The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 70


All the worlds turned into powder. The giant crystal tree, the gorgeous banquet hall, the picture of creation painted on the dome, including the bustling crowd, the falling snow, and the golden petals that covered the sky... all turned into flying debris in an instant, and fluttered. Toward the boundless void of the universe.

There were only two people left in the universe. He Qin raised his upper body. He hugged Wen Zheliu's waist and kissed him passionately and deeply. Wen Zheliu supported the ground with one hand and held a bunch of flowers in the other hand. Tiny mistletoe.

As their lips touched, their breaths were trembling and hot. Wen Zheliu wanted to move away a little, but He Qin's gaze was absorbed, and he still pursued him relentlessly, and couldn't help but gently suck his lower lip.

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"Okay... okay..." Hearing Zheliu's voice trembled, a numb current spread upwards along his tailbone, making him almost weak in waist and abdomen, and he collapsed on He Qin, "That's it..."

Looking at He Qin's rare blank face, he laughed lowly and whispered: "Hey, the magic of twelve o'clock at midnight has been lifted. Do you want to take your glass slipper and go home, prince?"

He Qin gasped slightly, and his out-of-focus pupils finally refocused. He reluctantly stepped back a little, and his breath was hot.

"What-" He sat up, still holding Wen Zheliu firmly with one arm, "I..."

He suddenly froze, hallucinatory memories gathering rapidly in his mind, causing him to cover his forehead involuntarily.

He Qin smiled bitterly: "... Damn it."

He shook his head and repeated, "Damn it."

Wen Zheliu's tongue inadvertently traced across his lower lip. His cheeks burned red, but he still pretended that nothing happened and smiled: "Don't complain, it's time to go back."

He Qin let out a breath, with a rare expression of annoyance on his face. He plucked his hair, as if he had made up his mind, and stared at Wen Zheliu with gentle but firm eyes.

"My dear, you are so smart," he said softly, "You can figure out the key to solving the problem in three reincarnations."

Wen Zheliu felt embarrassed by him and said vaguely: "Actually, it's not bad. I only thought of it after Jenny reminded me."

He Qin's expression became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "This is the game world after the difficulty is increased."

Wen Zheliu also shook his head: "It's too abstract. If Shasha hadn't called me at the end, I would have been..."

"In the first level of the world, your consciousness is awake and mine is sleeping; in the second level of the world, your consciousness is sleeping and mine is awake." He Qin muttered, "At the third level, which is also the deepest level..."

"We are both awake, but our perceptions are different." Wen Zheliu continued, "I am awake at the real level, and you are awake at the false level."

He Qin: "... Then the two are combined, and the illusion is completely broken—ok, it's basically straightened out."

Wen Zheliu sighed and looked around at the endless dark universe: "It's too difficult and obscure. What kind of difficulty is this? Is it the level of hell!"

He Qin smiled and said, "What about the answer? Do you have it?"

Wen Zheliu hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I should have it."

He Qin stood up straight first and pulled him up: "Then get out of here, it's time to deal with the people!"

Wen Zheliu burst out laughing, feeling extremely relaxed. After going around and around, he finally solved this confusing puzzle that was like a foolish woman weaving thread. He was so happy that he almost flew up. He Qin walked in front, pulling out a bright sword light from his heart that split the sky and split the earth, and slashed away unstoppably!

The sword's intent was devastating and became the first bright light to ignite the dark night. In front of their eyes, all obstacles were annihilated, revealing a suddenly bright exit!

The two of them crossed the open door side by side and jumped onto the sticky and hard carpet. In front of them was a blue light, and the familiar and unfamiliar scene seemed like a world away. Happy Dawson screamed in disbelief: "What...what!!" "

He Qin drew his sword out of its sheath immediately and shouted: "Left side!"

Wen Zheliu instantly understood what he meant. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, were like swifts coming out of a pincer attack, drawing an entire arc in mid-air to reach its peak! The tacit understanding of cooperation is flawless, the dynamics of sniping and killing are impeccable, and the deadly full moon rises in the open space in front of the surveillance screen, aiming directly at the only person standing!

Soon enough, He Qin's long knife roared like thunder and the wind, raising a three-foot-long blood spray from the boss's throat bone and vocal cords; Wen Zheliu's staff nail popped out loudly, The slightly slanting sharp light scratched those dark eyeballs to pieces!

The blood flowed like a gush, like a gurgling fountain. He Qin quickly dodged after hearing the broken willow, and He Qin waved his sword. The sword energy was like an invisible barrier, causing all the black rotten blood to splash outside. Happy Dawson's ten skinny fingers tightly grasped his throat, his eyes were wide open and broken, and he couldn't even scream. He could only make a "gurgling" sound of his trachea being choked and coughing up broken flesh and blood.

Hearing the blood on the tip of Zheliu's stick, he looked coldly at the sickly figure kneeling on the ground, struggling desperately.

"Happydawson—" he said meaningfully, "I was born as an orphan in an orphanage without a father or mother. I received my first birthday gift on my ninth birthday. From then on, I dreamed of being a talk show actor... I'm right, right?" ?”

Happy Dawson's body twitched stiffly. He stretched out his abnormally long fingers stained with blood and struggled to grab Wen Zheliu. There was a gurgling sound in his throat, and He Qin stabbed him mercilessly. It hit his hand and almost chopped off his entire wrist bone.

Wen Zheliu looked at him with disgust, not feeling sympathy for his misery at the moment: "When you grew up, you went to the big city to work hard and met the girl you liked at the time, but she was harmed. You harmed her. People say that as long as you are obedient, you can achieve your dream wish. You agree, but you really can't see the fact that you are a waste without talent. You are booed over and over again on the stage. Hush, in the end, I was exiled here, came to Melios, and became the person I am now, neither human nor ghost. I became a loyal follower of Ceresa, her eyes and tongue—this, I can say. right?"

Staring at Happy Dawson's damaged vital parts and twisted limbs struggling on the ground, Wen Zheliu asked softly: "-Tell me, you are determined to break the infinite cycle of reincarnation for her, and you don't even hesitate to use such disgusting methods. Did you succeed in killing a young girl?"

Congratulations to all players, the puzzles have been solved!

Main mission 1 completed: Watch the Midnight Fun Show (1/1)

Main mission 2 has been completed: survive the escape carnival scene until dawn (1/1)

Main mission 3 completed: Solve the mystery of the Midnight Fun Show (1/1)

As soon as Zheliu finished speaking, the system's beep sounded unexpectedly in his ears. In an instant, Happy Dawson's head and feet arched, and he suddenly convulsed and bounced violently on the ground. Black gas suddenly spurted out from his bleeding eyeballs and throat. Wen Zheliu and He Qin hurriedly took two steps back, surprised. Looking at the scene in front of me.

At this moment, the sun was setting and twilight was closing, and the billowing black air spurting out of his body was like a wildly dancing evil dragon, with dense outlines of human faces struggling to protrude from it. Happy Dawson tried his best to cover up those black resentments and prevent them from escaping from his body, but it was all to no avail. Several coiled black hurricanes roared chaotically and wildly in the room, and then smashed into pieces. He jumped out of the window of the pharmaceutical factory, roared into the sky, and collided with the heavy lead-gray clouds in the sky, creating ripples that covered the sky!

The monitoring room was swept by countless turbulences, and all the lighter items were blown away by the wind. They followed the trajectory of the strong wind and circled at high speed in mid-air. He Qin stomped over a sofa and led Wen Zheliu to jump behind and hide. Squat down. The roaring hurricane raged for more than ten minutes. The souls of the dead among them, the anger and blood lingering in the world, completely clashed with the sky. The sun was extremely dark, and a huge vortex was condensed and spinning in it, like a precursor to an imminent heavy rain. .

As the last trace of black air escaped from the window and rushed towards the endless sky veins, the consolidated black clouds circled crazily, causing the heaven and earth to tremble, and finally collapsed in an uproar, like waterfalls and rivers, shooting into clusters of falling meteors. .

In an instant, the setting sun rises like a twilight sky, sending its fiery bright rays of light drifting thousands of miles away. The white light spots symbolizing the soul steam up from the horizon, like endless dandelions, flying towards the boundless sky.

"They are resting in peace." Wen Zheliu poked his head out from behind the sofa, watched all this in ecstasy, and couldn't help but murmured.

He Qin nodded: "Yes, it's all over."

At this time, Happy Dawson's eyeballs had been squeezed into a turbid grayish white, hanging like cotton wool on his skinny face, as if all the power had left him. He collapsed to the ground, his bones as thin as firewood, and his purple suit was like an oversized bag, covering him empty.

But he wasn't dead yet. His lips were still moving endlessly and his body was twitching slightly. Wen Zheliu looked at him and took out Shasha's photo from his pocket, intending to hit him with his cane and kill him -

"Wait a minute." He Qin suddenly said.

Wen Zheliu turned around and asked puzzledly: "What's wrong?"

He Qin smiled, gently grabbed the silver chain around Wen Zheliu's neck, hooked out a small picture frame pendant, and then flicked it open.

Wen Zheliu said in surprise: "Jenny... what did you ask her to do?"

The A+ grade props were opened and used again, and light and weird nursery rhymes also sounded in the room. Along with the hourly bell, white mist filled the void, and six thick purple-black blood tongues poked out from the mist, like dancing tentacles. They were evenly dispersed in six different directions, and then exerted force in the air at the same time. , slowly opened a non-existent hole.

Jenny's pale figure emerged from it. She stepped gracefully across the barrier between the two worlds with her bare feet. He didn't know if it was Wen Zheliu's illusion, but he always felt that Jenny seemed to have grown up.

"Hello." She smiled, her long pale golden hair flying dimly, and she nodded respectfully to He Qin, "I also say hello to you, your distinguished lord."

He Qin was still stunned when he heard that Zheliu was still stunned. He Qin already smiled. He didn't say anything. He just raised his hand to the dying Happy Dawson on the ground, just like a chef showing a carefully prepared dish to a guest: "Please."

Only then did Wen Zheliu react. He said in disbelief: "You... you want them to eat him? Is this possible?"

He Qin downplayed: "It's nothing more than data interaction, so what's not to do?"

Jenny paused for a moment, then smiled: "It is really a precious gift. In that case, thank you for your generous gift."

After that, she snapped her fingers, and Happy Dawson's pale face immediately twisted into an expression of fear, but the six eyeless monsters were already roaring up excitedly, like a group of hungry mad dogs. Amidst the bloody tearing sounds, Wen Zheliu exhaled a slightly uncomfortable breath, and He Qin immediately covered his ears with both hands.

"It's okay if you don't listen or watch. You have already avenged Shasha." He said softly.

I don't know how much time passed, but when they turned around, apart from the torn suit fragments on the floor, not a single shred of flesh or bone was left on the carpet.

-The founder and host of the Midnight Joy Show, the devil who harmed and controlled the surrounding people. Happydawson, who once chased them like prey, was bitten and devoured by hounds, and was annihilated in the world.

Jenny touched the head of one of the eyeless monsters in reward, her blue eyes slightly bent, as if she was very happy.

Wen Zheliu said: "Thank you, Jenny, without your reminder, we might all be trapped in now and can't find a way out."

Jenny looked at them gently and shook her head: "I didn't do anything. This is the limit of what I can tell. I'm afraid you have to dig out the rest yourself."

He Qin said: "It seems that you know a lot."

"There are a lot of things you can't tell me." Jenny laughed. "I think it's time for me to leave here. Myoboros's eyes and tongue, I'm afraid I have to digest it for a while."

Wen Zheliu said before He Qin: "Okay, I'll help you!"

After Jenny left, He Qin was angry and funny: "Do you think your brother will eat her or something?"

"I'm afraid you'll embarrass others, hehehe." Wen Zheliu said, "Okay, let's wake up our teammates quickly, it's time to go!"

The two rushed to the corridor outside, only to see a few people lying on the ground unconscious. Wen Zheliu stepped forward, helped Bai Jingxing up first, pushed his collar and screamed several times, but when he saw that he couldn't come over, He Qin had already He clicked his tongue impatiently.

"Is it useful to call me that?" He rolled up his sleeves, "Get out of the way, brother."

Wen Zheliu stood up without knowing why, only to see He Qin draw his bow from left to right, and hit him with a few ear blows. Bai Jingxing was already dizzy, and he half-opened his eyes hazy.

Wen Zheliu: "..."

He Qin was satisfied: "Isn't this enough?"

Wen Zheliu was afraid that Bai Jingxing would wake up early, so he jumped up and fought with them while touching the slap marks on his face, and quickly pushed He Qin away. They woke up Chen Feiluan, Lin Miao, and Xi Ling upstairs one after another, and then went downstairs to wake up Xie Yuanyuan. Du Zijun and Li Tianyu didn't let He Qin come to wake them. They heard that Zheliu patted her on the back a few times, gently. They took a vague breath and woke up from the illusion.

Bai Jingxing covered his head and sat up. At this moment, his memory was still stuck in false hallucinations, "I'm not... No, how could I..."

The others reluctantly got up and looked at the system prompts in a daze.

"What's going on? Does this count as clearing the level?" Li Tianyu looked at the dilapidated pharmaceutical factory in confusion, "But, we didn't do anything!"

Du Zijun struggled to get up while rubbing his temples, his pants were covered in dust: "It's not us."

Li Tianyu was stunned: "What?"

"I mean, it's not that we didn't do anything," Du Zijun frowned impatiently, "As long as someone solves the puzzle first, this level will be considered passed."

Xie Yuanyuan said languidly: "Brother He and Zhe Liu."

Du Zijun sneered: "They are really two monsters."

At this time, He Qin was leading three people, and next to him was Wen Zheliu, who was holding Xi Ling on his side. Seeing that they were all well, he couldn't help but smile and said, "You are all awake!"

Du Zijun raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile. At that time, the sun was burning, and it was brilliant and brilliant. It sprinkled on the ground through the dilapidated window lattice, illuminating everything. Li Tianyu couldn't help laughing, and Xie Yuanyuan shouted happily: "I knew it was you. !”

On the highway, two cars drove side by side, sitting with nine tired and happy players.

After listening to Wen Zheliu's explanation, Bai Jingxing was thoughtful.

"So," he adjusted the wireless headset in another car, "the key to solving the mystery is the boss's motivation for doing this."

Wen Zheliu nodded: "Yes, he longs to be welcomed and succeed, but his life experience is only the first level. The second level of reason is that he wants to break a cycle for his master."

Xi Ling continued: "The Ouroboros on the hand of the Holy Nun itself represents eternal reincarnation, or other cyclical things that are considered to end and can start again."

Du Zijun suddenly said: "There is another kind of ouroboros. It is called Ouroboros, which symbolizes infinity and the combination of life and death. I think it is very important to understand these two concepts."

"Seresa's totem should be what Xi Ling said," He Qin said while driving. "Although Ouroboros is a mythical creature, it has no religious meaning. It is not as good as a simple Ouroboros. appropriate."

A few people were chatting and laughing comfortably in the car. At this time, the glow in the distance was vast and the sky had a completely new look. There was no longer the gloomy and depressing feeling in the past. There are still a few white spots on the horizon rising into the sky, as if they are reluctant to leave this world.

"Anyway, everything is over." Xie Yuanyuan sighed with satisfaction, "Perfectly passed the level."

Wen Zheliu had a smile on his lips but said nothing.

Back at the hotel, only the boss is left there. The waiter John is gone, and the butcher and chef are also gone. He is the only one standing at the door of the hotel, with tears in his eyes, waiting for the players to return triumphantly.

"Welcome back," he shook hands and hugged everyone, "Thank you, really thank you!"

When it was Wen Zheliu's turn, he returned the photo of Shasha to the hotel owner and watched as the hotel owner put it into his arms with gratitude.

"I have decided to take Shasha out of here," he said with emotion. "There is no one here anymore. It is completely an empty city."

"If you think it's good, then do it." Wen Zheliu said happily.

After a night's rest, they got on the same bus together the next morning, but this time, the driver was replaced by the hotel owner.

Achieve customs clearance achievements and get rewards for watching the ending CG.

The familiar voice sounded in everyone's ears again. Wen Zheliu took a look and found that the cg at the end of the film was actually the life story of Happy Dawson that he had seen in the third level of illusion.

He smiled slightly, and He Qin beside him raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Wen Zheliu shook his head: "It's nothing, I just found a coincidence."

As if he thought of something again, his smile faded and he gently pulled He Qin's little finger.

He Qin turned to look at him and asked: "It's just the next world, will you continue to accompany me?"

This time, He Qin did not hesitate, nor did he avoid Wen Zheliu's feelings.

"Yes." He said, "I will always be with you, I swear."

Congratulations to player Wen Di, the second world has been successfully cleared and the system is settling the rewards.

Type of clearance: Escape mode (difficult)

Rating for ending: perfect

Your strength increases by 15 points, your stamina increases by 22 points, your agility increases by 18 points, your spirit increases by 19 points, and the realism limit is permanently increased by 8 points

Items/Equipment Obtained during the Mission: Mistletoe (Unknown Level/Inactive)

Complete main quest: 3/3

Complete side mission: 2/2

Completed hidden tasks: 0

Unlock plot achievement 1: Ghosts and gods are not close

Unlock plot achievement 2: Escape from the Tiger's Mouth

Unlock plot achievement 3 omniscient and omniscient ll

Unlock personal achievement 1 God said you can’t die here yet

Unlock Personal Achievement 2 Being deeply loved by someone will give you strength

Unlock Personal Achievement 3 You and I will become the new Adam and Adam in that new world

Obtain reward: 15500 experience points, 230 gold, 55 silver and 13 bronze. The reward has been sent to your package.

Obtain prop rewards: Pretender Mark x1, Hard Mode special lottery ticket x1, the rewards have been sent to your package.

You have unlocked all plot achievements in the second world and received additional prop rewards: Confidential Black Box C. The rewards have been sent to your package.

Settlement has been completed, I wish you a pleasant journey and goodbye.

The author has something to say: Achievement 1 "God said you can't die here yet" comes from the Almighty God, and can also be used to ridicule some characters whose protagonist's halo is too strong.

Achievement 2 "Being deeply loved by someone will give you strength" from Howl's Moving Castle.

Achievement 3 "You and I will become the new Adam and Adam in that new world." The original sentence comes from "Record of Homecoming Ministry Activity". It actually means "You and I will become the new Eve and Eve in that new world." ", I changed it a bit!

Oh ho ho ho ho ho! ! ! The second world is officially over! ! !

Thank you all for your support and likes. I will apply for a one-day stop tomorrow to sort out the outline and plot, as usual! ! !

Thanks fumi, Changyue Flute x15, KacaKacha x3, bonniex2, I am a ghost x5, Rideni Meow x2, Jiancheng Weirui x6, Junan, Yiyiwei Miao, 33712644x2, Xixi’s Day x2 The mines, bam!

Thanks for the grenade of the day Sissy, thanks!

Thanks for the bazooka from Yiyizuanx2, thank you very much!

Thanks to a waste seedling for the shallow water bomb, Bobo Chicken! !