The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 90


The female ghost's belly was swollen like a mountain, which was convenient for He Qin and Wen Zheliu, because from its angle, it was difficult to see the two people approaching from behind.

"Can I get closer?" Wen Zheliu lowered his voice, "I think it's a bit dangerous."

He Qin: "Hmm... It seems that it is Yuzhao Cha. It's really not easy to approach it rashly."

"Oshocha, Wakashi, and Limei..." Wen Zheliu muttered, "I discovered that although it is a bit strange to have my own local settings in the Edo background, they seem to correspond to the three things of wine, sex, and wealth. , I wonder if Qingteng has any remaining energy..."

He Qin said: "Drinking, sex and wealth? This is not impossible."

While the two were discussing, they saw Li Gui stretching out his claws to grab half of the mutilated skull, scooping up the blood wine in the wine river and swallowing it. As he swallowed, his bloodshot belly, which was bulging like strips of earthworms, also twitched and rolled. The fishy smell immediately hit the nostrils, making those who looked at it almost nauseous.

"It hurts... it hurts..." It drank thirstily while whimpering with great resentment, "it hurts... it hurts so much..."

"It can talk," Wen Zheliu said with surprise. "It seems that it still retains some sanity."

He Qin thought for a while, suddenly cleared his throat, and took out a horn from the package.

"?" Wen Zheliu stared at him in surprise, feeling that he seemed to have come up with something that was not in line with his style of painting.

"What are you watching your brother do?" He Qin turned on the switch, "It's just a gift from the mall."

Wen Zheliu was suspicious: "Why didn't I know there were gifts in the mall?"

He Qin smiled softly: "Next time I will teach you how to go to the mall to get gifts. Now..."

The smile on his lips faded, and he put the speaker in front of him. The diffused sound was like a low dusk wind, drifting loosely in this land of ghost plague, like a fog that couldn't grasp the source.

Prop name: Copper trumpet

Grade: c

Activation type: Instant activation

Cooling time: 30 minutes

Attack power: none

Effect: After activating this prop, the user can spread his voice through three different forms of matter at will. The range is limited to fog, rain, and wind, and the propagation radius is 5 meters.

Equipment level: 10

Prop introduction: You can use it to secretly spread some gossip that is not known to be true or false, but the action of taking it out is too conspicuous, and it is likely to be discovered.

"Yuzhaocha..." He Qin's voice became ethereal, "Why are you wandering here and unwilling to return to your hometown?"

Li Gui stopped drinking.

"My hometown..." Hearing this voice, it couldn't help but murmured, and the dense outline of human faces could not help but appear on its bruised belly, which made people's mental values drop a bit, "I don't want to die... but I also There is no hometown anymore…”

After saying this, it became silent.

Wen Zheliu took the horn from He Qin and said, "Let me try it."

He cleared his throat and asked, "Yuzhao Cha... do you still remember Li Mei?"

Li Gui didn't respond.

Wen Zheliu was stunned for a moment, looked at the speaker in his hand, and asked tentatively: "... Then do you still remember Goto Qianli and Ivy?"

The ghost's belly was as heavy as a mountain, but its limbs twitched unconsciously, showing a cowering attitude.

This is strange...

He Qin said: "Ask it about Ruo Zi."

Wen Zheliu thought for a moment and said, "Yuzhaocha...then do you remember Ruozi?"

Unexpectedly, this issue suddenly caused an uproar.

Yu Zhaocha's body shook violently, and it screamed violently. Its bones couldn't help but bend into various twisted shapes, and the faces on its paper-thin belly were rolling, and each one had a big mouth, as if they were eager to escape this pain. The shackles!

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"Ruo Zi! Bitch Ruo Zi!" Its roaring voice caused the wine rivers on both sides to boil, almost piercing the eardrums of deaf people. "I can't spare her... ah, I can't spare her!!"

Wen Zheliu was shocked and subconsciously grabbed the Jenny pendant hanging around his neck. He Qin was as calm as before and said to the crazy female ghost: "But Ruozi is dead! Like you, she has already gone to Abi Hell! "

"Dead...?" Hearing these words, Yu Zhaocha tilted his head, suddenly chuckled, and screamed in a sharp and weird tone, "The poisonous woman who is greedy for love, the maggot who is devoured by jealousy, also Do you deserve to live well? Die well, die well! I just wish I could drown her stinking soul in the wine, drown her!"

After hearing these words, He Qin and Wen Zheliu suddenly realized something. They looked at each other and Wen Zheliu said sharply: "No, let's go quickly!"

The two of them put the horns in their arms and ran out! The soil under their feet was sticky and soft, making their escape extremely difficult. Facing the stench that hit their faces, Wen Zheliu said, "Oops, I really didn't expect this to be a trap!"

"It seems that sometimes, even system tasks may not be trustworthy." He Qin took his hand and said, "Here we come!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the sound of surging waves of the wine river came from behind the two of them, rolling up towards them overwhelmingly!

He Qin turned around and slashed with his sword!

In an instant, the waterways in the Wine River shattered and wailed, and the flooded skulls in the Wine River broke and wailed, just like rivers flying thousands of miles across the ghost plains full of blood and fat. Everything was cut in two by the bright sword light!

"Let's go." The angry waves stopped, and He Qin uttered one word, and the two of them ran towards the light of the guiding light.

"...Fortunately, we reacted quickly and immediately discovered something was wrong." Wen Zheliu said luckily, "But what on earth is going on? Goto Senri lied to us?"

"According to what Xie Yuanyuan said, the three female ghosts he met in the palace should not interfere with each other's actions. At the very least, he did not see the three ghosts fighting each other in the reflection of the crystal window." He Qin He strode towards the light that was not far away, and the blood river behind him began to stir again, "But if you look at it this way, Yu Zhaocha hates Ruo Zi so much, why didn't he do it last night?"

Wen Zheliu said: "-At least we can be sure that after they left this world, they were either controlled by others, or they completely lost their memory and had no memory of their own lives."

"When Xie Yuanyuan said that during the day, I felt strange," He Qin thought deeply. "Although they couldn't see him, based on the scene they recounted at the time, it seemed like they were guarding something..."

"...and Xie Yuanyuan took away those things, and they emerged from the dark night." Wen Zheliu added.

"Five islands and a thousand miles."

"...Long Ji."

The two said in unison, both seeing the answer in each other's eyes.

"Go out first!" He Qin pulled him and jumped into the area illuminated by the light. Up to this point, the land under their feet was dry and solid. The two of them ran all the way, and the people behind them reunited. The river of blood was rolling in waves, rushing toward them crazily. At this moment, the minute hand on He Qin's watch was passing through five grids.


The two of them ran out of the burning light of the will-o'-the-wisp in front of them. With the smell of alcohol all over their bodies and blood soaked in their clothes and pants, they suddenly landed in a circle of blue light that was tightly surrounding them!

"Close the mirror!" Wen Zheliu turned around and shouted. He Qin moved like lightning and quickly tore off the soul-calling talisman paper wrapped around the wine glass below. The wine weighing more than 10,000 kilograms crashed into the shrinking mirror. It shook so hard that the ground outside was shaking!

"We're back!" At this time, he turned around and saw Du Zijun standing there, covered in blood and looking embarrassed.

"Du Zijun?!" He was startled and hurriedly ran up to support him, "It's so seriously injured, why did you..."

Wen Zheliu took out the potion from the package and suddenly froze.

He found that except for Jenny's pendant, all the props in the package were locked gray and could not be taken out for use.

"What's going on..." He looked around and looked at the crystal-like barrier carefully, "What's going on?"

Lowering his head and seeing Shan Jun collapsed on the ground not far away, he seemed to understand a little bit.

"Is it the fault of the things surrounding this circle?" He Qin frowned, glanced at Shan Jun who didn't know whether to live or die, and found that his props were also locked up, "Looking at you, no wonder it's so difficult. ."

Du Zijun gasped heavily and said hoarsely: "I knocked him unconscious, but this thing didn't dispel it... It seems that this prop is not under his control."

Wen Zheliu wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve and thought, "What should I do? Tie him up first?"

"You were the one who knocked me unconscious. You have the final say." He Qin said, "You stand for a while and sit down now. Your whole body will collapse."

Wen Zheliu said worriedly: "Xie Yuanyuan hasn't come back yet..."

Du Zijun said hoarsely: "...Don't worry about that kid, his fate is greater than everyone else."

While he was talking, several of the surrounding crystal walls began to tremble at a level visible to the naked eye. He Qin said, "It looks like the real owner of the props has arrived."

The crystal wall suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew away. Wen Zheliu hurriedly took out the potion from his pocket and fed it to Du Zijun to drink. When all the barriers were eliminated one by one, standing opposite them were the remaining team members of Shenzao.

Yu Hong shook the pipe in her hand and puffed out smoke. Although the two sisters Shu Yun and Shu Yu were injured, they were still in good spirits. Zhong Jiashi stood behind them. With a height of nearly two meters and a strong figure, he looked Like an indestructible iron tower.

The two sides were facing each other from afar, and in the silence, Shan Jun beside He Qin groaned in a coma on the verge of death.

A look of surprise and reluctance flashed across the twins' faces. They looked up at Du Zijun, as if they couldn't believe that this tall and slender-looking woman could single-handedly injure Shan Jun like that.

"My people are ridiculous." Yu Hong shook her mouth on her cigarette holder and drooped her eyelids. His lips were unpainted and red, looking plump, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were too slender and raised. When they were lowered, they would appear silky and charming. This appearance should be very feminine, but his facial contours and high nose clearly showed others that he was a real man.

He Qin's eyes were heavy, and he gently pushed open the scabbard with his thumb, and a ray of snow-like light burst out.

"Is it funny?" he asked softly, "It's strange, why can't I laugh?"

The author has something to say: Thank you all for your support and love for Sister Du!