The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 63


The explosion was deafening, and the pickup truck carried them all the way. As soon as they left the pharmaceutical factory, Wen Zheliu detonated the TNT placed underground, blowing everything into a piece of shattering sparks.

It was already dusk on the horizon. Du Zijun abandoned the Harley and sat in the back seat with Xie Yuanyuan, one hand protecting the back of Li Tianyu's neck and the other covering her eyes that were still closed.

"It's not even seven o'clock now..." Xie Yuanyuan whispered, hugging Xi Ling tightly, with a trace of indistinguishable fear in his tone, "How could it get dark so soon?"

"Because the difficulty has increased." Du Zijun whispered, "But we still don't know the answer."

Xie Yuanyuan said sadly: "I don't understand... We already know the origin of the boss, why can't we meet the clearance requirements?"

Wen Zheliu covered her red, swollen and painful eyes and said hoarsely: "This can only be regarded as the reason. What the system wants us to find should be the motive."

"Motive?" Xie Yuanyuan repeated subconsciously, taking a deep breath with confusion, "What motive? What other motive could there be? He was an unpopular comedian during his lifetime, so he wanted to gain public attention after his death, so he controlled Their souls, life and death... What other motive could there be?"

"... It should be," Wen Zheliu buried his face in his hands, and his voice was as dull and vague as drowning, "I just said it should be, it should be like this, I'm not sure about the specifics, I..."

"Baby." He Qin drove the car and called in a deep voice, "This is not your fault, don't doubt yourself."

"Why isn't this my fault?" Hearing these words, Wen Zheliu burst into tears and collapsed. There was still a lot of blood on his clothes. He didn't know if it belonged to one of them or a combination of the three. , "I asked to see the hotel owner. I didn't realize it was a trap and opened the door rashly. I..."

He Qin held the steering wheel. He did not turn his head, but just raised his eyes and glanced at Wen Zheliu quickly and tolerantly through the rearview mirror.

His pupils were as clear as glass, and the upward arc at the end of his eyes was as gentle as peach blossoms in spring.

"Are we going to liquidate our mistakes?" he asked, "Then I was also at fault. I judged that he was in the control room, but I didn't expect the dangers we would face. Just because of the rush of time, even the plans made were crude and rough. I have to make several mistakes. I’m no less at fault than you are, if you want to blame me, I’m the one to blame.”

"Okay." Du Zijun lowered his eyes, "Zheliu, I really don't have time to think about this now. We have never experienced the concept of increasing the difficulty by 30%. Let's take some time out of your sadness and self-blame and clear your mind. Just take a moment."

Wen Zheliu tried hard to wake up, but the following days were like a protracted nightmare, keeping them stuck in a strange dilemma of blood and death.

Chen Feiluan's death was unbearable for Li Tianyu, but she persisted with amazing endurance. During the short days and the endlessly long nights, she became withdrawn and taciturn, like a string that was always tense. Wen Zheliu was still a little impressed by what He Qin had said before, and he asked: "Chen Feiluan was once driven away by Li Tianyu, so they don't look like enemies, brothers and sisters, lovers, or friends. How can they be regarded as friends?" what relationship?"

"...Maybe only they themselves know." He Qin was silent for a moment and gave him an uncertain answer.

As the price of betrayal, the old man died miserably. In a ghost world with only six hours of daylight, Happy Dawson no longer needed normal people to take care of his hotel. Everyone can no longer live in urban areas, so they can only sneak into it during the day and observe during the investigation, trying to find the conditions for clearing the customs in the vast and clueless ghost land.

Corpses and ghosts of tragic deaths are wandering in the world. Apart from the endless desert, there are towns where demons are dancing. They escape from the overwhelming siege of evil ghosts all the time, and Happy Dawson's rampant laughter spreads through the radio waves, almost everywhere. Even sometimes, they may not be able to see the sun during the day. The thick black resentment rolling up swallows the sky, like a gloomy dark cloud, under which are filled with inhuman creatures with horrible shapes and miserable deaths.

Unable to be redeemed and unable to escape, Wen Zheliu has been in a dangerous state of good times and bad. For some reason, he seemed to have become particularly fragile—or maybe his youthful youthfulness finally became his most fatal weakness at this moment that shouldn't have been revealed. The guilt in his heart and the constant mental pollution from the outside world made the world in his eyes chaotic. The whole person seemed to be in a dream that was awake and blurred for a while. It was only with the help of He Qin and his team members that he was able to recover for a moment. of Enron.

Medicines and food were dwindling day by day, and everyone was exhausted and depressed. Only He Qin persisted. His hand holding Wen Zheliu was strong and warm, and his spine was like a blade. It never bent for a moment, giving everyone reliable support. support.

It was night, and they were sleeping in the open on the desolate Gobi Desert. The night wind was vast and howling, as if it was sweeping in from the end of the world.

Du Zijun handed He Qin a bottle of liquor, his tone indifferent to sadness and joy: "The last bottle."

"Thanks." He whispered, then walked into the tent, helped Wen Zheliu up, and patted alcohol on his forehead, hoping that this would make his temperature drop a little in time.

The wound scratched by Li Gui during the day was infected, and he was running a fever.

Wen Zheliu's lips were pale and dry, with bright red flesh exposed under the chapped mouth. He squinted his eyes, as if he could no longer tell who was in front of him at night. He Qin seemed to be breathing calmly, but only he knew that every breath of night air-conditioning was like a knife-like flame, burning from his nose and throat to the bottom of his heart, and hurting from his nose and throat all the way to the bottom of his heart.

"...Brother." Wen Zheliu called vaguely.

"I'm here." He Qin held him in his arms, kissed his hot skin gently, and his cool lips fell on his temple, like cool tears, "I'm here."

"Look... is there a moon outside?" Wen Zheliu asked doubtfully, "... why do I always feel that the sky is a little bright?"

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He Qin turned his head to look, with golden light flowing in his eyes, showing a slightly surprised look.

"There's a moon... isn't it?" Wen Zheliu asked softly, "It's really strange. Why is there a moon now?"

He Qin touched the side of his face and said, "Want to see it? If you want to see it, I will take you to see it."

Wen Zheliu didn't answer, but He Qin understood what he meant. He stretched out his hand and opened the curtain of the tent in the small space, and a few dazzling silver lights suddenly leaked down. He held Wen Zheliu and moved there, and the two of them leaned together and looked at the sky. moon.

It is a rare thing to see the moon at night in this world. The overlapping clouds in the sky were extremely thick, but a narrow window opened in the middle. The clear light of the full moon was like a waterfall of silver water, splashing over the vast plains, like snow-white flowers blooming all over the mountains and plains, a dream unlike the human world.

"It's so beautiful..." Hearing Zheliu's labored breathing, he leaned into He Qin's arms, "It's also so peaceful..."

He Qin didn't say a word, just wrapped the blanket around him.

Wen Zheliu thought for a while and then said: "There was something I never told you..."

"What is it?" He Qin touched his forehead.

So Wen Zheliu told him intermittently about being in the illusion before.

He Qin frowned and listened intently.

"...At that time, I didn't think much about it. I just wanted to get out. I didn't would be better not to come out."

He Qin was half explaining, half joking: "What's the use of staying in an illusory world? You can only see me in a coma forever, and you can't do anything else."

Wen Zheliu hummed: "Who said I can't do anything? You have to lie there so that I can do whatever I want."

He Qin laughed dumbly: "Yes, yes, you have the final say, you have the final say."

As bright as the water, one of the two lowered his eyes, the other raised his eyes, looking at each other in unison. Under the flowing moonlight, Wen Zheliu's eyebrows stretched, and He Qin's expression was profound. No one said anything, but the moment of looking at each other was worth a thousand words.

But Wen Zheliu lowered his head, and then sighed: "But now... I've really become a burden that can't do anything."

"Isn't this just right?" He Qin said, "You took me in the illusion, and now it's my turn to take you."

Wen Zheliu took a deep breath. He remembered something and struggled to reach out from the blanket to find something.

"What's wrong? What are you looking for?" He Qin asked.

Wen Zheliu ignored him. People who are seriously ill are always very persistent. He fumbled around for a while, and suddenly said in surprise: "It's gone?!"

"What's missing?" He Qin said, "Don't worry, look for it slowly."

Wen Zheliu suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining brightly under the moonlight, which was a rare clarity for him these days.

"I can't find Shasha's photo," he said.

It’s normal to be busy these days and not have time to take a photo. However, it was a key mission item after all, and it was the only thing entrusted to them by the NPC. It would be fatal if it were lost.

He Qin was silent for a moment. He looked at Wen Zheliu searching anxiously, and suddenly said, "It might be at my place."

"...What?" Wen Zheliu raised his head blankly, with fine beads of sweat covering his forehead, and his cheekbones showed an unnatural flush under the moonlight.

He Qin frowned and tentatively reached into the pocket of his trousers. The two lowered their heads together and saw He Qin taking out a small, wrinkled photo from the right pocket.

Wen Zheliu was stunned, and He Qin did not speak. Under the moonlight, the two of them were enveloped in deathly silence, and almost completely lost their ability to think.

"...It's you." After a long time, Wen Zheliu said hoarsely, "That's you! You... you are not an illusion, and this is not..."

"—It's not the real world either." He Qin said in a deep voice, "We are in a double illusion."

Everything is fake, the overwhelming death is fake, the unprecedented failure is fake, the escape is fake, the illness is fake... the world is also fake.

Wen Zheliu was still suffering from a high fever and could not process so much mixed information, so he groaned in pain and held his forehead.

"Real spear, illusory shield." He Qin picked up the photo, the moonlight shone, and the girl's smile suddenly gained a sense of mystery. "I may be sleeping, but my subconscious is still reminding you-"

Wen Zheliu exhaled and inhaled tremblingly. Due to the great fluctuations in emotions, his whole body was weak and his limbs were trembling. He said incomprehensibly: "I don't understand... I really... Do you want to return this photo to me now?" ?”

"No," He Qin's eyes flashed with insight, "This is my turn now, and it's time to get out in my own way."

The author has something to say: I didn’t even dare to read everyone’s comments yesterday. Uh-huh...

These chapters are more complicated and more stream-of-consciousness. I try my best to explain my thoughts and hope to be able to express them successfully...

Thank you for your support.