The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 38: what happened?


Zuo Xiaoduo became suspicious and instinctively picked up the cup he usually used to drink water, but unexpectedly he heard a snap, and the glass cup that had been with him for several years shattered. He was immediately startled and sat down on a nearby chair, but another snap came as expected, and the chair was completely broken into pieces, and he sat down on the ground.

"Oh my god… "

Zuo Xiaoduo groaned, and then said in surprise: "I... Could it be that I have become an unrivaled strong man, with inexplicable destructive power in every move I make?!"

At this moment, a faint sound came from the bed.

Zuo Xiaoduo turned his head to see the sound and was immediately startled, his eyes bulged out.

I saw Zuo Xiaonian lying on his bed, looking so exhausted that he was dying, but now he was sleeping soundly.


Zuo Xiaoduo subconsciously jumped two steps away and covered his mouth in shock to muffle the scream that was about to burst out!

"What the hell is going on? I... I shouldn't have done anything... right?"

Zuo Xiaoduo first felt his own condition.

Well, no feeling.

Then he looked at Zuo Xiaonian again, only to find that Zuo Xiaonian's face was pale and his lips were dry and pale, as if he had suffered a serious illness and was on the verge of death. He couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Although he still didn't understand what was going on, he still tried to control his body, ran out with three staggering steps, carefully picked up a cup, poured a large glass of boiled water, and brought it into the room.

Then, he sat up on the bed little by little, helped Zuo Xiaonian up, and leaned her against his shoulder. Then he carefully brought the water and put it to Zuo Xiaonian's mouth.

Zuo Xiaonian's delicate body leaned limply against him, as if she was unconscious, and she showed no response at all.

Zuo Xiaoduo finally managed to feed Zuo Xiaonian half a bowl of water. Seeing that Zuo Xiaonian looked better, he finally felt relieved and his heart was no longer filled with the suffocating pain and panic.

After placing Zuo Xiaonian back on the bed, he suddenly remembered something and quickly took out all the mid-grade Star Soul Stones he had on hand; he put one in Zuo Xiaonian's right hand, one in his left hand, one in his chest, one in his dantian, and even one on the soles of his feet.

When he grabbed Zuo Xiaonian's slender feet to place the Star Soul Stone, he could only hold her little feet and put her down, muttering: "I didn't mean to do this... When I put it down, I will activate it and input it into your body..."

"Hahaha..." Zuo Xiaonian's feet were tickled, and he finally couldn't pretend to be unconscious anymore. He couldn't help laughing, and got up from the bed, saying with a smile: "Dog, why are you tickling my feet?"

"I do not… "

Zuo Xiaoduo instinctively defended himself, then was stunned for a moment. It took him a while to realize that he had been deceived. He should have been furious, so he went with the flow and shouted angrily, "What are you doing? Is it fun to pretend to be unconscious and scare people? Don't you know that scaring people can kill them? You are such a grown-up, why are you still acting like this? Can't you be a little more mature?"

Although I was angry, I didn't sound furious at all. Instead, I sounded relieved.

Oh, great! Great! Nian Nian cat is fine! Great!

"Who... who pretended to be unconscious?!"

Zuo Xiaonian felt a little embarrassed at first, but then she became confident and said angrily, "I was sleeping soundly, and you woke me up and yelled at me. Is this fair?!"

Zuo Xiaoduo started to get really furious at this moment: "Are you sleeping well? You almost scared me to death just now, do you know that? How can you be so ignorant even though you are an adult? You almost scared me to death just now..."

Halfway through his speech, he snorted and said angrily: "Believe it or not, I will tell my parents tomorrow and let them beat you to death!"

Zuo Xiaonian came closer, in front of Zuo Xiaoduo, and said in a soft and tender voice: "You haven't finished yet... I almost scared you just now. What happened? Tell me."

Zuo Xiaoduo said in a panic, "What the hell are you talking about? Tell me, what was the matter with your terrible behavior just now?"

Zuo Xiaonian snorted but didn't say anything. He turned over and lay down on Zuo Xiaoduo's bed. He put his little nose to the pillow and quilt and sniffed them. He said with disgust: "Dog, your bed stinks."

Zuo Xiaoduo rushed to the bedside angrily: "No matter how smelly it is, it's my business. No one invited you to sleep here. Come down, come down quickly, and tell me clearly what's going on."

Zuo Xiaonian shrank back into the bed, laughing: "Guess, guess, guess, guess..."

Until this moment, Zuo Xiaoduo's fear from the unexpected shock just now completely disappeared, but his anger also turned to the strongest state: "Come here..."

As he said this, he lunged forward.

However, the sudden increase in strength in his body was still far from being controllable. With a loud bang, he immediately started to move -

The air was filled with dust.

The bed collapsed.

Zuo Xiaonian fell to the ground with a bang as the bed board broke.


The brother and sister looked at each other and cried out at the same time: "Oh no..."

Hurry and pack up in a hurry.

But outside, Zuo Changlu's voice could be heard scolding: "Zuo Xiaoduo! What time is it? What are you doing?"

Zuo Xiaonian pulled up the quilt at a speed beyond the normal human eye's vision and wrapped herself in it, from head to toe, without leaving anything out. Then she rolled over and hid in the chaos on the bed, motionless. At first glance, you couldn't really see her delicate body.

Only then did he stop and signaled Zuo Xiaoduo to deal with it.

Zuo Xiaoduo approached the door cautiously and trembled, "Dad, it's okay, it's okay. I, your son, am gifted and my cultivation progress has been rapid. I have made great progress every day. I have made another breakthrough. It may be because I have made too much progress and it is difficult to control my strength for a while. I broke a cup, collapsed a stool, and even the bed..."

Zuo Changlu's voice was outside the door: "Ah? Even the bed collapsed. Is it okay? Open the door and let me take a look."

Zuo Xiaonian was shocked when he heard this, and the quilt covering him began to tremble.

Zuo Xiaoduo wanted to sew his mouth shut, his face turned pale with fear: "Dad, it's okay, it's really okay... My cultivation is improving, it's a good thing, a great thing, I can't control my strength for a while, it's just a small matter, it's so late, if there is anything, we can talk about it tomorrow... You really don't understand martial arts, it's just a small matter..."

“Hehe…” Outside the door, Zuo Changlu chuckled, and then warned: “Then go to sleep quickly. How can disturbing someone’s sweet dream be a small matter?!”

"Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

Zuo Xiaoduo agreed repeatedly.

I leaned my ear against the door and listened for a long time. I heard Zuo Changlu clacking his way back to his room. After a long while of silence, I heaved a long sigh of relief and patted my chest: "I was so scared..."

At this time, a voice with a long sigh of relief sounded from behind: "I was scared to death..."

Looking back, Zuo Xiaonian's head trembled out of the cylinder, his face full of fear, his hair messed up, "Let's go...let's go?"

Looking at Zuo Xiaonian's current appearance, Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly felt warm in his heart. A strange thought flashed through his mind for a moment. He coughed and said, "Have you ever witnessed the special moment when a caterpillar emerges from its cocoon?"

Zuo Xiaonian frowned: "Huh?"

"Have you ever seen a yellow eel?" Zuo Xiaoduo asked, "A head quietly emerged from a hole..."

"Zuo Xiaoduo, you're looking for death!" Zuo Xiaonian's pretty face instantly turned red, and she was about to explode. However, she realized that she couldn't speak loudly in the current atmosphere, so she lowered her voice and roared.

"You're looking for death? If you dare to touch me, I will immediately open the door and let my parents in. It depends on what you do. Will we both die, or will you be more unlucky!"

Zuo Xiaoduo threatened, his smug face clearly revealed without any concealment.

"… "

He poked his head out from the quilt and stared at Zuo Xiaoduo with eyes that seemed to show he didn't recognize him. Zuo Xiaonian never dreamed that one day he would be threatened by this guy, and in such a special atmosphere.

A fierce light slowly appeared in his eyes: "You dog! You know nothing about power..."

Zuo Xiaoduo said calmly, "I know you have a high level of cultivation and great magical powers, and you can subdue me in an instant, but I bet you are not sure that you can stop even a loud shout. Try to move me and see who can take advantage!"

Zuo Xiaonian was so angry that he was fuming, but for the moment he really didn't dare to move.

… …

(End of this chapter)