The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 2: There is no need to beat your brother too early


"But..." Zuo Xiaonian said with tears in her eyes: "I'm really tired. This road is too difficult..."

Zuo Changlu laughed and looked at her: "Xiao Nian, look into my eyes and tell me, are you...really tired? Is this road really difficult for you?"

Zuo Xiaonian's eyes were red. She tilted her head to one side and bit her lip as she said, "Why do you have to kick me out? Isn't it good for our family to be together forever? I know you can't bear to leave me, but I can't bear to leave you even more."

He looked very aggrieved.

Zuo Changlu smiled and said, "Zuo Xiaonian, you told me that you are very tired and can't stand it. Haha, you are nineteen years old this year. You awakened your star soul at the age of three, and established your martial arts foundation at the age of six. You were a martial arts apprentice at the age of seven, a warrior at the age of nine, a martial arts master at the age of eleven, and entered the realm of fetal breathing at the age of thirteen. At the age of sixteen, you crossed the gap between immortals and mortals. At the age of nineteen this year, you are about to cross the Yin-Yang Road and sprint to the Danyuan Realm! Your qualifications are not only the best in Phoenix City, but also the best in the Central Plains. Even looking at the Yanwu Kingdom, you are definitely ranked in the top three genius qualifications. You said that you are very tired and can't stand it, so how can others live?!"

What Zuo Changlu said is absolutely true!

Zuo Xiaonian's aptitude had long been confirmed. Her innate meridians were all open, and such aptitude was rare in the world. The title of "Phoenix City's No. 1 Genius Girl" was firmly established on her head when she entered the innate realm at the age of eleven, and no one could shake it.

Zuo Xiaonian is the pride of Phoenix City where she currently lives, and is also the best in the Central Plains. If this girl was not really homesick and unwilling to leave, she would have been taken to a secret place of cultivation by various major sects.

"You've come this far without encountering any bottlenecks, and you're telling me that you're tired?"

Zuo Changlu snorted and said earnestly, "Xiao Nian, put away your ridiculous idea of repaying your gratitude. Your mother and I, although our aptitude is not very good, we also know the importance of cultivation. Besides, as parents, we raise children, how can we expect them to repay our gratitude?"

"Just practice hard, keep moving forward, and take control of your own life!"


Zuo Xiaoduo was hunching his shoulders and lowering his head, laughing secretly. When he saw his sister being scolded, he couldn't help but gloat over her misfortune.

Moreover, his father's words, 'We both don't have very good talents,' also made Zuo Xiaoduo feel very happy. He was laughing secretly when he was suddenly called. He immediately looked up, blinked his eyes, and said in silence, "Ah."

"Ah what? I'm telling you, don't let your imagination run wild!"

Zuo Changlu snorted and said, "That's not a good thing for anyone else or yourself."

Zuo Xiaoduo shrank his neck and said cautiously: "How dare I..."

I thought: This violent woman is only gentle in front of you and outsiders. I have been beaten by her for more than ten years. Isn't it enough? What if I become her wife and I can't beat her, won't I be beaten for the rest of my life

I've known about this since I was six years old, but I refused after she beat me forty or fifty times when I was six.

I won't ask for trouble.

Zuo Xiaonian hugged Zuo Changlu's arm and said coquettishly: "Dad, it's okay if I was wrong... But please don't say that to a dog... It will make him sad." Then he looked at Zuo Xiaoduo with heartache.

Just then, Zuo Xiaoduo looked at me with a frown and yelled, "Don't call me a dog!"

Zuo Xiaonian burst into laughter and made a face at him.

Zuo Changlu sighed in disappointment and said, "Xiaoduo has average innate talent and no hope in martial arts. Innate talent is a reality that no one in the entire continent can change. In this world where the strong are respected, martial arts can't go too far, so it's better to live an ordinary life. And Xiaonian, you have outstanding talent and a bright future... If we don't make it clear now, no matter who has other ideas, it will inevitably cause regrets, and who will benefit from it?"

"Xiaoduo's talent... cannot be changed. Alas..." Zuo Changlu sighed: "But Xiaonian's talent is too good..."

He didn't say anything else, but everyone understood.

People with poor aptitude will have the longest lifespan, and if they are healthy and have no disasters, they will only live to be over a hundred years old. However, Zuo Xiaonian has extremely good aptitude, and if nothing unexpected happens, it is possible that he can live for several thousand years.

Staying together as husband and wife... It is hard to imagine. Maybe for Zuo Xiaoduo, it is a happy life, but once life and death separate, what will happen to Zuo Xiaonian's remaining years

Is she going to have to trade her daughter's decades of happiness for a thousand years of loneliness? In this section, Zuo Changlu is very clear.

"Then... it will be even more miserable."

Zuo Changlu sighed deeply, his helplessness evident in his words.

Wu Yuting also sighed softly, hugged her daughter in her arms and rocked her gently, saying softly: "Xiao Nian, I understand your thoughts... But your father is right, you have to listen to your father... You also said that your father and I treat you as our own children, how can your parents bear to delay your future? Besides... You have to understand that with your current achievements, if you really stay... it will only harm your brother... If you really stay and marry him, I'm afraid he... won't survive for a few days..."

Wu Yuting's words really hit the nail on the head.

Zuo Xiaonian is extremely beautiful and charming, and there are countless people who covet her. If she finds an ordinary man as her husband... you can imagine what will happen.

Zuo Xiaonian was horrified when he heard this. He suddenly stood up from his mother's arms, lowered his face, and fell silent.

A pair of beautiful eyebrows slowly frowned, and a sharp aura flashed across them.

After that, the whole family stopped talking and ate in silence.

Zuo Xiaoduo thought for a long time, but he didn't pay any attention to the love affair. His focus was on the one million. After a long while, he finally mustered up the courage to ask, "Dad, you spent one million to buy medicine for my sister?"

Zuo Changlu had calmed down and said calmly, "Why, do you have any objections?"

Zuo Xiaoduo said with a drooling face: "Dad, my dear dad, it is reasonable and natural for you to buy pills for my sister, but... I am also your son, and it is reasonable and natural for me to be a little jealous... You can give me some too... You can give me 10,000 yuan... How about that?"

Zuo Changlu frowned and slowly turned his head to look: "Hmm?"

"... How about eight thousand... five thousand, five thousand is fine too!" Zuo Xiaoduo raised his hand weakly, and seeing the old man about to glare at him, he quickly changed his words: "Dad, hehe... three thousand, that's it..."

"Is it still your weird dream?" Zuo Changlu sighed, speechless.

"For your weird dream, I've spent a lot of money over the past few years. The first time you tried it, you said you weren't prepared, so everything was ruined. The second and third times you had other reasons... This is the fifth time you've asked for money. I'm really broke."

"I'll show you a way... Ask your mother for it."

Zuo Xiaoduo cried, "If my mother had given me this, why would I have to look for you... This is too unfair..."

"Well, I don't have any more." Zuo Changlu sighed in his heart. A lot of the one million was borrowed. But as the head of the family, how could he show it in front of his wife and children

Just carry it yourself.

"My family status..." Zuo Xiaoduo sighed.

"In our family..." Wu Yuting smiled and glanced at her son: "Tell me, what position do you want? There are four people in our family, me, your father, and your sister. Tell me, where do you want to rank?"

"… "

“Hahahaha…” Zuo Xiaonian couldn’t help laughing, and fell back and forth.

"Image! Girl, image! Lady, lady!" Wu Yuting glared at him.

Zuo Xiaonian immediately stuck out his tongue, lowered his head to eat, and became obedient.

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed, but stopped talking. He was thinking, where can I get some money this afternoon? Although he was a teenager, he had spent his whole life in a dream world. Although he died earlier in that life and didn't even know whether the experience in the dream world was true or false, his state of mind was definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary 17-year-old boy.

I started dreaming when I was eleven years old, and I had the same dream for six years. For six years, I was hindered from practicing and delayed my martial arts. I was drowsy every day...

Otherwise, no matter how poor your qualifications are, you wouldn't be like this now!

I feel sleepy every day. I have no energy to go to work. Sometimes I fall asleep while standing. I finally found a job washing dishes, but I fell asleep while washing dishes.

Don't even think about the consequences.

The last scene in the dream, the huge explosion of the entire starry sky... seems to still be roaring in my mind.

Countless stars exploded in an instant, and a dazzling light rushed towards me... and then I woke up from the dream.

And ever since the dream, the broken jade pendant that suddenly appeared on his chest showed that this was not just a dream.

Now all I have to do is buy the things I need and then I can test whether my adventure is real or an illusion.

But I have tried it several times before, but it didn't work...

Although I was sure this was the last time, the problem was that my parents refused to believe me. They had tried several times to realize this dream, but each time they failed. How could they believe me

The story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

At first, my parents really thought it might be a coincidence, or a great destiny for their son, so they kept throwing money at him in the hope of a chance, but they kept failing, and my parents couldn’t see it in their dreams...

This is already enough living expenses to support a family for ten years. After throwing it all in here, my parents can be said to have no confidence anymore. If they continue to waste money, I would have to think about it if I were in their place.

And the pocket money I have saved for so many years with my good habit of being stingy is not enough... It's only 5,000, and the piece of white jade I like costs 8,000...

That boss is so annoying, he won't sell if there is less...

Sad people.

After dinner.

Zuo Xiaonian returned to his room and winked at Zuo Xiaoduo before leaving.

Zuo Changlu also went back to the store: "I'm going to get some supplies this afternoon. We're out of Star Soul Stones... I have to get some high-quality ones this time to make up for the shortfall."

Both father and daughter left.

Wu Yuting sighed and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo: "Xiaoduo, don't be disappointed. This... This is a world of martial arts... Your inability to practice... is your biggest shortcoming..."

"I understand, I really understand." Zuo Xiaoduo said calmly.

When his mother called Xiaoduo, she was having a serious conversation and Zuo Xiaoduo did not dare to smile frivolously.

In fact, after experiencing a life of wandering in the dream world, Zuo Xiaoduo is very satisfied with his current family. He couldn't be more satisfied.

I wish I could live a peaceful and ordinary life.

Life is short and fleeting, what could be more important than family happiness, peace and joy

He is willing to protect this peace and warmth forever and live like this.

Of course, on this basis, it would be better if we could have powerful strength.

But I still think in my heart; I knew this was my wife when I was six years old... Now I am seventeen and you told me not to think about it and told me not to feel disappointed... You are really my real mother.

Fortunately, I didn’t have this plan from the beginning... Humph!

Wu Yuting sighed deeply.

Looking at his son lovingly.

In the Star Soul Continent, martial arts is respected.

The continent has gone through several periods of baptism, from the primitive world to the immortal god era, to the emperor era, and then to the end of the martial era. Then to the technological era, then to the starfall era, the end of the world, the recovery era, and finally to the current star martial era.

It is not easy for ordinary people to survive in this world.

There is one thing that is the same in any period and any era of the Star Soul Continent: there are always ordinary people with no qualifications or poor qualifications. And his son is one of the thousands of ordinary people.

In this era of the revival of martial arts, alas!

Zuo Xiaonian's star soul awakened when he was three years old. The star soul soared into the sky and filled the sky. The star veins in his entire body from head to toe were as dense as a spider web, and they almost condensed into a whole!

It was an extremely rare body of Nine-Nine Star Souls. Only one step away from becoming a complete body of natural star souls.

As for his son Zuo Xiaoduo… He didn’t awaken his Star Soul until he was eight years old. The Star Soul was just a tiny, weak flame in his Dantian, and it was lifeless.

It's really better to have nothing at all.

If you don't have any, you can be an ordinary person. But if you have a star soul, it means you can become a warrior, and if you become a warrior, you have to bear the responsibility of a warrior.

A warrior's responsibility is almost equal to life and death.

Above the martial artist is the warrior, above the warrior is the martial arts master, above the martial arts master is the innate; above the innate is the fetal breathing; above the fetal breathing is the Dan Yuan...

The Dan Yuan realm can already be called a master.

As for the higher realm, it is better not to talk about it.

However, Zuo Xiaonian is about to break through to the Danyuan realm. With his son’s aptitude, he might not be able to reach that level even in three hundred years... right

"The martial arts path is too difficult." Wu Yuting looked at her son and sighed, "Xiaoduo, being an ordinary person can actually make you feel safe and secure."

Zuo Xiaoduo narrowed his eyes and said with a grin, "Mom, if the normal path doesn't work, you don't have to despair. You can still try the unconventional path."

Wu Yuting snorted and glared at him, "What did you say? You dare to take the crooked path? Not to mention the law, I can't tolerate it!"

Zuo Xiaoduo shrank his neck, his face expressionless, and he disagreed in his heart: In such a brilliant era, how can I live a mediocre life

"Mom,... Just one last try. It'll be all right. One last time!" Zuo Xiaoduo was making his last effort.


Wu Yuting rolled her eyes.

She had just spent one million to buy elixirs. Although she didn't know where her husband got the money, Wu Yuting knew that although her family was well off, they still couldn't come up with one million.

Zuo Changlu let it slip before he left. "Get some high-quality stuff to make up for the shortfall." This sentence revealed too much.

Deficit, what does deficit mean

Now that I have such a huge burden, I will have to be frugal for a while to get through the difficult times. This kid is so ignorant and wants to spend money recklessly!

And I've already spent money on you several times, but it all went to waste.

Wu Yuting also went out.

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed and was about to go back to his room to figure out a solution when suddenly his eyes went dark and he felt a familiar dizziness. He could not see anything and his body was floating in the air and moving very fast...

Zuo Xiaoduo screamed and yelled: "Zuo Xiaonian!!"

Ever since Zuo Xiaonian made a breakthrough and gained the ability to capture objects in the air, he has been capturing Zuo Xiaoduo here and there every day. As long as his parents are not at home, Zuo Xiaoduo is often captured and floats in the air.

Who wants to have a sister like this? Please come and take her away!

Even so, you still want me to marry her?! This is simply... Haha.

They say you should spank your younger brother as early as possible

Zuo Xiaoduo felt that Zuo Xiaonian didn’t need to do it early… because she could keep fighting…

With a whoosh, my eyes lit up.

I only saw Zuo Xiaonian's pretty face with a smile on her face appear in front of me, and she said proudly: "Is it cool?"

"..." Zuo Xiaoduo still felt dizzy, and he swayed back and forth on the ground, gritting his teeth and saying, "Just wait, wait until my cultivation level exceeds yours..."

"What do you want to do by surpassing me?!" Zuo Xiaonian took a step forward, puffed out his chest, and asked arrogantly.

"... I, I won't do anything." Zuo Xiaoduo was shamelessly cowardly.

Zuo Xiaonian had already come up, stretched out his hand to pinch Zuo Xiaoduo's cheek, and asked fiercely: "Tell me, what do you want the money for?"

“It hurts, it hurts…” Zuo Xiaoduo had no power to resist Zuo Xiaonian, and he gasped in anger: “Let go! Money… Of course money is useful!”

Zuo Xiaonian got close to him and observed him carefully for a while. The distance was so close that Zuo Xiaoduo could even feel the warmth of Zuo Xiaonian's breath and the sweet fragrance in his mouth.

I couldn't help feeling dizzy and said angrily, "I told you to stop thinking about it, so don't mess with me."

"Hmph... Who cares." After a long while, Zuo Xiaonian finally let go of him. She flipped her hand and a red pill appeared. She hummed and said, "Eat this and I'll give you money."

“Hey… I told you it’s useless…” Zuo Xiaoduo took it and threw it into his mouth without even looking at it.

This is a low-quality marrow cleansing pill.

Since Zuo Xiaonian emerged, she was beautiful and talented; her suitors could almost circle around Phoenix City three times. And it was too common to get various low-level elixirs.

But everyone knew that Zuo Xiaonian was only interested in the elixir that could improve the power of the Star Soul, and ignored everything else.

Although they didn't know why, the suitors all catered to her. Especially this kind of elixir, it was cheap.

They didn’t know that all the pills Zuo Xiaonian got were fed into Zuo Xiaoduo’s stomach.

Zuo Xiaoduo has already taken no less than twenty of these marrow cleansing pills...

"Did you pick it up again this time?" Zuo Xiaoduo asked while swallowing.

"Of course." Zuo Xiaonian blinked and showed a playful look: "Someone walked in front of me and dropped a bottle of pills. No matter how I shouted, no one came back... I had to take it back."

“…” Zuo Xiaoduo was speechless.

"Sister, you are so lucky." Zuo Xiaoduo rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "It's a pity that I have never picked up a coin since I was a child. You can pick up anything. I admire you."

Since he was thirteen or forty-five years old, Zuo Xiaonian had picked up this kind of elixir countless times: Star Soul Pill, Star Transformation Pill, Awakening Pill, Marrow Cleansing Pill...

They are all for laying the foundation, awakening the star soul, strengthening the star soul, and assisting the star soul...

"This must have been thrown on the ground by your suitors on purpose... If you took it, wouldn't you owe them a favor?" Zuo Xiaoduo sighed.

"What do you owe me?"

Zuo Xiaonian opened his eyes wide: "I picked this up by luck."

"Then why don't you pick up the other pills? The others are more expensive."

"Why would I pick up those things that are useless to you?" Zuo Xiaonian said confidently.

Zuo Xiaoduo: “…”

You are beautiful, you have the final say!

I'm speechless, okay

After a long time, he felt that the medicinal power of the marrow cleansing pill had dissolved in his body, and it only warmed him up slightly before disappearing without a trace as usual. Zuo Xiaoduo sighed, "Don't pick them up in the future. In the past few years, I have eaten a whole cart of pills you picked up. They are really useless. Didn't you hear dad say that I have innate talent and even gods can't help me. Don't..."

Before he could finish, Zuo Xiaonian sneered: "Oh my, my little dog has really grown up. He even controls me as his elder sister?"

Feeling like he was about to be beaten, Zuo Xiaoduo retreated instantly.

There’s no way, I can’t beat him.

Now, for Zuo Xiaonian to fight a master like him, it should be like playing...

Last time I pissed her off, she threw me up a hundred meters into the air and then dropped me down to catch me seven or eight times. I was almost scared to death... Violent girl!

If I could beat...

Zuo Xiaoduo felt a little complicated while chewing the pill given by Zuo Xiaonian.

Over the years, his parents have been a little strict with him, but very lenient with Zuo Xiaonian. Zuo Xiaoduo always says that they are partial to him, but he knows it in his heart.

In fact, it is me who is biased by my parents.

The most important thing for a family is comfort and casualness. The more casual you are with each other, the more of a family you are.

Because only family can give you the greatest tolerance.

And Zuo Xiaonian has been very concerned about himself over the years. In order to enable himself to practice and change his qualifications, Zuo Xiaonian has no idea how much effort he has put in.

Zuo Xiaoduo understood that including his parents, they had never believed that his dreams were reliable, but they still held on to the hope of just in case, and took out large sums of money several times in a row to let him do experiments - what if it was true

My parents believe that it is better to believe it than not.

But my continuous failures in experiments destroyed my last bit of hope...

Zuo Xiaoduo always knew what was going on.

But he didn't say it.

No need to talk about my own family.

However, if my sister is in trouble, Zuo Xiaoduo is sure that he will be the one who fights the hardest! Although I may not be able to help, I will never back down when I need to fight hard.

"How much do you want?"

Hearing Zuo Xiaonian's words, Zuo Xiaoduo perked up: "Don't take too much..."

"Is ten thousand enough?" Zuo Xiaonian touched her white jade ring, and a thick stack of banknotes appeared.

"Enough! Enough!" Zuo Xiaoduo was overjoyed, and his eyes instantly emitted a bright light.


With this money, I can smoothly...

"Hmph... This is the salary and bonus I have saved for a long time..." Zuo Xiaonian's eyes rolled, and he suddenly put the banknotes behind him and straightened his chest.

Zuo Xiaoduo, who was about to reach out to take the money, almost pressed his paw on Zuo Xiaonian's body. He quickly withdrew his hand and growled: "Zuo Xiaonian! What are you doing!!"

Zuo Xiaonian chuckled, tilted his head and asked, "Am I pretty?"

Zuo Xiaoduo said angrily: "Beautiful! Beautiful! That's enough!"

In the room, Zuo Xiaonian's giggles could be heard, and then a large bundle of money was thrown out: "Take it! Humph!"

"Also, don't let your parents know about this money."

Thanks to my brothers and sisters, I feel warm again. It turns out that I am still suitable for this place. Because you are here.

I really like this feeling.

Brothers and sisters, please collect the new book, and the most important thing is to read it. I need your comments on this chapter.

Let’s start collecting recommendation votes.

The first few chapters have a lot of words because there are a lot of settings, so please don’t think this is the norm.

Announced group number: Feng Family Official Group 1: 376-497-379

(End of this chapter)