pressed his heart pulse with one hand, pushed forward with the other hand, and yelled: "Huang Tu, get up!"

The capital trembled, and the land roared like thousands of dragons rising into the sky. Li Rong stood in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, his whole body burning like fire, and he whispered: "Please, Suiren."

Richardson was holding the crystal skull, and all the players of the dark class were stationed below the Kingdom of Eternity, hanging upside down from the ground. He did not speak, but just held the skull high. The world of the dead was only silent.

Bai Jingxing unloaded the Staran Bow, Liao Binglu waved away the veil of ignorance, Chi Qingliu felt like he was in a cocoon with thousands of threads, the twelve Immortal Executioners sword arrays appeared on the ground, and the mechanical legion covered the sky... a thousand, ten thousand. , hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, meteor-like light rain bloomed. However, this rain did not fall from the sky to the ground, but swept from the ground to the sky.

Any attack - even if it is just throwing a small stone forward, multiplied by ten million, the consequences will be unimaginable, not to mention that this is not throwing a stone, this is a real killing move, exhausting all human power. the limit reached.

The holy nun didn't smile either. This light was far better than the sun and moonlight, far better than the starlight and the aurora, and more beautiful than anything else in the world put together. In her eyes, human life is always like an ant, but she forgot one thing. The courage of an ant is also courage. Together, they are strong enough to raise a sword of resistance towards God!

This blow not only penetrated the Holy Nun, but also penetrated the sky of Nova City. It penetrated from one world to another. Behind the virtual curtain, the incomplete data structure was exposed in front of everyone like scattered bones.

Tens of millions of artillery fires, with a firing time of up to seven minutes. This is not like an attack on a single target. This is more like a war between planets. There is absolutely nothing else in the dark universe, only The world-destroying light waves dispersed in all directions, determining the life and death of all living beings.

At this point, Wanshiguo's opportunities for defense and attack have been exhausted. Wen Zheliu and He Qin were galloping through the silent streets - it would not be accurate to say it was silent. Apart from the deafening roar and the white light that drowned the Nova City, there was nothing else in their ears or in front of their eyes.

Even the optical brain, which cannot be damaged and will only be automatically recycled when the player dies, is shattered in the void at this moment. Only the progress bar of Time City flashes and still remains in their sight.

Time City is an SSS-level prop. Logically speaking, its authority is much higher than that of the Kingdom of All Worlds. However, its display is also affected by the Kingdom of All Worlds. Does this mean that this attack has a 3S-level power

He Qin protected Wen Zheliu's back, and thanks to Wansiguo, Time City's synchronization rate also generally increased.

sss■Props: Eternity… Time City

Current Fusion: 100%

Need to wait... Current time: 24 hours

Now… Remaining: 1 hour: 2 minutes: 35 seconds

finished? The players are all anxiously waiting for the result. They look up at the empty and disorderly virtual space, praying hard that the Holy Nun will die from this blow...or be seriously injured by this blow.

They have tried their best and put everything on the table for huge gambles. Those who put everything on the line will never have a second chance.

"Look," the Holy Sister smiled lowly, looking across the eager faces, "They really want me to die."

The pages of the Cuiyulu book floated in front of her without any wind, emitting a faint light.

"There has never been such a selfish race in the world. They created me, tortured me, and finally wanted to destroy me... Courage? Let me tell you, courage is also an original sin of arrogance. Do you agree?"

She raised her head and faced the person in front of her with her blindfolded eyes.


Abel stared at her bitterly.

"Don't stop me," she whispered, "nor my hatred and ambition."

Abel whispered, "Don't hate them. If you want to, hate me."

Hate me, hate that the timing of our meeting was wrong, hate that you are not a human woman, and I am not a human man. I hate that the sunset that day was too sad, that the mountain road was too long, and that the clothes were so thin that the blood from your wound spread to my back and burned like fire.