The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 17: All correct! Welcome!


Li Chenglong supported himself with one hand and suddenly jumped up: "Do you think you can win?"

He just jumped up, and Zuo Xiaoduo was already in front of him. However, when he swung his right leg, he leaned forward and started to rush over. He kicked him squarely in the chest: "No, I calculated that you will lose, miserably!"

With a bang, Li Chenglong's body slid straight down from the ground like a slide, and a hint of blush passed across his face.

Qin Fangyang suddenly appeared in front of Zuo Xiaoduo: "The winner is decided! Zuo Xiaoduo wins!"

And when he looked at Zuo Xiaoduo at this moment, there was a strange glow in his eyes.

This student who just transferred from the martial arts class... is very unusual.

Defeating Li Chenglong in the first sparring match was not at all unexpected for Qin Fangyang.

After all, if they hadn't reached a similar level in cultivation, Hu Ruoyun wouldn't have allowed him to join the class.

But the brief fight just now had already demonstrated Zuo Xiaoduo's combat awareness to some extent, which was enough to surprise and move Qin Fangyang.

Normally, a warrior who has just completed the martial arts apprentice stage has almost zero combat experience.

This is basic common sense. Generally, martial artists are not allowed to fight. This common sense applies even in large families or sects.

But this common sense does not apply to Zuo Xiaoduo.

He faced Li Chenglong's sneak attack right from the start. Although he pretended to exclaim, his response was not sluggish at all, and it was clear that he was well prepared.

The following battle became even more one-sided.

Before Li Chenglong stood up, Zuo Xiaoduo had already arrived in front of him and launched an attack, with his strike hitting the empty goal. He ignored the defense put out by Li Chenglong with both hands, obviously calculating all the possible responses of the opponent after his strike, so that the strike could be successful.

But such combat awareness is not something a novice can achieve. How could Qin Fangyang not be surprised!

Qin Fangyang watched the other battles on the field, thinking in his heart, but his face remained expressionless.

But after a while, the winners and losers of all the students who were fighting against each other were clear.

Long Yusheng came over with a proud look on his face, with a dark circle around his left eye, and laughed, "Zuo Xiaoduo, I won, and I got my free points!"

Behind him, Wan Lixiu, with a bruised face and nose, snorted coldly.

"But others may not be able to do what you wish." Long Yusheng smiled and began to call out names: "Jia Junwen, Wang Juaner, Xie Kuangwen..."

The people named were the ones Zuo Xiaoduo had commented on before.

Jia Junwen: "I won!"

Wang Juaner didn't say anything.

Xie Kuangwen snorted coldly.

An excited voice: "I won!"

The owner of this voice is Wang Zhenshan.

This was the guy who had tried to get the 18th place several times before but failed. This time, he was assisted by God and defeated his opponent in one fell swoop!

And he is exactly one of the people that Zuo Xiaoduo once said would win!

After comparing the comments of ten people, Long Yusheng was stunned!

Wan Lixiu was also stunned, and so were everyone else!

Even the class teacher Qin Fangyang was stunned.

Because the result of the criticism was - all correct!

Not one is wrong!

Thirty-six pairs of eyes looked at Zuo Xiaoduo in unison.

Zuo Xiaoduo said proudly: "I told you a long time ago that I am the only heir of Tianji Dao in the world. I can make accurate predictions and decide life and death with just a word..."


Long Yusheng looked like he had a headache: "If I don't mention your Tianji Dao... I won't believe it even if you kill me. But you... do have some tricks."

Long Yusheng was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

At this moment, he had a frown on his face full of confusion, and actually looked a bit like a little adult.

Not only Long Yusheng was stunned on the spot, but all the students in the class were stunned.

Is everything really correct!

Is this real Kung Fu?!

Is this really the inheritance of the Heavenly Secret Dao? !

However, seeing Zuo Xiaoduo's smug look, everyone was speechless.

They have calculated everything correctly, how can you not be speechless!

Qin Fangyang sighed softly and shook his head.

These students are still young and inexperienced, and they were deceived by such a little bit of trickery!

Yes, these kids are said to be gifted and have good skills, but in the end they are just a bunch of half-grown kids, aged 13, 45, or 6. They are several years younger than Zuo Xiaoduo, a little fry...

Zuo Xiaoduo’s comments… Well, even if they were comments, they were accurate, so it was understandable that he would be proud of them for a while.

However, as the students' eyes gradually changed from surprise to amazement and even admiration, Qin Fangyang could not help but speak out: "When warriors fight, they first look at the target's demeanor and momentum to judge their cultivation strength and combat power. The saying "know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle" is not just empty talk! People like you have shallow cultivation and cannot hide your personal strength level. But for people with good eyesight, it can be seen clearly. How difficult is it to judge the victory or defeat?"

After saying that, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This Zuo Xiaoduo not only had much more combat experience than his peers, but also had a good eye for observing people's expressions. He could tell everyone's strength clearly at a glance. Does this... seem possible...? Well, I'll have to observe him for a while.


The classmates who had already expressed admiration for Zuo Xiaoduo's magical fortune-telling changed their attitude again after hearing what Teacher Qin revealed the "secret". They all rolled their eyes, thinking that this guy really had some abilities, but the result was... haha.

Long Yusheng, Wan Lixiu and Yu Moyan looked at each other but didn't say anything.

The little fat boy Li Chenglong, who was still ranked last, also squinted his eyes and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo with a thoughtful look on his face.

Long Yusheng readily took out twenty Star Yuan coins and said, "Here you go. No matter what means you used to win the bet, it was all your ability. You should accept the loss! This time, you win."

Zuo Xiaoduo was not polite at all. He took out the money in one go, and smiled widely: "Thank you, boss. You are so generous. Please come often!"

Then he swiped it again and put the money into his trouser pocket in the blink of an eye.

Long Yusheng's hand stayed in mid-air, and he was confused again.

We are all classmates, and you don't even bother to be polite? If you just say you don't need it, I can take it back and we can just treat it as a joke... This twenty yuan is my pocket money for the week...

If someone familiar with Zuo Xiaoduo were here, they would definitely say: You really think too much. Polite? Zuo Xiaoduo has never been polite when it comes to money!

After a long time, Long Yusheng raised his hand and scratched his head, still a little confused.

Wan Lixiu blinked and suddenly said, "Zuo Xiaoduo, if we have a mission in the future, I can team up with you."

Yu Moyan nodded calmly and said, "Me too."

Long Yusheng coughed and said, "My friendship with Xiao Duo was established through gambling. I even paid the money."

He actually called me brother.

Several other students also spoke up, including the fat boy Li Chenglong, and expressed their warm welcome to Zuo Xiaoduo.

Although a certain person's physiognomy was revealed by Teacher Qin, his strength has been proven. It is obvious that another giant in this class is about to rise, so it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with him!

Moreover, Zuo Xiaoduo's observation ability is a talent that any team must have!

Qin Fangyang saw it and kept it in mind.

Well, there were thirteen people who spoke up. They were pretty smart, even shrewd, and they almost immediately judged the value of their classmates.

Welcome the strong and welcome the talented.

These thirteen people are very smart. Even if they are in a dangerous situation with a complex environment in the future, they may be able to use all the resources around them to overcome the difficulties. At least their ability to save their lives is stronger.

As for the others...

Qin Fangyang looked at the other twenty-two people who were either indifferent or too embarrassed to speak, and couldn't help but sigh.

When they reach the martial arts master level, or even a higher level, and need to go on missions, it is necessary to remind the teachers and parents of these children that they should not go on missions if they can. Even changing careers to become an ordinary person is more promising than continuing to be a martial artist...

Otherwise... it's easy to lose your life.

What will happen to people who turn a blind eye to the abilities and strengths of others

For those who are too embarrassed to make friends with the powerful and talented, is life more important than face

Although this is a normal training ground, if you don’t make friends normally, who will save you at the critical moment

"Go ahead! The winner will start sprinting to the next level."

Qin Fangyang gave the order coldly.

At the same time in another world, Zuo Xiaonian finished his practice for the day and went to the office wearing a snow-white training suit.

"Master, does anyone else know the time and place of my breakthrough?" Zuo Xiaonian asked.

Opposite Zuo Xiaonian was a beautiful lady in palace dress who was also dressed in a snow-white robe. Just sitting there, she was like a snow lotus on an ice peak, spotless.

He doesn't look very old, but the age of such a strong man can no longer be judged by appearance alone.

Cold and noble, cannot be looked at directly.

The beauty opposite heard Zuo Xiaonian's question, turned her head and said calmly, "There are only three people in the world, you, me, and your junior sister."

Zuo Xiaonian frowned: "But I suspect that the news has been leaked."

"Hmm?" The woman in palace dress frowned, with a sharp light in her eyes: "What's going on?"

Zuo Xiaonian took a deep breath and said, "Someone already knows it's Xingwu Jinjing, and the time also matches."


"… "

Zuo Xiaonian didn't say anything.

Mu Yanyan, a woman in palace dress, stood up. She had a slender figure and was about 1.75 meters tall. She squinted her eyes and looked at Zuo Xiaonian: "Can't tell?"

"Yes, I can't say, but the news is accurate and there is no doubt about it." Zuo Xiaonian said.


Mu Yanyan did not pursue the matter. She was familiar with her disciple's character. Since she couldn't say it, it would be useless even if she beat her to death.

For the same reason, the news was really leaked, there is no doubt about it!

She took two slow steps. "Leaked!" These two words gave her a strange feeling. A picture seemed to flash through her mind, a picture of her body exploding into dust with a bang. She frowned, somewhat puzzled as to why she had such a thought. After a moment's pause, she whispered, "It seems that it was really leaked?"

Zuo Xiaonian didn't say anything.

Mu Yanyan didn't hesitate, she picked up her phone and quickly dialed a number: "Two minutes, come to my office."

… … …

(End of this chapter)