The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 92


"Oh?" He Qin changed his posture and looked at him at leisure, "I wonder what you think, little beauty?"

"...Stop teasing me!" Wen Zheliu said frantically, "I just screamed once, how long do you want to remember it!"

Du Zijun sat cross-legged on the side, took the notebook held by He Qin, and flipped through a few pages.

"I always feel that something is wrong." He mused. At this time, the scars on his body had fully recovered after a night of rest and the effect of medicine. Only some bruises still remained on his fair cheeks. "We have been in this world for two full days. Apart from Ruozi's diary that Xie Yuanyuan got on the first night, have we made any substantial progress?"

"Eh?" Wen Zheliu raised his head, "Although the clues we know now are quite fragmented, it can't be said that there hasn't been any substantial progress, right?"

Du Zijun stared at him: "Then tell me what we have learned so far."

So Wen Zheliu picked up his fingers and counted carefully: "First of all, we heard the ghost children's song when entering the scene at the beginning, and learned the summary of the lives of the three mission-related bosses - they were Yu Zhaocha who died of drunkenness. Madam, Mrs. Kurume, who died of greed for money, and Mrs. Wakashi, who died of greed for sex, although the cause of her death is not yet known, but based on the rules, it can be inferred that she died of greed for sex. And then... there is Chisato Goto, who has big problems and mysteries of her own. .”

"What's wrong with her?" Du Zijun asked, "Besides the fact that she concealed her real name, Long Ji, and gave the living Ruozi medicine that can make her beautiful, are there any other obvious problems?"

Xie Yuanyuan wrinkled his face and shouted: "Wow, she has a lot of problems, okay! She obviously spent so much time with Mr. Jiu Song when he was sick, why is her infection the least severe? I think we should do whatever it takes. Similar to those three, right? Also, the beauty medicine she sent to Ruozi was the beginning of everything. It was from that time that Ruozi suddenly became greedy, and then did things that made the other two ladies hate her. ah."

Du Zijun was unmoved and continued to ask: "What else?"

"And..." Xie Yuanyuan thought for a moment, "Ah, and there's more! The Ruozi we saw in the door doesn't have a tongue. Could it be because it was the first to get a discount from Goto Senri, and She still knows her real name, so she was silenced?”

Hearing this, Wen Zheliu seemed to have realized what Du Zijun meant. He frowned, with a solemn look of deep contemplation on his face.

Du Zijun closed the note and put it on the table.

"This is what I said is wrong." He looked indifferently, "What direct evidence do you have?"

Xie Yuanyuan opened and closed his lips, and was momentarily stuck.

"...I, I, the evidence?" He was speechless, "Isn't this enough? All the clues currently known point to Five Islands and Thousand Miles Away! Isn't this obvious enough?"

Wen Zheliu also interjected: "And the three bosses Xie Yuanyuan saw on the first night were completely different from their state in the mirror world. When outside, they seemed to have completely lost their memory and resentment towards each other, as if They only exist to protect something... I suspect that the thing they protect is Ruo Zi's diary, because although the second half of the diary was hastily torn off, Long Ji's real name is still on it."

"There is no suspicion of guilt." He Qin suddenly said, "Currently, we have no more direct evidence against Goda Qianli's suspicion."

Du Zijun lowered his eyes, and the spicy mint smell of the lady's cigarette filled his nostrils: "Should, suspicion, all point to... Put aside your inferences and intuitions, let alone whether she is the mastermind behind the scenes, let me tell you, if you use this If you say resign and question her, how will she defend you?"

"She would say that she was at the hospital day and night, and just in case, she and her husband took the medicine on time, so the infection was not serious; she was very sorry for Ruo Zi's madness, she just wanted to help Ruo Zi, but she didn't know how to do it It will hurt her, and then you will definitely see her overwhelmed with grief, with tears streaming down her face. As for her real name, Longji, so what if she admits it outright? Don’t forget, we only have one Onmyoji. The identity is essentially a player, and the NPC whose identity we assumed was a fake from the beginning. Can we really control her real name and force her to tell the truth?"

"As for the fierce ghosts guarding the diary, this is easier to explain. There are many palaces in the back house. Who knows what rare treasures there are that have not been taken out. How do you explain to her? This must be the one they are guarding. thing?"

His brows were indifferent, and an indifferent sneer appeared on his lips: "Everything, you won't do anything to her. There is a problem, yes, there must be a problem, even a fool can see that there is a problem with her, but Even if she tells us blatantly now, 'I am the mastermind behind this, come and arrest me,' you will see whether the system will judge her and whether the judgment can be successful."

Xie Yuanyuan was dumbfounded and could not refute. He opened his mouth and did not close it for a long time.

"It seems that only evil people understand evil people best." He Qin supported his chin, half-closed his peach blossom eyes, and smiled leisurely, "Or...who does she remind you of?"

Du Zijun pursed his lips tightly, his pale face showing no trace of emotion.

Xie Yuanyuan calmed down and scratched his hair in confusion: "Then, what do you mean, she is innocent?"

"No, she is not innocent at all." Du Zijun's eyes seemed to be sinking into a bottomless dark sea, so dark that no trace of warmth could be seen. "On the contrary, this is her provocation."

Wen Zheliu was surprised: "Provocation?"

Du Zijun: "Just like a well-thought-out serial killer will leave a mark to provoke the police after each success, a mysterious thief will send a message to provoke the victim before each crime. When you look at the traces they leave, you know that there is something wrong. A murder is about to happen or has already happened, but you are still helpless to do anything about it, and you can only hate your own incompetence in vain."

"Leave her...her skin aside," he paused with difficulty, "Goshima Chisato is actually a crazy woman."

Xie Yuanyuan repeated in disbelief: "Crazy?!"

"Just think of this as a bit of life experience." Du Zijun said softly, "Although there is nothing to refer to, believe me - no one knows them or people like her better than me."

After a moment of silence, Xie Yuanyuan suddenly realized!

"I know, sister!" He sat up excitedly, "You must have been a criminal policeman before! If you weren't a criminal policeman, or you were a special forces soldier, how could you be so skilled and understand the psychological activities of criminals so well? !”

He Qin: "..."

Wen Zheliu: "... Poof."

Du Zijun: "...ah?"

Xie Yuanyuan approached with eyes wide open: "Sister, you are so awesome! No wonder you have been refusing to tell us your identity. I finally understand. This is a professional habit, isn't it?"

For the first time, Du Zijun looked at Xie Yuanyuan with a little pity in his eyes.

He sighed, thought again and again, then reached out and patted the dog's head, and said to Xie Yuanyuan: "... To put it nicely, you can barely call my real-life profession a military | fire dealer, but there is no need to beautify it. That’s too much.”

Xie Yuanyuan: "...?"

Du Zijun shook his head speechlessly: "Okay, I'm telling you, don't go out and talk nonsense. If I find out, I will fill you with cement and sink you into Tokyo Bay. I'll go out and smoke a cigarette first."

Xie Yuanyuan was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while. Wen Zheliu suppressed his laughter and patted his shoulder sympathetically: "Cheer up, friend."

He Qin held his chin and smiled at the scene in front of him. After a while, he thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Ningning, baby Ningning."

Wen Zheliu turned to look at him: "Ah, what's the matter?"

He Qin: "Although it's a bit hasty, your brother has something to give..."

"Hurry up and clean up!" There was a crash. Du Zijun, who had said he was going out for a smoke, suddenly pushed open the door and interrupted He Qin's words, "I just heard someone talking in front, Goto Qianli is about to send someone over! "

He Qin: "... Here you go. Damn, I'll talk about it later!"

The four of them were in a hurry, hurriedly placing the tea sets that had been messed up before and straightening the cushions. As soon as she finished cleaning up, she heard three gentle knocks from the maid outside. Then she slowly opened the door and poked in a dull smiling face that seemed to never change.

Even if it was broad daylight, Wen Zheliu felt terrified when he looked at it.

The maid's curved eyes were neatly curved, as if they were drawn with a ruler on white paper. She stretched out her hands that looked as cold as white porcelain and handed out a dark blue invitation.

"At midnight tonight, Mrs. Qingteng invites all of you to come to the imperial palace for a chat."

The four people nodded and said in unison: "I understand."

Watching the maids leaving, several people symbolically straightened their skirts, picked up the invitations and looked at them.

Du Zijun muttered: "I hope I won't cause trouble for you anymore. My bones still hurt from the fight last night."

He Qin chuckled and said: "Relax, if something happens again, just rest and we will take over."

Wen Zheliu closed the door, turned around and asked, "Brother, what did you just say you wanted to give me?"

"...Forget it," He Qin knocked on the table with a rare headache, "Being interrupted once is not a good sign. Let's find another opportunity next time."

Xie Yuanyuan opened the elegant ink-colored invitation. The color of the paper was a simple and elegant dark blue, with lines washed with grass and wood. If it were written with pure black ink, it would be difficult to see clearly. However, what they saw was vivid The ink color is smudged with dots of golden stars, revealing a hint of gorgeous elegance in its simplicity.

"I feel very sorry for neglecting my care recently. I have specially invited all the masters to meet at the imperial palace at Zishi... to watch a Noh play... Ah, she wants to invite us to watch a play tonight?" Xie Yuanyuan scratched the back of his ear, "How strange. A woman whose house is about to be trampled by ghosts still has the heart to ask people to look at this mess?"

Main quest: Good Night Noh Drama (0/1) has been updated.

It’s hard to leave behind this worldly love, but we will say goodbye tonight for a long time. Losing love and dying is like frost on the road in the impermanent wilderness, approaching death step by step makes the dream within the dream bleak. The sky is about to dawn, and the sound of the bell is heartbreaking. After counting the six rings, only one is left. After listening to the sixth ring, this life has been buried.

Watching a Noh play until the actors take their final call will surely reveal the mystery, right

"As expected..." Hearing the system prompt, Wen Zheliu sighed, "Another main mission."

The author has something to say: Du Zijun: I was thinking about how I suddenly abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side as soon as I was a peddler of arms and fire (scratching my head and wondering.jpg

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and "It's hard to let go of love in this world, but I'll say goodbye tonight..." is an excerpt from the kabuki "Sonezaki Love and Death".

It was a bumpy day on the plane today, and my head was almost split...

Also, it is normal to have disputes about the plot and characters in the article. I just hope everyone can communicate rationally and not be too radical, wow!