The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 38


Wen Zheliu leaned against the wall at the end of the corridor, with glistening beads of sweat on his forehead. He panted in vain, feeling a dry, hot pain in his throat, like a dry and cracked mire after a severe drought.

His heartbeat was as loud as a drum, and the uncontrollable blood flow all over his body created a roar in his ears like a surging ocean tide.

Damn it, is this game too simulated? Wen Zheliu cursed secretly. At this moment, he could already hear Happy Dawson's deliberately light footsteps and his contorted voice calling. Even the footsteps of the real God of Death would not be more terrifying than this.

Did he fail

Or is his journey coming to an end

Wen Zheliu's thoughts were chaotic and disorderly. For a long time, he didn't know what he was thinking. It wasn't until he heard a piece of music that was very familiar but should never appear here that he said in a daze: "...Jenny?"

…but you didn’t see it, but you didn’t see it,

What dirty jokes did they play on me

They broke my big pitcher,

Water overflowed,

And scared my mother,

Then scolded her daughter,

Ended up kissing my sister instead of me.

Happy Dawson had already led the butcher around the corner, looking gloomily at the scene before him.

What stood between him and Wen Zheliu was a beautiful girl with a slender figure floating in mid-air. Her childish little face showed a translucent mist color under the illumination of the crystal wall lamp, and her waist...

Happy Dawson's dark eyes stared at her and them without blinking. He grinned with a forced smile on his face: "Surprise. Obviously, a big surprise."

... And around her waist, there was a clanking iron chain. She grabbed one side with the same pale and transparent slender hands, and the other side of the chain extended out, diverging into six swaying branches in the void, and six strong and huge eyeless monsters were surrounding her.

Some of them slowly circled around her, clanging the chains against each other; some couldn't stand the narrow environment of the corridor and chose to climb on the walls on the left and right sides; some tilted their heads and looked around in shock, sitting against the wall. The smell of broken willows is heard below. They are like six evil dogs that are eager to devour humans. Their bare necks are tied with collars made of iron ropes. Their claws are ferocious, their tongues are long and purple, and their bodies are filled with fishy mucus dripping down, corroding and evaporating the carpet. The sizzling sound.

"Excuse me, what are you doing, distinguished lady?" Happy Dawson winked and made a very aggrieved expression, "Happydawson doesn't understand, you..."

"You won't want to go against me," Jenny's voice was as subtle and insubstantial as spider threads floating in the wind, "unless you want to try the feeling of losing both sides."

"Oh!" Happy Dawson shouted, but his tone was just a little sharper, and those eyeless monsters bared their mouths full of criss-crossed sharp teeth at him, roaring in warning, so he could only laugh twice. , whispered: "Oh... of course, my beautiful, distinguished lady... your presence really makes this small town shine... "

He blinked his eyes, spread his thin and deformed hands upward, and made a sincere gesture of longing for negotiation. He spoke incoherently and stammered: "But I don't understand, you and I should be the same person... I mean , the same status, master, master’s arrangement is like this. But why, how could you choose to stand on the opposite side of me and choose to help an inferior person with no faith at all... "

"The endless cycle has been broken, and I have been reborn in the truth." Jenny's expression remained unchanged, "In return, I will do my best to help this human being."

The look on Happy Dawson's face was stiff. He slowly rubbed his hands and said softly: "I don't understand, happydawson doesn't understand..."

"You don't have to understand with your eyes and tongue." Jenny raised her small chin, her eyes were calm and long, "You are the master of reincarnation here, and I am also called the emperor in other time and space. My army is endless, but tonight, you I only brought one family member with me. Retreat, you have no chance of winning."

"Happydawson understands, do you want Happydawson to give up his prisoner?" Happy Dawson opened his eyes hard, almost tearing his eye sockets, "There is no such custom, Miss, no! As long as it is the prisoner Happydawson likes, Nothing can escape from his grasp, even death cannot compete with him!"

"Are you determined to have your own way?" Jenny looked directly into his eyes, with a hint of coldness in her expression. She raised her hands, intending to let go of the chains and let her vicious dogs have a good time tonight, "In that case, I hope you won’t regret your current thoughts.”

Happy Dawson grinded his teeth and sucked his tongue, and made a clicking sound in his mouth. He held on to the tie of his suit and tore it out into various shapes. Finally, he finally backed down: "Okay! Okay!"

He glared viciously with his protruding eyeballs, trying to see through the hill-like eyeless monsters and see through the Wenzheliu hidden behind them. He hissed: "Little rabbit, little bug! You have a great helper." , This surprised me very much, but you can’t rely on her help forever. Sooner or later, you will experience the ending you deserve with me!”

He took two steps back and ordered the butcher: "Let's go, let's go find the original one!"

Wen Zheliu hurriedly straightened up and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Wait, no!"

The iron chain in Jenny's hand was lightly loosened, and there was a crisp and fine series of clinks.

Happy Dawson turned his eyes inch by inch and repeated his words in disbelief: "...No? What can't?"

Wen Zheliu threw the finished bottle of red medicine against the wall and smashed it into pieces: "Don't even think about catching a so-called prisoner tonight! Go back to your lair, there is no test subject you want here!"

"What?! This is really unheard of!" Happy Dawson laughed angrily and stood on the spot and yelled, "My audience is waiting for happydawson. They are eager for interesting programs and guests, but you actually banned happydawson from giving it to him. Invite guests to our fun show!”

"If he says no, that means he can't." Jenny smiled slightly, "Unfortunately, you're probably going to leave empty-handed tonight."

Happy Dawson flew into a rage and screamed: "There is a whole town's population waiting for Happy Dawson..."

"—I think you must not know the glorious deeds I have done for the town," Jenny interrupted him mercilessly, "If you don't agree, wait until tonight, and I'm afraid your town won't even have a single bird." There won’t be any dogs left.”

As he spoke, the eyeless monster's bloody tongue swayed from side to side, sending out hints of hunger from its throat.

"Wait and see... Just wait and see..." Happy Dawson was so angry that he was shaking all over, his limbs were uncontrollably making various nervous twitching movements, and his expression was crazy to the point of morbidity, "Let's go!"

He ran away as strangely as when he came. There was a flash of lightning at the end of the corridor, and both Happy Dawson and the Butcher disappeared in an instant.

Jenny leaned down, gently picked up the small photo frame pendant on the ground, turned around and stretched out her hand towards Wen Zheliu.

"This is your thing, don't drop it on the ground next time."

Hearing that Zheliu survived the catastrophe, all this was as unreal as a dream to him. He hesitated for a moment, took the silver jewelry from Jenny's translucent palm, looked at her with surprise and gratitude, and it took him a long time to find his voice.

"... Why can you appear here?" Wen Zheliu looked at the pendant in his hand, and then looked up at her. At this moment, the six eyeless monsters were docilely lying at the girl's feet, and they couldn't help but make a nostalgic cry, " Is it because of this necklace?”

"The subtle connection between us is enough for me to come to you through the medium," Jenny smiled, "a time traveler."

Wen Zheliu felt mixed feelings in his heart, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. He whispered: "About Marianne, I..."

"It's nothing." Jenny still smiled slightly and pointed at her eyes, "I saw it."

" can see everything?!" Wen Zheliu said in surprise.

Jenny shook her head: "No, I can't do it yet. Even in my time and space, I can't be omniscient and omnipotent, so how can I see everything? I just see more things and let them go in the process of evolution. "

Wen Zheliu was speechless, and he could feel that Jenny in front of him seemed to have transformed into a more advanced intelligent life.

"You are a... very courageous girl," he said.

Looking at his face, the figure of Jenny holding the eyeless monster gradually disappeared like mist.

"I just chose a path to fight against myself, but in addition to fighting against yourself, you also have to fight against the gods of the world. Speaking of which, you - or those time travelers like you, are the ones with real courage. "Her eyes were soft, she raised her palm, pointed her finger in the center of her palm, and made a gesture to Wen Zheliu, "Use a real spear to break the illusory shield, and find a balance at the interface between the two, so that you can escape from the endless chaos. Ring of Bius, remember this.”

Wen Zheliu was stunned: "What?"

But there was no answer, Jenny had turned into scattered clouds, and disappeared in front of Wen Zheliu together with her vicious dog.

He stared at the pendant in his palm and found that its properties had changed.

Item name: Jenny’s pendant

Grade: a+ (bound)

Activation type: Instant activation

Cooling time: 48 hours

Attack power: unknown

Effect: Summons jeane hill to the user's side, lasting 30 minutes.

Equipment level: 1

Prop introduction: I am like wildfire, rising from the ashes. I burned the barren plains, and saw the stars in the sky with the reflected fire; I burned the immortal poems, and saw the footsteps of all living beings walking between the lines of words flying in the sky. A sun rose in my sky and I said, "I am wildfire!"

So he said: "Then you should have a long life and remain forever in the cycle of seasons."

Ouroboros, pentagram, endless reincarnations and cycles, fully intelligent systems... Wen Zheliu seemed to have caught a vague clue to follow in the chaotic flow of information. However, he was holding the While Jenny was thinking hard about the pendant, she heard a distant shout coming from afar.

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"...Wen Zheliu!"

His whole body trembled, and his scalp suddenly exploded!

Wen Zheliu could tell that it was He Qin's voice, full of rage, unwillingness and madness on the verge of despair.

He is not a frivolous baby, nor is he Ning Ning who only calls out when he is teasing. This is the first time that He Qin has called him by his first name since he met him.

… It’s too bad, this wave is really going to end.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the long moon flute x5, Baishan mountain, Fujii tree x2, はやて, inorganic salt x4, breeze, Xiaox2, Guizhi, 31001222, asteriax3, ak, 29244422, I am a ghost x10, white tofu x8 Mine, thank you very much!

Thanks to はやて, inorganic salt x4 for the grenade, bam!

Thanks to the rocket launcher of inorganic salt, it’s a waste of money!

Thank you everyone for your comments and support. I feel so sick and dizzy_(:|∠)_