The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 31: Advance by leaps and bounds!


A roar.

The little fat boy really rolled out and stood at the door as punishment, completely out of Teacher Qin's sight.

But Qin Fangyang's chest was still heaving, and he was obviously very angry.

"In life, you can act according to your own wishes and be utilitarian, but you must remember that there is a kind of people in this world that you must never insult! No matter when and where you mention such people, you must be full of respect in your heart!"

"These people are the heroes who shed blood and sacrificed their lives for us humans!"

"Never make fun of the names of heroes! And never insult heroes! This is the common bottom line for all humans on the Star Soul Continent!"

Qin Fangyang said sternly, "I can't control others, but my students... must remember this bottom line for the rest of their lives! Anyone who dares to violate it will pay the price!"

"I, Qin Fangyang, am not a big shot. I am even of low status and my words have little influence. I can't cause any serious consequences, but I still want to say this: I don't admit that I have ever taught a student who insulted a hero!"

"Li Changming!"

Qin Fangyang's tone was filled with undisguised disgust and indifference: "You can discuss with your family and change your shift."

Outside the door, the little fat boy's aggrieved voice came over: "Teacher, it's not wrong for you to respect heroes, we should all respect heroes, but you have to be reasonable, I really didn't know... I, I... I was sleeping the whole time, and I woke up suddenly, and I said something casually, I really didn't mean to blaspheme heroes... I... Teacher, please forgive me this time... I really didn't know that there was a person named Yue Guan among our human heroes..."

Qin Fangyang's face turned increasingly gloomy, his veins bulged, and he simply stopped talking.

When the fat boy saw that Teacher Qin refused to give in, he stayed silent for a moment and then burst into tears outside the door.

Long Yusheng pondered for a moment, then stood up and said, "Teacher Qin... I think what Li Changming said is mostly true. We don't know much about his family's martial arts, but we know that he loves to sleep. Basically, he falls asleep as soon as he arrives, especially when he starts practicing. He improves his foundation in his sleep... He is almost completely indifferent to the outside world, and this indifference is not from his heart."

Wan Lixiu also stood up and pleaded, "Teacher, although I have always looked down on Li Changming, this time, the lesson you gave me was too harsh. Even if he really offended the reputation of a hero, it was an unintentional mistake. There must be a reason for it. I watched this guy sleep for a whole semester and talk in his sleep. How can I do anything about it?"

The heart-wrenching cries outside the door became more and more intense.

The little fat boy choked up and said, "Teacher Qin... I really just said something mean, I really didn't mean it... I really don't know. Teacher, please forgive me."

Yu Moyan hesitated for a moment, and also helped: "Teacher Qin, Li Changming... has been sleeping since he was a martial arts apprentice. He... has hardly ever woken up. Why bother with him?"

The implication was obviously to plead for Li Changming.

"There are some things that a warrior must know and practice! The Great Dream Divine Art or any other secret manual of divine art is not an excuse!"

After Long Yusheng and the other three persuaded him, Qin Fangyang's anger finally subsided a little: "For the next two days, let him stand outside as punishment! If he makes any more mistakes, he will be transferred to another class immediately!"

After saying that, he picked up the chalk and wrote three big words on the blackboard.

"Sun and Moon Pass!"

Teacher Qin not only wrote these three words briefly, but also made the font larger and bolder.

Then he pointed and said, "This is the holy land of warriors! This is where warriors fight for their entire lives! Everyone must remember this!"

“This is a sacred place!”

“Don’t tolerate insults!!”

Zuo Xiaoduo looked at the three words on the blackboard and inexplicably felt that these three words seemed to be filled with murderous aura.

He also noticed that his classmates were pleading for Li Changming.

"After all, the students are united."

"Teacher Qin may not know that the fat boy's mistake was unintentional, but he still made a fuss about it... Is it just to make the students beg for mercy? To use this method to increase the affection between the students?"

"Although this kind of solidarity may seem insignificant, it will add up to a lot. In the future, when we are on the battlefield or on a mission, it will be of great use... One person's life is equivalent to being protected by countless people... Will Teacher Qin consider such a far-reaching point?"

Zuo Xiaoduo was thinking in his heart. He glanced at Qin Fangyang's face but could not see anything.

Qin Fangyang had a cold face throughout the whole day, and all the students were silent. They were all trembling with fear and trying hard to practice.

Qin Fangyang came to Zuo Xiaoduo and glared at him with a ferocious look that was chilling.

Zuo Xiaoduo respectfully took out two pieces of low-grade Star Soul Jade from his pocket and said, "I just wanted to tell you that you didn't need them, but you turned and left, and I couldn't catch up with you, so I couldn't return them in time. However, I still remember your kindness in my heart, and I will never forget it. But... I really don't need them. You should use them to take care of poorer students."

Qin Fangyang was not vague either. He flicked his sleeves and the two pieces of Star Soul Jade in Zuo Xiaoduo's palms disappeared immediately. Then he put his hands up and asked, "Zuo Xiaoduo, is your family really poor?"

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed and was about to speak when Qin Fangyang interrupted him, "Think it over first!"

Zuo Xiaoduo perked up and said in a deep voice: "Teacher, compared to most people, my family is really poor. But compared to many people, we can still make ends meet."

Qin Fangyang groaned and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo's respectful appearance. He suddenly felt an inexplicable urge to beat him up.

This is basically the same as saying nothing!

He stretched out his fingers, curled them up, and knocked them on Zuo Xiaoduo's head with a sound like a wooden fish, and warned him, "Behave yourself!"

The strike was loud and clear, and it also had a sense of empty echo, and it even had a bit of the flavor of the evening drum and morning bell in an ancient temple deep in the mountains.

This sudden change made the whole class burst into laughter, and the previous tense atmosphere immediately disappeared a lot.

Zuo Xiaoduo had been looking for him since morning because he found that Li Chenglong was not in the classroom and had been missing for the entire morning.

"Where did Li Chenglong go? Did he skip school?" Zuo Xiaoduo asked during the lunch break.

This guy made fun of me yesterday, but he disappeared today.

Long Yusheng in front of him rolled his eyes: "Trupping school? That kid went to teach another class."


Zuo Xiaoduo was shocked and stunned. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

It's fine for the fat boy to teach our class about history, which is harmless. But when it comes to being able to teach other classes, and judging from Long Yusheng's tone, this has happened more than once, but many, many times. This is really a super high treatment.

Wan Lixiu sighed with some regret: "Li Chenglong is extremely talented in reading and studying history, and few people can match him. He also has a photographic memory. He can memorize any information after reading it once, and he knows everything you ask him... If his talent for cultivation was not so ordinary, he would have been given special attention by the school. But precisely because of this, the school has already intended to make him a lecturer and historical consultant after graduation, and his salary is higher than that of an experienced old man like Teacher Qin."

Yu Moyan said with some regret: "What's so great about him? With Li Chenglong's vision, experience and knowledge, if he is in my team in the future... or in any team, he will be able to play a huge role and gain more. Staying in the academy is just a dead salary, eating and waiting to die."

Long Yusheng also expressed regret: "It's really a pity to stay in school."

Zuo Xiaoduo: “…”

The qualifying battle that afternoon went on as scheduled, and the final result once again shocked Qin Fangyang beyond words!

The reason is simple: Zuo Xiaoduo's progress has far exceeded his budget and even his cognition!

In just one day and one night, Zuo Xiaoduo made rapid progress again as if he had been reborn.

I had just finished tempering my right leg yesterday, and it was not completely tempered. But today, not only has the right leg been tempered, but the left leg has also been tempered for most of the time!

What's more important is the footwork, palm techniques, and leg techniques he used in battle...


In the field, Zuo Xiaoduo's asking-for-a-beating tone and that cocky voice rang out again.

This kid won three consecutive battles and made his way to 27th place!

And it’s still going up!

And it looks like there is still some strength left to rely on.

The rapid breakthroughs he had made in the past two days, as well as his rapid training speed, had caused all the students in Class 9 who were ahead of him to feel a deep sense of crisis.

This guy, is he taking medicine

After Long Yusheng finished the fight, his eyes were all black. He dragged Wan Lixiu, who was beaten black and blue and unable to get up, over and watched Zuo Xiaoduo's fight. The more he watched, the more surprised he was.

"The boxing style this guy used today is wrong. It's not a body-building boxing style at all."

Wan Lixiu, who had been lying on the ground like a pile of mud, struggled to sit up, took a look with his eyes that were swollen to a line, and said, "It is the Body Building Fist, but it is a more advanced Body Building Fist... I have seen it before, there is no mistake."

The two men watched Zuo Xiaoduo fight while catching their breath and resting. The more they watched, the more surprised and frightened they became.

Zuo Xiaoduo really seemed to have taken medicine, advancing at a rapid pace, overtaking the twenty-seventh, twenty-sixth... until he reached the nineteenth place, and then he finally stopped moving forward.

Qin Fangyang's eyebrows twitched.

Is this the one who failed five years

With such talent, such perseverance, such hard work and enthusiasm, how could he fail back for five years

… …

(End of this chapter)