The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 33: One word, one word


Zuo Xiaoduo couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

I saw these people were about to pass by.

But Qin Fangyang had no intention of stopping the other party.

Zuo Xiaoduo made up his mind and acted innocently, tilting his head and asking curiously, "May I ask what the teachers are doing? It looks like they are going to do something big. I'm so curious. Can you tell the students about it?"

The bearded man laughed, but he didn't look down on him. He said casually, "What's there to hide? Last night, there were many meteors that fell into the wasteland. Many of them were still trailing their tails, and the spiritual energy was not completely burned out. There must be good stuff among them. Let's go get some good stuff for you little guys and bring it back to our No. 2 Middle School to add some more atmosphere and background."

Qin Fangyang said worriedly: "Don't be so absolute. Talent is the key. We must be careful in everything."

The bearded man looked annoyed and complained, "We wanted to go out when we saw that in the early morning, but the principal wouldn't let us go. He said there were too many people competing for it and it would be easy to quarrel. He dragged it out until the afternoon before letting us go out. If we go now, we probably won't be able to eat hot shit. We can only pick up some things that others don't like. Sigh, our principal is good in everything else except being timid."

The other people also laughed: "Principal Changjiang is famous for his steadiness. If he hears your timid words, I think you're done for, boss."

The bearded man sneered, "I didn't actually say that the principal is timid, he's just a little too steady, that's all I meant, don't think too much about it."

Qin Fangyang smiled: "I think what the principal is thinking is that going out in the early morning is too risky! Countless experts are trying to grab the soup, can you beat them? Whether you can grab it or not is secondary, it would be unfair to lose your life. It is safer to go out at this time. As I said, talent is the key, and staying alive is more important than anything else."

"Even if I can't get the best, I'll definitely gain something. And no one will be jealous. It's safe, how great."

The bearded man laughed loudly: "Lao Qin, let's go out together next time." After all, he didn't dare to say that the principal was timid anymore.

Qin Fangyang smiled and said, "Okay."

They both bowed their hands, performed the ancient warrior etiquette, and said goodbye.

Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The bearded man frowned: "Hmm?"

"Teacher, I know a little bit about physiognomy. It looks like you will gain something from this trip, but the premise of gaining something is the direction. The current direction is not good enough. How about I help you calculate it?"

Zuo Xiaoduo smiled innocently and seriously.

"What's the meaning?"

"What I mean is that the path you are currently taking is forked and it is difficult to gain anything. If you want to gain something, you must look elsewhere. As long as the established direction is right, you will naturally gain a lot." Zuo Xiaoduo said seriously.

"You can read faces? You want to show us the way forward?" The bearded man was stunned, then laughed and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Obviously he didn't believe it.

Qin Fangyang's heart suddenly moved at this moment.

It is absolutely unreasonable for Zuo Xiaoduo to suddenly stand up and stop him and say he wants to read his fortune.

At such an important moment, who will listen to your nonsense

But Zuo Xiaoduo is not stupid.

Since it is brought up at this time, what is the purpose

After looking at Zuo Xiaoduo, Qin Fangyang stepped forward, stopped the bearded man, and said with a smile: "Old Liu, my student can indeed see things that others cannot. As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. Why don't you let him see it, so that everyone can feel at ease, especially for me and this kid, it will be good."

Bearded Brother Liu frowned, looking impatient, but Teacher Qin had already said this, so he had to hold back his temper and said, "Okay, little guy, help me see where we should go to get something?"

The tone was very joking.

Zuo Xiaoduo frowned and thought about it.

Evil energy comes from the west and goes to the east, so naturally neither the east nor the west is safe.

But my own understanding is hardly convincing, and I have no reputation among the public. It is nothing but empty talk, so how can I gain people's trust

How could he escape death

Just looking at the way this man speaks and even his relationship with Qin Fangyang, it is obvious that he is definitely not a bad person.

Especially, the person in front of him is his first prime minister, and he must not fail.

"How about this, please give me a word."

Zuo Xiaoduo hesitated for two seconds and said.

The bearded man became more and more impatient, so he used his foot to draw a line in front of himself and said, "Just this word, take a look."

Zuo Xiaoduo looked down and saw the character "one".

From east to west, just by casually moving your feet, you can actually feel a sense of strict law and order.

The other nine people also gathered in a circle, laughing and looking at the word written by the bearded man.

"The boss just draws a line with his foot, and it's a word."

“It’s actually pretty good.”

"This character is written like a carrying pole..."

"Look what this kid said."

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed deeply.

Qin Fangyang's eyes were always on Zuo Xiaoduo's face and eyes.

When Zuo Xiaoduo judged the outcome of the ten people for the first time, Qin Fangyang already knew that this guy was no ordinary person, because his own judgment at the time was different from Zuo Xiaoduo's, and the final result was that Zuo Xiaoduo was right in everything and his judgment was wrong.

It was also from that time that Qin Fangyang came to a conclusion: Zuo Xiaoduo might really be able to read faces.

If someone says that Zuo Xiaoduo's observation skills are better than his, Qin Fangyang will never admit it even if you beat him to death!

And today's experience can confirm my judgment. Judging from the fortune, it will not lead to a worse result.

"This word 'one' is not good. From east to west, there is nowhere to hide. 'One' is the beginning of the word 'death'. You are going to a place of conflict. This is a very ominous sign!"

Zuo Xiaoduo's face was solemn, and he said something shocking: "So, you can't go to the east and west, including the straight road that runs from east to west!"

The bearded man Brother Liu narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh?"

"There are ten of you in your group. The character 'ten' is also the starting stroke of 'ten' for ten people. The starting stroke of 'ten' is also the starting stroke of 'death'. Together..." Zuo Xiaoduo's face was solemn, and his voice became heavy: "...die."

“Fuck you…” The bearded man raised his hand and was about to hit him.

Qin Fangyang raised his hand and held the bearded man's right hand in the air: "When reading fortunes, it is not appropriate to get angry."

Then he looked at Zuo Xiaoduo: "Xiaoduo, are you serious? This is a serious matter, don't joke around!"

"Are you kidding? How could I joke about human life? It is indeed very dangerous from east to west, and there is no chance of survival."

"So how do we crack it?"

Zuo Xiaozhong took a deep breath and said, "The ten of you should go together. You cannot go east or west, and it is best not to touch the east-west straight road. The south is the end of the cross, and there is no chance of survival! Only the north is the place where there is hope of survival."

"The north is a place with high skies and vast lands, and it is also the origin of the cross from nothing to something. If you go north, not only will there be no danger, but you will also gain a lot."

Zuo Xiaoduo said seriously: "For this trip, it is better to go north, because only the north is auspicious."

After hearing Zuo Xiaoduo's judgment on life and death, the bearded Brother Liu stared at Zuo Xiaoduo suspiciously: "Although you sounded so serious, this was clearly just a casual scratch by me with my foot. You actually said that you saw so much. Isn't this a bit of an over-interpretation?"

Zuo Xiaoduo said solemnly: "Human life is the most wonderful thing in the world. There are unpredictable mysteries between movement and stillness. In life, every time a major event happens, even if there is no news beforehand, it is inevitable that there will be a little bit of feeling..."

"For example... some people, before they know they will meet with misfortune, will do things they would never do before. For example, some healthy people suddenly write suicide notes on a whim, or talk about things after their death for no apparent reason..."

"Another example is that some people's eyes will twitch constantly before a disaster strikes, and this sign is often confirmed afterwards..."

"As cultivators, we often hear about sudden changes in our minds. It means that before a disaster strikes, we feel uneasy a few days in advance... I believe you have all experienced this."

"Conversely, before certain happy events come, there will be inexplicable signs, and no matter what you do, it will be particularly smooth. Isn't this clear evidence..."

Zuo Xiaoduo said solemnly, "These examples, at least in my opinion, are all some revelations that people have received from the unknown. And the method of fortune-telling is to express these revelations given by heaven to people in a relatively vivid way."

Brother Liu was skeptical of Zuo Xiaoduo's words. He was stunned for a long time before he said, "Boy, are you saying that you are very capable and can see through the secrets of heaven, and now you are telling us the way to avoid death and prolong our lives? Are you really talking nonsense and trying to fool me?!"

"Teacher Liu, think carefully. Before I asked you, did you seriously think about which word you would write? After I asked you, the word '一' came out of your hand, and it can be said that it came as expected. But why did you only write this word? You could have written your name, or something else that was lingering in your heart... Isn't that fine? Why did you have to write the word '一'?"

"This is the revelation from heaven, the manifestation of the secret of heaven."

Zuo Xiaoduo let out a long sigh, put one hand in front of his chest, and sang loudly: "Wulian~~~Tianzun! Good~~~Good!"

… … &…

(End of this chapter)