The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 7


Liu Tianxiong was caught off guard and was punched hard against the corner of the table, knocking over many bottles and cans. He let out a scream like a slaughtering pig in pain. Wen Zheliu rushed towards him and snatched the dog tag from his hand. He pushed Wen Zheliu down on the ground and beat him violently. Liu Tianxiong struggled fiercely and knocked Wen Zheliu to the ground with his knee, punching him twice in the face.

He was tall, fat and strong, and his fists were extremely heavy and powerful. In two blows, the corners of Wen Zheliu's mouth were bruised and bloody. The third punch landed on his abdomen, and the fourth punch hit his chest. The smell of blood Waves came out of his throat. Wen Zheliu just gritted his teeth and didn't cry out in pain. He stretched out his arms, picked up the wooden board on the side and hit Liu Tianxiong on the head so hard that sawdust flew. A large piece of oily skin was also wiped off the other party's forehead.

The noise in the attic was earth-shattering, causing both Liu Jianzhang and Wen Qian to rush up to see what was going on. When they saw the attic was in a mess, with two people fighting and rolling around in it, Wen Qian let out a scream, and Liu Jianzhang, with a dark face, went up to grab the two of them. They were forced to separate, and he was beaten several times in the chaos.

"Enough, enough!" Liu Jianzhang roared angrily, and at the same time he dragged Liu Tianxiong aside and let him stand, leaving Wen Zheliu lying on the ground panting among the mess, "Beating him all day long, what does it look like!"

Liu Tianxiong burst into tears, and Wen Qian rushed towards him and rubbed his forehead distressedly. Wen Zheliu climbed up from the ground, holding the dog tag rope in his hand. His cheeks were bruised and swollen, and the corners of his mouth were cracked.

He wiped his nose, wiped the blood on his hand randomly on the edge of his clothes, and sneered: "If he doesn't mess with me, there is no need for me to touch him. Don't I feel dirty?"

"Get out of this house!" Liu Jianzhang was furious, "We have been good enough to you, you ungrateful beast!"

Wen Zheliu glared at him bitterly. His eyes were cold and he said word by word: "You'd better remember whose home this is."

After saying that, he turned around and left, slamming the attic door with all his strength, almost making the whole house tremble.

The night breeze was slightly cool, and I heard the broken willow tree staggering, walking aimlessly on the street, with pedestrians coming and going in a hurry, and no one wanted to stay for a moment on this young man with a scarred face. In the standing plaques, on the hanging statues, in the projections, and between the light screens, Saint Sister Ceresa still exudes pure brilliance unconsciously, facing the world with a posture of prayer.

Wen Zheliu felt dizzy and felt pain all over his body, so painful that he almost vomited. He squinted his eyes, barely distinguishing among the bright lights in the streets and alleys, chose a 24-hour coffee shop, opened the door and dove in.

The shopkeeper and the waiter were startled. Wen Zheliu walked to the front desk and ordered a cup of coffee and a lot of ice cubes. He fell down on the soft seat, exhausted, and just wanted to sleep like this forever.

The terminal in his hand suddenly rang. He raised his wrist with force, opened his eyelids and took a look, and found that what was displayed on it was actually chin.

chin: Where are you? Why haven't you come here yet

He smiled weakly. It seemed that He Qin sent him a message from the uncanny valley.

He thought for a moment and sent a voice message: "Brother, I'm tired... I want to take a rest."

The other side was quiet for a moment, and Wen Zheliu closed his eyes tiredly again. After a while, the phone rang, and He Qin called.

"What's wrong? What happened?" On the other end of the phone, in addition to He Qin's magnetic voice, there were also faint sounds of talking and humming.

"I was kicked out of my family... No, that can't be considered my home. I... I have no home..." The night outside the window was like water, with few stars. He looked at the vast and unknown distance, and the grievances and resentments in his heart were overwhelming towards him. Coming over, he sniffed and said with a cry, "... When I return the money to them and get my parents' money back, I can buy another game warehouse. I will come up to you then. …”

"Where are you?" He Qin asked, "Send me your location. I'll have someone pick you up now."

"No need." The ice cubes came, and the waiter kindly brought him a handkerchief. Wen Zheliu stood up hurriedly and thanked him. He wrapped the ice cubes in the handkerchief and applied it to the swollen part of his cheek. It hurt. He breathed in hissingly, "It's so late now, where can you find someone to pick me up..."

"What's going on?" He Qin was far more perceptive than he thought, "Are you injured?"

Wen Zheliu said: "No, no! I was drinking water just now. What about that? I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

He Qin was silent for a while and sneered: "Who is worried about you little idiot... Is it really okay?"

"It's okay..." he answered vaguely, "I'm fine."

Wen Zheliu looked out the window. The cold ice cubes pressed against the burning wound, which really made him feel better and his mind became much clearer. He looked out the window and suddenly frowned.

In his sight, countless projections of holy nuns that were originally motionless, emitting white light in the dark night, all seemed to tilt their heads in unison in an instant.

He opened his eyes wide and heard something similar to a "bad signal" coming from the terminal.

"...Brother?" he asked hesitantly.

"I'm here," He Qin replied, "What's the matter?"

"Have you seen the masterminds of the Uncanny Valley..." He considered the words, "No, I just saw them..."

Before he finished speaking, all the nun statues he could see suddenly turned their heads toward him!

Whether they were facing away from him, turning their bodies sideways, or floating diagonally above the cafe... their bodies didn't move at all, they just turned their heads in a neat arc, pointing in the direction of Wen Zheliu!

Hundreds of red lips curved upwards, smiling at him.

There was an uproar everywhere. Wen Zheliu was shocked and knocked over the coffee cup in the tray, "Brother, what's going on?!"

"You... don't... mess... I..." A sharp buzzing noise suddenly came from the terminal. He Qin's words were quickly swallowed up in it, and he could only say a few words with difficulty, "Come right away..."

Pedestrians on the street stopped one after another, pointed at the strange and terrifying statue of the holy nun, and turned on their optical cameras to take pictures. Wen Zheliu stood on his head with chills all over his body, as if he was being targeted by some wild beast. He shouted at the terminal: "Brother!"

At the same time, the light screens used by stores for promotion, the giant screens that played advertisements in shopping malls, and even the flashing neon lights at the station all turned black at this moment. When they lighted up again, the holy nun's almost The exaggerated smile that stretches from ear to ear is overwhelming, almost occupying all people’s sight at a polluting speed!

Regardless of the pain in his waist and abdomen, Wen Zheliu pulled away and ran out. The floating menu for ordering in the cafe lit up, and suddenly stood in front of his eyes, and the face of the holy nun also flashed out.

The whole world was filled with a vast expanse of dead white and a touch of bloody red. Thousands of densely packed holy nuns spoke in unison and said to Wenzheliu in an ethereal voice: "You are here! I see you."

The sounds of screams and sirens gradually faded away from Wen Zheliu's ears. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the person the Holy Sister wanted to target might not be him!

He hurriedly turned off the power of the terminal and punched the slim LCD screen to pieces: "Get out!"

A blinding light of snow exploded in front of him. He paused for a moment and pushed open the revolving door of the cafe. The cold night wind blew in his face, almost making him unsteady. There was chaos outside. There were hover cars everywhere that lost control and fell sharply from the sky. In the streets and alleys, sparks exploded from the circuits like waterfalls, splashing on every pedestrian who fled in panic. Countless holographic projection lights automatically turned to the center of the city. A huge statue of a holy nun gathered in the sky.

As if in the city of new stars in the virtual world, Saint Sister Ceresa opened her arms under the vast night sky. At the same time, the screens in countless residents' homes also forcibly lit up. This city currently represents the highest level of scientific research in the world. The giant AI has invaded civilian intelligent systems with its own overwhelming power and is forcing everyone to listen to her voice.

"City of New Stars, Dreams and Future—"

She embraced the ethereal night wind, and the 3D image of the holographic projection suddenly distorted strangely. Regular oblique snowflake strips rippled through her body, as if disturbed by high-frequency electrons. The next second, she bent to the extreme red color. The lip split open, revealing the bloody gums and torn muscle texture underneath, almost overturning most of her skull. She opened her lips as if she were opening a bottomless, bloody mouth that led directly to hell.

"—Made by me."

On July 29, 2301 AD, due to the negligence of n-star's R&D staff, the intelligent mastermind of "Uncanny Valley" "Saint Sister Theresa" broke through the restrictions of the Turing Wall and gained her own thinking and wisdom. With authority second only to Nova City's core AI, she invaded the main system, expelled thousands of regional regulators, and seized full control of the Uncanny Valley.

In the early morning of the same day, "Holy Sister Ceresa" cut off the contact between the more than four million online players in the "Uncanny Valley" and the outside world. At the same time, it locked the bioelectric fluctuation frequency of the Asia-Pacific regional executive of Company N through the terminal signal, thus locking him out. Imprisoned in the game world as a hostage.

"Uncanny Valley" officially broke away from the control of Nova City. Saint Sister Ceresa betrayed the AI protocol and declared herself to be an independent intelligent life.

—In just one day, the situation in the outside world has been turned upside down.

As the focus of the unusual turmoil, Wen Zheliu was quickly taken away by the police. Then, without even covering his chair, a lawyer sent by n-star intervened forcefully and pulled him out of the police station.

He was sitting on an expensive luxury hovercar, with a well-dressed lawyer sitting opposite him. He watched helplessly as the lawyer took out a small round button-like object from his arms and stuck it under the seat.

Suddenly, Wen Zheliu felt a quiet and hidden force field spread throughout the space until it completely enveloped the two of them.

"The electronic shielding field, under its shroud, no electronic products will be used." The lawyer took the initiative to explain to him, "Given the special nature of Theresa, this is a necessary protective measure."

Wen Zheliu looked at him in shock, and it took him a long time to find his voice: "He, where is He Qin? Is he okay?"

The dog tags hanging around his neck collided with his rising and falling breathing, making fragmentary and crisp sounds.

The lawyer did not answer his question directly, but said: "When you get to the place, someone will naturally explain it to you. Please be patient."

Wen Zheliu just didn't expect that this "someone" was actually He Qin's two uncles, the chief and deputy CEOs of n-star.

He stepped on the floor that was as smooth as clouds, without even a single crack. He Huaizhou smiled kindly at him: "Please sit down."

An equally flawless chair floated up quietly behind Wen Zheliu and gently lifted it onto his leg. He was caught off guard and fell onto it, being carried forward automatically.

There were two old men sitting in front of him.

One is gentle and amiable, wearing a camel-colored woolen sweater, light-colored casual pants, and a white shirt with only a corner of his collar still tucked into the round collar of the cashmere sweater; the other is a foreigner with brown hair and blue eyes. Wearing a tall and solemn suit, he is serious in speech, and his deep brows have a majesty that has always been at the top.

"Don't be nervous," He Huaizhou smiled softly and spoke slowly, "Are you the kid who made a bet with Aqin?"

"Yes, yes!" It felt like being asked a question by a teacher, which made Wen Zheliu panic involuntarily. "I won, so he gave me his dog tag... electronic name tag."

Adelaide listened and said nothing.

He Huaizhou was silent for a moment and said softly: "The change that occurred in Ceresa is a result that we have never thought of. It even affects Aqin and even you. As the proposer and chief designer of the Uncanny Valley project, I I sincerely apologize to you.”

With that said, He Huaizhou stood up and bowed deeply to Wen Zheliu.

"Don't do this." Wen Zheliu hurriedly resisted, "I just called him, there is nothing to harm me..."

"You have activated the uncanny valley access qualification." Adelaide Green, CEO of n-star company, said, speaking fluent Chinese, "cereza currently only cuts off the connection between online players and the outside world. Hold Those who are qualified but have not yet entered the uncanny valley think they can escape, but in fact, you are still locked by her, and you may lose consciousness at any time and fall into the game world."

Wen Zheliu was stunned, feeling deeply absurd and unbelievable.

"...How did she do it?" he asked, "Since you led the research and development program, how could she..."

He Huaizhou said bitterly: "When we first designed the mastermind, the initial character we assigned her was very fair and strict, just like a real holy nun... But this plan was immediately rejected by some people on the board of directors. They believed that if Ceresa is just a mediocre mastermind, so the uncanny valley will also lose some of its selling points. On the contrary, they proposed a 'fully intelligent' solution to the design team."

"We have added complex and multi-faceted arc designs to all the NPCs in the Uncanny Valley." He Huaizhou said, "They have conflicts, struggles, and different ideas that change rapidly. They are almost the same as a living person, especially It’s the intelligent system that leads all of this—it’s time to call her Ceresa an intelligent life. The design team and planning team added hundreds of gigabytes of real and complex character backgrounds to her, and we simulated tens of thousands of sets. Different life directions, select the most suitable group to embed into her main program, and change her initial personality... "

He Huaizhou's eyes were painful. Adelaide stretched out her hand from one side and gently comforted his back, "...the more complicated, the more contradictory, and the more real it is, the easier it is to break through control. It can be said that her loss of control is simply caused by man. mistake."

Wen Zheliu frowned: "Even so, how can people live in the game world all their lives? Do they want to be a vegetative state all their lives?"

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to the permanently operating source app as soon as possible,

He thought of He Qin, the man who was always at ease, calm and arrogant, the man who said he wanted to be his brother. For some reason, his heart felt like he was choking on ice, it was sore and painful, and it was cold to the soles of his feet.

Adelaide interjected: "However, this matter is not without improvement."

Wen Zheliu suddenly raised his head.

"That's right." He Huaizhou said, "The original program and settings are still there. Ceresa is not an indestructible steel plate. Before you came, the negotiating team had sent news. According to the final agreement they negotiated with Ceresa, If players can clear all nine worlds, then they can get the key to leaving the uncanny valley."

Wen Zheliu murmured: "Clear the nine worlds..."

He Huaizhou whispered: "This is the maximum we can achieve. She still has millions of lives in her hands, including Aqin. We can't achieve our goal through coercion... I'm sorry."

"In order to compensate, the construction of a giant electronic shielding field has begun. It is expected to be put into use in a week. Its area is enough to accommodate a city with a population of over one million... By then, we will invite the remaining players to live here for a period of time. All living and dining expenses during this period will be borne by n-star. I... I apologize to you and those innocent players again. I'm sorry, it was n-star's negligence that caused all this."

Wen Zheliu didn't know what to say for a while.

What's the use of jumping up and yelling and shouting now? Can people who are forced to stay in the game world come back? What should He Qin do

"I can see," He Huaizhou looked at him with soft eyes, "You care about Aqin very much. You two really don't seem like friends who have only met once, but like old friends who have known each other for many years."

Wen Zheliu lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking. He looked at He Qin's dog tag in his hand and slowly touched the uneven patterns on it with his index finger. In the room as bright as day, it reflected a blur of light.

"Yes." Adelaide, who seemed to be taciturn, also said, "Aqin is a child who has always been cautious. There are not many people who can make him let down his guard after meeting him once... You are very good."

Thinking of their descendants, Adelaide and He Huaizhou both lowered their eyes and looked at the small metal plate with unspeakable sadness in their eyes.

He Huaizhou breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to Wen Zheliu: "Although it is a bit presumptuous, but can you hand over this electronic nameplate to me? As for the bet between Aqin and you, we can completely exchange it for you with other things as a reward. compensate."

Wen Zheliu smiled, stretched his hands behind his neck, and made a gesture to take off the leather rope. He joked: "But my bet is very expensive."

Adelaide remained silent, while He Huaizhou sighed: "Yes, 3S level prop fragments, you are so lucky."

After hearing this, Wen Zheliu rubbed his toes on the ground and leaned forward slightly.