The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 13: A god-like transfer student


Amid the dust and smoke, a figure slowly appeared at the classroom door. The man was wearing a long robe and had a tall figure, but the style of the robe seemed a little strange. He walked in staggeringly.

The visitor had a smile on his clean face, bowed deeply, and said politely: "Hello, Teacher Qin, hello classmates, I am Zuo Xiaoduo, I am new here, please take care of me in the future. My personal specialty and hobby is fortune-telling and physiognomy, I think I am quite accomplished, if you need anything in the future, you can come to me, I will collect money and help people get rid of disasters, one divination only costs one hundred yuan, this is the friendship price for classmates, don't be polite with me!"

Hearing such a sudden opening remark, the whole classroom fell silent instantly.

Only the broken wooden door still made a creaking sound on the ground, and after a while it was completely silent.

He kicked the door open and entered politely.

Qin Fangyang turned his head and looked the new student up and down. A cold light flashed in his narrow eyes. He said calmly, "Introduce yourself. Go to the podium."

He vaguely felt that this new student seemed quite unusual. Beneath his seemingly respectful and polite appearance, there was a restless heart.

There was always a faint smile on Zuo Xiaoduo's face. He walked in and glanced at everyone in the classroom.

This is a very spacious classroom of more than 200 square meters. There are only 35 students in the classroom. Each person has a cushion, and the distance between each person is at least one meter. Above the classroom is a dome-style pavilion inlaid with star soul stones, forming an aura formation.

The entire classroom was filled with star power and spiritual energy, which was truly an excellent atmosphere for practice.

"The warrior class is great." Zuo Xiaoduo thought to himself, "How can the martial arts apprentice class have such treatment... Well, the warrior class is already like this, wouldn't the martial arts master class be even better? And then going up..."

Thinking about it, Zuo Xiaoduo couldn't help but drool.

Just look at the star-shaped star soul stone formation above the classroom. They are always small in size, but there are so many of them. At a rough glance, there are at least dozens of them. That's the cost.


He swallowed again.

As Zuo Xiaoduo owns a Star Soul Stone shop at home, he knows very well the value of these Star Soul Stones!

Judging from the appearance, the quality of these Star Soul Stones is quite good. Perhaps the quality has not reached the truly high-end level, and is not among the fine products, let alone the peak level; but you have to know that this is just the training environment for a warrior class!

Especially, the Star Soul Stone can only sustain consumption for a certain period of time. Once the energy is used up, it must be replaced with a new one. With such a large number of Star Soul Stones, consumed and replaced over the years, with more than a dozen classes in the entire grade, what number would that be if all of them were added together

And the school also has a martial arts class, a dragon gate class, and others... How much will the loss be if all of them are added together

At least according to Zuo Xiaoduo's rough calculation, one year would be an astronomical figure!

An extremely high number that most people dare not even think about.

If... If all the Star Soul Stones of Fengcheng Martial Academy were provided by my family, then my family would have become rich long ago!

Zuo Xiaoduo instinctively thought so!

At this time, the thirty-five warrior trainees were looking at this daring new guy with curiosity in their eyes.

First of all, it's rare to see a transfer student kicking the door directly.

It must be said that Zuo Xiaoduo had been held back for five years, so he was older than most of the students in the classroom. There were only one or two who looked about the same age as Zuo Xiaoduo, but most of them just looked about the same age.

Hearing Qin Fangyang's words, Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned for a moment, then agreed without hesitation.


"Come up to the podium and formally introduce yourself."

Qin Fangyang's words were as indifferent as ever.

Then he walked down and gave up the podium.

He extended his hand and gestured: "Now, it's your turn to perform. Every warrior student who enters my class will receive the same treatment, without exception."

He looked at Zuo Xiaoduo's face.

Most students are a little nervous when doing this step. After all, not every teenager can speak in public in such a condescending manner, and there are many who stutter or cannot utter a word.

Looking back over the years, there are not many students Qin Fangyang has taught who can walk up and talk calmly.

Actually, this is nothing. After all, it is just a warrior class and most of them are still children. It is difficult for them to have much experience.

Zuo Xiaoduo nodded, took a step forward, and reached the podium in two steps.

Very calm.

When everyone looked at Zuo Xiaoduo, who was wearing a long gown and standing upright, they actually felt that this guy was quite tall and handsome.

But what Qin Fangyang cared about more was that Zuo Xiaoduo didn't seem nervous at all and had a calm expression. He couldn't help but nod secretly.

The next moment, Zuo Xiaoduo officially spoke.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zuo Xiaoduo. I may be a little older than every student here, so you can call me big brother, or call me boss, and so on. I don't mind."

Qin Fangyang raised his head suddenly.

Below, thirty-five young boys and girls also looked up at the same time, looking at the grandson on the stage with some surprise.

Did you hear that right

A transfer student, a guy who has failed a grade for five years, actually wants to be the boss as soon as he arrives

Aren't you afraid that the wind will blow your tongue off? !

Zuo Xiaoduo smiled and said, "Everyone, I have many advantages and I know a lot. If you don't understand something, you can tell me directly. I think I can still teach you a little bit."

"… "

Even Qin Fangyang was speechless.

"As for me, everyone knows that I failed a few grades, but it was precisely because of that that I learned a lot of things other than martial arts."

"For example... the amazing talent I mentioned earlier, fortune-telling!"

"I'll tell you a secret. My amazing ability to read faces has a very interesting origin." Zuo Xiaoduo said seriously, "According to my research, this technique is a direct descendant of the Tianji Dao that has been lost for 30 million years."

"… "

After hearing someone's shocking words, everyone was speechless.

Even someone as indifferent and experienced as the class teacher Qin Fangyang almost blurted out "Fuck!"

What shocked people was naturally not the so-called inheritance, but the level of someone's shamelessness and the height of his boasting!

One has to be so thick-skinned to be able to make such big claims!

This is a completely open-ended blow!

Thirty million years, you might as well just say three billion years!

Why don’t you just say that you can tell life and death with just one glance, and determine good and bad luck with just a few words!

There was a little fat guy below who couldn't help curling his lips and was the first to question: "Mr. Zuo, you said that your physiognomy is amazing, but that's not the point. But I have carefully collected and sorted out the historical data of our Xinghun Continent for hundreds of millions of years. I am confident that I know all the super sects that have existed in the past, or at least I have some idea of them. But I have never heard of any Tianji Dao. Are you wrong, or am I just not knowledgeable enough and missed something?"

The other students also had strange looks on their faces.

Facing the doubts, Zuo Xiaoduo remained calm and explained calmly: "Student, please don't be so confident. The Xinghun Continent has gone through billions of years of wind and frost. The heritage and civilization in the past were so glorious. The sects that were once extremely glorious but eventually drowned in the long river of history are as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, countless... Who can say that they know everything? Who dares to say that they know everything? How do you know it all?"

The little fat man was not convinced and retorted, "There are limits to human power. I certainly don't dare to say that I know everything and am familiar with all the super sects' inheritances, but I also know that none of the lucky ones who have obtained secret inheritances will speak out clearly in public. They are afraid that others will know, so they hide it very well. There is no way they would introduce themselves as openly as you do!"

Zuo Xiaoduo laughed and said, "Classmate, there are so many things you don't know in this world. Life is difficult, life is full of twists and turns, and suffering is inevitable. In this world of great contention, no one can predict their own fortunes and misfortunes. We are people of the Tianji Dao, observing the mysteries of heaven and earth, and we can't bear to see the common people suffer misfortunes because they don't know their own destiny. Once it's unpredictable, we are committed to guiding the public. You and I are classmates, so we can be said to be close to the water and get the moon first, and the flowers and trees facing the sun will see spring early..."


Qin Fangyang couldn't help coughing a few times and said, "Student Zuo Xiaoduo, do you have anything else to say?"

What I mean is, if you have nothing to say, just get out of here!

Zuo Xiaoduo was obviously still unsatisfied, and he continued: "What I said is true. My fellow students, we are now classmates. I am willing to reveal some of my secrets to help others and benefit everyone. If you are confused in your life, if you are unsure about your future, your future in work, your future in love..."

Zuo Xiaoduo talked nonstop: "Do you want to know your destined other half? Do you want to know the taste of love, the bond of fate, the marriage of the previous life, and the life together..."

Zuo Xiaoduo said firmly: "I can give you advice!"

The veins on Qin Fangyang's forehead were throbbing.

Is this a transfer student? What kind of thing is this

Isn't this a charlatan

The thirty-five students were all speechless.

I heard Zuo Xiaoduo on the stage continue to talk: "Speaking of which, warriors of our generation will have too many opportunities to encounter crises and dangers in the future... If someone can calculate it for you in advance and tell you, you can naturally avoid disasters and seek good fortune, turn disasters into blessings, and turn disasters into blessings..."

Qin Fangyang took a long breath and said, "Zuo Xiaoduo!"

Zuo Xiaoduo turned around and said respectfully, "Hello, teacher."

Qin Fangyang snorted and said, "You are good at fortune-telling and your physiognomy is amazing, right?"

Zuo Xiaoduo said proudly: "Teacher, you are too kind. It is just a trivial trick that is not worth mentioning. I am just a little more diligent than others. I like to study some ancient heritages that are buried in the long river of history..."

Qin Fangyang pulled the corner of his mouth, revealing an unfathomable smile, and said: "Then go look in the mirror."

"Look in the mirror?" Zuo Xiaoduo was puzzled.

Qin Fangyang smiled sinisterly: "Look in the mirror and calculate for yourself, will you get beaten today?"

… …