The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 48


He Qin tried to contact Wen Zheliu and called him on the team channel, but there was always a busy signal that could not be reached. He knew that the other party must be trapped in the ghost realm and unable to escape.

His eyes were gloomy and he murmured something. He could only follow Wen Zheliu's initial coordinates and fly over, praying in his heart that the little thing wouldn't run too far before he arrived.

The dazzling headlights on the front of the car were like the fangs of a beast, tearing through the hazy night, crushing countless pale ghost hands twisted like jungle vines along the way, roaring ferociously toward the edge of the town.

"...Mr. Owen?" Wen Zheliu asked softly, "Is that you?"

There was a moment of silence outside the door, and a hoarse male voice sounded: "Although I don't know who you are, you are undoubtedly very smart."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"... Kudos to you," Wen Zheliu felt mixed emotions in his heart and was a little speechless. He was praised for his intelligence by two people who didn't know whether they were dead or alive in one day. He didn't know whether to be happy or embarrassed. "There was someone just now... A lady said so."

Unexpectedly, the man at the door sounded panicked: "Have you met my wife?! She, how long has she been away from here? She won't turn around and come back, right?! Sorry, my friend, I'm afraid I have to leave here first..."

"Wait!" Wen Zheliu couldn't tell whether he was really scared or not, but she had to stop him first and tell him all her inner doubts, "Don't worry, Mr. Owen, I can guarantee that your wife has left." Far away. What's more, according to what she just said, you are the most suspicious one, so what's going on? "

Leighton Owen smiled bitterly outside the door.

"The Midnight Fun Show ruined my life," he whispered, and through a door, the voice was filtered to become even hoarse and depressed, like a series of bubbles exhaled by a drowning man struggling deep in the bottom of a river, " I guess you’ve heard of it too, right?”

"Yes." Wen Zheliu couldn't help but nodded, "I know."

The man murmured: "Since this damn show was aired - yes, I admit, it has become so popular that anyone who doesn't talk about it in society is like the most unpopular old man. But it At the same time, it broke up my family and made my family look like this... "

Wen Zheliu thought for a few seconds and then said, "You mean that you are a victim of the midnight show, not an accomplice."

"Of course!" Owen said fiercely, "Since watching it, my daughter has become surly and irritable. Did you know that she even went to the drugstore to buy rodenticide and insecticide and put it into the family's meals? , in the water she drank, luckily I found it early! Her mother also became sensitive and neurotic. She thought I was going to kill her all day long. She had a look of horror when she saw me. Mei poisoned everyone's bowls. I want to I’m trying to teach Mei a lesson, but she actually yelled at me that I’m a murderer and will kill innocent Mei right away!”

He was breathing heavily, and the sound of his breathing drifted left and right, so Wen Zheliu understood that he was spinning back and forth on the carpet at the door uncontrollably: "Oh my God! She is so innocent for poisoning the whole family! And Our youngest son, that child hates us. He seems to have lost his mind. He stays at the stairs all day long, waiting to push me down and make me break my head and blood... This is my family, my wife and Child! Tell me, sir, how can I become an accomplice!"

Part of what he said was indeed consistent with the information in the newspaper... Wen Zheliu thought about it and soothed him calmly: "Mr. Owen, please don't get excited. I understand your difficulties. As you say. , you are the only one in your family who is normal, everyone else was affected by the midnight show, right?"

"Yeah," Owen insisted, "that's it."

"Then what is your purpose of coming to me?" Wen Zheliu continued to ask, "Also, Mei said that it was indeed you who killed your wife, and your youngest son broke his neck during a dispute between his parents. Damn it, why are your words different from hers? With all due respect, Mr. Owen, one of you must be lying."

"I didn't kill my wife!" Owen stressed anxiously at the door. "After we argued with her, she disappeared. I was the one who sent the missing person notice to find her. As for our youngest son, it was because he didn't stand up for himself. Steady, I just fell from the position where he attacks me every day. I am also very sad when something like this happens!"

The more Wen Zheliu listened, the more something was wrong, and he asked another question: "So, are you a human or a ghost?"

"I'm a human being. If you don't believe it, just open the door and take a look!"

"Then why did the newspaper say that a family of three fell in a pool of blood?" Wen Zheliu frowned, "The murderer was their eldest daughter?"

"I escaped with my life, sir," Owen said bitterly, "but this is my fate. That day, my wife, who had been away from home for many days, sneaked back while I was away and wanted to take the children away from here. But Mei poisoned the water again... She was so persistent, and she really succeeded. I was not able to rush back because I was working overtime in the factory. After that day, I lost my wife and youngest son forever, Mei I also took poison and committed suicide with a crazy and trance-like smile... From then on, I was the only one left in the world."

So, the family of three refers to Mei, Mei's mother and Mei's younger brother? That…

"That's even more strange." Wen Zheliu said sharply, "What you said is full of loopholes. According to what you said, your son was not killed by Mei at all. He broke his neck by himself. Why didn't you clarify this to the newspaper? A little bit, but let them publish such inflammatory and misleading false reports? Also, why do you still hang up that missing person notice a week after your wife's death? The newspaper and the police just let you put it up ?”

Owen was silent for a long time. Wen Zheliu gently raised his hand, quietly opened the cat's eye, and looked out again.

He breathed a sigh of relief, because the person standing outside the door was not a dead ghost, just a tall man with a gloomy expression, his face slightly pale under the light of the corridor.

Just as he was looking at the man's clothes, Owen spoke: "Sir, I assure you that everything I said is true. The police in this town were very lax, and I paid for the newspaper, so they agreed. I've been here for two weeks... After experiencing everything like this hell, why should I care about missing persons notices or clarifications?"

His tone was sad and bitter, with a trace of self-deprecating sadness in his voice. Anyone who heard it would feel sad. After making these defenses, he added: "Sir, believe me, come with me and leave here. Mei will come out of the garden soon. I know she likes the garden very much and will linger in it for a long time every time, even if it is... Same thing after death... But she will be back soon, with her poisonous sweet soup and meals, and she will insist on watching you eat them one bite at a time, and no one can save you then! Trust me, here It’s a life-or-death situation, don’t you still believe what a heartbroken father says?”

Wen Zheliu stared at the pendulum swinging regularly on the wall, not at all flustered by Owen's urging. He whispered: "Wait, let me sort out the timeline..."

He made a fist with one hand, slowly tapped the palm of the other hand, and muttered: "The Midnight Joy Show is on. It has greatly affected the minds and sanity of the people in the surrounding areas, driving them increasingly crazy... This is the main premise. "

"If I were to sort out the timeline according to Owen's statement - but in fact, he was also the one who gave the most clear and comprehensive explanation, which forced me to adopt his statement. The midnight fun show started, the family became abnormal, and the wife was murdered. Delusion, the daughter was poisoned repeatedly, the son hated his family and wanted to push his father down the stairs... Then the wife had a big fight with her husband over the poisoning of the daughter, thinking that Owen was going to kill the daughter, and then ran away from home. , causing Irving to publish a missing person notice in the newspaper... "

At this point, Wen Zheliu began to notice that something was wrong.

"... A week after the missing persons notice was published in the newspaper, the wife went home to look for her children while Irving was at work, and wanted to take them away. At this time, the daughter drugged her mother again, poisoning the mistress of the house, and herself committed suicide by taking the poison; Perhaps out of panic, or perhaps anxious to check on their situation, the son accidentally fell down the stairs and died. From then on, Owen was the only one left... Well, things look like this, everything seems to be connected, but Why do I still have the guts..."

Just when he was at a loss what to do, the communication device on his waist suddenly rang.

Hearing that Zheliu's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't help but smile and hurriedly answered the call: "Brother, are you okay over there?!"

"Everything is fine," He Qin's voice was as usual, without any sign of fatigue, "I received the message you sent me, and I'm on my way to you now. How's it going? Is there no problem?"

Wen Zheliu sighed and briefly explained the whole thing to He Qin on the other end of the communication device.

"... It's just like this, complicated and tiring." He shook his head, "I don't know what to do now."

He Qin didn't speak for a long time, and seemed to be thinking. After a while, he said: "You might as well try to believe this Owen."

Wen Zheliu frowned: "Brother?"

"As you said, he is indeed the person who has revealed the most information to you at present, and most of the time points are correct," He Qin analyzed calmly, "leaving aside the doubtful tabloid, the information in the town newspaper Are the missing persons notice and the poisoning part true?"

Wen Zheliu's frown deepened, and he whispered: "Brother, I don't think I told you about the contents of the town newspaper before."

"It's just a town newspaper. It's flying everywhere. Do you think I can't see it?" He Qin said with a smile, "Okay, that's all I'm saying. You can make your own decision."

Wen Zheliu fiddled with the communication device in his hand in confusion, randomly clicking on it unconsciously, and responded: "Oh, okay..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly froze.

—In the draft box of unsent messages, there are five coordinate points that he failed to send.

What kind of news did He Qin receive? Why would he lie to himself

Is the voice coming from the communication device really He Qin's? In other words, who and what was he communicating with along the way

Wen Zheliu's body temperature was cold from beginning to end, and the muscles on his cheeks couldn't help but twitch, and he couldn't say a word.

Thinking about it now, just after his wireless headset buzzed, "He Qin"'s tone was a bit wrong. He kept encouraging himself to believe in a stranger of unknown origin, saying, "It's okay to believe her for the time being. Look, Let's see what she wants to do." However, according to He Qin's usual temperament, he couldn't say such a thing at all. He would only say, "Stand there honestly and don't run around with people you don't know"!

He was deceived by ghosts, and even by He Qin disguised as a ghost! Up to now, this counterfeiter is still making poor excuses to try to defraud him!

Wen Zheliu was so angry that he was shaking all over. When he spoke again, his voice had become as cold as ice. He asked softly: "Brother, I remembered. Do you know that the last one pretended to be you, and then he was killed by me again?" Who is the person who figured it out?"

"He Qin" said hesitantly: "...What's wrong? Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"What's wrong? Why are you asking this suddenly?" Wen Zheliu sneered and repeated this sentence sarcastically, "Then I tell you, listen up, you inferior ass! The last person who pretended to be him was Saint Sister Ceresa, you are a ten-dollar fortune teller, who do you think you are, how dare you pretend to be like him in front of me!!"

After roaring with gritted teeth, he pulled off the communication device, his cheeks turned red with anger, and without any regard for dignity or step-by-step, he stood directly in front of the cat's eye, looked up and down at Leighton Irving, who was still waiting outside the door, and said viciously He sarcastically said: "Current-driven small motor... Yes, I forgot about this condition. Now that I think about it, isn't this the core component of the electric saw, Mr. Owen?"

The author has something to say: Thank you all for your support and encouragement. The situation has not been very good recently, and I am very ashamed!