The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 62


Wen Zheliu threw away the metal bracket in his hand that had deformed and twisted along with the medical cabin. Ignoring the sharp broken glass on the floor, he knelt on one knee in front of He Qin, opened his bony palms, and opened the face that was wet with sweat. The photo was pushed gently into the pocket he had been holding.

"Reality," he whispered as his chest heaved as he breathed, "and illusion, is that so? Brother, is this what you want to tell me?"

The loud noise behind him was like the tide crashing on the shore. He seemed not to have heard it, and suddenly he heard the clear sound of broken glass in his ears.

Like a mirror shattering, like ice cracking open, at first, there was only a tiny trace, but soon it became louder and louder. With the sleeping He Qin as the center, the clicking sound spread continuously. It seems that what is broken is not the binary plane, but the entire vast and boundless space.

Everything it touched was turned into debris, everything it looked at was turned into flying ash. The mountains and seas were shattered, and the crackling sound was endless, spewing out in all directions, revealing the eternal and real blackness underneath.

The red light of the alarm and the entire room dissipated, the assistant outside the door and the security personnel who were about to break in disappeared, the building dissipated, n-star dissipated... The whole world dissipated into the vast and unknown universe, leaving only sleep. He Qin and Wen Zheliu who was half-kneeling next to him.

He gently grabbed He Qin's hand and saw dots of starry halo coming from the front, like meteors flying towards here. The light got closer and closer to them, until it exploded into an intense white.

The system is unlocked.

Character restrictions unlocked.

Two familiar female voices came to his ears. Facing the fatal spray of white light, He Qin who was held by him suddenly turned into fine sand that could not be held, flying in the bright light. Wen Zheliu panicked and was about to shout when he felt his feet sink and hit the ground.

A huge pulling force came from his arm. Before he could turn around and take a closer look, He Qin's tall body had already rushed up from behind and blocked him forcefully!

He is back, back in the game world!

A thought flashed through his mind like lightning, and he remembered what "He Huaizhou" said in the hallucination that He Qin stood in front of him and took most of the damage for him - although this could only be a foreseeable possibility, Wen Zheliu still Without having time to think about it, he grabbed He Qin's wrist with his backhand, pulled him heavily into his arms, and leaned over to knock him down!

The white light surged into the sky like a sea, like roaring thunder, roaring through the top of Wenzheliu. The two of them rolled into a ball and fell on the sticky and cold carpet. He Qin hugged him tightly, and the flesh on his arms was burned out. A huge area of terrible scorch.

"Brother!" Hearing that Liu Shang was heartbroken, He Qin jumped up, his blade shining like lightning, and he shot out in the direction of the beam!

- Putrid black blood splattered everywhere, and Happy Dawson hissed loudly in pain and screamed: "How dare you?!"

He Qin's pursed thin lips were as sharp as a blade, and a biting murderous intent surrounded him. Wen Zheliu was almost stabbed alive in front of him - this fact made him feel unparalleled rage and faint fear in an instant. , so that even the burning pain became insignificant.

Wen Zheliu gasped: "Brother, your wound!"

The surveillance screen, which was as huge as a wall and was divided into dozens of small windows, was emitting a faint blue-white light, reflecting He Qin's wounds that were bleeding regardless of the flow of blood. It also illuminated Happy Dawson's figure in a fat suit. After a while, He Qin stared at Happy Dawson's figure and said softly: "During the day, your strength will indeed be weakened by most."

Happy Dawson spread his hands and chuckled at him: "But the guests were still fooled. You didn't recognize the real bait in time, and you lost to happydawson!"

Wen Zheliu was startled: "What?"

The temperature in the air gradually changed, and his nose vaguely smelled a warm smell of blood. Wen Zheliu's whole body froze, and he suddenly reacted. He looked back suddenly, and immediately felt a heartbreaking pain -

Both sides of the corridor were covered with bright red blood that was almost dazzling. Even the old and yellowed walls were splashed with large and shocking totems. The body of the companion lying on the ground, uncertain about his life or death, was still trembling slightly!

The color drained from Wen Zheliu's face, and the pain surging up from his internal organs almost tore his heart and lungs apart instantly. He yelled, rushed forward and picked up Bai Jingxing, but saw that he was only half-conscious. With his eyes open, most of the blood on his lips has dried up, and there are still broken pieces of fishy lumps in it.

"I have medicine for wounds, I have medicine for wounds..." He tried his best, but he couldn't stop his sobs from crying, and his body was trembling like leaves shivering in the autumn wind. He took out the red medicine from the package, crushed it with trembling hands, and fed it to Bai Jingxing's mouth, "Drink quickly... drink quickly..."

He Qin's hand holding the knife did not move even half an inch, but his eyes darkened instantly.

Bai Jingxing's throat made a weak "ho-ho" sound, each one softer than the other, unable to connect with each other. The color of his irises was chaotic, reflecting the blood-stained light on the lenses. He just stared blankly ahead, struggling to raise his hand, as if he wanted to grab something, or as if he wanted to put something into Wen Zheliu's hand.

Wen Zheliu lowered his head subconsciously and saw numbly the huge blood-stained hole in his abdominal cavity. The edge of this fatal penetrating wound was still filled with cruel anxiety, which directly led to the arrival of death.

The player has been permanently disconnected.

Team deaths: 1

The punishment mode in the escape mode has been turned on, and the game difficulty is currently increased by 10%. Please prepare for the rest of the players.

Wen Zheliu's heart was blocked and he couldn't breathe. He screamed in pain, as if he remembered something again. He hurriedly put down Bai Jingxing and rushed to Chen Feiluan's side, but he still couldn't cover most of his broken throat and exploded into coke. of the entire left arm. There was a roar in his ears, and he didn't even know what he was wailing in nonsense. Chen Feiluan's pupils were dilated, and he looked at the shadow that shrouded him aimlessly. His lips opened and closed as hard as he could, as if he was struggling to convey something. What message

"Li Tianyu..." Wen Zheliu gritted her teeth and nodded deeply to him, promising, "Okay, okay... I will take care of her, I will take care of her..."

Player Feiniaoyou has been permanently disconnected.

Team deaths: 2

The punishment mode in the escape mode has been turned on, and the game difficulty has increased by 20% cumulatively. Please prepare for the rest of the players.

Happy Dawson grinned with the corners of his raised mouth almost reaching the base of his ears. The tail of his eyes was raised, and his pure black eyeballs showed undisguised interest and ecstasy. He raised his arms high to He Qin: "Ah! It's exactly the same as the last few times. ! I just crushed a few little ants to death, and I can feel the power rushing into my body. This is really amazing!"

He Qin's back was slightly bowed, and the muscles all over his body bulged like flowing water. At this moment, all his usual frivolous and gorgeous disguises were completely thrown away, as if the scabbard of a peerless sword was thrown to the ground. There was no extraneous expression on his face, only his pupils were as bright as snow, with a faint golden glare!

He was like a leopard that was ready to attack, filled with the blood and evil aura of many years of killing and hunting, and fearlessly stood in the way of a powerful enemy.

"Then give it a try," he said softly, his voice like a piece of rolling silk, with the smoothness of honey and the coldness of the blade at the same time, "see if you can take another step forward."

Player Songlin Xijian has been permanently disconnected.

Team deaths: 3

The punishment mode in the escape mode has been turned on, and the game difficulty has increased by 30% cumulatively. Please prepare for the rest of the players.

The strength was still increasing, but the smile on Happy Dawson's face sank.

"This guest is a powerful person, happydawson can see it," he said softly, "but happydawson knows how to be a good hunter and will not rush this moment."

"Let's go, baby," He Qin tensed up and slowly backed away while calmly conveying the news to Wen Zheliu, "Don't be sad, don't cry, we will win."

Wen Zheliu finally let go of Lin Miao's completely cold body. He hugged Xi Ling, and his tears seeped into the child's sweater drop by drop. Perhaps because of his young age and short stature, or because the adults in front of him absorbed most of the damage, Xi Ling was just hit unconscious and was the least seriously injured.

He was holding a Xi Ling and stubbornly wanted to collect the body of his companion. Facing Happy Dawson, He Qin stepped back step by step and coaxed in a hoarse voice: "Baby, let's go, they... you can't put it in the backpack, either. Can’t carry it away.”

Wen Zheliu's mind went blank. He could not figure out how all of this happened. His reason, the observation and analysis skills he had always been proud of, turned into useless ashes in the face of the death of his companions. He could only cry intermittently while retreating back.

Hearing the sound of rapid footsteps behind him, Xie Yuanyuan rushed forward first and said in horror: "I heard the system prompt, what on earth happened..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at the red blood all over the wall and the corpses lying on the floor in the corridor. The remaining words were stuck in his throat and he could no longer spit them out.

"How could it be..." His whole body felt like it was falling into an ice cellar, staring at all this blankly, " could it be like this!"

Wen Zheliu tried his best to suppress the spasm in his throat, tears streaming down his face, and whispered: "Let's go, let's go quickly..."

"Then they..." Xie Yuanyuan wanted to pick up the arms of Lin Miao and others, carry them on his back, and leave. He Qin sternly said: "Let's go! Don't stay here for a long time!"

Happy Dawson looked at them with his cold and joyful eyes, slowly stretched out a hand and waved it towards them three times in a regular manner.

"Welcome next time, my respected guests!"

They retreated along the stairs. Wen Zheliu's arms sent away three companions who should not have sunk here. He was drenched by death and despair. He only felt that the eyes were completely black and white, and even the colors were blurred. Deprived together.

Failure, unprecedented, huge failure.

The first floor of the pharmacy was quiet. Except for the mess that was smashed on the ground and the tables, chairs and utensils that had been knocked down by external forces, there was not a single person.

"After receiving the news about Chen Feiluan..., Li Tianyu went crazy." Xie Yuanyuan smiled dryly and bitterly, his voice echoing in a small area on the empty first floor, "Sister Du knocked her unconscious and took her away by force. Yes, she said to wait for us outside first, she can’t just go up there.”

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

Wen Zheliu nodded numbly, holding Xi Ling in his arms, while He Qin was still guarding them behind him in case the moody comedian changed his mind temporarily.

"Baby," he whispered, his voice reliable and gentle, "it's okay, relax, we can get through it."

Listening to his voice, Wen Zheliu suddenly felt strangely confused.

Could it be that he was still hallucinating and never woke up? Otherwise, how could the world in front of him suddenly undergo such a huge change

The author has something to say: Because my thinking was not smooth, I thought about the way to express this chapter for a long time. Kavin was in so much pain that he was scratching his hair.gif

In addition, Chen Feiluan’s player name is wrong. There is no doubt that he is the old player who was expelled from the team by the eldest lady.