The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 45


Anyway, stay quiet and calm and don’t disturb people…

Bai Jingxing's mental value has dropped by half at this moment. This is a very dangerous signal. Once it exceeds the passing threshold, the probability of the player falling into madness will increase exponentially.

His face was bloodless, and his lips were bruised from the cold. He couldn't spit out a word. It was as if a piece of ice was firmly stuck in his throat and on the base of his tongue. His cold, hardened brain was working slowly, thinking hard. With that scene in mind.

Stay quiet and calm and don’t disturb people’s enjoyment…

Staying quiet means shutting up, staying calm means not panicking. So, is the last sentence the result of the previous sentence, or is it a condition of parallel order

If it was the result of the previous sentence, he would just maintain his speed now, then slowly open the door and leave - but no, his instinct told himself that he could not ignore the Laughing Ghost and walk away, it would be the same. To hide one's ears and steal the bell.

If it was a parallel condition, it meant that he couldn't speak, couldn't panic, and couldn't spoil the ghost's interest... What was he going to do

From the strands of his hair to the tips of his toes, every corner of Bai Jingxing's body was trembling slightly and at a high frequency. In addition to his heartbeat, he could now hear the sound of his teeth chattering up and down.

What should he do

That ambiguous scene prompt now became Bai Jingxing's only life-saving straw. He squeezed out a cold sigh from his nose, then made up his mind, stuffed the small shield into the package, and turned around in the opposite direction of the enemy behind him. Go, open your legs again, and walk step by step towards the meat stall in the center.

That's all he could do, let's take a gamble... Apart from this method, he had no other way out.

He walked slowly, his calves and feet were as heavy as lead. The Laughing Ghost behind him still followed him, never moving away even half a step.

Bai Jingxing stood in front of the meat stall again, but this time he was facing it head-on. The terrifying ghost suddenly disappeared from behind him and reappeared behind the meat stall. The slightly swaying dim light shone on it, adding an extra twist to its crude and weird smile.

Under the illumination of the light, Bai Jingxing suddenly discovered that it was not wearing black clothes at all, but a red clothes dyed black by layers of new and old bloodstains.

It smiled, looked straight ahead, and asked again: "Guest, do you want some meat?"

Bai Jingxing stretched out his cold hands and reluctantly pulled out a piece of meat and bone that was relatively intact and could be held in his hand from the pile of meat that had long since rotted and stinked into fishy slime.

Facing the evil ghost, his eyes began to blur, but he still stubbornly kept his mouth shut. He took out a handful of copper coins from the package with his other hand, then pushed his fingers convulsively, and pushed them one by one on the scale. .

The process of paying was extremely long. After finishing all this, Bai Jingxing turned around again and walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor. He was carrying the piece of flesh and bone, feeling that the sight of the Laughing Ghost was still staring at him intently. It was chasing him, but it didn't catch up after all... He passed this level of test!

At this time, his steps had begun to stagger a little. He seemed to be walking in water, and the air above his head was the solid earth. His stomach was cramping, and he could only see the passage door not far away... and the water floating in front of him. The red letter of danger.

Your current mental value is: 21%, please pay attention to adjustments in time.

21%, only 21% left... Bai Jingxing tried his best to open his eyes wide. He raised his right hand and opened the small door that symbolized temporary safety. Then he fell into the boundless darkness and lost consciousness.

In a city district, Wen Zheliu walked on the cold and shivering streets, silently observing the surrounding situation.

When he woke up and could open his eyes, the first thing he smelled was a mixed odor, and his exposed palms seemed to touch something soft and sticky. He hurriedly straightened up and held the cane firmly in his palm. Only then did he realize that it was Happy Dawson who had teleported him to a large public trash can.

Wen Zheliu: "... Damn it."

He tried his best to reach down with his legs until he was sure that he had stepped on a solid bottom. Then he struggled to get up from the half-man-high pile of domestic garbage and stand up straight.

At this moment, his investigator suit was filled with the stench of decay, several wilted cabbage leaves were stained on his back, and his hands were smeared with a lot of broken egg whites, cheese or something else. body. Wen Zheliu picked out a lock of dried apple peel from his hair with an expressionless face. No matter how good-tempered he was, he almost couldn't help but curse at this moment.

He held the edge of the trash can with one hand and jumped out neatly. When the player's level is close to level 20, his physical fitness is only slightly worse than that of professional athletes in the real world. As he walked, he turned on his communication device, intending to contact his teammates.

Fortunately, all the suits in the mall come with an automatic cleaning function. When the time is up, it will slowly return to a clean state, which saves him a lot of trouble.

Wen Zheliu looked at his current coordinates and found that he was on the edge of City A. He hung his cane on his waist, took out a bottle of water from the package, poured it on a tissue, and wiped his face and body a little. Stains on hands.

He Qin's familiar voice came from the communication device. Wen Zheliu couldn't help but smile. After reporting their respective situations and locations, he whispered in surprise: "Brother, I'm in the same city as you!"

"Yes," He Qin answered with a doting smile, "Brother, please send me the coordinates, honey."

Wen Zheliu was so happy that it even diluted the shadow of the half-day trip to the garbage dump. After they exchanged coordinates, he realized that He Qin was now in the center of the city.

"I came over to find you," he said, "I'm too far away."

He Qin warned: "Pay attention to safety along the way and send each other coordinates every fifteen minutes to let me know where you are."

The two briefly exchanged a few words, and then Wen Zheliu heard unusual movements from Li Tianyu's side.

The distant water could not save the nearby fire, so he could only send a message to Xie Yuanyuan, asking him to quickly take care of Li Tianyu. At this critical moment when all team members were dispersed, as long as one person was lost, the situation of the remaining people would become doubly difficult.

He slowed down his voice and said gently: "From now on, the team members in each area will move closer to each other, the whole team channel will be closed, and small channels will be opened between the members of the same group who have confirmed their positions. Li Tianyu, move your fingers, and through Xie Yuanyuan Apply for it, then send him the coordinates and ask him to come to you, don’t be afraid, okay?”

Hearing Li Tianyu's trembling agreement, he couldn't help but frown and sighed worriedly and silently.

Hope she can make it through.

There was no one on the street. Only street lamps and distant residential buildings emitted a few scattered lights that barely illuminated the night. He took a few steps forward, frowned in distress, and asked He Qin in a low voice: "Brother, what are you doing?" Is there anything abnormal there?"

He Qin replied: "Not yet, what's wrong?"

"I... I always feel that something is missing somewhere," he said, "I feel very unsteady."

He Qin laughed twice and pointed out pointedly: "Is it because of the lack of intelligence and information to understand the current scene?"

Wen Zheliu was startled and suddenly said: "Yes, this is it!"

According to his habit, every time he goes to a world or even a new location, he will investigate the scene, talk to NPCs, and try to find out the information or flaws in their mouths, so as to lay the foundation for subsequent reasoning and solving puzzles. But now he doesn't know anything, so he naturally feels uneasy.

Wen Zheliu thought for a while, smiled helplessly, then turned around and walked back to the trash cans placed side by side at the corner.

Domestic garbage often contains rich clues and clues that are difficult for ordinary people to find. In the fast-paced urban life, you only need to look through the domestic garbage in a person's home for four consecutive days, and you can grasp 80% | 90% of his information. Private information.

Wen Zheliu didn't want to waste his cane, so he picked up a long branch and rummaged through it box by box. But the more he rummaged through it, the tighter his brows became.

In addition to common food scraps and discarded items, he found the bodies of many stray cats and dogs in several trash bins. These poor little things were all very skinny, but most importantly, their death conditions were very miserable. Some of the wounds were still very fresh and they were still bleeding slowly. These are definitely not the marks left by wild predators, but the result of nails, hammers, and tool shovels.

If there are no ferocious ghosts here, then there must be a pervert who takes pleasure in killing people. Considering the difficulty of this world, there may be another subject after the pervert: perverted murderer, or more seriously: perverted serial killer. mad.

He shook his head and silently mourned for these little creatures in his heart. Then he continued to search inside and finally found a dirty and wrinkled old newspaper.

Wen Zheliu breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly browsed carefully by the light of the street lamp.

"Missing notice?" Wen Zheliu murmured, "My wife is seriously ill and has gone missing. She is thirty years old and has red hair. She wore a dark red dress before she left... We urgently need my wife to return home. If anyone knows any clues, I will tell her Thank you very much, Leighton Irving... There’s not even a photo, what kind of missing person notice is this?”

He continued reading: "I love my family... What's going on? Why are there still elementary school students' essays selected? My mother loves me, my father loves me, my sister loves me, and I love them too... Uh, Skip skip.”

"The following is... Congratulations to Mr. Irving - Is this the guy looking for a wife above? He successfully applied for a patent project to improve current-driven small motors. We will never forget Mr. Irving's efforts for the happy life of the people in the town..." He hurriedly Turning it over, "Look what's there... Oh! Here it comes!"

Wen Zheliu's eyes lit up and he hurriedly read the big news in black and white on the newspaper: "This week, the police finally solved a major murder case. A family of three fell in a pool of blood. The murderer turned out to be their only daughter... a Why is a happy family on the verge of destruction, and why do blood-related relatives fight against those who love them most... uh... "

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Next to it was a blurry black and white photo of the living room. The pixels and printing were poor enough, but there was also a thick layer of mosaic on it. Wen Zheliu could only see the outline of someone lying in a pool of blood, but couldn't see it at all. What useful information.

Wen Zheliu was speechless and read the text over and over several times. He couldn't believe that this frivolous narrative was actually reporting a horrific murder. Could it be that this was a third-rate tabloid in the town

There was nothing to see anymore, so he simply folded the newspaper and put it in his pocket, and walked alone to the intersection ahead.

Slowly, he seemed to feel an increasingly heavier chill blowing toward him from the night wind. He couldn't help but wrap his coat tightly in a strange way, took off the cane from his waist, and held it in his hand warily.

According to the level of the investigator's suit, as long as it's not extreme weather like blizzards and hail, he shouldn't feel such a cold feeling. What's going on now

He hid his body in the shadow of the wall and took a few steps forward. Only then did he suddenly realize that it was not the temperature that had dropped, but a chill that was frightening that was spontaneously flowing out of his body.

At the same time, an arm suddenly stretched out from the alley next to it like lightning, and then fiercely pulled Wen Zheliu in!

"Who?!" Wen Zheliu was frightened and yelled in a low voice. He swung his cane with a whistling sound and was about to hit the thing in front of him, whether it was a human or a ghost, on the head!

The author has something to say: Thank you all for your encouragement and support, Bobo Chicken!

This chapter isn’t so scary!