The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 67


At the end of the passage, Wen Zheliu almost screamed out in a tone of despair, trembling all over. He gasped intermittently, stared at He Qin in front of him with pain and resentment, and said tremblingly: "I don't believe it. You... I don't believe you!"

Detecting his violent mood swings, several invisible warning ripples shook the air from both sides of the corridor and locked onto him silently. He Qin was completely panicked. He was at a loss and blurted out: "Don't cry, baby, don't cry! You are not emotionally stable right now... don't cry!"

Wen Zheliu cried loudly: "Then tell me everything!"

He Qin instantly became silent: "Uh..."

"Then there's nothing more to say." Wen Zheliu sniffed and turned his eyes aside bitterly, "Even if I cry to death, I have nothing to do with you."

The general assistant on the side looked confused and his eyes were blurry. He looked at He Qin who was clumsy and tongue-tied at the moment, as if he saw a bewildered libertine who bought a bag for his ex-girlfriend and was discovered by his current girlfriend. He was in a daze for a while, and finally remembered his high salary and his role as a burden-sharer for his boss. He hurriedly stepped forward to help and said: "That's it, Mr. Wen, the company has strict regulations regarding the plot of the game. This is the first time it is released." , there is currently no game world that players can clear. Unless they are researchers and competent authorities who have signed a confidentiality agreement and are about to participate in the project, no one has the right to view the subsequent plot. Therefore, it is not that Mr. He won't show it to you, but that he This rule cannot be violated.”

He Qin breathed a sigh of relief and gave the general assistant an appreciative look. The general assistant closed his mouth and thought silently, okay, now he is no longer like a playboy, but now like a newbie who just entered a luxury store and heard the clerk say that the goods were not enough. After buying it, I secretly felt relieved and turned around to comfort my girlfriend. I don’t care about this stupid straight guy who went to visit other stores...

"But," He Qin raised his hands and emphasized to Wen Zheliu as if to assure him, "but as for the specific plots of the two worlds you are currently involved in, I can still show you. This is not a problem at all."

After speaking, he carefully observed Wen Zheliu's expression, fearing that he would shed another tear. The handsome and deep facial features combined with his current eyes are like a big leopard that is gentle and a little curious.

Wen Zheliu lowered his head and replied dully: "...Okay."

He Qin was completely relieved. He held Wen Zheliu's hand and led him forward. As he walked, he babbled: "Okay, don't cry anymore? How serious is it? Let's see if you cry like this." Like a tabby cat…”

While talking, several people walked through the sky flower gallery and walked to the elevator. Several assistants behind them were hesitating whether to take off their sunglasses, because although the natural light source above their heads disappeared, another more dazzling light seemed to flash before their eyes. Artificial light source.

He Qin held Wen Zheliu's hand very naturally. He looked up at the door and was about to enter his fingerprints, but was stunned for a moment.

The elevator door was swept smooth and clean, like a white and silver moist mirror. At this time, his and Wen Zheliu's figures were reflected in the mirror. Wen Zheliu was wearing a hospital gown, lowering his head and rubbing his eyes pitifully, with one hand being held by him; while he was holding that hand gently but firmly, the expression on his face that he had no time to take back was both helpless and doting. .

The corners of He Qin's mouth, which had always had a romantic smile, froze.

From just now - to be precise, from the moment he saw Wen Zheliu, his reaction had been abnormal. An uncontrollable concern is like an impulse hibernating in the cracks of the bones. When illuminated by the warm little sun, it thrives into a towering tree with interconnected branches and leaves, making him unable to help but want to cast its shadow over the Wenzheliu. Above his head, he sheltered the small piece of sky that belonged to him.

… This is so weird.

"Don't pull me," at this time, he heard Wen Zheliu protesting angrily in a low voice, "Didn't you say you're not familiar with me?"

He smiled slightly, ordered himself to slowly let go of his hand, and said with a covert smile: "I wasn't familiar with it just now, but won't it be familiar now?"

The elevator door opened silently. The alloy door panels were cast so tightly that one could barely see the line between them. Not even a piece of white paper as thin as a cicada could get stuck in. When it was smoothly opened to both sides, it felt as neat as satisfying an obsessive-compulsive disorder. of beauty. He Qin stepped aside and the gentleman said: "Please come in."

The elevator ran for a few seconds, and when it opened again, He Qin had already led him into a large laboratory. The pure white space was extremely high and vast. At a glance, scientific researchers like ants were rushing through it. He Qin waved to him, his expression returned to normal: "Follow me."

Wen Zheliu followed him again through the twists and turns of the road and came to an independent room with completely transparent doors and windows.

"This is a plot simulator," He Qin said to him, "The plot designed in the game is displayed in it for the person in charge to observe. I can open the permissions for the first two worlds for you, go and see it."

"Will it tell me the answer to the main mission?" Wen Zheliu asked.

He Qin raised his eyebrows and said decisively: "No, you can only see a complete background story and character settings, but it is impossible to directly tell you the conditions for passing the main mission."

Wen Zheliu said, "Okay."

He put one hand on the glass handle inlaid with gold rims, thought for a moment before entering the door, turned around and said, "Thank you."

He Qin's fingers were as slender as plum bones, long and powerful. He put his four fingers together, palms facing inward, and waved to Wenzheliu relaxedly and indulgently: "Go."

Wen Zheliu stumbled in and walked in. The plush slippers stepped on the spotless bright floor, making a "pah, pah, pah, pah" sound. It was not very serious, but then, the lights in the room slowly dimmed.

Wen Zheliu didn't know how he did this, but this empty room was now as dark as a starless and moonless night at midnight. In such pure darkness, he could not see even a trace of light.

He suddenly heard a "ding-dong" sound next to his ears, and a ray of light from thousands of broken stars slowly fell from the sky, just like the first ray of light on the sparkling river in the morning. This light is not fixed, it is like some gravel drifting in the wind. When it blows in the air, it fits and displays the reduced outlines of many scenery, as if they have always been there, just hiding their shapes.

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Wen Zheliu was amazed by what he saw. Soon, the dilapidated town, the lush and cold forest, the mysterious mansion in the forest, the terrifying and ferocious eyeless monster, and the ghost of the hostess who took over the mansion were heard one by one. Appeared in front of Zheliu.

Seeing the familiar scene, Wen Zheliu seemed to have returned to the world of the Uncanny Valley, back to the days of adventures with his teammates. He was extremely nostalgic, but that was not the focus of today. He thought for a while and tentatively asked the void: "Can I fast forward to the next world?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the three-dimensional holographic scene in front of him froze. Marianne's movements holding the water jug stopped, the slightly bent treetops blown by the breeze froze, the woman's arm that pushed open the window stayed on the window sill, and the woman pulling the cart stopped. The grooms, the blacksmiths, the street vendors, the cheerful flower girls, and the many barefoot children running in the streets and alleys... are all fixed in a certain second in the depths of time. The bright colors on their faces and bodies faded, revealing once again the wandering gold sand beneath them.

Time is accelerating, cement brick buildings are rising from the ground, and the roads are dark and smooth, winding all the way from the western wilderness, and a cluster of towns is quickly built. In one of the inconspicuous small towns, one can recognize the broken willow at a glance. The appearance of Happy Dawson during his lifetime was revealed.

"Wait, zoom in on that person." He said without thinking, "The one with black hair and an ill-fitting purple suit! I want to see his experience, okay?"

The miniature street suddenly enlarged into a piece, showing Happy Dawson's past in detail before Wen Zheliu's eyes.

The scenes and characters changed together. Wen Zheliu observed everything with God's eyes and found that just like the saying "poor people must be hateful", Happy Dawson's life was not easy during his lifetime. Looking at his character design, Wen Zheliu almost had the illusion that he was watching the life of the despised Dawson.

He was born in an era of frequent economic crises. He was an abandoned orphan and grew up in an orphanage. Because of his slender body, it was difficult for him to eat well, and he was even bullied as a girl by stronger boys in the orphanage. On his ninth birthday, the dean took out a book from the wastebasket and gave it to him as a gift.

At that time, there were more closed down companies, factories and unemployed workers than there was water in the ocean. Under the huge pressure to survive, the lipstick economy and nipple music theory became popular. People prefer to buy gadgets that can temporarily relieve stress. They like to gather in front of radio stations or TV sets and indulge in talk show actors and celebrities who always laugh and play great joys and sorrows, because this can make them temporarily forget the heaviness and pain of real life. .

Under this general premise, the actor's status has risen with the tide. More people may not have the unique appearance conditions to become stars, but talk show actors are a popular industry. The book Dawson got happened to be written by a self-proclaimed and failed stand-up comedian who believed he was just an unappreciated talent.

In the book, this man described in detail the glimpse of the lavish life in the upper class society, describing the flowers, applause, fame, fortune and public love that successful actors received. He sanctified this profession as a profession that "brings happiness to the people." "and freedom, to free them from the misery of reality" - and it is so relaxed and joyful. With laughter and laughter, you can get wealth that others cannot earn in several lifetimes.

The young Dawson seemed to see a brand new door opening towards his barren and desolate spiritual world. The gap in the opened door was filled with the flash of gold and green banknotes, the eyes of beautiful women worshiping and praising him, and more importantly, he would gain something. Public love and recognition, and he needs these two things so much.

He was deeply fascinated by it, regarded this book as a guide, and vowed that he would become a talk show actor in the future, stand on the stage that attracted much attention, and accept the attention of the world.

He practiced stumblingly and performed clumsily, but there are some people in the world who have a passion but no talent to realize it. The light of God's inspiration only shined in front of their eyes for a moment, not even a spark. They never brushed their clothes. They are mediocre, live a mediocre life, accomplish nothing, and have a barren and fragile boat of talent moored in the sea of excessive desire. Throughout their lives, they are unable to achieve the goals they want through hard work - Dawson is one of them.

He has no diploma and no good education. He only relies on the talk show skills mentioned in the book to be among the first-class actors. But his dream was soon shattered. He was deceived by a private intermediary. Not only did he lose his money, he also lost the only capital he had to work hard in a big city. He had to move back and forth between the slums and the casino, struggling to survive like a mouse. .

During this period, he met a girl who also came from an orphanage. She was a waiter serving dishes in the casino on the ground floor. The same experience gave them countless common topics, and the process of falling in love was as vulgar as all the routines in the world, but for Dawson, it was already the beginning of all redemption.

Wen Zheliu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that even a character like Happy Dawson had been in love during his lifetime.

He sighed: "It's really... a complex three-dimensional setting to a certain extent..."

The story below continues to unfold, and as Wen Zheliu expected, the good times between them did not last long. The casino on the ground floor was a mixed bag, and the girl was just an orphan with no background. One night, before Dawson had time to pick her up, she was forcibly dragged into a dirty and cold alley by a few drunken men.

Hearing the girl's desperate and hoarse scream from the miniature panorama, Wen Zheliu's scalp was numb, and he was almost so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

... How can such a plot be fully performed? This cannot be regarded as a simple character background at all. N-star engineers are simply creating a world!

He took a deep breath, and even though he hated this kind of plot, he forced himself to continue reading.

… The girl died, and her naked and pale body was covered with damp soil and blood. This was her tragedy, and it was also the tragedy of those she loved and those who loved her. However, the joys and sorrows of the two young people were still too small after all, and could not compete with the noise of the city and the wheel of wealth rolling over them. Dawson frantically wanted to avenge the deceased, but the enemies he had to face turned out to be several very wealthy tycoons. That night, they got drunk in a high-end club and walked sloppily away from each other. There was a sleazy casino across the street from them, and they vaguely caught a glimpse of a girl coming out of it—and that was it.

"Do you want compensation?" One of them cut a cigar and asked Dawson nonchalantly, "I heard that you aspire to be a stand-up comedian. Do you want to realize your dream?"

Young Dawson's eyes widened, and there were layers of horrifying wrinkles on his forehead. In an instant, the boiling anger became weak and hypocritical, and his heart was filled with fear, followed by an indescribable tremor.

He was pinned to the ground, and under the dazzling light of the crystal chandelier, he saw several devils baring their fangs at him and laughing loudly.

Wen Zheliu guessed the next ending.

Dawson accepted their "compensation" in despair and entered a metropolitan broadcast company to learn how to be a good talk show actor. Rumors about this country boy are flying everywhere. If he had real ability, he would be convincing. However, every time he appeared on stage, he was booed by the audience.

Wen Zheliu felt that he should be the kind of person who needs to be sympathized with, but there is no need to sympathize.

He shed tears day and night in pain and frustration. This was the opportunity he got with the girl's blood. He couldn't waste it because of his own incompetence. Soon, he applied for a downgrade and came to a remote urban area, hoping to regain his confidence in the remote countryside.

Watching all this, Wen Zheliu couldn't help but murmured: "Melios..."

When he came to Melios, Wen Zheliu knew the rest. Despite continuous failures, rejection and ridicule by everyone, he was like a demon, unable to accept the fact that he had no talent at all. Finally, he found a strange ancient book in the library late at night, and the cult magic recorded in it gave him hope.

- He is willing to give up his physical body and live on in the world forever in the form of a soul that confuses people's hearts.

"Wait a minute!" Wen Zheliu was suddenly startled, "If you put it this way, his death was not an accident at all. He committed suicide intentionally!"

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel deeply regretful. As Happy Dawson's chosen place of death, the Pharmacy Factory would naturally provide a substantial bonus to his power, but they failed to think of this and just did it so stupidly. Breaking in...

He was so regretful that he beat his chest: "How reckless... It's really too reckless!"

After the baptism of death, Dawson transformed into a real happydawson, with dark and absurd power covering the surrounding areas that radio waves can reach. Relying on his increasingly powerful mental pollution ability, he finally won and finally gained people's fanatical love and support. The brutal massacre was carried out amidst hysterical laughter. The smiling tyrant protected his kingdom and turned everyone into terrifying ghosts at night and muddy ghosts during the day.

Hearing Zheliu calmed down, he calmed down, remained silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Fast forward to the period before Shasha's death."

The golden sand changed, and on the small TV screen, he saw an open space with hundreds of bloody ghosts on it, arranged in the shape of a ouroboros, surrounded by a blond man with blue eyes, struggling desperately Screaming girl.

Wen Zheliu couldn't help but be a little stunned. The scene in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined. What was going on

Happy Dawson stood in the sky like a priest who knew everything. He raised his hands and shouted in a long voice: "For my Lord!"

Wen Zheliu immediately realized that this must be some kind of cult sacrifice ceremony!

As soon as Happy Dawson finished speaking, several tall and powerful ghosts with terrifying death shapes walked out from below. They grabbed the girl's arm like a skinny chicken, and then started -

Wen Zheliu's breath suddenly suffocated, and he felt chills all over his body. A bitter numbness spread under the base of his tongue, and he stared stiffly at the scene in the miniature panorama.

-Then they began to take turns violating her.

"Stop..." His chest trembled and he roared uncontrollably, "Stop... I told you to stop!!"

The plot stopped again, but in the final analysis, Wen Zheliu was just an outsider watching. He could not interfere with the plot, and could only use the power of suspension.

He bent down and supported his knees with both hands, breathing heavily and tiredly. After a while, he slowly straightened up again and wiped his face tiredly with his hands.

Wen Zheliu said: "Continue... no, wait."

He suddenly realized something. He raised his eyes, resisting the feeling of nausea, and carefully observed the scene above.

... Six, there are six ghosts in total that hurt Shasha.

This coincidental number made him shudder and feel frightened.

The exact same scene of violence, the exact same number of perpetrators... Does it symbolize the plot of Jenny being violated in the first world

No, he frowned, and then overturned his assumption, because he couldn't forget one thing: long before Jenny was killed, there was another person who was also hurt. Her name was Ceresa, who was not only a devout believer, but also a devout believer. Named after the Holy Nun.

Two worlds from different eras, two girls with the same blonde hair and blue eyes, two plots that reappeared more than a hundred years later...

"A cycle." He blurted out, "This is... a repetitive cycle."

The author has something to say: Thank you all for your support and love, Wow!

I'll add more content later... I'm stuck, I feel uncomfortable.