The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 62: Apology for doubt!


"Xiaoduo!" Hu Ruoyun called softly, with a doting but stern tone.

Zuo Xiaoduo finally swallowed his anger and said, "But since Teacher Hu has come forward, I have to give him face. But let me say this in advance, Class One must give Class Nine an explanation for this matter!"

"Give all of our classmates an explanation!"

"We also need to give Li Chenglong a separate explanation!"

"I have no intention of asking them for any explanation. Since they were unreasonable first, I will continue to be unreasonable to the end. Beating these people until graduation is a solution that suits my heart very well!"

"But now, Teacher Hu, you have spoken, so I just want an explanation, but this explanation must satisfy me!"

Zuo Xiaoduo said aggrievedly: "Teacher Hu, I have given in too much, I feel so wronged... But if I am not satisfied, I will come here to block the door again! The cause of this incident is very serious, and it is definitely not something that can be solved with just an apology. What do you think, Teacher Hu?"

Hu Ruoyun could only smile bitterly.

You beat someone up so badly that the whole class couldn't attend class, and you still looked so aggrieved. This... it's really hard for you.

I really don't understand where you feel wronged.

"I know that every one of you hates me now and wants me to die soon."

Zuo Xiaoduo tilted his head back, the morning sun shining on one side of his face, half of it brightly lit, the other half flickering in shadow.

"Instead of hating me, you might as well put all that hatred into practicing. When you become stronger than me in the future, you can come find me and seek revenge!"

"I won't reason with you, and you don't have to reason with me. OK, that's it!"

Zuo Xiaoduo kicked over a chair, walked over with his head held high, and when he reached a class of students, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped Cheng Fangzhi hard in the face. The slap was so hard that Cheng Fangzhi spat out a mouthful of blood, and along with the blood, three teeth came out.

"Boy, be honest from now on!"

After saying that, Zheng Deyi, a tall and thin man who had been cursing the most fiercely and foully these days, was kicked three meters away by Zuo Xiaoduo: "If you keep spewing shit, I will come to teach you what a harmonious society is every day!"

After saying this, he completely ignored the angry looks from everyone and Cheng Fangzhi's murderous gaze, and turned back to Hu Ruoyun, smiling shyly, "Teacher, it's really a shame to bother you with such a small matter... I'll take you back..."

Hu Ruoyun was also worried that Zuo Xiaoduo would continue to cause trouble, so she took the opportunity to take Zuo Xiaoduo's hand and leave.

Those who stayed behind fell into silence for a long while.

For a long, long time.

Mu Yunfeng cursed angrily: "Qin Fangyang! What a good student you taught!"

Qin Fangyang said lightly: "Thank you for the compliment. It seems that I am indeed better than you in teaching."


"What do you mean by 'you'? At the very least, my students are beating people up, and your students are being beaten up!" Qin Fangyang turned around and laughed: "Kids, let's go to class!"


All the students in Class Nine let out a collective wolf howl, then ran back to the classroom for class.

There was no more excitement to watch, so people naturally left. Liu Jiansheng and others stood up with regret, patted their butts and left.

It's really unfinished...

But all the students in Class 1 were still standing there stupidly.

"Why don't you go to class? What are you waiting for? Waiting for that kid to come back?" Mu Yunfeng was already a little exasperated at this time, and spoke without thinking.

On one side, Ge Yuanhang, who ranked first, said calmly, "Teacher Mu, although Zuo Xiaoduo went too far, the cause of this incident was our fault!"

"This explanation still needs to be given."

Ge Yuanhang, Zhu Yun and Cao Feiyu beside him looked at each other and nodded. Behind the three of them there were about twenty students, all of whom looked thoughtful.

Mu Yunfeng's face changed, and he felt as if he was losing control. He glanced at Cheng Fangzhi secretly.

"Are you trying to say that you are afraid of Zuo Xiaoduo and are going to give in?"

Cheng Fangzhi covered half of his mouth and looked at Ge Yuanhang in disbelief: "In order to stop being beaten and blocked from the door, are you going to give an explanation?"

Zheng Deyi roared: "Ge Yuanhang, I misjudged you. I didn't expect you to be so spineless!"

"This has nothing to do with backbone." Ge Yuanhang said: "If you do something wrong, you must always face your mistakes."

The pretty girl whose nose was broken by Zuo Xiaoduo's punch looked at Ge Yuanhang angrily: "Ge Yuanhang! You are the top student in our class, but you are so cowardly. Are you still a man?!"

Ge Yuanhang raised his head and said calmly: "Weng Shiting, you don't know whether I have guts or not. Just because I am a man, I have to face the mistakes I made."

"I am explaining my mistakes, but not because of Zuo Xiaoduo. I will get back the humiliation Zuo Xiaoduo has inflicted on me sooner or later!"

"If you want to go, go ahead! I won't go anyway!" Weng Shiting completely exploded.

Ge Yuanhang looked at Weng Shiting with pity in his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Weng Shiting, your talent is just above average; but because you are born outstanding and beautiful, everyone gives you some respect wherever you go. This is the privilege of a beautiful woman, and it is undeniable."

"But in this world, the privilege of beauty is not valid for everyone. There are many people who disdain beauty. Zuo Xiaoduo is one of them, and unfortunately, so am I."

"Your beauty can be your asset, but it is not your foundation. Only strength is your lasting support. If you cannot face this, how can you have a future in cultivation?"

"If you were smart enough, you would have been awakened by Zuo Xiaoduo's punch. If you are still immersed in your own beauty and think that others should give in to you, then your achievements will at best be nothing more than a vase, and you don't know when the vase will become outdated!"

After saying that, Ge Yuanhang ignored Weng Shiting who was shaking with anger and strode towards Class Nine.

Behind him, Zhu Yun, Cao Feiyu and about twenty other people also followed.

"We are not giving in! We are brave enough to face our mistakes! If we are men, we must admit our mistakes!"

"But I will still hate Zuo Xiaoduo!"

"Me too! One day I'm going to fight back!"

"We must fight back!"

"That day will come!"

Zuo Xiaoduo sent Hu Ruoyun back and ran back to the classroom. Class 9 immediately erupted in cheers like welcoming a hero, which lasted for a long time. Teacher Qin remained calm as always, and it was unknown whether he felt comforted.

After a while, seeing that the class time was almost up, Qin Fangyang walked slowly to the podium, but heard a sudden knock on the door.

Then the classroom door opened, and twenty-two students from Class 1 filed in, looking solemn.

Zuo Xiaoduo stood up subconsciously: "Why are you still not convinced? You come to me head first. You are really brave!"

"What we are going to do now has nothing to do with you. We will settle our accounts later!"

Ge Yuanhang said coldly. Then he said to Qin Fangyang, "Teacher Qin, we were wrong about what happened yesterday morning. Today, we have to apologize to Teacher Qin, Teacher Li Chenglong, and all the students in Class 9."

Twenty-two people lined up in three rows and bowed neatly: "I'm sorry, Teacher Qin!"

Then he turned around and shouted, "Zuo Xiaoduo, get out of the way. You have no place here."

Zuo Xiaoduo scratched his head: "Why is it that I am not included in the apology for our class nine?"

Ge Yuanhang's eyes almost spit fire: "I said, we will settle our accounts later, but not now!"

"Okay, okay, I'll just get out of the way." Zuo Xiaoduo rolled his eyes: "Who cares about your salute..."

Still avoided it a little.

"I'm sorry, classmates!"

Another bow.

Then, the twenty-two people came to Li Chenglong and bowed in unison again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li! It's our fault! We offended you yesterday. Please be magnanimous and don't hold it against us!"

The little fat boy was a little dumbfounded. He was completely at a loss and didn't know how to react.

Ge Yuanhang said: "No matter what your current status is, you were our teacher when you taught us. We were disrespectful and impolite to you at that time, which was an offense to the teacher. So what happened yesterday was our fault from beginning to end. I'm sorry, Teacher Li, please forgive me!"

Li Chenglong's eyes were filled with tears, and he said in a trembling voice: "I accept your apology."

On the other side, Zuo Xiaoduo rolled his eyes.

What a loser, accepting it just like that...

Ge Yuanhang and twenty classmates stood up, turned to Qin Fangyang and said, "A simple apology cannot make up for anything. So we have prepared something else as a token of our appreciation."

"These are two bottles of Star Power Pills; each student in Class Nine, except Zuo Xiaoduo, gets one. There are also 340,000 Star Dollars, and each student, except Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong, gets 10,000."

"This sword is our apology gift to Teacher Qin. I heard that Teacher Qin's original sword was broken in a past battle, so I found one from my father's armory last night. I hope Teacher Qin doesn't mind it."

"This is a set of rare ancient books, a total of 18 volumes, which record some strange stories and are said to have a history of thousands of years. We present it to Mr. Li Chenglong to express our sincere apologies."

Ge Yuanhang bowed again: "I'm sorry."

Qin Fangyang frowned: "That's enough with this attitude, you can take these gifts back!"

"If you make a mistake, you should be punished for it, and you should also apologize with sincerity. It's unreasonable to take it back if the apology is just for the sake of making up for it." Ge Yuanhang said, "We're leaving now."

Zuo Xiaoduo was scratching his head.

Damn, every single thing has to be specifically mentioned: except Zuo Xiaoduo…

How much hatred do you have for me

Ten thousand star coins per person?! One Star Power Pill per person? Isn't this apology a little too sincere?!

So much small money...

Mine is not included!


Qin Fangyang pondered for a long while on the podium. When Ge Yuanhang and others were about to leave, he suddenly asked, "Ge Yuanhang, I don't know much about you, but I am confident that I am not blind. With your character and your way of dealing with people, you should have stopped what happened yesterday morning as soon as it happened. The situation would never have escalated to this extent!"

Ge Yuanhang showed a look of awe on his face, and he stopped and turned around: "Thank you for the compliment, Teacher Qin. Actually, we all find everything that happened yesterday strange."

"Although we dare not say that we are humble gentlemen, as warriors, we still have some basic ethics. For example, when dealing with Li Chenglong, whether it is out of the attitude of a student towards a teacher or an assessment of personal cultivation strength, we can't beat him up. But yesterday morning, I don't know what happened, but everyone was particularly angry!"

"Eventually, the situation evolved to that point. Looking back, each of us finds it incredible and incomprehensible."

Ge Yuanhang's face was filled with deep thought.

The look of doubt on Qin Fangyang's face became increasingly serious.

Instead, Zuo Xiaoduo looked up at the ceiling with an indifferent expression.

Ge Yuanhang turned to look at Zuo Xiaoduo, frowned and said: "Zuo Xiaoduo, you are a good fighter. It is true that you beat us badly. But at best, you are just the best fighter among our students. It is also because of the school rules that you can be so presumptuous. I want to tell you something seriously..."

"The consequences of your actions this time are very serious. We are here to admit our mistakes because we did something wrong, but it doesn't mean we don't hate you. We are like this, but if someone is narrow-minded and is furious and is beaten up by you continuously, it's hard to say what their feelings will be."

"I advise you to be careful these few days. I'm not exaggerating. I really don't want anything to happen to you. If something does happen to you, how will we avenge you in the future?"

Ge Yuanhang waved his hand and said, "I apologize. We have to go back to class. Teacher Qin, Teacher Li, and everyone in Class 9, goodbye."

As soon as he finished speaking, twenty-two people filed out.

Zuo Xiaoduo seemed to be thinking about something, and Qin Fangyang looked at him, also thinking about something.

"Do you suspect that Ge Yuanhang will mobilize his family's power to deal with you?" Qin Fangyang asked.

"I really don't doubt this Ge Yuanhang."

Zuo Xiaoduo was still in deep thought, and answered almost subconsciously: "Judging from the performance of these people today, they are either extremely thoughtful or have really realized their mistakes. Especially Ge Yuanhang, who is upright and honest. I would rather believe that he will regard me as a whetstone to sharpen himself at all times."

"Even if it's just based on these two reasons, he won't mobilize the family's power to deal with me."

Zuo Xiaoduo said: "So, I really don't doubt these people who came."

"I'm just surprised that they are so humble and sensible now. How could they have done such a thing yesterday?"

After hearing what Zuo Xiaoduo said, Qin Fangyang's eyes became more profound.

Suddenly, a hint of shock flashed across the depths of his eyes!

Qin Fangyang shuddered all over, as if he had thought of something.

Suddenly, he said, "Today, the star array will operate autonomously. You guys can practice. I have something to do outside."

Qin Fangyang went out in a hurry and didn't even have time to distribute the things on the table.

… …

(End of this chapter)