The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 115: Responsibility! The fourth transformation! [Fourth update!


The intensity of warriors' daily training is easily dozens of times greater than that of ordinary people. And after a day of physical exertion, the appetite of these young men, whose cultivation levels are neither high nor low, is particularly astonishing!

Not to mention those high-end ingredients with spiritual energy; just the most ordinary rice, a normal person would be full after eating two bowls, or even a little bloated; but a warrior...even if he eats twenty bowls, he may not be full!

What about the food? And other things!

Many ordinary students and parents had tears in their eyes.

Looking at Zuo Xiaoduo on the stage again, the previous surprise and contempt were gone, and instead there was some envy.

So what if it’s a little embarrassing? Look at other people’s children. They know that money is hard-earned and needs to be put to good use. They know how to be considerate of their parents and how to save money for the family!

This is clearly a sensible child!

And the most important thing is that the child has managed to save money for the family. Not counting the 10,000 yuan scholarship, just the refunded tuition for the warrior class and the free tuition for the martial arts class, that is already a huge sum!

Zuo Xiaoduo smiled more calmly and said, "I did lie at that time, and I am not afraid to admit it. If the school had immediately waived my tuition due to poverty, I would have definitely not hesitated and would have taken the money home directly."

A burst of laughter rang out.

"Even though I know it's immoral and taking advantage of someone's sympathy, I would feel ashamed, but I don't want to make my dad so tired."

Zuo Xiaoduo said loudly: "I finally got retribution for this lie, and it's now. For me, I'm still a child who hasn't grown up, I'm heartless, I don't care about shame, I can just get beaten and scolded and it will be over. But this incident, at this moment, makes my parents very embarrassed, for which I am sincerely ashamed."

"This is my fault. It's completely my own fault. My parents shouldn't bear this blame for me. I should bear this blame myself."

He bowed deeply: "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I lied. I made you suffer!"

Suddenly, Wu Yuting's eyes turned red.

And countless mothers in the audience also had tears in their eyes at the same time!

These words almost hit the hearts of all mothers.

Zuo Changlu still smiled, his eyes full of relief.

My child, today you have what a man should have most!

This kind of thing is called responsibility!

Countless fathers looked at Zuo Xiaoduo on the stage with extremely complicated and envious eyes.

It is never a big deal if a child brags or tells a lie, but if a child can face up to this responsibility and even take it up, this responsibility alone is a big deal!

This is something every mature man understands.

Zuo Xiaonian looked at Zuo Xiaoduo on the stage with pride.

She was the only one who knew it best; she knew infinitely what kind of transformation Zuo Xiaoduo had completed in those few steps from the backstage to the stage.

This is the transformation from a boy to a man!

Many men may live their entire lives as boys or men, but they are not men!

Similarly, many children can be called men starting from their teens.

The difference between the two is just two words -


Those who are responsible are men, and those who are irresponsible are still boys, at least, not men!

The moment Zuo Xiaoduo stepped onto the stage, took the microphone, and then faced all the students and parents in the school, Zuo Xiaonian almost thought he was dazzled and saw his father Zuo Changlu!

He is so calm and unrestrained, so graceful, and always so composed, with a calm and elegant smile on his lips, bearing all the storms and the mortal world.

Being with him, you will always be safe and comfortable, and can live without worries forever!

And Zuo Xiaoduo, from now on, has already possessed this quality. Although he is still very immature and far from mature, he has begun to grow, that is certain.

This is Zuo Xiaoduo's fourth transformation.

The incident was very embarrassing and came very unexpectedly.

But this sudden accident made Zuo Xiaoduo's state of mind take a big step forward!

Li Changjiang breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Fangyang also showed admiration in his eyes, and Hu Ruoyun even had a smile on her face, just like their own children who had grown up overnight.

He Yuanyue, who was sitting in a wheelchair, had eyes full of admiration, genuine admiration!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Zuo Changlu laughed loudly and said, "You are worthy of being my son! Son, no matter if you lie or act foolishly, your words today really make your father proud!"

"Even if you have achieved countless successes, scholarships, tuition waivers, etc., all of these combined, are not as comforting as what you said today! Nothing can make Dad happy like what you said today!"

"And mom!"

Wu Yuting's eyes were red as she waved to Zuo Xiaoduo: "We are proud of you!"

He turned around, smiled proudly, and waved to everyone in the audience.

Once again, he attracted a lot of admiring glances!

Many parents lowered their heads to look at their sons who still looked like little quails, and then looked at Zuo Xiaoduo who was on the stage admitting his mistakes frankly, taking responsibility bravely, and turning bad things into pride with his responsibility and unrestrained attitude, and they couldn't help but sigh.


It can't compare with the big ones, and it seems that it can't compare with the small ones either...

Zuo Xiaonian really wanted to jump up and shout, "And sister, Zuo Xiaoduo's sister is also very outstanding, and she is definitely not suffering from cerebral palsy or something."

It's no use thinking about it. My heart is already filled with tenderness, satisfaction and relief. I definitely can't cry out for cerebral palsy or something like that.

Besides... I can't call my sister; if I do, what if those little rascals in school get after my dog

I have to be on guard in the future, how can my status as a sister be enough? !

I'll settle the score with him for cerebral palsy when I get back.

Zuo Xiaoduo bowed on the stage, straightened up after a long time, and said: "Wrong is wrong. The premise of knowing the mistake and improving it is still that the mistake has been made. There is really no point in saying anything more. Don't believe my parents' words of pride now. They are just polite words, also known as routines. When I go back, I will give them a mixed doubles match and you can't escape no matter what I say."

“Hahahaha…” a burst of laughter.

Wu Yuting bit her lip, smiling: "You little bastard, you still want to be beaten!"

"Before this conference, I had carefully prepared a speech. But I was frightened by what happened just now, and I lost my temper all of a sudden. Why don't I just follow the speech and say a few words casually?"

Qin Fangyang looked at the speech draft in his hand, his face speechless.

If you want to improvise, you should have said so earlier.

"In fact, I'm not a genius. This is not a polite way of speaking, nor is it a routine. The truth is that I was in the martial arts class and was held back for five years. If you add the normal school years, it's a total of six years. For a family, this is directly equivalent to paying an extra five years of tuition."

"If it were another family, my parents might have decided to transfer me to a liberal arts school. But my parents didn't. They watched me struggle, but they didn't encourage me or discourage me. They just paid for my schooling as if it was normal for me to fail a grade."

"My study life these years has been dull and uneventful. I shamelessly took the martial arts class because I thought I could make it. But the pressure I felt in my heart was beyond your imagination."

"Every time I come home and see my parents joking with me, calling me nicknames, and ordering me to do this and that as usual, I feel that nothing has changed. I am not despised by anyone because of my poor qualifications. The support of my parents can withstand the contempt of the whole world!"

"So I made it through. I lasted five years. Maybe it has something to do with the accumulation of these years. After I broke through the warrior meridian barrier, my vitality was still surging. In a few days, I broke through all the way and broke through the bottleneck of the martial artist!"

"I feel unworthy of being honored at this grand event honoring genius."

Zuo Xiaoduo said proudly: "However, I will not return the tuition fees that the school has refunded to me. As for the tuition waivers and scholarships that were given to me, I will also..."

Zuo Xiaoduo paused for a moment and said loudly: "... I won't give it up!"


“This turn almost threw me off!”

“What a talent!”

"Ha ha ha ha… "

Zuo Xiaoduo felt that he had said enough, so he said, "In fact, my experience in cultivation is just a very small and superficial opinion. Even to me, it is insignificant and not worth mentioning."

At this moment, Qin Fangyang keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Li Changjiang on the other side also felt something was wrong.

As expected, Zuo Xiaoduo said cheerfully, "In fact, my greatest achievement in this half of my life is not about martial arts, but about face reading. I can tell your past and present life fortunes and misfortunes, life and death, based on your face, without any mistakes."

There was a timely burst of boos from below.

Zuo Xiaoduo didn't care about this at all, and continued, "It's not your fault that you don't believe it. If someone else said it, I probably wouldn't believe it either. But what you don't know is that my mentor is here right now. I learned the skill of fortune-telling from our No. 2 Middle School's old principal, He. It was she who taught me this magical skill. But now, I can only read the basics, and I still need to learn and study more from the old principal. In the future, I will not only talk about life and death, but also the wind and clouds of the world, which will be in my hands. It's just a trivial matter."

This is really serious!

Li Changjiang was stunned!

Qin Fangyang was stunned!

Hu Ruoyun was dumbfounded! .

This kid is really bold to say that, but there's really no way to refute what he said.

Because Zuo Xiaoduo is now receiving He Yuanyue's teachings every afternoon, and among them, there is a part related to fortune-telling. How can you refute it...

He Yuanyue also widened her eyes.

I'm just teaching you how to read qi... When did I ever teach you how to read qi

… …

As for Zuo Xiaoduo, I really experienced this kind of embarrassment when I was a child. However, I was far from doing as well as Zuo Xiaoduo did at that time. I ran away in shame.

When I was in school, my father earned 120 yuan a month. I stole 20 yuan from home and spent it lavishly. I bought popsicles for 5 cents or 10 cents, and comic books for 20 cents each. I spent it happily.

The head teacher asked me where the money came from

I didn't say anything, so I went to find my dad.

The head teacher said that this child has been spending money abnormally recently...

My father didn't know it at the time, but he guessed it when I told him. He just sighed and said that his mother doted on him too much.

Saved my face as much as possible.

But I am ashamed that I brought shame to my parents back then.

When I write about this plot today, I suddenly have a lot of feelings... If I could have been as responsible as Zuo Xiaoduo at that time, my father would be so relieved! Oh...

(End of this chapter)