The Uncanny Valley Traveling Guide

Chapter 93


"It's now..." He Qin raised his hand and showed the watch on his wrist, "It's 11:30 in the morning. There is basically one day left. What are your plans?"

Wen Zheliu: "Du Zijun, why don't you rest first? Taking good care of your body is the most important thing."

"Hmm." Du Zijun nodded, and went into the house to make a bed and lay down without being polite to the others.

"As for me..." Wen Zheliu hesitated, "I want to go around and see what information I can collect."

He Qin: "Then I'll go with you."

"Then I also..." Xie Yuanyuan was about to answer "Then I will go too" like a reflex, but suddenly he realized and hurriedly made up for it: "Uh uh uh, I mean, I will also go to find out some information. What are you planning to do? Where to go? We just happened to separate."

Wen Zheliu said sternly: "I want to visit the dormitory of Five Islands and Thousand Miles."

Xie Yuanyuan was a little surprised: "Huh? That woman is so evil. If you two go there, it will be easy to be discovered. Otherwise, it will be me..."

He Qin said: "No, her abilities and identity are unknown. We have been discovered, and there is still a way to escape. If you are discovered by her, it will be like one less trump card in the team. You are not very good at the moment. Good to go.”

"Ah..." Xie Yuanyuan nodded as if he understood, "That's right... Okay, then I'll go somewhere else and have a look. It's so big anyway, it's half a mountain."

Wen Zheliu: "Okay, please pay attention to your safety."

"Yeah! So are you!"

Watching Xie Yuanyuan run away, Wen Zheliu and He Qin set off immediately. They wore the prop cloak that He Qin took out from the package, avoiding the eyes and ears of the maids along the way, and headed towards the Ivy Dormitory.

Prop name: Invisibility cloak·High imitation


Activation type: Instant activation

Cooling time: none

Attack power: none

Effect: A cloak that can change shape and color according to natural light. After activating this item, the user's observable biological activity frequency will be weakened by about 60%-75%, and the user's heartbeat and body temperature will not be able to be detected. Perception of foreign objects.

Equipment level: 22

Prop introduction: These are the three sacred tools alongside the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone—did you think I would say that? Then you are totally wrong! It's just a souvenir purchased from Taiwan Nine and Three Quarters. I advise you not to dream about it!

The function of this prop is very similar to that of the picnic time in the first world, but the data is more than a bit more powerful. He Qin can take out two items from the package at once, Wen Zheliu is still a little surprised. He grabbed He Qin's hand and whispered, "How do you have the money to buy this?"

He Qin glanced at him strangely, with a hint of amusement in the corners of his eyes: "Have you forgotten that your brother is also a rich man?"

Wen Zheliu couldn't laugh or cry: "Of course you are rich... But now you are in the game, and everyone's data has been cleared once."

"It's just a deal with the Holy Nun, little fool." He Qin was born with broad shoulders and long legs, which is the standard body shape of a martial artist. His muscles are smooth and powerful, and when they are taut and bulging, he shows a strong outline. He is like a heart-stopping beast, but in daily life - to be precise, most of the time when he is with Wen Zheliu, he looks lazy and elegant, walking with light and slow steps, There was not even a sound coming out, and it always reminded people of some well-fed big cat.

Just like now, "I put my permissions on the gambling table as a bargaining chip. In addition to no longer interfering with my identity as a player, she will also unlock the previous account restrictions for me."

"However," he added, "you also know that my account in Nova City doesn't have much content. I'm just a newbie. The only thing of some value is a black card that can be used in all malls. It's gone."

"..." Wen Zheliu said, "You damn rich guy."

"The rich will support you." He Qin smiled and immediately responded.

The two of them walked around the servants and maids who stood as dumb as paper carvings. Through a rockery, they saw the curtains outside Goto Senri's bedroom. Through the thin and hazy barrier, a vague figure sat in it. That was probably the owner of the palace.

"How to get in?" Wen Zheliu said, "We need to lure away the things outside."

The servants here all looked dull and lifeless, and Wen Zheliu didn't want to call them humans anymore.

He Qin squinted his eyes and suddenly smiled: "Wait a minute."

As he spoke, he picked up two stones from the ground, flicked his wrist, and flicked his fingers like lightning. In the blink of an eye, the two stones shot out like meteors and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The distance cannot be seen clearly!

The next moment, Wen Zheliu clearly heard something heavy falling to the ground one after another from the vermilion corridor of the palace, and there were two dull sounds one after another.

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"Is this?" He opened his eyes wide and speculated, "Shu Yun... Shu Yu? Are they here too?"

In an instant, the dozen or so maids outside the palace turned to the source of the sound like hungry cats that smelled the fishy smell. The smiles on their faces did not change at all, but they rushed forward at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to achieve. Their hands protruded from the cuffs of their kimonos, revealing their red and sharp fingers!

Wen Zheliu was even more surprised. Before this, he had never seen these ubiquitous servants exposing their arms. No matter what they were doing, they always used overly long sleeves to cover their palms. He didn't expect that there was such a secret underneath.

The sound of tearing cloth suddenly sounded, followed by a muffled groan, and a series of footsteps hurriedly hit the ground. Even if Wen Zheliu closed his eyes, he could imagine figures moving left and right in his mind. Soon, the footsteps disappeared among the continuous slippery moss, and the maids stopped immediately. They continued to stand up straight. In the gloomy and wet environment, they looked like porcelain white papers without any emotion or joke. people.

He Qin's face remained as usual and he said softly: "How about it, isn't this going to lead to trouble? Hush, don't make any sound, she's going to appear soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door curtain in the distance was opened, and Goto walked out with a thousand steps. Her face was as beautiful as a mountain cherry, and her black hair hung down on her shoulders, like flowing water. She didn't look like a person from the Edo period, but a little bit... Just like what Wen Zheliu once saw in a picture album, the palace ladies of the Heian period.

"Are there any guests coming?" she asked in a sweet voice, "Which Onmyoji master came unexpectedly and made me lose the etiquette of welcoming guests?"

There was silence all around, except for the lingering wet mist lingering on the plants in the courtyard.

"Come out, two witches." She waited for a moment, then turned to the direction where Shu Yun and Shu Yu fled earlier, "I have heard your voices. Please come into the hall and sit for a while, and taste the simple food I have here. Let’s have some tea.”

When she said the second sentence, her voice became sweeter and gentler, like a calm singing, which contained some soul-stirring power. With her beautiful face, anyone who is a little unsteady is afraid that he will immediately obey her invitation and run over to grab her outstretched slender hands.

But for some reason, Wen Zheliu felt an inexplicable, sticky chill that spread uncomfortably upwards along his skin.

Shu Yun and Shu Yu seemed to have escaped, and Goto Qianli's invitation failed again.

She waited for a moment, then smiled: "Under the shade of the trees? On the cherry blossoms? Behind the lush bushes? Or right next to me - hiding in the shadows of this corridor? Come out, miko-sama, I won't hurt you. It’s yours!”

Calling, guessing, and smiling sincerely, the hem of her sleeves rubbed and swayed on the smooth wooden floor. Immediately afterwards, she jumped off the corridor, waved away the branches, cherry bushes, and shrubs, and stepped through the shadows of the vermilion railings of the corridor one by one.

"it's here?"



She always had a charming smile on her face, but the divine light radiating from her eyes was so dark that there was no warmth at all. Watching her movements, Wen Zheliu once again noticed some kind of terrifying and chilling paranoia, deeply buried under her gentle voice and beautiful appearance.

"This woman..." He frowned, "She's a bit scary."

Although I don't know the level of the prop used by Shu Yun and Shu Yu, it is undoubtedly a highly concealed prop. After searching around five islands and thousands of miles, she found nothing. She looked around with a smile, and said with a hint of reluctance in her voice: "Ah... so he has left? It seems that I made a mistake."

She turned around and seemed to be about to return to the room. Wen Zheliu watched helplessly as she took a few steps forward, but then stopped.

Godao Qianri suddenly turned around and stared straight at the rockery where he and He Qin were hiding!

Wen Zheliu's heart stopped for a beat, and she heard the other party whisper: "Speaking of which, the guests hiding there have had enough of the show, can they come out now?"

Discovered? !

At this moment, Wen Zheliu almost subconsciously shrank his body to the side, and He Qin's firm and powerful palms immediately firmly fixed his waist without making any movement.

"One is hiding on the beam, and the other is hiding behind the rockery..." Goto Qianli's face was calm and unruffled, and he pointed out their hiding places at once, "Why is my palace so busy today? It's because all the adults have restrained themselves. Can’t wait, do you want to watch the evening show immediately?”

As she said that, she rolled up her sleeves and walked towards here!

How could she... No, the body temperature and heartbeat of the invisibility cloak cannot be observed, and its shielding level is as high as 75%. He and He Qin were completely obscured by the rockery, how could they be discovered? Could it be that the two rocks He Qin popped out at the beginning made her notice some clues

If so, then this woman must be the boss!

His heart was beating faster and faster, and he had already grasped the pendant with one hand, waiting to call Jenny to open the door. However, at this moment, He Qin lowered his head and glanced at him silently.

Don't be nervous and think about it carefully. He made mouth movements, his expression still as relaxed and calm as before, and even hinted at a smile, which gradually calmed down Wen Zheliu's rapid heartbeat.

think carefully

He turned his head and stared at the leisurely pace of Goto Senri approaching, and saw that her gorgeous robe was swinging in the same amplitude and very regularly. Although He Qin was by his side, the tense mentality of always waiting for a sudden battle still caused a layer of sweat to form on his palms.

Is she deceiving them

… Yes, that’s right!

Suddenly, a bright light shone into his mind. Wen Zheliu suddenly thought of a previous detail and suddenly figured it out!

Shu Yun and Shu Yu are both players who follow the assassin route. Although their talents are not as perverted as Xie Yuanyuan's, they can still be said to be intermediate masters. Otherwise, Yu Hongyao would not have brought them with her into this world. They were still injured and could run away without a trace under the nose of Goto Qianli. How could they make a mistake for no reason and fall from the beam

—Someone must have plotted against them before they were tricked.

And right now, isn't the most convenient place for people to hide here to be this rockery

Thinking that she was just deceiving them, Wen Zheliu couldn't help but relax a little. However, as soon as his thoughts changed, Goto Chisato was able to think of this in the moment he turned around, which showed that this woman's mind was equally terrifying, not at all as weak and pitiful as she showed to the two teams on the first day.

Wen Zheliu held his breath, and sure enough, Goto Senri stopped just a few inches away from the rockery.

"Let's go." After a long silence, she said, "It's really strange. These adults come and go without leaving any traces. Then I will go talk to them myself and see what they are doing. Bar."

The author has something to say: Don't fight, don't fight - if you want to fight, go to the dance studio to fight! (beaten

Hey, I really have a headache. I just read an article. It’s not a big deal at all. I really don’t want everyone to quarrel over such a trivial matter.