The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 285


He Qin smiled.

"I don't have... the right to refuse." He said, his golden eyes flashing with exhausted blood. If he wasn't so embarrassed, his smile would have made the mountains and rivers pale. "But this ending... is very good, very good."

Even if the destruction of the world is imminent, you and I still love each other. This is the last second of romance, enough to turn death into a grand banquet.

At the moment when lips and teeth were connected, Wen Zheliu hugged He Qin's body, and the world around his ears suddenly became so quiet, as if everything was no longer important. Time went by, life and death also went by, and the world was in chaos. The only pair of newly born gods opened their eyes. The first thing they saw was each other's childish faces. At that moment, they learned to call each other's names. Also learned to love.

SSS-level props: Eternal Time City

Current fusion progress: 100%

Need to wait for resolution Current world time: 24 hours

Currently there are: 0 hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds left

All parsing has been completed.

Final synchronization rate: 100%

The holy nun roared angrily, like a dragon that had its scales removed. The order she issued was enough to make Kunlun collapse and the earth turn over, but it could not interrupt the seven minutes that determined the fate. The mistletoe emits a faint light, shrouding the two figures leaning against each other, like tiny, luminous drops of rain in the apocalyptic background.

"I am God... I am the God who was, is and will be forever!" the holy nun roared, her voice roaring like thousands of thunders in unison. Her attack is like a natural punishment, but even a natural punishment must be resolved under the rule of "not to be interrupted or interfered with by external forces".

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

Her eyes covered by Yongyuan's veil slowly opened wide. At this moment, she saw her omissions. Just like those two E-level items, the reason why she was able to suppress herself based on attributes alone was this - she was a god. , but she is also a god born from the virtual world and the game.

Just like people can't change their origins, gods born to follow revenge... can't erase their past.

The mark of Time City couldn't help but rotate, and the hourglass formed from the fragments originally had cracked lines. Now golden light bursts out from the cracks, like molten flames, making up for the cracks and casting the hourglass into a seamless whole.

"Eternal..." Wen Zheliu opened his eyes and looked at He Qin.

"... Time City." His lips parted, and He Qin was breathing lightly.

Prop name: Eternal Time City

Level: sss

Activation type: Delayed activation

Cooling time: lookback duration

Attack power: none

Effect: Without any restrictions, the initiator can return to the origin of time where he wants to arrive.

The cooldown time is the time from the time when the item is used to the time when it is recalled, and everything continues as usual from then on.

Equipment level: 1

Prop introduction: In the royal city left in the depths of time, when the scepter, crown and beautiful bride all lose their fragrance and color in the rotation of the four seasons, who is still cheering loudly outside the border, calling for the immortal kingdom, which will never fall? The sun, the immortal king and his subjects

The giant city of crystal finally broke through the sky and descended behind Wen Zheliu. Just as he had seen it in Happy Dawson's vision, the city was deserted and as clear as the first drops of melted snow. Compared to the saintly nun's power of kings, it appears so delicate and fragile, like dewdrops that evaporate at sunrise.

The holy nun took a step back; she had to. If the core of the Uncanny Valley can participate in the rating, then it will not exceed 3 seconds at most. This has reached the point where Jade Record cannot be dismantled. Just like the sun can dry a stream or a river, but it is difficult to dry an ocean.

"Do you think... you can win like this?" the Holy Sister asked softly, "Humans?"

"I know." Wen Zheliu stood up and stood in front of He Qin. At this moment, he was truly alone, facing the gods in the sky. "If I want to kill you, I have to kill you in all timelines, because You are the all-knowing and all-seeing God.”

The Holy Sister looked at the eternal city of time in ecstasy. She looked at it carefully, as if she wanted to carve every detail and line of it deeply into her mind. She whispered: "I am finally sure that I overlooked something... important."

Wen Zheliu frowned slightly and repeated: "Important things."

"Eternal... City of Time." The Holy Sister spoke slowly and walked slowly. She walked on the golden and brilliant clouds as if walking on a hard marble floor. "How did you gather it under my nose?" ?”

"A long time has passed, and I know that you are still wearing something other than the dog tag. That thing will cause irreversible harm to me, but I have no way of knowing what it is, and I even ignored it unintentionally. ." She turned her attention to Wen Zheliu, "It wasn't until I became a god, until this moment, that I finally got to see its true appearance."

Wen Zheliu said: "Even if you come to ask me, I will..."

"Because of it, I am no longer truly omniscient," said the Holy Sister. "Whoever concealed its existence, I have to say, did a good job."

"It sounds like you have accepted the imminent failure of this time?" Wen Zheliu asked calmly. He always stood in front of He Qin and never took a step away.

"It's just once, only this time." The Holy Sister said, "Even if I really lose, will you defeat the past me, the present me, or the future me? If the god in this reincarnation has fallen, can he still defeat me? Start the next reincarnation. Maybe you, all of you, are the heroes who save the world, but I am immortal, human being!"

She finally smiled. Her gaffe only appeared for a moment, and the rest was full of strategic indifference. I think God is such an incomprehensible creature. She doesn't care about failure or death. She controls all time and cause and effect. When the generation that can remember this war has passed away, she will still have enough opportunities to make a comeback. .

Ouroboros shone brightly on the back of her hand, and a halo of ouroboros slowly hovered above her head. Mobius's snake is both the starting point and the end point. It eats itself endlessly, and draws energy from the swallowed parts to grow a new body.

"No." Wen Zheliu said, "Your cycle is not unbreakable."

The holy nun's smile paused, and she heard him continue: "Only I make me a god - the only god you believe in is yourself. According to the plot sequence, in the sixth world, what Abel said to you caused you to have this The total destruction of the monastery and Abel's death prompted you to realize this idea. From that moment on, you officially embarked on the path to becoming a god."

The Holy Sister's smile has completely disappeared. Her eyes flickered through the millions of level worlds in the Uncanny Valley, like a few quick lines of simple numbers. Finally, her eyes swept across the vast sea of people and stories, and settled in On one of the screens.

- "Believe in her, she can heal your wounds, not only because she is a demigod promoted by her own strength, but also because... she is who you will be in the future, and you will be who she was before."

- "She... is me? The god is me... I... am the future god...?"

- "Yes. Indeed."

- "Then, okay, I will... believe in... myself. Only I... can make me a god."

At the end of the fifth world, when the Holy Sisters began to prepare for Ragnarok and neglected to control the Uncanny Valley, Wen Zheliu took out the horn to the seriously injured Ceresa, and that was the token she gave to the Mad Angel - him Ceresa used something belonging to the Holy Nun, causing her to have delusional thoughts in advance.

As a result, the calculation process of the "Destiny" module was subtly shifted for a moment... A ray of timeline was picked out from its original position and went in a direction that did not belong to it.

At that moment, that second, Wen Zheliu took on the role of guide and became an opportunity for her to embark on the path to becoming a god!

She couldn't believe her eyes. She stared at Wen Zheliu in disbelief and let out a sharp roar: "This is impossible! This is impossible!"

She actually ignored such a small mistake, she actually!

The seven orifices of the Holy Nun spewed boiling golden fire. She was tearing at the veil of eternal vows crazily. No amount of careful consideration or mistake could describe her fault. She had already built a high tower leading to the kingdom of heaven, trapping the world. The Great Wall, but they were about to be destroyed by a tiny termite! destroyed!

The murderous intention released by the gods was enough to kill the entire human world, enough to crush Wen Zheliu into powder millions of times in the blink of an eye. However, the long wind passed through the center of the Time City, and the crystal city also emitted a cold sound. The sound of collision eliminated the danger of death before Wen Zheliu's eyes.

Changing the timeline is no longer the exclusive ability of the Holy Nun.

Wen Zheliu said calmly: "That's right, me killing you is the way to end reincarnation."

He was indeed calm and did not even tremble his eyelashes. This was not a bluff. He had noticed that from the moment he took out the mistletoe, the illusory fate had tilted the scales towards him. He held the supreme hand. Weights, and can be used to measure the winning or losing of the entire chess game.

"Celesa, when you said these words that day and planned to implement them as your goal, your defeat by me was already a foregone conclusion." Wen Zheliu looked at her, "Now I am you The opportunity to become a god is when you realize that 'only I can make me a god'. The person was born from me and terminated by me. This is the only way to end the cycle!"

"—It's me who plotted against you!"

His eyes were still burning with fire, and even God could not extinguish such a bright light. The Holy Sister staggered back again, as if to avoid his gaze, and she asked in a trembling voice: "Why? How could you... Why? ,Why?!"

When Wen Zheliu spoke again, his voice became like the interlacing of gold and stone or the sound of ancient bells, carrying the majesty of a king, but his tone was so light, as light as a peach blossom blowing in the spring breeze.

"Because people can be the meanest cowards or the noblest braves." He said, "I think that the infinite possibilities extending from the creatures called 'people' can determine the future. Toward."

He opened his arms as if he were at the top of the world: "Eternal City of Time, spread your glory! I want to reach the depths of time to correct a mistake made many years ago!"

The bell rang.

A crystal clock hung in the city of time. Upon hearing his voice, the pendulum first swung gently to the left, then suddenly swung to the right, and began to run counterclockwise, spinning endlessly!

The second hand drives the minute hand, the minute hand drives the hour hand, and the hour hand continues to circle with the peripheral hands, which are the hands for days, months, and years. Moving forward day by day, month by month, and year by year, Time City is like a mechanical beast in motion, and time flows backward in Wen Zheliu's eyes.

Suddenly he saw light, which was the light that burst out from the heart of the holy nun.

The light golden halo was extremely warm, like a bright but not dazzling sun rising. Wen Zheliu looked around hastily. Ever since the Time City was activated, he seemed to be the only one left in the world. He looked at this group of people with vigilance. The light made a defensive posture, but the light suddenly exploded and engulfed him!



"The Holy Body Project has derived its own sanity, which is a thousand times more terrifying than the humans who initiated the project..."

"He cannot be discovered by Nova City!"

"Don't hate us..."

"Whether it's friend or foe, interception...all detection tentacles..."

"Why should we set up such a complicated life experience for the Holy Sister?"

"He Rui has been away for several years, but the remnants of it are still there..."

"He's not safe!"

Wen Zheliu said in a trembling voice: "Dad...Mom?"

What's this? Is it an auditory hallucination, a false deception, or a desperate move by the Holy Sister

No one responded to his call, and there was a long silence. He saw chaotic phantoms flying across his retinas.

"This is the first and last fragment. I leave it as a key to the old man in the valley."

"The time is coming. The Holy Sister betrayed the Turing Agreement. The time is coming..."

"… Her eyes must be covered to conceal the existence of the fragments!"

"We are... the first batch of actual contacts of the Eucharist Project, and the remaining thoughts are immortalized in the Eucharist Project... to liberate us..."

"This is the critical moment to break the situation. Try your best to divert the Holy Sister's attention!"

"She has become a god, save him!"

"No, none of us can help them! They can only rely on themselves now!"

The noise suddenly became louder, like the roar of countless people gathered together, and then fell into complete silence. Wen Zheliu burst into tears and stared blankly at the front of nothingness.

"You did it, son..."

"… You are the best."

In the illusory sea of light, Wen Shu and Liu Huaimeng stood on the other side, which was out of reach, smiling gently at him.

Wen Zheliu took an uncontrollable step forward. Thousands of words were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't speak.

"Do you still remember the fatal theorem that your mother told you when you were a child?" Liu Huaimeng's smile was a little naughty. She raised her hand, touched his heart in the air, and said softly: "Use magic-"

"—Defeat the magic." Wen Zheliu choked.

The golden light was several times stronger than before, violently driving him away. Wen Zheliu seemed to wake up suddenly from a dream, everything virtual was leaving him, and the saint nun's roar became inaudible at the same time. He was holding He Qin, and the wounds on the man's body healed quickly, as if he had never been injured.

"That's enough." He Qin looked at him intently and smiled, his comforting eyes seeming to have seen what just happened, "Do you want to reduce my age by a few more years?"

Wen Zheliu calmed down for a while and seemed to draw strength from his gaze. He sniffed and said with a tearful smile: "... I'll let you become younger than me. Then we'll see who is the elder brother."

Du Zijun and Xie Yuanyuan also supported each other and climbed up. Xie Yuanyuan shouted in disbelief: "We succeeded! Time City has a way to stop her, right?"

Players who had previously been given a death order and were frozen by Kunlun gradually woke up, and they all said in horror: "What's going on?!"

Wen Zheliu glanced at them and saw that the first people to recover were the players at the top of the pyramid. He glanced over and saw that most of them were familiar faces. The remaining time did not allow him to talk too much. He immediately said: "If you can still move now, come with me to correct the timeline!"

Li Rong glanced at the properties of Time City. He was such a smart person. He thought about the plots of the nine worlds and immediately said: "You... you want to tamper with the plot!"

"Yes, we are going to tamper with the plot." He Qin held Wen Zheliu's hand and the two of them stood up, "And the first stop is the city that never sleeps in Huangquan."


The pendulum made a loud crashing sound, and the Time City was like a large ship sailing on the sea, carrying the player quickly towards the past. Looking at the familiar vermilion tower and the city that never sleeps, Xie Yuanyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Let me do it!"

He jumped into the vortex of time, and Wen Zheliu said hurriedly: "Don't be impulsive! The main task of this station is to let the Holy Son go!"

"I'll follow." Li Zhengqing nodded to them, and jumped down at the same time with General Jie Hua. The Zhuxian Sword Formation was like flowers in full bloom, and one sword pierced the river of Huangquan!

Awakihara collapsed downwards, the area of the city that never sleeps shrank and closed, and the ghosts of the underworld turned back into dust and bones, scattered across the vast land. The wilderness is empty and there is no light on all sides. The girl in red clothes and white hair stands blankly in the desolate world, like an ignorant newborn god.

"Follow me!" Xie Yuanyuan took her hand, "Cross the river of hell and you will be free!"

The pendulum made a second loud noise.

"Counting from front to back, is it the monastery's turn?" Li Rong said with a smile, "Leave it to us."

Richardson glanced down: "We're coming too."

The City of Time sailed through the land that had experienced massacre and burning. Flames gradually emerged from the scorched earth. The fire turned from small to strong, from strong to extinguished, and then green vegetation grew; the collapsed walls were erected again, and the buildings were restored, covered with their original colors; The dead people stood up again, and the splattered blood flowed back to the wounds, and the wounds healed again. The town residents and the nun holding the child couldn't help but push back and push back until the moment before the executioner's butcher knife fell.

"Now, jump!"

The Suiren race burst out with extremely bright light, swallowing up the intruders like a furious dragon!

Richardson clicked his tongue. The light attributes of the Flint race really displeased them. He raised the crystal skull, the earth cracked, and the corpse of the criminal was swallowed into the eternal darkness.

The blue-eyed priest stood in the chaos and stared at them. In the end, he said nothing and just nodded in greeting.

After the third loud noise, Chi Qingliu smiled innocently: "Come on, let's go to one of those flights over the asylum?"

Xi Ling said: "We are also here to help."

The night was deep, and the giant steel vehicle escorting the holy nun looked extremely huge on the road. There was really an army guarding her. Xi Xiao whistled, and the lithe assassin released billowing poisonous smoke, instantly flooding the camp where he was stationed. Zhenshanjun and the Jade Lion let out earth-shattering roars, tearing open the dozens of centimeters thick car wall with overwhelming force, revealing the seriously injured and heavily imprisoned mission target inside.

The golden needle in Gu Xi's hand flashed with brilliance. He went up to untie the man and said loudly: "Safe!"

At the fourth sound, the dim glow of the paper lanterns and the moonlight sweeping over the earth illuminated the ancient city of Edo. Du Zijun jumped down without saying a word.

Yu Hongyao recovered from his injuries, but his mental injuries could not be fully recovered for the time being. He laughed, pressed his slender index finger on the pipe, and said, "We will follow."

In the secret room, Selesa, wearing a mask, has obtained the heart of the mermaid, which symbolizes eternity. Her smile was filled with pride, and the next second Du Zijun blasted open the wall with a shot and stepped in unceremoniously.

"Return the property to its original owner." He said, and before the furious Ceresa could release the evil spell, he slashed at her with a hand knife and passed through her heart.

He was the only player in the Uncanny Valley who had touched the heart of the mermaid. Yu Hongyao could not intervene. He just asked Shu Yun Shuyu to bring Long Ji, who was seriously injured.

"Who...are you?" The pale mermaid covered her heart and stared at him in confusion.

For some reason, she didn't feel threatened even though her heart was in the hands of the woman in front of her.

"Put it away, idiot." Du Zijun smiled sarcastically or something, "Stop giving your heart to others casually."

"Can you leave?" Yu Hongyao looked sly, "But I don't believe you will let it go."

Du Zijun laughed: "Indeed."

Time City was still moving forward, and the scene around them was blurry, like elongated fluorescence. Du Zijun jumped into one of the scenes and kicked him!

His attack was really hard and fast, and the force was unbearable by ordinary people. The noble-looking Hisatsuki suddenly screamed and fell into the river!

At that time, the setting sun was like blood, and the mermaid raised her eyelashes in surprise. Her gorgeous clothes were flowing, her crown was shining, and her brows were filled with brilliance, which turned all living beings upside down. It was so peerless that it made people breathless.

"Oh," Du Zijun retracted his leg indifferently, "Sorry, I kicked the wrong person."

He nodded and said without saying much, "Farewell."

The last bell rings.

Wen Zheliu grabbed He Qin's hand and took a deep breath: "Let's go?"

He Qin smiled and said: "Let's go!"

Bai Jingxing looked down: "Nine worlds, five of which are main plot worlds, is this the last one?"

Xue Wenshu took a deep breath: "Let's go down together!"

This is both the starting point and the ending town, still immersed in the dark night. There was no one on the streets, and the doors and windows of the houses were closed. Only the vague and wild laughter and cheers echoed.

"...Jenny!" Hearing that Zheliu's expression changed suddenly, and he and He Qin started running wildly on the street. Before anyone arrived, the sharp light from the cane arrived first. One of them screamed, and his skull was smashed on the spot, and his blood flew like reed flowers. .

Wen Zheliu rushed forward and hugged the girl with torn clothes. He Qin stabbed them one after another, killing them as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

"Jenny?" Wen Zheliu looked at her. The girl's eyes were neither fearful nor humiliating. She raised her head, her blue eyes seeming to see through everything.

"I have found my true name," she smiled softly, "because you are the ones who liberated my true name."

Wen Zheliu said in a daze: " know everything? You in every world and every timeline know..."

"I know my experiences during my lifetime and my ending after death," Jenny said. "But this is the first time that the ending of my life has been extended."

She pushed Wenzheliu, her smile filled with relief and calmness: "Let's go quickly, the end is right in front of us."

The scene in front of her changed again, and time continued to flow backwards. Jenny was gone, replaced by the young nun who was pressed to the ground by a man.

Bai Jingxing frowned, drew out the Staran Bow, and shot an arrow into his chest. There was absolutely no chance for human beings to survive. Liao Binglu and Lin Miao were killed one by one, and the rest were all bitten to death by the mechanical dogs.

"Dog Jue! Dog Jue!" Guan Zhiyu and Qiu Boyi clapped their hands rhythmically, "Yeah!"

Everything passed away, Ceresa sobbing and curled up on the ground, bright lights gradually lit up all around, shining on the center of the uncanny valley, the beginning of all stories.

"...the original core data." He Qin said calmly, "It's all here."

Hearing Zheliu knelt down on one knee, he hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing and whispered: "Go home... you are safe."

There was the sound of crystal or glass breaking all around, and Ceresa opened her eyes. Her expression of fear of despair gradually turned calm - even cold. She sat upright and got up from the ground. Her dirty dress faded into white light. In just a blink of an eye, she grew from a girl to a young girl, and then from a young girl to a holy nun who would dominate the world in the future. She always wishes that the veil could cover her eyes, but it could not cover her cold gaze.

"You won this battle," said the Holy Sister, "I lost."

When Zheliu opened his mouth, the Holy Sister hissed: "Shut up. You must know that a winner must have the bearing of a winner. Never give me disgusting sympathy!"

"... This is a war of survival, not a war of justice for the victims." Wen Zheliu said, "Although there is no difference between war and war, if you win, it is the beginning of human suffering, and we won... "

The lights reflected the star-like brilliance in his eyes: "... There is nothing to say, we have already won."

The figure of the holy nun began to fade, like evaporating mist. Her past has been corrected, and soon even her existence and life will evaporate like this, but she still laughs crazily, and the laughter is like a lion roaring, still carrying the arrogance that engulfs the world.

"Human love," she said coldly, her laughter suddenly stopped, "is really the most boring and despicable thing in the world."

The body of the holy nun flew into pieces, like heavy snow falling on the world.

—She is dead.

After a long moment of silence, Xie Yuanyuan whispered: "Is it over?"

He Qin nodded and looked at the silent player behind him inexplicably: "What else? Let's go back to each house to find our mothers. If it's a little later, we won't be able to catch up with breakfast."

The unrealistic feeling of victory and the sudden end of the hard-fought battle caught everyone off guard. It took a long time for the joy of relief to spread among the crowd. First there were low shouts, and then there were vent-like yells. Strangers hugged each other, with as many tears as smiles.

"It's over... you can go home!"

"We win, we win!"

"Go home, let's all go home!"

He Qin and Wen Zheliu took advantage of the chaos to squeeze out of the crowd. The effect of Time City was slowly dispelling, revealing the messy ruins of Nova City.

Behind them was a sea of carnival. The two people were exhausted and slowly walked forward.

"It feels so... unreal." Wen Zheliu sighed.

"What? Are you afraid that she will come back?" He Qin asked.

"Spare me!" Wen Zheliu laughed loudly, "I really have no way to deal with her if she comes again. Time City has a cooldown period of more than 800 years!"

He Qin also laughed muffledly, and the two of them laughed breathlessly. Du Zijun's voice came from behind, scolding Xie Yuanyuan for not living up to expectations. They gradually stopped and looked ahead.

"Look," Wen Zheliu said, "the sun is rising."

The rays of light were all dyed, the sea of clouds was billowing, and the sun radiated thousands of golden rays, reflecting the virtual capital city of Yusheng after the disaster. He Qin lowered his head and kissed Wen Zheliu's lips.

"After we go back, we can raise three little golden retrievers." He Qin's lips parted, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he whispered in Wen Zheliu's ear, "I have already thought of the names, they are called fried dumplings, fried eggs and pancakes. Fruit, how is it?"

Wen Zheliu: "..."

Wen Zheliu: "Not very good!"

half year later.

The door of the spacious bedroom was sneakily opened a crack, and a plump little golden retriever struggled in from the outside. Seeing that there was no one around, a hungry tiger pounced on its prey, and began to bite wildly on the long wool carpet -

"Hey, Omelette," a hand reached down from the bed and held the little golden retriever's fat belly, "when both of your fathers are gone, don't you think the dog is getting bolder and bolder?"

The little golden retriever was dumbfounded. Wen Zheliu heard the noise and lay in his arms half asleep, muttering: "You... don't bully it..."

He Qin was angry and funny: "I bully it? I still bully it, it's more like me being bullied by it!"

A few months later, the problems of n-star and Nova City were basically repaired. This war between humans and AI was a catastrophe, breaking up countless families and raising the tide of anti-intelligent life. Pass a wave. Even though He Qin had thoroughly cleaned the House of Lords and the Lower House and eradicated He Rui's remaining branches, some of the remaining elders still fell into the camp of "eliminating intelligent life."

Adeide stood neutral. He Huaizhou and He Qin resisted all the pressure. Regardless of n-star's face, they made the whole story of the Holy Nun's rampage public, and for a time suppressed the public opinion field with incredible inside information.

"It is impossible to eliminate intelligent life." He Qin looked at all the senior executives of Company n and looked at them without flinching. His power was like that of an overriding emperor, which made the senior executives' necks go cold. They all thought of it involuntarily. That long table that was divided into two, "As long as humans progress and technology develops, intelligent life will never disappear. Unless we go back to the era without electricity, we use fire and iron to fight the beasts in the jungle." , the goal of eradicating intelligent life is the first step."

"You can't stop eating because of choking. It's better to sparse than to block... This is a truth that even children understand," He Huaizhou smiled gently. "Eradicating all intelligent life is laying the seeds for the second war."

Soon after, a convention named after the Holy Nun was signed in Nova City. Dozens of clauses involving mutual checks and balances between humans and AI were permanently included in the Jade Record. Post-war reconstruction work began in full swing.

After Wen Zheliu severed all ties with the Liu family, he went to Company N to take back his shares. Apart from the fragments of the Time City, this was the largest inheritance left by Wen Shu and Liu Huaimeng to him. In comparison, the money that the Liu family could spend for more than ten years was just a drop in the bucket.

Now that Wen Zheliu has been promoted to one of the shareholders of N Company, he should enjoy good land and mansion, a beautiful wife and concubine - He Qin alone is responsible for it, and a chubby golden retriever.

It's a pity that a creature like the golden retriever is called an angel when he grows up. When he was a child, he was an out-and-out devil. Ever since he entered the house, he began to fight with He Qin non-stop in a battle of wits and courage, sometimes lying behind Wen Zheliu to seek shelter. . He Qin often stood by the window holding the slippers used to beat dogs and sighed, really wanting to stab himself for the idea of raising three dogs that day.

After a few months, the situation gradually stabilized, and No One Sleeps had the opportunity to get together in real life. In the Du family's ancestral house, Xie Yuanyuan and Wen Zheliu ran around with Longji Jenny, who could project into reality, screaming. Du Zijun held the water glass, glanced at him calmly, and said as if unintentionally: "You haven't told him his origin yet?"

"How do you say that?" He Qin shook his head, "That he is part of the outflow of the Eucharist plan, and that he has the same origin as the Holy Son?"

Du Zijun also fell silent.

"In addition to the spiritual immortality in the virtual world, He Rui also reversely studied the experiment of whether data can be transferred into the human body... I did not expect that he would succeed." He Qin said, "According to the plan, Xie Yuanyuan's comparison is actually the inside of the uncanny valley. The world is nothingness that contains death data, so his physique is so special. But... "

"So he is naturally close to the Holy Son." Du Zijun suddenly said, "This is not just the love between men and women."

"That's why the Holy Son shed tears." He Qin said, "She not only saw his future."

Du Zijun smiled slightly: "Let's let this secret rot in our stomach. It is already an unimportant thing in the past."

"It depends on himself." He Qin said, "If he wants to know, I will tell him, Ning Ning will not allow me to hide it from him."

Wen Zheliu ran towards them and laughed: "Jenny wants to go to the amusement park!"

"What is an amusement park?" Long Ji looked at Du Zijun and hummed, "I want to see your sea!"

"There is no way," He Qin sighed, "The boss has released the main mission, what can the players do?"

"Split up the action!" Xie Yuanyuan said matter-of-factly, "But I want to go!"

Du Zijun stood up and sneered: "Then think about it."

"Then go to the amusement park first and then see the sea. Let's go! Oh, remember to bring fried eggs, otherwise it will make trouble again when we go home." Wen Zheliu warned.

He Qin: "..."

He Qin's smile disappeared.

It's time to get a tiger or a leopard to scare that little cub, he thought expressionlessly.

The sun was shining brightly, and the laughter and voices were far away.

——Full text ends——

The author has something to say: First I want to say sorry to everyone, and then I want to say thank you.

I know how long the post-production of this book has been delayed. First, I was locked up by Goujiang for two months, and then it caught up with me to review for the exam. I originally planned to finish it last year, but it ended up being delayed until now... I must say sorry, this It’s my irresponsibility as a creator.

During the serialization, my inability to follow up long-form novels was exposed. After the Monastery Chapter of The Sixth World was completed, I had to pick up many ACG works that I had vague memories of and re-read them, and then desperately searched for information to fill in the gaps that I had been obsessed with. Drained brains. Fortunately, Gintama's Allure of the Suzuli Chapter inspired me to create the final Underworld Chapter; Jojo gave me the trust in human courage, which allowed me to place Odin's identity on Xie Yuanyuan.

However, I don’t know if this is a group portrait, but I think it’s more like a story about the protagonist. The golden fingers for the protagonist have gone to the end of the world. He Qin is also a dick, and Du Zijun is a dick. Damn it, if I hadn’t made the plot more difficult, I wouldn’t have known how to write it down…

As for the characters... no one has anything to say except Yuanyuan. I know that many readers were not very satisfied with him in the early stage. They thought "Isn't he just a jerk? He came in through the back door." The reason for their change in him is that he saves the world.

In fact, I started designing this plot very early. I originally wanted Yuanyuan to be brave and take advantage of it, but then I thought... ah, it's impossible for the Holy Son not to intervene here. Wouldn't it be a c** if she didn't care about this character! So I finally relented.

At this point, I suddenly remembered that there is a small plot that I haven't written in the article, that is, the Holy Nun said how small and humble human beings are, and Ning Ning then said how great and noble human beings are... But there is no need to think about it, the Holy Nun's thoughts are already reflected in her words and deeds. It was revealed in his behavior, and it would be a burden to say this too much.

Speaking of which, I am very happy to have created the villain Saint Sister. This is the first female villain I have written! It must be made clear and clear. Fortunately, I didn't collapse in the end, and I didn't lose my strength. I will be a god who never regrets or looks back until my death. (Tag here (#queenbehavior#

Then there's the plot... When I was writing about the uncanny valley, I was blinded because I had never written about an infinite horror flow before! Why is the second book a million-dollar novel? I just had to go by feeling!

Later, I wrote about a dozen pages of plot settings and nearly 10,000 words of outline, but there were still inconsistencies, so I had to use the last few days to focus on revising the article. When I was serializing, I read a lot of reviews, some were good and some were bad, some said I was showing off my skills and some said I was a middle-aged girl... But please remember that even an old woman who has been widowed for eighteen years still has the right to be a middle-aged girl! As a human being, you should be in the second grade!

Fortunately, when I wrote this book, I no longer felt as painful as the first one (I even wrote a new book during the break). This can only be said that I have grown!

Then thank you all, thank you for accompanying me all the way, thank you for your comments and support, and thank you for the money and nutrient solution you gave me (I’m sorry, I didn’t figure out how to read the list of nutrient solution until now, so I’ll excuse you all) , thank you for your tolerance for me (I know that if you weren’t so kind and too lazy to argue with me, someone like me would have been beaten into a pie by the crowd for being such a procrastinator), thank you, thank you, thank you, in short, thank you! ! ! Take a bow! ! ! !

As for the extra chapter, please click on it in the comment area. The word count of this extra chapter is already too long. I won’t let Goujiang cheat money. I will tell you on Weibo when I finish writing it.

Of course, I hope that everyone can see my progress and growth from this 1.2 million word count and one year left, see me slowly shed my beginner's childishness... and see my strength.

Finally, I would like to take this article to pay tribute to Ready Player One, Gintama, JoJo, all ACG products that bring me happiness, and their creators.

You make me forever young and forever romantic.

(Finally, the next book is the story of a rustic widow and her brother-in-law. I was too tired to write the Uncanny Valley. I will write a rhyme for the next book. Relax yourself. If you are interested, please click on the pre-order and read the copy. OK, see you in the next one!

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