The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 43: Buying a bed in the east


"But my soul is damaged. If I cannot find back my lost heart of the Greedy Wolf and my lost memories, how can I achieve perfection in my soul? Even this Greedy Wolf Soul will find it difficult to cultivate to perfection..."

Mo Xuanyi bit his lower lip and said, "Master is very wise. If I had this flaw, I wouldn't have a very high chance of winning even if I participated in the competition."

"It's okay to go there. Ask your senior brother or your uncle to go with you."

The old woman in black thought for a long time, and finally gave in, saying: "But you have to remember that the fundamental mission of this trip is to find the heart of Greedy Wolf, and it has nothing to do with anything else!"

"Xuan Yi, you are the key. Even if all the insiders we arranged over there are uprooted... even if our thousands of years of deployment are destroyed in front of you, you are not allowed to move rashly!"

The old woman in black said, "If you don't agree to this, don't go out."

"Disciple agrees."

The old woman in black snorted and said, "Master will give you three days to recover. Bring the Breath-Suppressing Bead... Be careful that the Greedy Wolf Heart outside may sense you."


"When you are sure you have recovered, come and tell me you are leaving."

"Yes, Master."

Mo Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

For some reason, she was extremely concerned about the information sent back by her clone; she did not have any doubts from beginning to end.

Even after the clone sent back this message, it was killed moments later.

It's not the look of a lonely person whose parents have both passed away.


Mo Xuanyi bit his lip, feeling only these words in his heart. For a moment, his mind was filled with thoughts, and all kinds of sour, bitter and painful feelings surged into his heart.

Since I was a child, I always thought I was an orphan. When I saw other people with parents, and their daughters were always carried by their fathers and riding on their fathers' necks to look around, I was extremely envious.

He wants this and that... He's so greedy.

If I had a father or a mother, they would buy it for me too.

And will spoil me to the sky!

He would also let me ride a big horse.

Will also...

but I do not have.

My parents died a long time ago, at the hands of the evil people from Star Soul Continent!

However, after such a long time, the clone sent this message: I am not a lonely person with both parents dead.

I must find out the truth!

Well, I have to find a fortune teller first. It would be best if I could find one who can tell me that I am not a widow because both my parents have passed away!

This is the top priority of this trip.

I want to know what happened over there and whether I found any information about my parents.

When Mo Xuanyi thought of the words "found out about my parents", his heart suddenly felt hot!

I really want to be hugged by my mother once, I really want to be hugged by my father once!

Even if, only once!

… …

The next morning.

Zuo Xiaoduo got up early. A moment later, Zuo Xiaonian also came out of her room, stretched exaggeratedly, and said in a crisp voice: "Dog, let's go, remember not to embarrass me!"

Zuo Xiaoduo was hesitant and stammering.

Wu Yuting brought porridge and a plate of meat. "Have breakfast first. Gou Da, eat more meat. When you go to your sister and master later, remember to be respectful and obedient. Don't act naughty. This is an opportunity your sister fought hard for you."

Zuo Xiaoduo nodded repeatedly and wanted to say, "I'm not a child anymore, there's no need for such instructions," but in the end he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Zuo Changlu ate with a stern face, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry. When he was almost done eating, he said, "Xiao Nian, watch out."

Zuo Xiaonian sat up straight and said respectfully, "Okay, Dad."

Zuo Changlu hummed, stopped talking and concentrated on eating.

After dinner, the brother and sister set off.

As the door closed gently, one could hear the sound of two people running like crazy and their joyful expressions.

Wu Yuting listened for a while, then smiled bitterly: "Are you too strict with them... Look how scared they are of you."

Zuo Changlu rolled his eyes fiercely and said, "Mrs. Zuo, you are probably too strict with them, right? I have never managed them in any way."

Wu Yuting rolled her eyes and asked quietly, "How long did Xiaonian stay in Xiaoduo's room last night?"

Zuo Changlu didn't even raise his head while eating, and answered word by word: "It's less than four o'clock, three forty-nine minutes and seventeen seconds."

Wu Yuting frowned and said, "I went into Xiaoduo's room this morning and saw that the bed had collapsed, but there were no other signs. There shouldn't be anything else going on."

Zuo Changlu snorted and rolled his eyes.

Wu Yuting said worriedly: "Actually, I am still relieved about these two children."

"rest assured?… "

Zuo Changlu rolled his eyes again, put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said: "Xiaoduo is already able to practice."

Wu Yuting widened her eyes: "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything."

Zuo Changlu said: "I just want to see what you mean."

I was complaining in my heart: Are you still confident about these two children? You didn't sleep all night last night and thought I didn't know? Your ears were erected longer than a rabbit's, and you went to check early this morning and thought I didn't know? What does it mean that there is nothing else? !

You call this reassuring? You are fooling yourself, and then you are fooling me.

And I have to pretend to believe it.

Wu Yuting was silent for a long time, then said, "Don't forget to bring a bed back this afternoon."

Zuo Changlu agreed, put down the bowl, stood up and put on his coat: "Well, I'm going to the Star Soul Stone Shop."


Wu Yuting agreed, cleaned up the table, and walked out the door on Zuo Changlu. Suddenly she remembered something, and chased back to the door, saying, "Bring back a double bed."

Zuo Changlu was walking down the stairs. When he heard this, he was instantly confused. He stepped on empty air and almost fell down. He turned around and looked at his wife in shock: "What? What did you just say?"

"Didn't you say... Xiaoduo can practice now?" Wu Yuting said as a matter of course: "Besides, the dog's crib should have been replaced long ago. It's too flimsy."

"… "

Zuo Changlu was speechless.

After waiting for a while and making sure that my wife had no other instructions, I walked away with one foot high and one foot low.

It seems that I twisted my foot just now.

"By the way, when you go to my master's place later, remember not to expose our relationship." Zuo Xiaonian suddenly warned.

Zuo Xiaoduo said with a bitter face: "Ah? You can't say this? This is too embarrassing, isn't it? Your name is Zuo Xiaonian, and mine is Zuo Xiaoduo. Once I say my name, people will know it clearly. What else should I say... How can I avoid being exposed?"

Zuo Xiaonian coughed twice and said, "It's okay. I'll try my best to keep you away from other people."

After a pause, he continued, "Actually, my master knows you, but my junior sister doesn't know of your existence."

"When did you get a junior sister? Didn't your master say that he had chosen you and would train you as his successor?"

Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned and asked in surprise.

"Well, that's another story. My junior sister is a female disciple that Master accepted five years ago. Her name is Meng Chenyu."

Zuo Xiaonian said: "She has an extraordinary background. She is the daughter of Meng Tianyue, the chairman of our Phoenix City Meng Group."

Zuo Xiaoduo rolled his eyes: "A natural white, rich and beautiful girl. Isn't she pretty?"

Zuo Xiaonian immediately became alert and said with a smile: "She is quite pretty, prettier than me, but... most people don't like you."

Zuo Xiaoduo said indifferently: "I won't consider those things until I reach Danyuan. I don't care if a rich and beautiful woman likes me!"

"Hehe..." Zuo Xiaonian said excitedly, "That's right! A real man should have a wife. At present, you should focus on your career and cultivation. Strength is the only thing that matters."

Zuo Xiaoduo glanced at her suspiciously. He felt that after hearing what he said, Sister Xiao Nian suddenly became cheerful and excited.

"So I'm pretty good at coaxing girls?" Zuo Xiaoduo muttered to himself, feeling a little unconfident for once.

"Xiaoduo, these three days... are your chance!"

Zuo Xiaonian stopped and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo very seriously. He straightened his collar and said softly, "No matter how hard it is, no matter how tired you are... you have to stick to it! At the very least, I can tell you very clearly now that your sleep time should not exceed five hours in these three days!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

"Now close your eyes."



The two took off.

Zuo Xiaonian grabbed Zuo Xiaoduo by the scruff of the neck and carried him up into the air.

… …

(End of this chapter)