The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 3


At this time, fierce fighting was raging in the central city. Several hospitals, schools and construction sites were covered with traces of laser burns and were in a mess. Lei Ming, the captain of the Lei Xiao Team, carried a rapid-fire cannon. One shot blasted the player with only a piece of clothing exposed not far away into pieces. The female player next to him held two Laser Dellingers and shot them with the same shot. Players who want to take the opportunity to sneak attack on Thunder will play a white light copper coin.

Rapid-fire cannons and laser derringers are powerful and difficult-to-operate weapons, but these two people used them with ease. Lei Ming's appearance is that of a tall and muscular human adult. He wears a beret and a pair of anti-flash sunglasses on his nose. He said in a deep voice: "Manman, give your laser to this kid. You can change it, and we will speed up." Speed, don’t take too long in this round.”

The female player with the game ID Poison Vine responded, threw the two guns in her hands to the newcomer, grabbed an S-12k electromagnetic shotgun from the pile of firearms on the side, and said with a sweet smile: "The newcomer in this round finally got it. You know how to use your brain and learn to unite to deal with us first. This is more fun than the last game."

Lei Ming glanced at the number of kills and the number of remaining players, and whispered: "We will stay here to collect the heads, and wait for Xiao Shi and others to come over and join us. When the time comes, give the newcomers experience, and then go to the next one Portal."

The newcomer hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you Brother Lei for your cultivation, and thank you Sister Manman and all the seniors for your cultivation!"

"Okay, we will all be in the same team from now on. As long as you live up to your expectations, you can repay our kindness for cultivating us." Vine Poison pouted and looked at the counting board and complained, "Except for us, there are still thirty-eight people left... Xiao 10. Why are they so slow?"

The next second after she finished complaining, a light blue data stream flashed in front of everyone in the Lei Xiao team.

chin used the diffusion particle gun to kill tentime

Wen Di used the sn-9 Hornet rifle to kill Winter Echo

Number of people remaining: 36 people

The poisonous vines opened their eyes wide and shouted in disbelief: "What?! Xiao Shi and Dongri were actually killed?!"

Lower town, parking lot.

The number of kills above their heads has doubled. The two players who were defeated just now have eliminated many people. Now they are all accumulated on them, making Wen Zheliu and Chin look like two bloody gods of death.

Wen Zheliu drank a bottle of first-aid medicine and wrapped a piece of condensation gauze on Chin's arm to help his wound heal quickly. Chin lowered his head to see him finish wrapping it, and handed him the long black knife in his hand.

"High carbon steel alloy combat knife..." Wen Zheliu said, "It's a good thing. It seems that I grabbed it during the airdrop just now."

When the first airdrop of the skyship passed by, he and Chin were still dodging the firepower of a few idle players and missed a good opportunity, which also led to a difficult struggle between them and these two people later.

Chin squatted down and touched his bag and asked: "The level of these two people is obviously different from other players. Which team are they from?"

Wen Zheliu replied: "It's very possible, the people on their team should know our names by now."

"You said before that nine people came into this team." Chin said thoughtfully.

"Including nine newbies." Wen Zheliu said, "There were originally eleven, but two left."

Chin carried the GAU-90 rifle, filled it with a few energy crystals, and drew a circle on the dusty ground. "Excluding the newbies and the two we just killed, there are still six. If I He is the captain of the Thunderbirds. I will also have my team members form groups of three and two and disperse them to several urban areas to kill Xiaobai players. Now that we have killed two of his people, do you think he will send a group of people to block the two of us?"

"There are four districts in total, the main city, the east and west districts. We are in the lower district now. Where do you think people from the east and west districts will come from?"

Wen Zheliu had given up correcting his name for the Lei Xiao team. He thought: "I wonder if they have turned on location sharing. If so, the system will send them the coordinates of the dead player."

chin swiped on the personal terminal, and a three-dimensional map immediately rotated and zoomed in front of them.

"We are here," he tapped with his long and powerful fingers, "ahead is the main city, this is the east, this is the west..."

"The main intersection in Dongcheng is closest to us." Wen Zheliu said, "It's very likely that it came from that way."

"Go and block people." Chin loaded the gun, "Then go to the main city and kill the newbie."

"Go and block people." Lei Ming ordered in the team channel, "Then meet back at my place."

Chin's new GAU-90 is a large-caliber firearm that can hit anyone without the need for a second shot. With his abnormal hearing and intuition, sometimes Wen Zheliu only has time to hear a slight sound, and he will shoot him with one shot. Kill the person directly through the wall, splashing coins all over the place.

Wen Zheliu was almost competing with him for a kill. He himself had moments where he made mistakes in killing, but Chin seemed to be a precision robot designed to make zero mistakes. As long as he made a move, the number of people in existence would be reduced by one immediately.

"You...where did you learn all these skills?" He was horrified and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it some team master who came here with a trumpet?"

Chin smiled jokingly and said, "Brother, I said this is my first time playing this, genius, isn't it?"

Wen Zheliu resisted the urge to punch him. Just when he was about to speak, the tips of his ears twitched and he said alertly: "Wait, I seem to feel the ground shaking... Be careful to hide!"

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, quickly jumped into the nearby bunker to avoid it. As soon as they rolled to the ground, the shock wave mixed with smoke and dust surged around, making a loud bang on the spot!

Wen Zheliu felt a tightness in his chest, and a fishy sweetness immediately filled his throat. He shook the debris off his head and whispered to the communicator: "It's a pulse grenade. How are you?"

The sound in the earphones buzzed a few times, and then came Chin's reply: "I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine too." Wen Zheliu lowered his voice, " he comes!"

Before the smoke and dust completely dissipated, Chin closed his eyes and suddenly a gun burst out. But the moment he pulled the trigger, his brows jumped and he immediately hit the wall next to him reflexively!

The sound of the bullet breaking through the defense was dull and short, and it almost passed through his ear. It blasted a hole the size of a bowl in the thick steel plate behind his feet. Hearing this, Zheliu's pupils shrank: "chin!"

"Don't come here!" Chin looked ahead quietly and said in a deep voice, "There is a sniper on the other side."

Just like their original tactics, one person was in the front to attract firepower, and the other person was in the rear to predict the ballistic trajectory, and then sniped and killed the opponent - but they were still using the most basic rail gun at that time, but now, the opponent has a real sniper. |Hitter.

"Did you hit it?" someone asked from the other side.

"No." The sniper's lips moved slightly, "Did it. The newcomer in this round is amazing."

Wen Zheliu whispered: "This won't work. You stay below, and I'll go kill the sniper above..."

Just as he was about to get up, a chill arose on his back, and Chin said sternly: "Lie down!"

He shrank subconsciously, and a bullet exploded close to his heel. He could almost feel the trace of the bullet distorting the air, right above his head.

Chin's eyes were focused, and what was in his eyes was no longer a smile, but the coldness that froze a pool of spring water. He discharged several crystals from his palms, filled the energy tank one by one, and said in a decisive tone: "My weapon has a large killing range. , I’ll hold off the sniper while you deal with the one in front.”

Wen Zheliu thought for a while, held the knife in his left hand and the gun in his right hand, and said, "Okay."

"The first shot..." Chin slowly raised the muzzle of the gun, "!"

This is the moment you have been waiting for!

An imperceptible smile appeared on the sniper's lips. He moved his fingertips slightly and was about to pull the trigger when a loud bang suddenly erupted above his head, and sand and gravel rolled down!

What's going on? Did he find his hiding place? But how is this possible? !

At the moment when he was in shock, Wen Zheliu blasted away the smoke and dust with a shot, then switched to a portable knife, and then slashed at the tall man in front of him!

The blade of the high-carbon steel alloy combat knife can be said to cut through iron like clay. The man did not dare to block the blow with his body, so he roared angrily and used his shoulder-mounted gun to resist the ice-cold blade, which instantly caused the barrel parts to collapse. Scattered, fragmented.

The man laughed evilly, and before Wen Zheliu could pull away, he punched him hard in the abdomen. The force of this punch was so strong that it could even hit the person into pieces. Coins and experience were scattered in an uproar - two hours ago , it is true that a few unlucky newbies were eliminated by him in this way. However, although Wen Zheliu took this blow forcefully, and a large red light symbolizing residual blood splashed in front of his eyes, he did not die!

The alloy knife flew out suddenly, and the man grabbed Wen Zheliu's neck with one hand. When he was about to punch him a second time, the sn-9 had already been turned around and pressed against his chin, and tongues of fire were spitting out wildly!

Money and experience suddenly flowed out like a torrent, rushing all over Wen Zheliu.

Wen Di used the sn-9 Hornet rifle to kill the bloody battle to the end.

Number of people remaining: 21

He half-knelt on the ground and coughed heavily. The health bar had bottomed out, leaving only a trace of red skin. If he hadn't resisted the beating, he would have been exploded to nothing.

He calmed down for a while and drank two bottles of first-aid medicine before his physical strength returned to normal. At this moment, with the last gunshot, the illusive blue light pierced his vision again—

chin used the gau-90 rifle to kill Ying Changkong.

Number of people remaining: 20 people

There were hurried footsteps behind him, and a pair of warm and strong hands pressed his shoulders, with the smell of gunpowder lingering in the palms. Chin asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Wen Zheliu coughed twice and stood up from the ground with the butt of his gun, "It's okay... If you resist, you won't die."

Chin picked up the alloy knife and tied it back to his waist. At the same time, he raised his arm and put it on his shoulders. "Keep on holding on, let's drive over, and I will take you to kill those little losers."

Wen Zheliu leaned against him to relax, and said with a smile: "There are many people superimposed on me now, you can see clearly."

Chin looked up and saw that after killing the two people just now, the cumulative number of kills displayed on Wen Di's head was 21, while the cumulative number of kills displayed on Chin was only 17.

He smiled nonchalantly, walked towards the car with Wen Zheliu, and said, "There are eighteen people left in front. It's not certain who will win, so sit down."

He put Wen Zheliu on the passenger seat, put a first-aid kit in his arms, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, planning to go through Dongcheng and head towards the main city.

The members of the Lei Xiao team now even had black faces, and the poisonous vines looked as if they were really poisoned and turned blue with anger. She gritted her teeth and said: "Where did these two people come from? No one really has time to spare. It hurts. Did you go to the novice area to raise a trumpet?"

Lei Ming thought for a while and whispered: "I underestimated the enemy. Bainiao and Nanyang. After you have roughly cleared the players within your range, come to the main city to meet us and fight an encirclement and suppression battle with them."

Two "received" sounds came from the communication headset one after another. Lei Ming turned to look at Manvine Poison and said: "Manman, take the newcomer to a place to hide first. Don't let him lose all his experience in this round."

Manteng Poison responded, took the newcomer by the collar, walked to the back, pushed him to a hidden corner, and ordered: "Hide here, come out after we finish the fight..."

After she finished speaking, as soon as she turned around, she saw a plume of gray smoke rising far away on the horizon. Lei Ming carried the rapid-fire cannon and shouted in a low voice: "Here we come!"

Wen Zheliu said loudly: "It's too risky to rush over and confront me like this-"

"There are still a few people left. Let's take them away in one wave. Sit tight, baby!" Chin stepped on the accelerator and flew the hover car until it almost fell apart. "You jump i jump!"

Wen Zheliu had no choice but to be prepared and waiting to jump down at any time. The hover car crashed through the barricade surrounded by iron spikes and made a deafening roar. It almost made it over. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the ruins in the city, Chin shouted: "Jump now!"

Wen Zheliu kicked the car door open and rolled a pile of equipment and supplies into the gravel. He fell to the ground and lost a piece of his health bar. The speed of the hover car did not slow down, accompanied by harsh and sharp friction. With a loud sound, there were sparks of electric light, and they crashed crazily towards the figure in the center of the ruins.

The rapid-fire cannon exploded with a roar, blowing the hover vehicle into countless flying fragments. Black smoke billowed. Wen Zheliu eagerly took the red medicine, took out the pulse grenade just now and threw it fiercely into the black smoke, and said: "From now on, I will hold the line in front, and you will move around the back..."

"You're crazy!" Wen Zheliu said in shock, "Do you know how fierce the captain of the Lei Xiao team is! Can you withstand his firepower alone?"

"I don't know, I don't care, I don't know—" Chin protracted his voice, "Go if my brother tells you to do it! You're disobedient, huh?"

Wen Zheliu laughed angrily at him, and Chin emphasized his tone again: "Go quickly! Don't believe me?"

The pulse wave reverberated around in the loud noise, causing the black smoke to billow endlessly. Wen Zheliu glanced back and roughly understood what chin meant. He gritted his teeth and put an electromagnetic shotgun to the ground. Throwing it to Chin, he quietly sneaked forward. Sure enough, within his line of sight, he could already see a hover car speeding away from the main intersection of Xicheng.

Chin meant for him to block reinforcements here, but could he really block Lei Ming's offensive

There was already a fierce and rapid firefight behind him. He lay down behind the broken concrete wall, slowly waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

During the fierce gun battle, Chin's magnetic voice with a smile came from the headset: "Are you bored? Do you want me to tell you a joke?"

The sound of the sniper rifle being fired at the cross point was clear and clear. There was only a wall between the female player's voice and Wen Zheliu: "There are two people on the opposite side, just suppress it with forceful fire!"

Wen Zheliu almost lost his breath. He lowered his voice and said harshly: "Take care of yourself and concentrate!"

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago? It's a piece of cake..." On the other side of the headset, the beep countdown was clearly visible. Chin secretly cursed. After a series of thunderous thunders, he spat out a few mouthfuls of dirt and said. , "Damn, it's really suppressive firepower."

Seeing that he was in difficulty, Wen Zheliu couldn't hold himself back. When he moved, Chin smiled and said as if he could read his mind: "Stop, just lie there and don't move. Just wait and snipe. I can still carry it."

Wen Zheliu waited anxiously, and the hover car finally came to a stop, wiping the mess all over the ground. Two young men with guns jumped out from above. They also said something into the headset, and then dived in the direction of chin. , he breathed a sigh of relief, and the sound of the gun being loaded seemed particularly quiet and light amid the earth-shattering movement around him.

"White Bird, you and Nanyang are outflanking you from both sides!" Lei Ming roared, "There is a person on the opposite side whose gunshots have been disrupted. Take advantage of the moment to directly..."

Everything around him slowed down in his ears, rubble and gunpowder smoke slowly flew past the lens with a crosshair in front of his eyes. Wen Zheliu cleared his mind and clicked his knuckles twice in succession, only for the bullet to explode. The shattering sound was dull and deadly—

Wen Di used the sn-9 Hornet rifle to kill Nanyang

Number of people remaining: 6 people

Lei Ming's head buzzed, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the poisonous vine screamed: "There is only one person in front, and there are people ambushing behind!"

As soon as she finished speaking, another pulse hand|thunder was thrown at her feet, and Wen Zheliu shot it cleanly, exploding all over the sky, "I'm sorry, sister!"

Wen Di used Pulse Hand|Thunder to kill the poisonous vine.

Number of people remaining: 5 people

Lei Ming roared angrily, turned around and bombarded Wen Zheliu indiscriminately along the trajectory revealed by Wen Zheliu. Seeing that the situation was not good, Wen Zheliu hurriedly turned over to avoid it, but was still thrown far away by the air wave, and was half-inhabited by the shock. Guan Xue was knocked over among a pile of masonry and rubble.

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

"Where are you looking?!" Chin said sternly, and shot out a barrel of shotgun, making a bloody hole in Lei Ming's back. Lei Ming staggered, and Chin wanted to hit again. Wen Zheliu struggled and shouted from among the ruins. : "There is another person coming around you, be careful!"

There was a slight noise from his side, Chin frowned fiercely, turned around and pulled the bolt, and mercilessly blasted half of the person's face with one shot, causing a waterfall of white light coins like blood beads!

chin used the s-12k electromagnetic shotgun to kill the white bird

Number of people remaining: 4 people

Wen Zheliu subconsciously wanted to take medicine, but when he reached out and touched it, all the medicine bottles on his body were crushed to pieces by the wave of air just now. Even the first aid kit had rolled away. He just got up and raised his head. , happened to face a trembling novice player.

Wen Zheliu: "?"

New player: “…”

Wen Zheliu suddenly understood his identity. Although this player was a newcomer brought in by the Thunder owl team, he still had some sense of the game. When he reacted, he was about to shoot a headshot with the laser Delinger in his hand, when an alloy knife unreasonably stabbed him in the chest. , with a puff, he made a skewer with the wall behind him.

Wen Zheliu: "...Goodbye."

Wen Di used a high-carbon steel alloy combat knife to kill the durian, which was so delicious

Number of people remaining: 3 people

"Brother, I've taken care of the newbie!" He was overjoyed for a moment and couldn't help but call out "Brother". Along with the rumble, Chin's voice came from the headset: "Brother heard it, I'm very happy, brother, But can you help me solve this problem now?"

Wen Zheliu looked back and immediately opened his mouth.

I saw a steel robot more than three meters high standing up staggeringly from the ruins, as if shaking off the dust and gravel on its body. It was completely black, carrying cannons, flamethrowers, and particle rays all over its shoulders. With all the guns and other equipment in place, a violent roar broke out into the chest!

"What is this!!" Chin yelled as he jumped up and down at its feet, almost missing from being shot to death, "Did you cheat?!"

Wen Zheliu hurriedly picked up the gun and drew firepower for him, "This is an APM - a mobile combat platform for individual soldiers. It is an absolute killer weapon that only appears in airdrops! It's not a trap!"

Chin quickly dodged and cursed angrily: "Damn it, how are you going to fight like this!"

Wen Zheliu kept bombarding it with a large-caliber GAU-90, taking cover every now and then. Seeing that Chin was unable to deal with it, he hurriedly threw the alloy knife at his side to him, "Use this! It's not completely invulnerable!"

Lei Ming operated the individual combat platform and said angrily: "Go to hell!"

Wen Zheliu had no time to dodge, and was hit in the calf by a stray bullet. Red light burst out in front of his eyes, and the blood bar suddenly fell to a thin layer. Chin took advantage of it, dragging the alloy knife and jumped up from behind it. At that moment, the knife The light almost bent into a full moon-like arc in his hands!

His figure was backlit, making it difficult to see his face, but his eyes were more piercing than the blade of a knife, which made Wen Zheliu's jaw drop again.

In the game world, experience and energy are important criteria to determine the strength of a player, but Chin is just a level 10 player who has just passed the novice protection, and he can actually show such shocking strength. This makes Wen Zheliu Have to start doubting his identity in the real world.

—The blade is as sharp as moonlight, and the point bursting from the center of the steel giant sprays onto the battlefield like moonlight!

chin used a high carbon steel alloy combat knife to kill Thunder

Number of people remaining: 2 people

The world fell into silence. The single-soldier combat platform that was split in half fell to the ground with two thuds. Chin gasped softly and stood there for a while holding on to his knife.

"...How are you doing," Wen Zheliu said, "Are you okay?"

Chin swallowed his throat and looked at him with a smile: "Why don't you call me brother?"

Wen Zheliu pointed at the number of kills above his head. After accumulating several times, the number above his head had reached a terrifying 46, while Chin's was slightly lower, with only 42.

"continue or not?"

Along with his question, the blue data stream gathered in front of them again.

Do you want to enable the final battle mode

Chin laughed.

"No fight," he threw away the alloy knife in his hand and walked towards Wen Zheliu, who was lying on the ground. "Baby, it's 6... Okay, I lose this round."

Wen Zheliu also laughed. He stretched out his hand and let Chin pull him up.

The world of survival is waiting for you to win and become the king. Congratulations to player Wen Di for winning this game and winning the final victory! Your reward has been distributed to your personal terminal. Do you want to start the next round? whether

Hearing that Zheliu was exhausted, he quickly said: "No, no, no! No more fighting, go back to the hall!"

"Go back to the mall," Chin interjected, "The bet I promised you hasn't been fulfilled yet."