The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 123: Well done! [Second update! ]


"Big Sun Flaming Sun!"

Zuo Xiaoduo shouted loudly.

An extremely hot air wave suddenly appeared, and the heat wave rolled out, surging and turbulent.

For a moment, the void was distorted by the heat wave!

The hair of the students who were standing close to me suddenly became a little curly...

At this point in the battle, Zuo Xiaoduo's strength was running out. If he didn't use the Yan Yang Sutra, he would probably still be defeated. Although the Yan Yang Sutra was extremely lethal and was not suitable for use in a student battle, Zuo Xiaoduo didn't want to lose even more.

After all, he hadn't used his real trump card yet.

I have been practicing hidden weapon techniques for many days, but I haven’t used them yet!

Speaking of hidden weapons, it's not that Zuo Xiaoduo doesn't want to use them to defeat the enemy, but... instead of using hidden weapons, it's better to use the Yan Yang Sutra. Although Zuo Xiaoduo has been practicing hidden weapons diligently in recent days, his cultivation is still shallow. Even with the hard jade hidden weapons, the lethality is limited when hitting the body. Only by hitting the vital points can effective damage be caused.

And now the people I’m facing… are all my classmates, how can I really kill them

If he really wants to blind a whole group of eyes, Qin Fangyang won't need anyone else, he will have to do it himself!

It would be better to use the Yan Yang Sutra. Although I cannot control this technique freely and my skills are even shallower, it is still more than enough to deal with the current situation!

As the fiery air waves rose, Li Chenglong's spirit suddenly shook, and he felt that the star soul power that had been exhausted began to surge again...

With a loud roar, he was about to muster up the courage to fight again: "I'm going to beat you up too!"


Qin Fangyang finally called for a stop.

He originally wanted to wait for the final outcome. Whether Zuo Xiaoduo's side won or the students of Class 19 won, this battle would have a deeper meaning.

If the former wins, Zuo Xiaoduo and others can develop a strong heart and benefit greatly. If the latter wins, it can urge them to work harder and realize that there is always someone better than you!

But at this moment Zuo Xiaoduo used the Yan Yang Sutra, and the once familiar scorching heat wave made him feel a genuine sense of danger. If the fight continued, he didn't know how many students in Class 19 would be burned, and it would be bad if any serious injuries occurred.

This has always been a confrontation between students. Suddenly raising the level of combat, or even causing casualties, would be contrary to their original intention.

At one command, everyone on both sides stopped.

Among the people in Class 19 who were still present, fourteen of them sat down on the ground the moment both sides stopped fighting. They were sweating profusely, gasping for breath, and their faces were pale. Three of them even fainted.

At the same moment when they shouted "stop", Long Yusheng and Yu Moyan's legs softened and they were about to sit down, but Zuo Xiaoduo held them up with one hand each.

Wan Lixiu was also exhausted and collapsed in Long Yusheng's arms. When Long Yusheng fell, she naturally fell down with him. When Long Yusheng was held by Zuo Xiaoduo, it was the same as if she was held as well.

Zuo Xiaoduo was panting, his face was bruised and swollen, his eye sockets were black, there were seven or eight big bumps on his head, and his clothes were torn to tatters, almost into shreds of cloth, but he supported Long Yusheng and Wanlixiu with his left hand and held Yu Moyan with his right hand. Li Chenglong and Li Changming supported each other and struggled to stand behind him.

He said to Qin Fangyang proudly: "Teacher Qin, we won this battle!"

The forty-eight people opposite had flashes of humiliation in their eyes.

But no one spoke out to refute.

Yes, forty-eight people ganged up on six people. Especially since they were all senior students, real martial artists, who bullied six freshmen. In the end, more than half of their people were defeated.

On the other hand, all six of the other side were still standing, not a single person was missing.

The victory or defeat of this battle is self-evident, and no one has the nerve to argue.

The three leaders looked at each other and sighed together.

At the same time, he said: "I admire you. You are indeed a genius who deserves to be commended. You are indeed far superior to me!"

Some of those who were kicked in the crotch inevitably felt resentful, after all, it was too painful. Their faces were not good, and the look in their eyes when they looked at Zuo Xiaoduo was also filled with an inexplicable anger.

Qin Fangyang walked over slowly with a smile on his face, and said, "Sit down, everyone sit down and take a rest. From now on, just listen to me."

As soon as Zuo Xiaoduo loosened his grip, Long Yusheng and Wan Lixiu fell to the ground with a thud, while Yu Moyan collapsed into a puddle of mud without making a sound.

Everyone sat on the ground.

Among the six people on Zuo Xiaoduo's side, except Zuo Xiaoduo, Li Chenglong was in the best condition. It was probably because the Yan Yang Qi that Zuo Xiaoduo just activated had an immediate recovery effect on this guy.

There were six people on one side and forty-eight people on the other side. Although they were still clearly separated from each other, they all had bruised faces and noses, regardless of gender.

Qin Fangyang stood in the middle with a kind face.

"It's only my first day in charge of our Martial Master Class 19. The original 48 senior students and the six new students are now all the students in our Class 19."

Qin Fangyang said with great satisfaction: "For this confrontation, I, a class teacher who just took office on the first day, feel sincerely relieved!"

The fifty-four people listened quietly without saying a word.

"Perhaps among all the martial arts classes in the grade, our class is not outstanding, and we even rank last. But, children, you are the first students that I recognized on the first day of my teaching. And you are the class that I can be proud of on the first day."

Hearing this, everyone was cheered up.

Which child who could reach the level of a martial artist at such a young age was not gifted? The flattery and praise heard on weekdays were varied and could easily be ten or a hundred times more than what they hear now.

But when everyone heard Qin Fangyang's words, they couldn't help but straighten their chests and prick up their ears.

Recognition from the class teacher has always been what children care about most.

"Do you know why?"

Qin Fangyang's voice was very gratified, and he said: "There are a total of 48 people on the senior side. People are constantly getting injured, falling down, and withdrawing from the battle. What makes me most gratified is that there will be classmates who will properly place the fallen students, allowing them to withdraw, recuperate and heal their injuries, and then come back to fight. This is the first thing."

"This is comradeship! This is collaboration!"

"The second is... Even when facing a powerful enemy with far greater combat power than your own, no one was afraid, no one withdrew, and they all withdrew because they were exhausted or had to withdraw after being beaten. This is a kind of courage, this is the courage of a warrior! You all have it! For this, the teacher is sincerely pleased!"

"And the third one... No one present, whether it was the senior students of Class 19 or Zuo Xiaoduo and the other six, used any fatal moves. This means that no matter how tragic the scene looked, everyone was always nervous, that is... the person on the other side was their own person, their classmate. They couldn't use heavy hands!"

"This is the bottom line! This is also the most important bottom line for being a human being. None of you will do anything to win."

Qin Fangyang sighed softly: "This bottom line is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to do."

"Children, you may not be the best students I have ever taught, but you are definitely the students that make me the most pleased and proud. Well done!"

"This battle was great!"

“The courage is there. The unity is there. The cooperation is there. The bottom line is there. The children are great!”

Qin Fangyang clapped his hands gently, his eyes filled with praise, encouragement, and genuine relief: "Don't be afraid if you can't beat him, you can work hard in the future and fight again when you can beat him. But if your character is ruined, it will be ruined forever!"

"Here is the battle summary; Zuo Xiaoduo."


"I want to focus on you. Your habit of kicking the crotch is quite good. Although I have stopped you and asked you to use it as little as possible in normal sparring, you still need to maintain and carry forward this habit in future battles."

Qin Fangyang's face was indifferent: "Perhaps you don't understand why I would praise such a despicable and even shameless behavior? The problem is that all of you who still have the strength to move forward may go to the battlefield in the future. And the battlefield is a place where you can do anything!"

"There is no morality or rules in the martial arts world. As long as you can knock the opponent down, it is a good move. The same is true in reverse. As long as you are knocked down by the opponent's vital points, then that knockdown will be the last time in your life."

"If you fall, you're dead!"

“You must keep this in mind.”

"All our current learning and sparring are for future actual combat! The students who were kicked don't need to feel resentful, nor do they need to complain about how they were attacked during a sparring match, because... you were kicked because you're not strong enough, and your defense is not good enough! You only care about hitting others with your hands and feet? You don't even notice that your own gate is open? What's the logic behind this?"

"In the world of warriors, there is only victory, defeat, life and death."

Qin Fangyang emphasized his tone and said, "When you are beaten to death by others and others are cheering for victory, no one will care about the hatred of a dead person! I suggest that everyone copy this sentence and read it every day!"

"Today Zuo Xiaoduo is your classmate. He kicked you and you were powerless to resist. He will not continue to kill you. But what about tomorrow? If you meet a mortal enemy, do you expect others to stop when they have done so?"

All the students were thoughtful.

Qin Fangyang spoke seriously for a while, then his expression softened again, and he said, "But overall, it's very good. I'm already very satisfied. The last words are just a reminder to everyone. I'm a teacher who came down from the battlefield. I never care about victory or defeat, but life and death."

"Now, let's all rest, heal our wounds, and recover."

All the children looked excited and proud, but also lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)