The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 105: Is sorry useful? [Second update! ]


Zuo Changlu walked out of the toilet with a toothbrush in his mouth and foam at his mouth.

"You have to find a way to make more money."

Wu Yuting pointed to the empty plates on the table and the empty pot under the table: "Your son almost ate my pot..."

Zuo Changlu sighed: "I have eaten so much. I am really a young man. I am a poor man. The ancients have not deceived me... I just said why the toilet was blocked this morning..."

One after another, strange peaks rose up. Wu Yuting paused for a moment. She couldn't help but retched as her mind turned around, and she said angrily: "The long road to the left!"

Zuo Changlu suddenly turned back to the toilet to brush his teeth.

"In Phoenix City, there is a handsome guy. His name is Zuo Xiaoduo. Zuo Xiaoduo is such a handsome guy. He makes a lot of money every day and is happy every day. He sleeps until he wakes up naturally and counts money to infinity. Zuo Xiaoduo, come on. Hurry up. Grow up soon and find a wife; the eldest wife and the little wife, all of them are obedient and have nothing to do, they all work for me, and the money they make is given to Zuo Xiaoduo, so Zuo Xiaoduo becomes even happier... "

Zuo Xiaoduo hummed the song all the way, feeling endlessly lustful and comfortable.

Behind you, in the hiding place.

Liu Jiansheng and the other brothers all had their faces twitching and were confused.

"What did Master Zuo just sing? Why can't I understand? The purpose of finding many wives is to let them work and make money? Don't you want to do something... other things? What's the logic of this? Is there any hidden meaning?"

The second child felt like he was being messed up in the wind.

"Why doesn't he think about other things? Normal people would think about..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!" Liu Jiansheng glared: "Who thought you could talk to me about other things? Can you be smarter?"

"It makes sense."

Zuo Xiaoduo came to school in a hurry, and the first thing he did was go to the principal's office.

"Principal, my mobile phone..."

Li Changjiang rolled his eyes wildly.

I have never seen anyone so diligent in collecting accounts!

Throwing it out casually: "Take it!"

"Thank you, principal!" Zuo Xiaoduo grinned from ear to ear: "The principal is wise, powerful, benevolent and righteous. He benefits the world and benefits the common people. He will rule the world for thousands of years."



Zuo Xiaoduo rolled away holding his new phone.

As soon as he entered the classroom, he saw that Long Yusheng, Wan Lixiu, Yu Moyan, Li Changming, and Li Chenglong were all present, and they actually arrived earlier than him.

Moreover, each of these five people was in high spirits, but also a little uneasy.

After all, today we will have to touch the second touch of the three touches and five comments later.

This is something big to put in the archives!

Some anxiety is a normal human reaction.

But for those with high strength, there will still be expectations and excitement.

Qin Fangyang was wearing a blue robe with a wide belt tied around his waist. He looked particularly tall and straight. When he came from the office area in the distance, he was like an ancient warrior who suddenly walked out of the screen.

"Teacher Qin is so handsome today!" Wan Lixiu's eyes lit up: "I like handsome uncles like this the most."

Long Yusheng snorted and said with some discomfort: "It is said that Teacher Qin is over a hundred years old. I think you are too young for me."

"In the world of spiritual practice, age has never been a problem." Wan Lixiu retorted.

Long Yusheng became more and more unhappy and said angrily: "Superficial!"

Wan Lixiu raised her head arrogantly, a smile flashed in her eyes, and secretly cursed: "Stupid bird!"

"Two touch starts at nine o'clock."

Qin Fangyang reminded: "After entering, don't think about anything, just treat it with a normal mind; according to experience, this investigation can be completed in a short time."

"It's just a choice. You choose what you want in your heart."

Qin Fangyang said, laughing dumbly: "Of course, the atmosphere is still an instinctive illusion, so no matter what I say now, you will forget it by then. From now on, meditate and clear your mind."

eight thirty.

Hu Ruoyun appeared in Li Changjiang's office on time.

"The second touch is about to begin."

Li Changjiang's face looked very bad, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, and his expression was full of exhaustion and anxiety. He looked at his wife walking in, and said rather listlessly: "Well, there's still half an hour left."

"A total of six this time?"

"Yeah, six."

Li Changjiang leaned back on the chair tiredly. He seemed to have lost his enthusiasm for his wife and didn't even want to look at her. His face was full of anxiety, conflict, and unwillingness.

This is completely different from the excitement I felt when I heard the good news yesterday afternoon!

Now, he seemed to have received some bad news. He was completely lost and confused.

"My proposal yesterday..." Hu Ruoyun understood clearly, sat slowly in front of him, and asked softly.

Li Changjiang scratched his hair irritably and said, "I... I want to think about it."

Hu Ruoyun was a little excited: "Do you still need to think about this?"

Li Changjiang said equally excitedly: "How can you make such a decision easily? Ruoyun, this is not selfish of me! I..."

Hu Ruoyun suddenly became excited: "Aren't you selfish? How good is the old principal to you and me? He has loved us as sons and daughters for a long time. Li Changjiang, do you still have a conscience when you say this now?"

"You treat us with kindness, why don't we return kindness with kindness? The old principal is like our mother. We make some sacrifices for our mother, but you are not willing to part with it?"

Li Changjiang lowered his voice and shouted hysterically: "If it is definitely useful, then why not give it up, but the problem now is that it may not be useful!"

"How can you know it's useless if you haven't tried it?" Hu Ruoyun looked determined.


Li Changjiang was in extreme pain: "Do you know... this... this opportunity may not come twice in this life! Once you let go... you will be ruined... it will be me... both of our lives!"

"Calm me selfish or cold-blooded, I... I am unwilling to spend our lives fighting for a small chance. This time, can you listen to me?"

"Have you seriously thought about it?!"

Hu Ruoyun's eyes were clear: "I advise you to think about it carefully, Li Changjiang, without the old principal, there would be no No. 2 Middle School! Without the No. 2 Middle School, where would you and me be? I was dying back then, and if the old principal hadn't saved me, my bones would have been cold. When you Li Changjiang couldn't even pay your tuition, it was the old principal who helped you! Without the old principal, we wouldn't be where we are today. What we have now is all because of the old principal. "

"The old principal has always been giving, but now, as the current principal, you are not willing to give up when you can give a little?"

Hu Ruoyun asked.

Li Changjiang roared in a low voice: "The key question now is, will it be useful? If it is useful, how can I not give up, how can I not know the importance... But the old principal has never taken similar pills before, and they are completely useless... "

"The one before is different from this one. It's completely different. This time the Star Soul Flame Pill is of Danyun level and the best quality! Supplemented by the eighteen-year-old Star Spirit Grass, the old principal may not You can’t recover from this!”

Hu Ruoyun paused and then said: "If the old principal recovers, it will be of great significance to No. 2 Middle School and us. Why not give it a try?!"

Li Changjiang said painfully: "What if I take it and it's still useless?"

Hu Ruoyun said firmly: "Even if the old principal cannot be cured after taking it... at least it can extend the old principal's life for another ten years! Just these ten years are worth my life!"

Li Changjiang stared at his wife blankly, and suddenly felt that all the strength in his body was drained away at this moment.

As if his backbone was suddenly taken away, he collapsed on the chair. Two lines of clear tears flowed out unconsciously, and he murmured: "Ruoyun... Ruoyun..."

Hu Ruoyun's eyes were also a little red and said: "Yangjiang... I know, this is too cruel to you... If there is an afterlife, I will serve you all my life and never disobey you, but this time, Yangtze River, just promise me."

Li Changjiang's eyes were dull, and it took a long time before a single word came out of his throat.


After saying this word, his whole body collapsed emotionally, lying on the table, motionless.

With tears in her eyes, Hu Ruoyun walked over, hugged her husband gently, and said softly: "Before I came, I had sent the Star Soul Flame Pill and Star Spirit Grass to the old principal."

"Yangtze River, it's worth it. Old principal, it's worth what we do."

Li Changjiang's body twitched, but he said nothing. The sleeves on both sides were already soaked with tears.

"It's eight fifty!"

Hu Ruoyun wiped her eyes and looked at the computer screen.

"Yangtze River, come and see."

Li Changjiang was still lying there, breathing heavily, but still refused to raise his head.

"Oh, after being married for so many years, it's not like I've never seen you cry before."

Hu Ruoyun pulled Li Changjiang up with a strong smile: "Come, accompany me to see my students."

Li Changjiang was pulled up by her, revealing a face full of tears, and roared out of control: "Hu Ruoyun! In your heart, there is only your teacher! There is only your student! Where am I? What am I? Portion size?”

"You say you know this and you know that, but you know what a tragedy will be waiting for the two of us if you let this opportunity go! The words you just said were righteous and solemn, but can you stand up to me? , Who am I working so hard for?”

Hu Ruoyun hugged Li Changjiang guiltily: "I'm sorry."

"Is there any use in saying sorry!" Li Changjiang roared angrily, his chest heaving violently, his eyes blood red: "If you don't take medicine, your life span will only be more than a hundred years; how can you say sorry to me, who has been a bachelor for eight hundred years?! How can you let me live on my own for more than eight hundred years?"

Hu Ruoyun just hugged his body and no matter how much he struggled, he never let go. He just said in a low voice over and over again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry..."

After a long, long time, Li Changjiang's stiff body finally slowly became limp.

He let out a long and helpless sigh, as if he was sighing out the misery of three lifetimes.

on the screen.

The door of the Star Soul Tower opened, and a white mist poured out, churning endlessly.

Zuo Xiaoduo did his part and walked in at the lead.

"Oh, let's go in!"

Behind him, five boys and girls, all young and full of youth, rushed in equally impatiently.

… …

(End of chapter)