The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 111: Transformed into the Red Dust [Fourth update, please subscribe! ]


"Remember, some people call the art of qi reading a charlatan or a feng shui art; but I want to tell you that this perception is totally wrong! The art of qi reading is a broad and profound knowledge that encompasses everything. It can truly help to build a country and stabilize the nation, and it can influence the general trend of the world. It is the most profound knowledge in the world."

“It is also the most difficult subject to learn and master.”

"Looking at the Feng Shui of the house and the appearance of the grave is just the most superficial and basic method to get started!"

"However, the art of observing qi is difficult to learn and master. It is difficult to master without great affinity, wisdom, and hard work!"

"Now, let's get started!"

When He Yuanyue officially started teaching, she did not avoid Qin Fangyang.

In fact, when Qin Fangyang was about to go out to avoid suspicion, he was stopped by He Yuanyue.

"My knowledge is that I have not taught many people, and I have not taught them enough. I have never thought of keeping it to myself. If you can also get started, it will be a great help.

Whether it is for others, for oneself, for family or for country, it is a great thing."

After this teaching, not only was Zuo Xiaoduo fascinated and felt like he had found a treasure, but even Qin Fangyang felt as if a whole new world had opened up before his eyes.

If he had not heard it with his own ears, it would have been hard for him to imagine that He Yuanyue's knowledge was so profound.

Based on the Five Elements of Heaven and Man, the book explains the history of the mainland through the dynasties, looking at the overall situation and starting from the details, and tells the art of Qi-watching in a meticulous manner, with every detail being well-coordinated and orderly!

Even Qin Fangyang, a teacher who had taught countless people, was completely fascinated by the performance. Whenever he heard something wonderful, he could hardly help but applaud.

He Yuanyue's voice seems to have some kind of magic that can easily lead people into the world she describes and immerse them in it.

In the office, at some point, it began to fill with spiritual mist. The extremely rich spiritual energy spontaneously nourished the bodies of the four people.

At the end of the class, Zuo Xiaoduo was shocked to find that the swelling on his body had disappeared without him noticing.

Not only did his condition recover to its full state, it even improved a little bit. This was obviously due to the rich spiritual mist in the office. It was amazing!

“Don’t slack off at night!”

"When you practice on your own... practice until you have swelling like this afternoon, at least three times. If your sister is at home and can help you, you can increase it to six times. With your sister by your side, you won't hurt your bones even if you practice harder."

He Yuanyue’s parting words echoed in my ears.

"Being a warrior is so difficult..."

Zuo Xiaoduo looked up to the sky and sighed.

Fortunately, I have used up all my hidden weapons, so I have no way to practice even if I want to. Let me be lazy today and concentrate on practicing Yuan Gong!

Zuo Xiaoduo returned home.

I was confused when I saw the ten sacks suddenly appearing in the living room.

"What's this?"

"What else could it be? Your hidden weapon!"

Zuo Xiaonian came out jumping up and down with his hands behind his back: "I bought these specially for you, a total of two million. How are you? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you touched? La la la..."

Zuo Xiaoduo stared at the ten large sacks in front of him with dull eyes. He looked completely confused and stupid.

“La la la… Are you too moved? So moved that you don’t know what to say?”

Zuo Xiaonian circled around in front of him.

"I dare not move, I dare not move." Zuo Xiaoduo almost burst into tears.


I'm so scared to move!

"In the afternoon, Grandma He called me specifically."

Zuo Xiaonian wrinkled his upturned little nose, and moved closer to Zuo Xiaoduo to look him over: "Gou Da, you are really good. You actually caught the eye of Grandma He... You are really amazing!"

He hugged Zuo Xiaoduo's head, rubbed it with both hands, and shouted excitedly: "My dog has really made progress this time, roo roo..."

Zuo Xiaoduo was almost suffocated: "Let go... Let go..."


Zuo Xiao felt a tickle on his head.

"Crazy girl, let go of my son and go cook!"


Zuo Xiaonian let go of Zuo Xiaoduo and floated into the kitchen.

But Zuo Xiaoduo's hair has turned into a chicken coop, and it is the chicken coop of an old hen that is not very particular about beauty.


The table was filled with a wide variety of delicacies, and it was extremely sumptuous.

Zuo Xiaoduo just buried his head in eating without caring about anything, finishing the meal in no time. Zuo Changlu, Wu Yuting and Zuo Xiaonian were discussing excitedly about tomorrow's school assembly.

Everyone laughed happily, full of joy.

Anyway, I am very happy.

Zuo Xiaoduo was of course very happy too, this was all my glory! I fought for it!

Seeing his family so happy, Zuo Xiaoduo's heart was filled with a sense of honor, glory, and pride.

very nice!

He had a vague feeling that he seemed to have missed something, but in such a joyful atmosphere, Zuo Xiaoduo couldn't think too much and was as happy as a hungry puppy seeing the delicious rice bowl.


That night, Zuo Xiaoduo did it three more times than He Yuanyue requested!

I practiced until 2:30 in the morning.

Zuo Xiaonian was so heartbroken that she couldn't bear it and her eyes were filled with tears. She had witnessed with her own eyes how Zuo Xiaoduo kept throwing hidden weapons like a madman, using all his strength for each launch. In just half a quarter of an hour, his arms and shoulders were as swollen as his thighs.

Then he took a break, cleared his blockage, and continued practicing. This kind of effort and concentration deeply moved Zuo Xiaonian.

"Dog, your situation is different from that of ordinary people. You really don't have to work so hard."

Zuo Xiaonian painfully massaged Zuo Xiaoduo's shoulders, arms and wrists: "The Yanyang Sutra you practiced is unique, and its power far exceeds that of Ji Bei. Once your power is improved, the power of your hidden weapons will naturally increase."

"I know."

Zuo Xiaoduo said calmly: "But if the speed cannot be increased, the power of the hidden weapon will be lacking. If it only relies on internal strength without the corresponding speed, the power of the hidden weapon will never reach the peak level."

"I can do it!"

"I must do it!"

"I must do it!"

Zuo Xiaoduo took a deep breath.

He wanted to say a lot, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Just started practicing again.

Zuo Xiaonian was standing under a tree, looking at him with infatuated eyes.

This little dog!

He is usually smooth-talking, cunning and deceitful, and seems to be afraid of hardship and being beaten; he always looks lazy, as if he doesn't want to struggle and just wants to be a salted fish.

But who would have known that beneath such a slick appearance, there is such a tough and indestructible character!

In fact, he is not afraid of anything!

Not afraid of hardship, fatigue, or being beaten.

Because he knew he started too late, because he knew he still had a home, parents, and a sister behind him!

Especially for me, I will be in danger of death in the near future. He is responsible for my death and wants to help me get through it. How can he do that without sufficient strength

Therefore, I urgently want to improve my strength to the highest level I can currently reach!

Thinking about Zuo Xiaoduo's fragmented diary, Zuo Xiaonian felt even more pain in his heart, but more of it was pride and a sense of fearlessness and security.

With Xiaoduo doing so many things for me, Zuo Xiaonian, what else do you have to be afraid of

In the master bedroom of the Zuo family.

Wu Yuting leaned against the head of the bed, her eyes unexpectedly distant.

"A long way."


"I always feel like... we both owe our children something."

"There is no such thing as owing or not owing."

Zuo Changlu also leaned against the headboard, his face also looking a little heavy, and said thoughtfully: "We brought him into this world and raised him up. As parents, we have fulfilled our responsibilities. How can we talk about owing it? We have done everything that parents in the world do, and even more."

"We have already used our old brotherly relationships to pave the way for our children and secured opportunities that others could never imagine. This is already an excellent thing to do."

"I know what you are considering, but more resources, more convenience... that is unrealistic. Too much is as bad as too little. You must know that you and I are ordinary people now. Even if an ordinary person cuts you or me, we will still die. This is the helplessness of being human."

"We are unable to protect them with any power beyond that of an ordinary parent. We have provided the greatest help we can. The rest depends on them to walk on their own and find their own path."

"If you really want to help them and break through the upper limit regardless of anything, firstly, it may not be a good thing for them. Secondly... we who have interrupted our reincarnation into the mortal world need to stay in the secret realm for at least ten years before our Yuan Ling can merge with our true self. And if something was going to happen during these ten years, it would have happened long ago. You and I can't do anything about it... It's better to just watch from the sidelines and seek peace of mind."

Zuo Changlu spoke slowly, breaking everything down and explaining it clearly and thoroughly.

Wu Yuting listened very carefully and sighed softly.

“Besides…” Zuo Changlu’s eyes were solemn: “Predecessors have gone through this calamity of reincarnation into the mortal world, but few have succeeded and reached a higher realm. I suspect that the so-called experience of the predecessors is all wrong!”

Wu Yuting straightened up in shock: "Ah? Why do you think so?"

"I started to have this idea after I had Xiaoduo, but it was only recently that I gained further insight."

Zuo Changlu said solemnly: "Most of the predecessors who were reborn into the mortal world were single."

"Even if a couple were reborn together, no offspring would be born."

"And the tribulation of this earthly world is that one must go through all the various aspects of life. And children... are both fate and sin, and can be said to be the greatest tribulation for parents! Without children, this life is incomplete. Since it is incomplete, how can the tribulation of reincarnation into this earthly world be complete?"

"We have felt our state of mind fluctuate over the past few days, and we are clearly moving towards a better direction of breaking the calamity. And all of this is because of Xiaoduo. This is also saying... that we have stumbled upon the right path by accident!"

… …

(End of this chapter)