The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 5: Zuo Xiaonian's life and death crisis!


Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned for a moment.

Zuo Xiaonian, will he die

Since childhood, the little sister Nian who had always taken care of him meticulously... would die in two and a half months? Looking at the beautiful face in front of him who was heartbroken because of his sadness, Zuo Xiaoduo felt a little suffocated.

Why did this line of words appear in front of me

What's this

Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly asked hurriedly: "Sister Xiaonian, are you going to impact the Yin-Yang Realm in two and a half months? Break through Dan Yuan?"

Zuo Xiaonian was sobbing. Zuo Xiaoduo's tears made her heart twitch. She felt like her heart was about to break. She was sad. Suddenly she heard this question. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked up at Zuo Xiaoduo with red eyes and sobbed, "How did you know?"

After asking, she came to her senses, wiped her tears, and looked serious before asking again: "How do you know two and a half months later?" Suddenly she reacted completely and her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

Zuo Xiaonian was deeply shocked.

Many people knew that he was going to break through the Yin and Yang boundary; this was an indisputable fact because of his own cultivation level.

But everyone only knows that it should be recently, or no more than a month. And a month later, they will release wrong information again to continue to confuse people.

The specific time and place must not be disclosed. This is a matter of life and death.

For a warrior to break through the Danyuan stage is a major hurdle; in other words, the path to becoming strong is completely opened from then on.

The Danyuan Realm is the realm of martial arts masters in the eyes of ordinary people.

The younger one is when breaking through this realm, the more promising one is; Zuo Xiaonian is only nineteen years old this year, and someone who can break through the Danyuan realm at the age of nineteen is unprecedented in the entire Central Plains in thousands of years!

If there is a breakthrough, it will surely open a new chapter in history.

Nineteen-year-old Dan Yuan realm! Nineteen-year-old girl grandmaster!

This is a miracle enough to shake the world!

Therefore, this news will definitely attract attention and will definitely not remain calm.

Naturally, there will be people with ulterior motives who have ideas about him and do not want Zuo Xiaonian to break through smoothly!

Assassinations under normal circumstances are mostly difficult to be effective, especially in a city that Zuo Xiaonian is familiar with. It is too easy to escape and dodge; there is even a possibility of being counterattacked.

However, during the breakthrough process, especially at the critical moment of breaking through the bottleneck, even an ordinary person's shouting is enough to cause the person's internal energy to become disordered and go astray!

If you want to kill such a genius, that would undoubtedly be the best time!

And Zuo Xiaonian's breakthrough date, at least so far, is the biggest secret of Phoenix City!

As far as Zuo Xiaonian knows, only two people know it!

One is Zuo Xiaonian himself, and the other is Zuo Xiaonian’s master.

Even the use of the Star Source Room is now fully booked with no gaps, and there is no sign that Zuo Xiaonian is going to use it.

Zuo Xiaonian was filled with confusion.

How did Zuo Xiaoduo know that

Is it just a random guess

But this guess is too accurate, isn’t it?!

Seeing Zuo Xiaonian’s reaction, Zuo Xiaoduo’s heart sank!

The content of that line of words is actually true? !

Holding onto a glimmer of hope, Zuo Xiaoduo tentatively asked, "In... Xingwu Jinjing?"


Zuo Xiaonian straightened up all of a sudden, and widened her beautiful eyes, full of shock!

He really knows!

The Star Martial Golden Crystal was the result of a long period of consideration between himself and his master. In order to avoid disruption, they even did not use the Jade Crystal Room, Sky Crystal Room and Soul Crystal Room which were ranked in the top three!

Instead, they chose the relatively ordinary Golden Crystal Room!

This is even more top secret among top secrets!

I have never told anyone this, and my master sees me as the continuation of her own life, so she will be more careful than I am.

But how did Xiaoduo know that

Zuo Xiaonian's face turned a little pale.

He turned around and said hoarsely, "Not necessarily. Everything is still uncertain."

Perhaps others could believe this statement, but Zuo Xiaoduo, who grew up with Zuo Xiaonian, could tell at a glance that Zuo Xiaonian was lying!

Otherwise she wouldn't have turned around.

I got it right.

Zuo Xiaoduo only felt his heart gradually sinking.

Using the physiognomy in his mind, he looked carefully at Zuo Xiaonian's face, and saw a faint black line forming between her eyebrows.

The black energy in the center of the forehead gradually filled up, reaching the canopy above and extending endlessly below. Is this... a sign of death? !

Zuo Xiaoduo was confused and confused. What should I say to make her believe me

I am just a martial artist now... What should I do to help Sister Xiao Nian avoid this fatal disaster

"Well, actually, for breakthroughs like this, it doesn't matter if it's early or late, right?" Zuo Xiaoduo said dryly: "... Still, for this, it's best to prepare more."

Zuo Xiaonian put aside the doubts in her heart, smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. But you... Puppy... why did you cry so sadly just now?"

Zuo Xiaonian had already made up his mind.

I will go to Xingwu Academy tomorrow and discuss this matter with the teacher. What went wrong

“I’m really not crying, I was just blinded just now…” Zuo Xiaoduo gritted his teeth.

No matter what, we have to resolve this matter!

"I feel like your breakthrough this time will be dangerous... Can it be postponed?" Zuo Xiaoduo said dryly.

"You dog, are you cursing me?" Zuo Xiaonian didn't care at all.

"It's really dangerous. I... I can read faces..." Zuo Xiaoduo was anxious: "I can see that your breakthrough is dangerous this time! It's better to make new arrangements. Otherwise, how do you think I know about Xingwu Jinjing?"


Zuo Xiaonian rolled his eyes. It's indeed strange that you can know where it is, but when it comes to seeing the danger through physiognomy... Hehe.

Gou, you are worried that something might happen to me. Are you worried about me

But it is better to believe it than not. I will still go and discuss it with the master tomorrow.

“Don’t worry.” Zuo Xiaonian patted Zuo Xiaoduo on the shoulder and said, “My master is a grandmaster of infant transformation!”

The implication is that there is no room for error.

Besides, Zuo Xiaoduo's current cultivation level is only... cough. Speaking of helping... cough.

Zuo Xiaonian said softly: "Xiaoduo... work hard on your training! There will definitely be hope!"

"I can really see that..."

"Okay, okay... Well, I believe it, okay? Don't worry." Zuo Xiaonian's words were full of perfunctory.

Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned.

Zuo Xiaonian didn't believe it!

She won't believe it.

Put yourself in my shoes. If someone suddenly told me that I would be in danger in three months, I would not believe it.

What's more, the person who was speaking was her younger brother who she had watched grow up, and she knew him very well...

We grew up together, and my younger brother was always stagnant with poor talent, while I was making rapid progress and became a genius... Suddenly one day, my younger brother said to me: Sister, your life is in danger! In three months!

Zuo Xiaonian sighed inwardly.

Xiaoduo is under a lot of pressure... I can't talk about cultivation in front of him anymore. Otherwise, this kid will have wild thoughts...

Zuo Xiaoduo felt extremely lost.

Zuo Xiaonian didn't believe it at all. She told him the time and place of breakthrough first, but she still didn't believe it...

Zuo Xiaoduo asked himself: If it were me, would I believe it

Shake your head bitterly.

I probably wouldn't believe it either...

So, if we don’t believe it, should we just let it happen

Or, tell your parents

But my parents are ordinary people. Telling them this will be of no use except adding to their worries.

Moreover, most parents’ reaction is the same as Sister Xiaonian’s: they don’t believe it.

He might even beat himself up: You actually cursed your sister to die?!

It is simply nonsense to say that a person will die in three months!

I am the only one who believes it, and I am the only one who knows it. But I am... so weak.

"I'll try my best to think of a solution. If it doesn't work, I'll pretend to be dead and help you delay that time. I don't know if it will work..." Zuo Xiaoduo said silently in his heart and made up his mind.

Since you don't believe it, let me try.

I am very weak, but I can never do nothing!

I am working hard and looking for opportunities to remind you with facts... If you don't believe it now, everyone can understand. But if you don't believe it, you will never believe it!

After all, solutions are always found by people!

Zuo Xiaonian’s fatal crisis made Zuo Xiaoduo feel almost unable to breathe. Thinking about this, the aura on his body became inexplicably violent.

His face looked somewhat gloomy.

It was getting dark.

Zuo Xiaonian frowned and sat sideways on the edge of Zuo Xiaoduo's bed, thinking about something and having a headache; Xiaoduo couldn't practice, so how could his aptitude be changed? …

How to do it

And... How come Xiaoduo knew about my breakthrough out of nowhere? What went wrong

Someone must have told him, so who was that person

Zuo Xiaoduo was also anxious.

Zuo Xiaoduo never thought of himself as a loser.

When Xinghun awakened, Zuo Xiaoduo knew that although his aptitude was not good, he was definitely not trash. However, dreams began to appear sporadically, and then Xinghun suddenly became half-dead. He could not break through to the martial arts realm and paced back and forth repeatedly.

Especially after the strange incomplete jade pendant appeared, no matter how hard he tried, his cultivation was always difficult to improve, and he even regressed.

Zuo Xiaoduo knew very well that he was not lazy, but he had been a martial artist for four years. How could he regress after four years of hard work? It didn't make sense.

Now that all restrictions have been lifted, Zuo Xiaoduo can already feel the star power between heaven and earth, flowing into his body madly along with his spiritual power!

It's like a desert that has been dry for a long time, madly absorbing water, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

The barrier from the warrior to the warrior is already shaking violently and can be broken at any time...

He was just worried that it was still too slow.

Only two more months left!

Too urgent!

… …

Wu Yuting and Zuo Changlu walked together, talking as they walked, both with frowns on their faces.

The brother and sister both had their heads down, thinking about something, when they finally heard a sound at the door and it slammed shut.

Then I heard Wu Yuting's voice: "Damn it! Is your sister back?"

Zuo Xiaoduo walked to the door weakly: "Mother... can you not call me Gouzi... my sister is in my room!"

Wu Yuting immediately became alert: "What are you doing? Dog, I'm warning you, you..."

Zuo Xiaonian rushed out with a red face: "Mom! What are you thinking about?"

When the two of them went out, they met Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting, who were looking at them with suspicious eyes.

"Don't make trouble!"

Long left road warning.

"Behave yourself!"

Wu Yuting warned.

"You guys are so annoying!" Zuo Xiaonian rushed into her room with a blushing face.

Behind Zuo Xiaonian, Zuo Xiaoduo appeared speechless, looking at his parents with a look of despair in his eyes.

"ready to eat!"

Wu Yuting breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't find anything unusual, then rolled her eyes and turned to Zuo Changlu: "It's too much for you as a father to not even trust your own son and daughter. I've never seen a father like you!" She turned and left.

Zuo Changlu was a little confused.

Did I say that first

Weren't you the one who shouted the loudest just now

While eating, Zuo Changlu said, "Xiao Nian, you don't have to go home every day during this period. At this critical moment, you should stay in Xingwu for a longer time and ask your master for advice."

Zuo Xiaonian smiled gently: "It's okay, everything is ready."

She looked at her parents and Zuo Xiaoduo with her beautiful eyes, which were filled with deep longing. If she failed to impact the Yin-Yang Realm, she would die. Although she was confident and sure of success, there was always a chance of failure.

If that possibility really happens, then the time I spend with my family will be my ultimate happiness.

Zuo Xiaoduo was eating while practicing Qi in his eyes. He felt the coolness rushing up again, but it was much weaker. It reached his eyes in an instant, and then he looked at his parents' faces.

See what fate your parents have had so you can be prepared.

Upon seeing it, Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned.

There’s nothing on Zuo Changlu’s face

Look at the mother again.

There's nothing on Wu Yuting's face... either

Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned.

What's going on

Where are the words

The refreshing feeling was gone but I still didn't see anything.

Could it be that this ability that I had finally obtained was failing

He looked left and right, and Zuo Changlu finally couldn't help it. He put down his chopsticks, faced Zuo Xiaoduo, sat upright, raised his head, and stared quietly.

"Dad, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zuo Changlu smiled wryly: "I see you keep looking at me like you've never seen me before, so I'll just let you take a closer look."

"Look carefully, this is your father!"

… …

(End of this chapter)