The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 50


The heat wave was rolling, the sound of the explosion was earth-shattering, and it set off a turbulent and angry wave like a tsunami!

Wen Zheliu's windbreaker fluttered in the cracked golden-red light, turning into hazy twilight silhouettes on the edges of the two leaves. Thick smoke accompanied by splashing fire, like beautiful and cruel fireworks, burst into the sky as thick as ink, igniting a cluster of eye-catching coordinate points in the darkness of several kilometers.

He Qin raised his eyebrows, and his handsome and profound facial features seemed to be highlighted by the light. He murmured with a smile: "Little thing..."

The car lights are like the dazzling eyes of a beast that opens in the middle of the night, roaring and spitting out white air, shooting towards the distant fire!

Wen Zheliu turned his back to the blazing fire, raised his hand to wipe the sweat that was smoldering from the heat from his forehead, and said with great pride: "A real man never looks back to see the explosion!"

But... this ghost is definitely gone, right

Just to be sure, he covered his eyes with his hands and looked back at the thick, choking black smoke. If it was still alive, it wouldn't be that difficult...

Except for the crackling sounds in the flames, the occasional popping sounds, and the burning sound of the fire devouring and licking the air, there was no movement inside. Wen Zheliu felt relieved, turned around and walked a few steps forward. When he saw two bright car lights approaching on the horizon, he couldn't help but feel a tremble in his heart.

Is it He Qin

He hurriedly took out the communication device he had just pulled off from his pocket and found that there was already a signal on it, so he quickly put it on his ear and dialed the team channel.

The connected voice rang three times, and He Qin immediately picked it up and said with a smile: "Baby? I saw you, there was a lot of movement."

Suddenly hearing his doting call and gentle voice, I felt like I had been given a new lease of life. I finally relaxed completely at this moment. I wanted to collapse on the ground immediately and roar loudly and without care.

"Brother, did you drive here?" He shouted excitedly, "I saw you too!"

"If you see it, just stay where you are," He Qin's tone was lazily and at the same time heartbreakingly reliable, "Brother will take you back."

"Yeah!" Wen Zheliu smiled with crooked eyebrows and the tip of his cane dangled on the sand, waiting for He Qin to pick him up.

A burned beam broke off the roof and fell into the boiling fire with a loud bang. He Qin's car sped over from the end of the winding road, and the light of the car lights gradually got closer and closer to him. Wen Zheliu waited intently, but did not notice a figure covered with fire standing staggeringly in the blazing flames behind him. , the chainsaw turned in its hand, making an intermittent whistling sound.

It stepped forward step by step, its carbonized and decayed leg bones struggling to support the weight of its body and the weapon, and the sound of its footsteps was covered by the beeping flames. Leighton Owen's skin was exposed and scorched, and half of his mutilated cheekbones hung on his face, tied by the disconnected facial tissue. The other half hung under his upper gums, swinging precariously on his chest. Its remaining eyeballs radiated with a vicious and bloodthirsty light. It slowly approached Wen Zheliu, who had its back turned to it, and slowly raised the chainsaw in its hand—

Wen Zheliu's attention was completely focused on He Qin. He could only feel the heat waves rolling in from behind. He calculated eagerly that at this time, He Qin's car was still 600 meters away, 500 meters away, 400 meters away...

Large chunks of Owen's carbonized flesh detached and smashed onto the dry ground. Its bones creaked and moved, and the intermittent sound of the electric saw was raised high above its head.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters... Wen Zheliu was about to jump up and wave, but He Qin's expression changed drastically!

One hundred meters.

The cold hairs on Wen Zheliu's back stood up intuitively in the heat, bringing a shuddering feeling of coldness and heat all over his body. He turned around suddenly, and the knight's cane collided with the violently smashed chainsaw. Set off a cluster of sparks!

Fifty meters.

He Qin slammed on the brakes, and the tires made a sharp and harsh friction sound on the empty road, spinning and flying across the ground. Before he could stop, his figure was like a sudden violent beast, from the broken to the ground. A bolt of black lightning shot out of the car window, and it rushed at Wen Zheliu's body with an extremely vicious roundhouse kick. In an instant, Li Gui's body was kicked more than ten meters away with his weapon, and he crashed into the burning car. Among the ruins!

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Hearing that Zheliu was in shock, he trembled and shouted: "Brother!"

The car kept moving and continued to slide across the asphalt road for several meters. He Qin's eyes were red, reflecting the fire that burned the world in front of him. He stared closely at the roaring and struggling ghost in the firelight. The strong muscles on his shoulders and neck tensed up, rising and falling slowly under his clothes. Immediately afterwards, he strode forward, and the soles of his boots crushed the hot sand into countless scattered debris. Before Wen Zheliu could stop him, he saw him stomping Li Gui's wrist, whose skin was charred and bones were quenched. It was smashed into pieces, and the electric saw that was held tightly collapsed a long distance in an instant!

Li Gui let out a heart-rending howl. Wen Zheliu was dumbfounded. Seeing He Qin leaning down again as if nothing had happened, he was not afraid that the handle of the chainsaw would be burned into a terrifying iron red by the fire, and he swung it towards the center of the road. Wen Zheliu's dull eyes followed the parabola flying out of the chainsaw up and down, and finally saw it rolling and hitting the smooth road, throwing out several damaged parts and shell fragments.

"How's it going?" He Qin pulled Wen Zheliu up, "You're not scared, are you?"

"No, no..." Wen Zheliu shook his head blankly, "You are too fast, really."

He Qin was dusting him off. Hearing this, he couldn't help but glance up at him strangely.

"Baby," his chest was still rising and falling slightly, and there was still a fierceness on his face, but his romantic eyebrows were full of intimate sarcasm, "Even if you want to praise, you can't just praise a man for being fast, understand. ?"

Wen Zheliu was stunned for a moment, then reacted in the next second. He immediately blushed and almost kicked him: "Fuck you!"

He Qin smiled lowly and stretched out his hand to pull him to the car, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

The two got into the car, He Qin started the engine, and the wheels simply retreated, turning the car that was parked at an angle onto the right track, and then instantly accelerated. The steel giant let out a dull roar and rolled forward in an instant. Wen Zheliu could only feel his seat. The chair jolted, and the chainsaw, which was still turning unwillingly, was torn apart and shattered into fragments that spattered on the ground.

Wen Zheliu took a deep breath, then slumped his shoulders, and immediately felt a deep exhaustion sweeping over his mind and body. The belated soreness made him collapse in the stale seat, and just wanted to have a good sleep.

"Are you tired?" He Qin said warmly, "If you're tired, just take a nap. There's still something left to run around."

Wen Zheliu pinched the bridge of his nose and replied vaguely: "Forget it... Actually, it's not very tiring. There might be some messy stuff in the center of the city, so let's stay close to it for now."

He Qin put a hand on the car window and nodded slightly: "Everything in the center of the city has been slaughtered... But it's okay not to sleep. I broke the window when I came here, and now the cold wind is pouring in. , sleeping in the car is easy to catch a cold."

"You still have a cold in the game..." Wen Zheliu laughed weakly, "What a world."

"Aren't people always like this?" He Qin chuckled, "In the real world, we pursue illusory beauty, but in the game we strive for reality - what we can't get is the best. This is the bad nature of human beings."

"It makes sense." Wen Zheliu cheered up and told He Qin what happened just now. He Qin listened intently. When he heard Li Gui pretending to be his own voice and talking to Wen Zheliu, he couldn't help but He stroked the corner of his lips thoughtfully: "It seems that the blow just now was too gentle, didn't it?"

"Anyway, it can't do evil now," Wen Zheliu sighed, "I don't know what happened to the others."

"City D where Chen Feiluan and Lin Miao are located is actually the safest," He Qin said. "They met each other with almost no injuries and are now rushing to Melios; Xie Yuanyuan and Li Tianyu cannot be contacted. The same goes for Du Zijun, Xi Ling and Bai Jingxing, we still don’t know their current situation.”

Wen Zheliu said with envy: "It's really good luck to have a bye."

"This is fate." He Qin shook his head. "The difficulty of this world has increased exponentially. Compared with this time, the first world is just a small fight... I am really lucky to have a bye."

Wen Zheliu nodded tiredly, and a circle of weak blue gradually appeared under his eyes. He Qin took the time to look at him and said hurriedly: "Baby, be good, hey! Don't sleep. You will get sick if you sleep now. Do you have any wine?" Come here, put on the blanket and have a drink."

As he said that, he pulled out a thin cashmere blanket from the package and laid it on Wen Zheliu, "Take a good cover, drink some wine, and warm yourself up. We'll be there soon."

Wen Zheliu struggled to wrap the blanket tightly, and took out some liquor that could be used for both heating and disinfection from his backpack. He managed to pour a small sip into his mouth, and drowsily closed his eyes in the cold wind. He Qin said with concern. : "Drink another bottle of physical supplement. Have you bought it? If not, take it from my bag."

"Bought..." Wen Zheliu nodded slowly, opened a bottle and drank. When his physical strength returned to 70%, he finally seemed to be in better spirits.

"Say something, honey." He Qin said, "For example, what are your past events, any impressive stories? Or the people you have met in life, including your family, your parents... "

He Qin suddenly stopped talking, as if he understood that he had made a mistake, and quickly added: "It's okay not to talk about these, the main thing is that you can't sleep, you know? As long as you relax now, you will definitely get sick tomorrow."

But it was already too late. Those two words immediately attracted Wen Zheliu's attention. His eyes turned tired and dry red, and he whispered: "I have no family, and my parents have left long ago."

"...Your guardians," He Qin followed his words, "They are not good to you, right?"

"It's very bad." Wen Zheliu smiled bitterly, "It's extremely bad."

"They beat you," He Qin said calmly, without any emotion, "or scolded you?"

"Absolutely." Wen Zheliu replied listlessly, "I was beaten more often when I was a child because I was disobedient and often had conflicts with their sons. Then one time... I was sent to the hospital, and they seldom punished me corporally. No, it’s just scolding.”

He Qin didn't speak for a long time. In the dark night, his profile was as sharp and cold as a steel statue.

Wen Zheliu was a little confused, and the strong alcohol in his mouth began to take effect, making his whole body feel warm. He couldn't even open his eyes, but he still asked softly in confusion: "...Brother?"

"I'm listening," He Qin's tone was as indifferent as the frozen sea. But no one knew whether the turbulent ocean below was enough to swallow up the island, or the magma that burned the earth. "They rushed you to the hospital... I heard it."

Wen Zheliu seemed to wake up a little. In such a deep, silent and distant night, he seemed to be walking in memories, and could pick up souvenirs of the past from the broken scenes passing by the window at any time.

"Why don't you apply for the civil affairs department to intervene?" He Qin asked in a low voice, "Whether it is the Vulnerable Groups Protection Agency, private self-rescue agencies, or the official security department, your problem can be solved quickly, or you can come here …”

He wanted to say, "Or you can come to me or N-Star Company," but when he thought of that unbearable secret, he still swallowed his words and turned them into a short sigh in his throat.

Wen Zheliu smiled slightly, and his facial muscles relaxed, showing a very peaceful trance.

Why not ask for help

He closed his eyes hard, and the telegraph pole passing by him was like a powerful bat, driving him into the depths of his memory.

He returned to the afternoon ten years ago, with the smooth scent of pills in the air. Behind a regular line of pure white and blue light, he saw himself—that small, powerless self.

"I'm going to sue you." The little boy's eyes were red, as if they had been tempered by fire. He shed tears and spoke every word with almost all the fierce strength and determination that he could use at his age. The determination, "I, one, will, will, sue, you, us."

The two pale-faced adults looked at each other. Wen Qian stood up and whispered, "I'm going to look outside."

Then she took Liu Tianxiong away who was sobbing and planned to go outside the ward.

"What do you want to do?" young Wen Zheliu asked cautiously, pressing one hand on the light screen, "I can ring the alarm bell at any time."

"No, no, no!" Liu Jianzhang, who was left alone, waved his hands quickly, carefully smiled, took out a velvet box from his arms and placed it next to him, "Of course I have something to tell you, Zhe Liu."

Wen Zheliu kept crying, but her tone was still stiff and cold: "No matter what you say, it will not affect my decision."

Liu Jianzhang rubbed his fingers awkwardly, as if he was considering his words. After a moment, he said dryly: "Zhe Liu, do you still remember what your parents left for you?"

Wen Zheliu made a sound that was either a cough or a sneer from his throat, and said hoarsely: "Weren't they all taken away by you?"

"No, there is actually one more thing... It is very important. It is important enough for your parents to sign a paper document in person, saying that they will leave it to you on the day you come of age." As he spoke, he lifted the cowhide bag at his feet. Bypassing the seal above, he took out a few pieces of snow-white paper from inside, "You know... well, maybe you are still young and don't understand what your parents did before."

Having said this, he gradually calmed down, and his eyes also showed the unique and determined cunning of adults when facing children, "They have done a good job of keeping secrets. Your aunt and I don't know much about them. The specific situation, but-"

He paused, and as expected looked at the increasingly stunned expression on Wen Zheliu's face.

Nearly ten years have passed, and Wen Zheliu still remembers the helplessness he felt when he saw the handwriting left by his parents.

They jointly signed a strongly worded and resolute statement: If something unexpected happens, the coming-of-age gift they intend to give Wen Zheliu will be kept by the guardian designated by the civil affairs department and will not be handed over to him until his eighteenth birthday. During this period, Wen Zheliu himself did not have the rights and qualifications to hold it.

Seeing his helpless expression, Liu Jianzhang smiled slightly proudly: "Look, that's it."

Wen Zheliu gritted his teeth and stared at him fiercely, his cheeks flushed abnormally with anger: "Then I'm telling you now, the things my parents gave me can be handed over to me when I turn eighteen. In my hand, I just changed a custodian! I can hand it over to the government and ask for help from the Vulnerable Groups Protection Agency... "

His childish and angry accusations suddenly stopped, and his white face showed surprise.

Because Liu Tianxiong ignored his threat, he put the statement back into the brown paper bag, then slowly entered the fingerprint verification code and sonic password in front of him, and then opened the velvet box at hand.

The mechanical and precise light waves flow and shine, like a slowly blooming star string. At the beginning of the Big Bang, the moments of destruction and birth are reproduced in a very short moment from zero to one second.

The young Wen Zheliu had never seen this scene before, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

When the lid of the box was opened to its maximum, the halo dissipated, and he saw a tiny and stable dust-free force field formed inside, with... a strange and beautiful thing placed in the center.

It is composed of chips, and the whole body is engraved with dense lines as thin as hair, regular and orderly. The middle part is as white as snow, as long and narrow as a shuttle, with smooth lines. Five exquisite brackets of the same width are spread out on both sides, and ten finely carved black gold chips are inserted diagonally.

It seems to be the result of the highest level of technology and manpower - so much so that it actually gives it life, making it like a crane with white feathers and black wings that is ready to fly high at any time.

His heart and soul were captured by such cold, inorganic, yet constantly flowing beauty. The young Wen Zheliu stretched out his hand and couldn't help but want to touch the most precious treasure left to him by his parents. —


Liu Jianzhang closed it without mercy.

"!" Huanmeng was coldly expelled, and Wen Zheliu was suddenly startled and glared at him.

"Do you know what this is, kid?" Liu Jianzhang looked at him complacently and sneered, "To be honest, I have worked for n-star company for eleven years, and I have never seen this kind of craftsmanship and confidentiality measures, but I can recognize it. , the expansion devices added on these two sides are expansion devices!”

He lowered his voice and his eyes flashed with disbelief and contempt: "Whether you can understand it or not, but I am telling you now, I have used all the analytical instruments and all the connections I can find, but I can't crack it. Find out what is hidden in this storage array."

"But!" He immediately emphasized his tone irritably, "But! Its capacity has greatly exceeded all the storage containers that can be seen on the market. This thing is enough! There are ten expansion devices next to it. Do you know this What does it mean!”

Hearing that Zheliu didn't speak, he watched Liu Jianzhang pluck his hair, quickly walk around the ward twice, and concluded to him: "Although I don't know what your parents left for you, I can be sure. , this has far exceeded the upper limit of the information capacity stipulated by the government for citizens to carry. This thing is illegal! Thanks to this statement, your aunt and I will also be implicated!"

He took a breath, turned to Wen Zheliu and said confidently: "I didn't lie to you, and I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing. So you can sue me, sue me for embezzlement of your family property, sue me for mistreatment You, beat you up, but if you do—you'll never see it again."

He held up the box in his hand: "With its cost and manufacturing technology, as long as I hand it over to the public or sell it to the black market, no matter who I give it to, I guarantee that you will never find this box again in your life." Your parents gave you a coming-of-age birthday gift—an illegal coming-of-age birthday gift. Think about it for yourself, this is the last thing they left for you!"

The young Wen Zheliu's face turned pale and he silently looked at the black velvet box in his hand.

His family, his love, his remaining hope...

…his dad and mom.

Liu Jianzhang knew he had won.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, showed a smug smile to the bleak-looking child on the hospital bed, and said softly: "Okay, actually we are all a family, there is no need to be so tense, right? Uncle, right? I won’t hurt you anymore, talk to the police, being an obedient child is better than anything else, you know?”

Wen Zheliu couldn't remember what happened next. He only knew that he remained silent during several consecutive questions and chose to shake his head in denial.

"...Children, don't be afraid. Tell your aunt the truth. Have they treated you badly? Apart from this time, have they ever verbally attacked or physically harmed you? Don't be afraid. Just tell the truth. ”


"... Really not? Children, now many public welfare media and self-media on social platforms can speak out for you. As long as you think they have intentionally harmed you, they can be immediately isolated and subject to corresponding legal sanctions. . There are many people behind you to support you and help you. You really don’t have to be afraid. Come on, look into Auntie’s eyes.”


He just lowered his eyes, pursed his lips... and slowly, slowly shook his head.

The author has something to say: I wish you all a happy reading and thank you for your support and encouragement.