The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 15: Practice, advance in three directions


Next, Qin Fangyang began to release his cultivation, activating the Star Soul Force Array above the classroom, and shouted: "Calm your mind and start practicing."

The magic circle flickered, and the Star Soul Stone on it suddenly lit up.

All the students in the class, one by one, sat cross-legged upright and entered the state of cultivation.

And it was also at this moment that Zuo Xiaoduo, who was sitting at the back, clearly felt the difference between the different seats.

The power of the Star Soul covered the top and bottom, reaching everywhere, but the classroom was too big, and the first seat covered was Long Yusheng’s; then Wan Lixiu’s second seat was covered by the Star Soul light.

Then the third and fourth lights lit up one after another, but the brightness was different and gradually weakened.

By the time they reached Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong's position, the brightness of the starlight had almost disappeared, leaving only a slightly hazy light.

Li Chenglong was speechless and sighed: "With just this little light... I still paid the same tuition... I really feel ashamed of the talent that the Creator God gave me..."

"Tuition!" Zuo Xiaoduo was shocked.

—You still need tuition

Shouldn't a favored child like me deserve free treatment

Li Chenglong beside him muttered as he reached into his pocket and took out two glittering Star Soul Stones, held them in his palms, closed his eyes, and practiced with all his strength.

As the Star Soul Stone in his hand was activated, its light merged with the light of the Star Soul Formation and was immediately pulled over a little, melting into Li Chenglong's Star Soul force field and into his body, causing the cultivation atmosphere to receive a visibly enhanced boost.

"Fuck this! It's so cruel! There is such a thing!"

"With such a show, have you ever thought about how I feel as the last one in the ranking?!"

Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned when he saw this scene.

As his mind raced, he looked far ahead and saw that many people in the class were holding a few Star Soul Stones in their hands, using the energy of the Star Soul Stones and the Star Soul Array to improve their practice efficiency.

In the magic circle at the center of the podium, Qin Fangyang sat with his eyes closed, emitting circles of star power fluctuations from his body, which attracted the power of the magic circle and made it spread slowly and gradually.

Of course, there are also those who do not have Star Soul Stones, and their cultivation atmosphere is visibly lagging behind others.

But there is no way around it, as whether or not one has a Star Soul Stone represents the financial strength of each student's family.

Cultivation is the most financially demanding thing.

Even if you have extraordinary talent, without the corresponding resources to support you, even if you can take the first place based on your qualifications when you just start school, there is a great probability that you will be caught up and surpassed by others!

Just as the little fat man Li Chenglong said, everyone pays the same tuition! Why can you occupy a good position just because you have good qualifications? If you want a good position, then you have to beat everyone!

Whether one has a profound foundation or not, the gap between the rich and the poor in the world, and all kinds of helplessness are all exposed at this moment!

Zuo Xiaoduo quickly came back to his senses and dared not think about anything else. He closed his eyes, concentrated on his studies, and tried his best to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body and practice his skills.

As soon as he started practicing, Zuo Xiaoduo felt the star soul in his body suddenly move. The star soul flame dormant in his body suddenly rose up from his dantian, emitting countless tongues of fire that splashed in different directions, absorbing the star soul power in the air and entering his body.

At the same time, a cool feeling also moved between his eyebrows, and countless star soul powers emanated from the star soul formation in the classroom, and entered Zuo Xiaoduo's meridians like a moth to a flame. With the confluence and irrigation of a large amount of star soul power, the cool feeling quickly grew stronger, and gradually extended along the meridians in a state similar to a physical existence.

Wherever the cool feeling passed, Zuo Xiaoduo could clearly feel his meridians changing bit by bit, becoming flexible, smooth, and flowing, allowing the cool feeling to flow more smoothly.

He can't see inside yet, he can only rely on feeling, but he can already feel...

"It was a great experience..."

The center of the eyebrows rises, all the way up and all the way down; the whole process is extremely slow, but wherever it passes, the changes are real and the benefits are enormous.

The star soul power in the Dantian is moving upwards; and the cool power between the eyebrows is divided into two paths, one surrounding the head and the other going downwards; it is like three armies starting from different places and about to converge at a certain place.

Zuo Xiaoduo himself was surprised. This situation had never occurred during his previous practice. Instead, he absorbed the energy into his dantian just like most other people.

But now, how did it become like this

What Zuo Xiaoduo didn't know was that at this moment, a small vortex was gradually forming above his head. As it spun, it attracted the star soul light and poured towards him.

The moment the vortex formed, the cool feeling accumulated faster.

There was silence in the classroom.

Qin Fangyang used the star soul power in his body while paying attention to the balance of all parties. If there were some bad positions, he would deliberately tilt the star soul power to that side...

After all, they are just some young warriors. Even though they have good talents, they are limited by their experience. Their ability to absorb the power of star souls is only mediocre and their efficiency is relatively low. They still need the help of a mentor to improve their efficiency. Once they break through the martial artist level, they will no longer need the mentor to guide the star soul formation so hard.

He has been in this business for more than 20 years and has already reached a level of familiarity with it. He can do it effortlessly without having to put in any extra thought or effort.

While responding to the Star Soul's absorption and emission of power, he also paid attention to the situation of the students in the class. At this moment, the core position of the Star Soul formation had three whirlpools as always, which were the most eye-catching.

The spiritual energy vortex is the specific function of the Star Soul Array. Within a certain area, the cultivation aura of each student can be clearly seen, making it easier for teachers to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

These three whirlpools belong to Long Yusheng, who ranks first, Wan Lixiu, who ranks second, and Yu Moyan, who ranks third; and these three young men are also the students that Qin Fangyang is most satisfied with.

Even looking back at the years that Qin Fangyang has been teaching, the qualifications of these three people are still top-notch.

If nothing unexpected happens, these three students will be able to break through to the martial artist level within a few months and reach a higher level.

In view of this, it is understandable that Qin Fangyang pays special attention to these three students.

Moreover, these three names have been registered with the top management of No. 2 Middle School; and another meaning of the registration is that as long as these three people break through to the martial artist level, they will become the seed figures of No. 2 Middle School.

Qin Fangyang looked intently and saw that the star soul power vortexes above the heads of these three people had already taken shape and were extremely stable. Their body surfaces and faces also began to sparkle with a bright luster.

And this is the excellent performance of the star soul power entering the body and running through the meridians.

"Not bad."

Qin Fangyang nodded secretly with great satisfaction.

Then he shifted his gaze away and looked at other people in the class. After a quick look around, he vaguely felt that the atmosphere was a little off, different from before!

But what's the difference

Qin Fangyang looked around again, but didn't find anything unusual; but the feeling that something was wrong was lingering, and it became stronger and stronger. He looked at it carefully again, and suddenly his eyes widened, a little shocked.

As far as Qin Fangyang could see, at the back of the classroom, in the two most inconspicuous positions, there was a star soul power shining brightly, its brightness almost surpassed that of the three talented seed students at the front!

Qin Fangyang looked carefully again and saw that above the shining star soul power, there was a vortex that was slowly rotating, attracting the star soul power back!

And this vortex of star soul power is actually larger than the one of Long Yusheng who is ranked first!

Below was a young man sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, very upright.

"Hiss... Zuo Xiaoduo, is it him? This charlatan!"

Qin Fangyang was so shocked that his breath became disordered and his practice was almost ineffective.

That strange star soul light turned out to be the cultivation energy vortex of Zuo Xiaoduo who had just come in!

How can this be?!

If he was originally a genius, Qin Fangyang would not be shocked; but it was a little abnormal for such a thing to happen to a guy who had failed a grade for five years.

"No way..." Qin Fangyang looked at him carefully: "If he has such talent, he must be a genius, how could he be held back for five years?"

Qin Fangyang, who was extremely surprised, immediately focused his attention on Zuo Xiaoduo.

Countless star soul powers were seen pouring into his body like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea. However, the star soul power, which far exceeded the training progress of ordinary warrior class students, was like a drop in the ocean. There was no further reaction.

This result made Qin Fangyang surprised and puzzled.

All the exposed skin on the faces and hands of all the students who were practicing were emitting faint fluorescence, more or less; this was the natural reaction of the star soul power entering the body and acting on the human body.

But Zuo Xiaoduo… the spiritual energy vortex on his head was obviously bigger than anyone else’s. Even though he was in the worst position and didn’t have a Star Soul Stone to assist him in his cultivation, he was the one who absorbed the most Star Soul power.

But why is there no fluorescence on the skin? !

What kind of statement is this?!

"Could it be that this guy ate the star soul power directly? Without passing through the meridians? And directly digested it into the stomach and intestines?" Qin Fangyang was puzzled.

"But if you can absorb it this way, why do you repeat the grade?"

"Could it be that the reason he failed the grade was because he had diarrhea again?"

Qin Fangyang felt a little confused.

… … …

(End of this chapter)