The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 76


Xie Yuanyuan raised his hands happily: "The minority obeys the majority! No one sleeps! No one sleeps!"

Du Zijun: "..."

Wen Zheliu smiled and spread his hands: "The main reason is that there is no good name now, and the meaning is not bad. I am casual, there is nothing to be picky about."

He Qin: "If no one sleeps, then no one sleeps. At least it's not called 4399, nor is it called 7k7k. I think I can still accept it."

Du Zijun took a deep, trembling breath, silently turned his body to the side, and remained silent.

Xie Yuanyuan carefully put down his hand and reached up to pull the corner of his clothes: "Okay, it's okay if you don't call him by this name. Don't be angry..."

Du Zijun tugged at his coat: "Get out, I'm autistic!"

"What do girls say about their masters..." Xie Yuanyuan muttered in a low voice, but did not dare to say this too loudly due to Du Zijun's power. Wen Zheliu hurriedly coughed heavily, fearing that Du Zijun would really twist off this little fool's head.

"That's it, whoever names you will be the captain," he clapped his hands, "Yuanyuan, from now on you will be the captain of No One Sleeps!"

Xie Yuanyuan was immediately dumbfounded: "Huh? Why is there still such a rule?!"

He Qin straightened his face and said calmly: "Whoever gives the name will register. According to the rules for establishing a team, whoever registers first will be the captain."

Xie Yuanyuan scratched his head: "Are you kidding me... With my sense of existence, you want me to be the captain? Let Brother He do it, I'm not good at it!"

After hearing his words, the smile on Wen Zheliu's face faded, and he said warmly: "Yuanyuan, there is no such thing as someone who is good and who is not. If you don't try it yourself, how will you know that you are not good?"

"But… "

Du Zijun turned around and glanced at him impatiently: "Come on if you are told. Even if we talk so much, the three of us don't care. You don't care."

"Okay," He Qin said with finality, "The captain is Xie Yuanyuan. Remember to register tomorrow morning and officially enter the third world at noon."

Wen Zheliu clenched his fist at him: "Come on, captain!"

Xie Yuanyuan was forced to put it on the shelves. The protest was ineffective, and several people continued to discuss issues about the third world.

"By the way, you said last time that the third world is probably Edo, Japan. How did you determine that?" Du Zijun asked.

Wen Zheliu carefully considered his words and described to them in detail the content of Happy Dawson's sacrifice that he saw in the triple illusion. At the end, he said: "From the beginning to now, the world we have experienced can be divided into two parts: light and dark. Wire."

"The first line is the main line of the system and the worldview that the mission wants us to decipher; and the second line is the life story of Saint Sister Ceresa."

He Qin squinted his eyes lazily, casually took out the tissue on the table, took it in his hand, folded it with his slender fingers, and played with the paper carelessly while listening to Zheliu's words.

Du Zijun frowned and said: "Yes, in that case, the first world is the beginning of everything - under Jenny's story, the little girl named Ceresa also suffered the same experience. But in the second world In this world, the span of the timeline is too large, and the hidden thread cannot be connected... "

Wen Zheliu dipped his index finger in water and drew a frame on the glass table, which was divided into several pieces: "These are nine worlds. If each world is regarded as a puzzle..."

"The order of the puzzle pieces has been disrupted!" Xie Yuanyuan suddenly said, "We have to clear all nine worlds, and then put together the clues about the Holy Nun in chronological order to see the final truth clearly!"

Wen Zheliu snapped his fingers and agreed: "Yes, that's it."

Du Zijun mused: "Then the cult rituals you saw in the fantasy world are tantamount to spoiling the secrets of several worlds for you..."

"Well..." Wen Zheliu nodded and counted on his fingers, "Go to Japan by boat, become a nun and fall in love with someone, but your lover is killed... However, the sacrificial ceremony is too abstract after all, and I can't see any more. Information.”

Xie Yuanyuan guessed: "So, do you guess that the third world is in Edo, in addition to spoilers, is it also because the people in Muspelheim set a lot of fires?"

Wen Zheliu said: "Yes, most of the building materials in the Edo period were wood, which is easier to cause such a large fire. And judging from the outline in the firelight, the architectural style is also biased toward the Eastern style, and it can basically be determined that the third The world is in Edo."

Du Zijun nodded: "Okay, it's good to know this, and you will have a direction for preparing props. Now it is not clear how the people in Muspelheim successfully cleared the level within twenty-four hours... They have reached the third level. The world is over, is the level boss that weak?"

He Qin's knuckled fingers pressed regular creases on the paper, and he said solemnly: "The conditions for them to pass the level have nothing to do with the strength of the boss. Don't take them too seriously."

Du Zijunhu asked: "Then tell me, what's going on?"

Since he was trapped in the Uncanny Valley, the rankings of the two worlds he has entered are among the best among hundreds of thousands of players. At this moment, Muspelheim appeared out of nowhere. In addition to being vigilant, Du Zijun also had a few other things in his heart. There is a vague feeling of displeasure that the territory is about to be snatched away.

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"So far, how many bosses have we killed in total?" He Qin asked without raising his eyelids, "The answer is zero. The level bosses in the two worlds are not within the reach of players."

Wen Zheliu added: "Plot killing - to be precise, whether it is Jenny or Happydawson, it can be regarded as the system's own action."

Du Zijun thought thoughtfully: "That's right. The ultimate goal of the system seems not to allow players to have anal sex based on their strength, but to allow us to dig out the so-called truth."

"And it can't be anal, to be honest." Wen Zheliu showed a wry smile, "Just like this time, Jenny just came out to help me, and the world automatically raised the difficulty a lot defensively. If the player wants to To forcefully kill the boss in the early stage to break through the level is nothing short of a fantasy."

"So, the people in Muspelheim deciphered the world view so many hours in advance?!" Xie Yuanyuan said in shock, "Then this is even more terrifying! They are too smart, they are basically monsters!"

He Qin's dark eyebrows raised, showing a sarcastic smile.

"It's just cheating." His voice was soft, but the mocking smile in it was clearly visible. "The people on the Holy Sister's side naturally have channels to know the answer to the plot line, so there is no need to rush to look at them."

Xie Yuanyuan scratched his hair: "Yes."

While speaking, He Qin had already folded the tissue in his hand, spread it out in his palm, and handed it to Wen Zheliu to see.

Wen Zheliu lowered his head and saw a small leopard with a square head and a square head standing on it. Its ears were angled, and its long tail behind it twisted in a soft arc, standing vividly in He Qin's hands.

Wen Zheliu picked it up carefully, her eyes full of joy: "It's so cute..."

Du Zijun was caught off guard and his eyes hurt from the flash. He couldn't help but stare at it coldly and bitterly, and said coldly: "What is it? It looks like a Pikachu."

He Qin gave him a cool look, then laughed so much that he fell down when he heard that Liu Zheliu was in trouble. Seeing that something was not going well, Xie Yuanyuan quickly pulled and pushed Du Zijun away.

After the two left, Wen Zheliu was still trembling with laughter. He looked at the silly little leopard in his hand and remembered that Du Zijun scolded it for looking like Pikachu. When he contacted He Qin, he couldn't stop laughing.

He Qin pulled him over and whispered in his ear threateningly: "Still laughing, huh?"

"Pikachu... Pikachu hahahahaha!" Wen Zheliu rolled into a ball in his arms, then put the little leopard into the package with great care, and lay on top of him, with the smell of He Qin in his breath.

Wen Zheliu didn't know what he was like outside, but it was obvious that He Qin didn't have much time to clean himself up here. He didn't even smell of men's perfume, but he had a very alluring, fresh and warm skin scent. . He buried his head in He Qin's neck, secretly thinking in his heart that this powerful, evil and gentle man was completely his own. It was like a dream.

He Qin's breathing became a little heavier, and Wen Zheliu could feel that the skin that was in contact with him began to feel hot. His heart was beating wildly, and he immediately noticed something. He wanted to quietly slip off the man and hug him. However, his arms tightened. He Qin gently rubbed Wen Zheliu's earlobe with his lips and said hoarsely, "Do you want to?"

His voice was full of hot desire, and Wen Zheliu's spine softened and she trembled, "Think...what do you want?"

He felt something hard pressing against his waist and abdomen. Hearing that Zheliu was breathing rapidly, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He Qin had already licked his earlobe slowly, almost making him paralyzed. The exposed skin touched each other, and both of them felt a swaying heartbeat.

After a long time, the kissing sound of lips and tongues stopped. He Qin gasped with a smile: "It's useless to think about it... I'll deal with you next time, little pervert."

Wen Zheliu was feeling dizzy. In the intense intimacy that he couldn't stop just now, He Qin sucked the tip of his tongue until it was numb, as if he wanted to suck his whole body into his stomach. Now he said this, calling Wen Zhe Liu Liu said frantically: "You are a pervert!"

"Okay, sleep!" He Qin hugged him, and the two of them lay together in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows under the starlight in the room, covered with quilts. The Milky Way poured in from the sky, and the neon lights under their feet were faint and dazzling. They seemed to be sleeping at the intersection of water and sky. On the river, "If you don't sleep, you won't be able to sleep tonight."

Wen Zheliu understood the hint in the words, hurriedly shrank into his warm and solid embrace, and gradually closed her eyes with peace of mind.

A kiss fell gently on his forehead.

"Good night, baby." He Qin said softly.

The next day, a group of people went to the team notary hall, where a sea of people had gathered, filled with players who planned to form a temporary team. There were also many familiar large groups who had set up recruitment points in the square to recruit idle personnel with excellent results. The four of them walked through the crowds of people, carried a form to Xie Yuanyuan, and signed their names on it.

Team: Nessun Dorma was created successfully.

The team exclusive channel has been opened, and the team experience bonus and money bonus have been opened.

Nessun Dorma has entered the uncanny valley community power rankings, current ranking: None.

Let’s move forward together! Congratulations on the establishment of the team, I wish you all good luck and a happy journey!

System prompts sounded one after another. He Qin submitted the form to the club archives. Xie Yuanyuan curiously opened the team interface and said: "Hey... there is no ranking yet."

"Whatever," Du Zijun said casually, "We have stayed here long enough, it's time to enter the third world."

The four of them were riding the suspended cable car on their way to the gate of the Third World when suddenly a white light burst out in the sky, followed by a majestic sound of music!

At that moment, time stood still, and everyone's movements were frozen at this moment. Snow feathers were flying all over the sky, and the clouds slowly separated from above. As if the majestic holy light descended into the world, the tall and statue-like body of the holy nun slowly descended, emitting thousands of white halos in the center of the vast world!

Her holy and flawless face is covered with a veil that is whiter than the snowy moon, and her red lips are as bright as roses. She always wishes that the veil is as vast as the billowing sea of clouds, flowing from the sky to the ground.

She spoke with a sweet voice, like a gospel hymn that enlightened the mind, echoing like ten million orioles in the sky: "Good day, my brothers and sisters, may the Father's kingdom come, may the Father's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I am Saint Sister Theresa, your eternal guide and companion."

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Holy Sister!"

"It's Saint Sister Ceresa, why did she suddenly appear here?!"

"What happened, what happened?!"

She turned a blind eye to the restlessness and commotion below, just spread out her huge hands, and said in a sweet voice: "Since your adventure journey began, I am very happy to see that countless talents have solved the puzzle and found the secret in their hearts. s answer."

Her voice seemed to be filled with some kind of bewitching and magical power. After hearing what she said, the players slowly fell silent.

"However, even if the road to truth has no end, human creativity is still endless. Here, I am determined to reward a heroic team who pioneered two new game modes for the first time and allowed me to I can show it to my brothers and sisters during the rest of my journey.”

Wen Zheliu's breath was suffocated, and the thought finally came to her.

Sure enough, she began to officially announce the existence of massacre mode and defection mode to all players, and at the end she loudly said: "Unfortunately, as pioneers, their results for the first time clearing the level cannot be retained, and they have to try it again. . Therefore, in order to reward this team for their contribution to the Uncanny Valley, I decided to give them the right to choose - during the second pass, they have the right to choose any world where team confrontation is taking place, and seize their results to their heart's content. !”

Wen Zheliu's eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief: "What?!"

But without explanation, without saying goodbye, after making this explosive announcement, the holy nun left as suddenly as she had come.

"What's going on? Hey, this...!" Walk.

"Don't stay here." He said solemnly, "The later you leave, the more dangerous it will be."

The four of them hurriedly arrived at the gate of the third world. After verifying their identities, Wen Zheliu looked back at the Midnight City for the last time, then followed He Qin without hesitation and threw themselves into the huge teleportation array as red as maple.

Dear players, welcome to the Uncanny Valley and wish you a pleasant journey.

Start scanning... Identity verification has been completed, confirm Starnet ID: Wen Di, ID name: Wen Zheliu, activation sequence: 4697800. No abnormal value fluctuations were detected in the scan. The loading connection has been confirmed for you, please wait.

Collecting player information...

Player name: Wen Di

Level: 24

Experience value: 21820/25000

Strength: 22 (+15), Stamina: 31 (+22), Agility: 26 (+18), Spirit: 30 (+19), Truth: 13

Package: dog tags with complex patterns, confidential black boxes a-c, mistletoe, crowbar, wilderness survival gift box, experience supplement (medium) x1, life recovery agent (medium) x300, physical recovery agent (medium) x300, mental calmness Agentx300

Coins: 140 gold, 98 silver, 185 copper

Equipment props: Ghost Hunting Clothes, Baron Cane, Jenny's Pendant (Unknown)

The third world is accessing, countdown to 10, 9, 8, 7...

After counting the last seconds, Wenzheliu fell top-heavy among a large pile of thick, soft red leaves.

The author has something to say: Good night everyone!