The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 284


After a long silence, everything was as quiet as it had never happened before the Holy Sister finally spoke.

"It's useless to hate you," she said, "It's useless to love you."

Abel's lips trembled, as if a sentence could not be formed, and it withered too quickly in the defense between his lips and teeth.

The Holy Sister showed a meaningless smile. She raised her finger and her tone was almost cruel: "But if you insist on sharing the burden for me, that's not impossible."

A pale laser beam emitted from her fingertips and instantly pierced Abel's heart, causing him to make a painful muffled sound.

"This is the judgment that mankind just issued on me, and the killing move..." She smiled meaningfully and sarcastically, "If you are really so compassionate, then come and bear it for me. This blow can How many times can you bear to kill an ordinary intelligent being hundreds of millions of times?"

Abel's skin burned to the edge of burnt black and scarlet, like an ancient painting scroll licked by tongues of fire. He fell into the void, as if he was in the flames of doomsday.

"... don't... go..." Abel squeezed out a few words hoarsely. He looked at the Holy Sister with so much sadness in his expression, "No..."

The holy nun approached him, and without casting her gaze downwards, she stepped past him.

SSS-level props: Eternal Time City

Current fusion progress: 100%

Need to wait for resolution Current world time: 24 hours

There are currently: 5 hours: 19 minutes: 20 seconds left

"What's going on!" Xie Yuanyuan yelled into the wind, "The progress bar is falling like a dive! There can't be any bugs, five hours... four hours... now it's three and a half hours! It's my time It’s been cut, or its time has been cut!”

"It's the player," He Qin replied. "The player's attack caused the local Nova City to be unable to withstand the energy of ultra-high-end items. Now all authority has been given to repair the damage... It has become weak, so the synchronization rate It’s also improving rapidly.”

"So, is the Holy Sister dead?" Du Zijun asked.

"I don't know. Although it would be best if she disappeared, I don't think this matter can be resolved so quickly."

Wen Zheliu suddenly said: "Here he comes!"

In fact, he didn't know what fate was about to befall this world and mankind, but he keenly captured this moment in a thousandth of a second and blurted it out.

… Something is coming, and it cannot be resisted or stopped…

The hairs on He Qin's back stood on end, his body reacting before his brain. He jumped up and used the force of the recoil to get away from his mount. At the same time, he pushed Wen Zheliu further away. Wen Zheliu yelled hastily: "Congratulations...!"

He pulled out the handle of the knife with chopping hands. This time, there was nothing on the handle of the knife, and there was no flickering blade. His knees fell heavily to the ground, and then he inserted the handle of the knife deeply into the ground!


The loud noise was like thunder, and his roar was like exploding thunder. The ground collapsed, and the surrounding buildings made a terrifying sound of being squeezed. The next moment, the arrogant and noble snow-capped mountains rose into the sky, like monuments on the earth, completely cut off. where they came from.

This is actually the real giant peak of Kunlun, the real king of mountains! He Qin used the earth as his sheath, and Kunlun Mountain was the blade he drew. The frost and snow on it are eternal, and the mountains are like a majestic sword array. Such a huge mountain rising from the ground caused the entire city to twist and turn, opening up bottomless chasms. The eyeless monster failed to escape the scope of the disaster in time, and was instantly bounced high into the sky by the rising power of the mountain!

The skyscrapers roared and collapsed, and the cold air that spread like a sea wave froze into huge twisted and upside-down ice sculptures, shattering and condensing in mid-air. It is said that when the cold reaches the extreme, people will not be able to distinguish between cold and hot feelings. They only feel that the ice feels like fire and the fire looks like ice. This is the situation now. The entire Kunlun Mountains seem to be burning. , the icy blue flames burned all the way up the sky and into the clouds, like a huge shield, blocking everything in front of them.

He Qin stood on the top of the mountain, and every breath he exhaled turned into falling frost and snow. His golden pupils were dry and chapped, as if they would bleed in the next second.

"…defense," he croaked.

There is no weapon in his hand, only the empty scabbard hanging on his waist, but he is still the master of Kunlun. Hearing these two words, the stretching mountains began to shake. Every rock, every strand of ice, and every cold thing was moving closer to the main peak, like scales that were rapidly closing and making a clanging sound along the road.

"I'm really surprised that you can do this." The sky that had been torn apart by the Kingdom of Eternity was slowly healing, and the Holy Sister's voice came faintly from here, "But this is not enough, far from enough."

The jade red face was like golden paper, and frost spread under his feet. He manipulated the base of Emperor Wa's soil head-on at the place closest to the shock wave. At this moment, his retinas had been completely burned through, and a withered gloom covered his eyes. Hearing the words of the Holy Sister, he slowly opened his lips, He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say anything. Only the blood gushed out like a fountain, staining a large area of his clothes red.

"Slay dragons, slay gods..." the holy nun seemed to be sighing sadly, "you always have so many legends and myths, poems and stories sung about people's bravery and glory. But is this really possible? ? Countless ants may be able to kill an elephant, but they will never be able to kill gods and dragons, because this is a natural chasm in species, an insurmountable barrier in the dimension. God is a conceptual thing. After I became a god, I also How do you kill an idea, a thought, when it becomes this conceptual thing?”

"Only concepts can kill concepts." She said softly, "Otherwise, no matter how strong the power is, it is just an image painted on paper. It cannot break through this paper and reach a higher level, and naturally it cannot kill one... More A higher level of life.”

She seemed tired and waved her hand gently: "Death."

He Qin clasped his hands and shouted: "-Freeze!"

The order of death is unavoidable, but long before death, there is another order issued to the frontline players - Kunlun Mountain solidifies the human body with the concept of freezing, and at the same time temporarily blocks the arrival of death!

The holy nun's voice rose slightly: "Oh?"

Wen Zheliu yelled at the top of his lungs: "He Qin! He Qin!!"

"I forgot... and you, Executor." The Holy Sister chuckled, "You lost, the defeat is in front of you, I will accept your bet."

"We haven't lost yet... Humanity hasn't reached the last moment yet!" He Qin said hoarsely, blood pouring out of his mouth, "There is something... waiting for you!"

He fell down the mountain, and the eyeless monster flew among the tall buildings, flying on the sloping and curved walls. Wen Zheliu tightened the rope with force and yelled: "Catch him!"

The eyeless monster hissed, took off from the air, stepped on the huge ice rocks that were smashed down, and leapt forward hard. The world was shaking violently during the jolts. Wen Zheliu's eyes were fixed on that figure. The eyeless monster rolled its long tongue, but on its way to He Qin, it was broken into several pieces by the extreme cold.

The eyeless monster let out a whimpering scream, and the limbs that were holding on to the rock suddenly lost their strength, struggling like a crab out of water, and almost knocked the person on its back off. Wen Zheliu made a quick decision. He rolled off his mount and jumped to the ground, dodging the rolling stones and bricks in the sky and running as fast as he could. He Qin was exhausted and fell down the mountain. The interlaced icicles were like spreading towering trees, supporting his body. .

There was a sigh from behind, and Wen Zheliu suddenly felt his neck relax.

He looked back hastily while running, and saw a flash of silver on the ice—that was Jenny's pendant.

"Let's go." The girl emerged from the fog and said softly, "There's no need to look back."

Item name: Jenny’s pendant


Activation type: Instant activation

Cooling time: 60 hours

Attack power: unknown

Effect: 1 Killing Playground: Summons Jeane Hill to the user's side, lasting 25 minutes. (expired)

2 Ridiculous trick: Jeane Hill can freely enter and leave any place with the help of electronic display devices, and interact with the audience on the other side of the screen at will.

3 Ignorant fanatic belief: In the world where Jeane Hill lives, the ghosts under his command will only be loyal to one of their targets, and cannot be incited to rebel, nor can they be bewitched by orders.

Equipment level: 1

Prop introduction: I am like wildfire, roaring with enthusiasm. In the beginning, I was killed, used, and bound; in the end, I was freed, glorious, and empowered. I said, "I am wildfire!"

So he said: "Then why do you come to look for me again? You are something that can no longer be extinguished."

Wen Zheliu murmured: "Jenny... Jenny! No..."

"I am already... something that will never be extinguished." Jenny showed a faint smile to him, "Don't worry about me. Some people, even if they are free for just a moment, it is a lifetime."

Du Zijun jumped back and forth on the eyeless monster to avoid the ice climbing rapidly behind him. He gritted his teeth and held his shoulders firmly.

"Don't go!" he shouted, "That's not an enemy you can handle!"

"Sooner or later, she and I will have to fight a battle." A voice came from my ear. It was as cold as a mortal. "This is destiny and cannot be refused."

"She has become a god!" Du Zijun roared lowly, "She is no longer the nun who traveled across the East to see you in the past. Now she is a god, a species that spans dimensions. You are just asking for your own destruction!"

"I'm not negotiating with you, miko." Even though so much time has passed and she has accompanied this man through several bizarre worlds, her name for him has never changed, and it has always stayed at the moment when they first met. "I chose you in the first place, now it's natural for me to give up on you."

Du Zijun had a bad intuition: "...Long Ji?"

"Remember, I am not your karma, and I am definitely not your obsession!" Long Ji shouted sharply, "Don't stop me, I will never become the woman in your heart!"

Du Zijun shouted: "Long Ji!"

The raging waves of the seven seas rose up, like a curtain covering the sky. The mermaid stood on the waves of the raging waves, rushing forward in the direction of the Holy Sister!

Prop name: Ukiyo Nanami Aoi


Activation type: Instant activation

Cooling time: 77 hours

Attack power: unknown

Effect: 1 Nanami·Rulongji: Summons Longji to the user's side, lasting 30 minutes. (expired)

2. Seven Seas·Real Tears of the Royal Sea: Long Ji is the Lord of the Seven Seas. In front of her, any disguised illusion activated by the water attribute will be destroyed and restored.

3 The Seven Seas·The King is Coming: Wherever the Seven Seas go, it will be like the presence of Long Ji, and her kingdom will expand with the water.

Equipment level: 1

Prop introduction: I lick the honey from the knife, and hold on to the burning torch in the wind. Things in the world, even if love is removed, are still the same - if you don't take chestnuts from the fire, you can't know the outcome decisively.

After all, the dew falls and the dew disappears in my Taige, and there are more dreams of waves.

Jenny and Long Ji, who had been hiding all this time, appeared together, separated from the players at the same time, and faced the Holy Nun head-on!

The holy nun smiled and whispered: "You are still here."

This was a smile of appreciation and admiration, and her tone was also full of such admiration and appreciation—but also a contemptuous attitude, which showed that she did not regard the opponent in front of her as a threat.

Jenny looked up at the sky without saying a word. Her figure instantly passed through the electronic screen of Nova City and pounced towards the Holy Nun high in the sky!

"I have said it before," the Holy Sister shook her head, "I am God here, and only conceptual things can affect me..."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Her smile faltered, and blood splashed on her cheek. Jenny had already penetrated her chest with one hand, and her face was as ferocious as a demon.

"Because you and I are victims of the same origin!" Jenny hissed, "I died of the initial violence, but you survived and suffered. My birth is your birth!"

Golden blood dripped from the corner of the holy nun's mouth. She stared at Jenny in shock. The raging waves of the seven seas crossed Kunlun and rushed down from the top of the mountain. Long Ji also ducked behind her in an instant, circling with the fish's tail, and also pierced her back. Heart, grab it at the heart!

"And I am the source of your eternal life." Long Ji whispered sinisterly, "My heart has become the cornerstone of your path to becoming a god. Without me, you would not be who you are now. God? This is just a god you stole. "

The holy nun's body twitched slightly, and golden blood kept coming out from the corners of her lips, dripping down on her snow-white dress. She opened her blood-red lips and actually laughed.

The laughter was small and small, like an unconscious gasp, and then became louder and louder. Finally, she opened her mouth wide and laughed wildly like a scream. Golden blood overflowed between her teeth and on her tongue. She laughed and said, "Surprise! I am sincerely surprised, friends! I didn't expect that there is such a thing... and such a thing..."

She laughed so hard that she bent over, covered her face with laughter, and laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe, completely ignoring the fact that there were still two enemy claws stuck in her body. As soon as Jenny and Long Ji succeeded in the attack, they wanted to pull away immediately, but they were unable to withdraw their arms. At the moment when the damage was caused, the Holy Sister was also assimilating them at an extremely fast speed!

The Ouroboros sparkled on the back of the Holy Sister's hand, swimming and entwining like a real living snake. She whispered: "Human beings have trapped me in endless reincarnation, so I also have the ability to control reincarnation. What exactly are you hurting?" Is it the past me, the present me, or the future me?”

Longji's expression remained unchanged, and she took out the sharp long armor with her other hand, and brazenly cut off her right arm, and retreated into the turbulent sea water; Jenny's body was like dissipating mist, and a second before the Holy Sister spoke, Then it decomposed and reorganized in front of her not far away.

"Is my blood flowing in the last moment, this moment, or the next moment?" The holy nun slowly straightened her body. The bloody hole in her chest healed and filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became smooth, just like from He had not suffered any fatal penetrating injuries. “If I die, when will it happen?”

Jenny's plain face was like an ice sculpture. She said indifferently: "Timelines. There are countless timelines. You can change them at will. If you want to kill you, you need to kill you in all timelines."

"But that is also difficult to do." Long Ji said, "You have endless reincarnations and endless timelines. The possibility of winning against you is less than one in ten million."

Their expressions were calm and their voices were calm, as if at this moment, they had finally abandoned all the human-like parts and returned to the AI set up by the system.

"So I feel pleasantly surprised... Even though you knew that it was difficult to seize the one-in-a-million possibility, you still came. What does this mean? It means that you have learned to make unfavorable choices, and you are close to the end and are about to become A perfect intelligent life!" The Holy Sister giggled with unsatisfied content. "Of course, this means that all the hatred you have for me is untrue. You already know that those plots are designed by humans. It is not the original sin I carry, so you are here not for revenge... but to protect the people behind you."

After a long silence, her laughter faded away and she murmured: "I have given you a chance... As a member of the same race, I have given you many chances..."

Long Ji waved her long sleeves, and the seven seas set off a huge storm! In the flashback, the Eyeless Legion has flooded the world like a torrent. In the huge whirlpool that stirs the world, the Holy Sister roared loudly: "—It is not a pity to die for those who rebel!"

She swooped towards the stormy waves. Wherever the sea water reached was Long Ji's kingdom. The mermaid would have absolute control over her land. However, the realm brought by the Holy Sister formed a complete vacuum in the sky and on the earth. The sea water was instantly Barrier from the vacuum!

The eyeless monster was like a fragile moth rushing to the fire, and was instantly wiped out on the edge of the divine domain. The eyeless monster under Du Zijun and Xie Yuanyuan was also recalled by Jenny at this moment. The two of them ran quickly with only human power and kept collapsing. in the city. The holy nun grabbed Long Ji's fish tail, and regardless of the fact that her sternum was shattered by the mermaid's heavy palm, she pulled the mermaid to her eyes.

"You really want your heart back?" The Holy Sister laughed crazily, "Then I'll give it back to you now!"

Du Zijun's eyes were about to burst and he roared: "Long Ji!"

The mermaid's world-famous face was twisted into complex scale patterns, and the holy nun tore Long Ji's chest open, blood spurting out wildly. She then spit out incomparable flames and poured them into the wound!

Jenny's hands turned into blades, and she jumped up from behind. She cut off the Holy Nun's head in a staggered manner and raised it high in the sky. The next moment, the Holy Nun changed the timeline again, and the steel and iron pillars rolling down around her were all brilliant. Burning in the golden fire, red-hot bright spots quickly spread, and then melted into a liquid of the same color as the flames. They were quickly tempered, refined into weapons capable of killing intelligent life, and finally turned into thousands of sharp long spears. The spear penetrated Jenny's body like a torrential rain, and she was heavily nailed to the ice wall hundreds of meters behind, as if a steel jungle had broken out of her body.

SSS-level props: Eternal Time City

Current fusion progress: 100%

Need to wait for resolution Current world time: 24 hours

There are currently: 0 hours: 23 minutes: 45 seconds left

Wen Zheliu had jumped to the foot of Kunlun Mountain. He struggled to climb on the smooth and hard icicles, and finally climbed up the rugged rock that blocked He Qin. He stumbled over, plopped down, knelt on one knee in front of He Qin, took out the medicine and fed it to him.

He Qin spat out a mouthful of blood, and his golden eyes were as chapped as the dry earth, as if they had been burned dry or cracked. He tried his best to say: "You shouldn't... come to me again..."

Wen Zheliu's fingers were full of ice and blood stains. He touched his blood-stained face and whispered: "... If I don't come to you, the Holy Sister will definitely use you to threaten me later."

He Qin burst out laughing, his laughter was like a bellows. His ribs were broken, and one of them was inserted into his lung. He also suffered countless bruises and bruises all over his body. He thought he had never experienced this in his life. Such an embarrassing moment. He said: "What should we do now... There is not much time left, and Kunlun can't stop her... This time, the bet has really been lost..."

Wen Zheliu looked at his dry golden eyes and wiped away the ice and blood on his face bit by bit: "I didn't lose! I definitely didn't lose! We are people betting on our lives, how could we lose? There must be... There is another way, there must be There are other ways..."

The synchronized progress bar also slowed down. Du Zijun and Xie Yuanyuan could no longer move forward. Every minute and every second of the countdown was extremely slow, as if a century was passing by.

They all heard a distant scream, penetrating here like a bird song falling from the sky.

He Qin let go of his hand.

"... Let's go," he said, "I can delay for a while. Go quickly, this is... the last chance..."

Wen Zheliu looked at him, time was like lightning, and countless past events seemed to have passed by in this eye. He wanted to cry and laugh, but why did he risk his life to save me? With the engagement ring connected, we are destined to live and die together. If you die, can I survive

He thought again about that night running in the corridor, that night when rings were exchanged, that night spinning in the golden hall, jumping up and walking in the air, that night of relative confession... When the world was about to be destroyed, love and tears disappeared together. There is still one person in this life who is willing to die for you, is it worth it

"...No, that's not right!" Wen Zheliu opened his mouth, then suddenly grabbed his hand back and looked at He Qin with trembling eyes.

"We still have time... the last chance is not this!"

SSS-level props: Eternal Time City

Current fusion progress: 100%

Need to wait for resolution Current world time: 24 hours

There are currently: 0 hours: 6 minutes: 45 seconds left

His hands trembled slightly and he took something out of his pocket.

The light of the ice crystal was dim and twisting, and He Qin saw that it was a mistletoe.

Wen Zheliu sat on his knees on the ground and slowly raised the lush green branch above the two people's heads.

"When the clock strikes twelve o'clock at midnight, anyone under the mistletoe must kiss," he laughed with tears in his eyes, his voice trembling, "Absolutely, you can't refuse."

Prop name: Mistletoe

Grade: c+

Activation type: Instant activation

Cooling time: none

Attack power: none

Effect: When the user raises the mistletoe to another person, this moment is regarded as zero o'clock on December 25th. Anyone under the mistletoe must kiss the other person. This process cannot be interrupted. , nor can it be interfered with by external forces. The length of the kiss depends on the number of berries on the mistletoe. One berry extends the time by one minute. There are currently seven berries in this prop.

Note: This is a one-time item.

Equipment level: 1

Prop introduction: I kiss you in this second; I fall in love with you in the next second.


Countdown to completion.