The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 7: What is this unfolding?


Zuo Xiaoduo's face was filled with black lines.

The veins on his forehead were bulging.

There was a fierce light in his eyes!

Suddenly, I felt like killing someone!


What a bunch of little bastards! So this is why they won't let me go!

It turns out that he wasn’t reluctant to part with me at all!

Zuo Xiaoduo exploded!

He moved his left leg and kicked away the little boy who was holding his left leg. He raised his right leg and kicked away the little girl who was holding his right leg. Zuo Xiaoduo was furious: "Get out of here! If you hold me again, I curse you to repeat the grade for five years!"


The group of little guys scattered.

This curse is so vicious!

Everyone saw how uncomfortable Zuo Xiaoduo was during that time. Who would dare to do it again? Wouldn't they be laughed at to death

Zuo Xiaoduo walked out of the door with his head held high and his chest puffed out. He suddenly felt relieved. He turned around and said viciously: "You little bastards, don't fall into my hands in the future! Otherwise, I will let you know the consequences of mocking me! Humph..."

After threatening him, Zuo Xiaoduo looked at the sign of "Martial Arts Class 8" and his heart was filled with emotions.

I was in the martial arts class, um, which was equivalent to the kindergarten in my dream, and I studied hard in my academic subjects until I graduated from college!

This is truly an achievement that has never been achieved before and will never be repeated!

"Miracles are always created by extraordinary people! And I, Zuo Xiaoduo, am undoubtedly that extraordinary person!"

As I stepped out of the door, I felt the dazzling sunlight shining on my face, and suddenly the world seemed vast and brilliant.

"I laughed out loud and went out. How can I be a martial artist forever? This time, dragons will return to the sea and tigers will retreat to the mountains. The sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. The sharpness of a sword comes from grinding, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold! I, Zuo Xiaoduo, have finally made it!"

Zuo Xiaoduo felt the power of the warrior realm surging in his body, and felt a little dizzy for a moment.

I have really become a strong man!


In the bright sunshine, Teacher Hu walked quickly towards us, his whole body looking as if bathed in holy light.

Fengcheng Xingwu Academy.

In front of the Star Soul Tower.

"Just let go of your true self." Hu Ruoyun's eyes were full of encouragement.

"Okay!" Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly realized.

Zuo Xiaoduo walked into the Star Soul Tower excitedly.

This marked the beginning of his martial arts career.

"I have been looking forward to this for a long time!"

As I walked into the door, an impatient voice came from inside.

Principal room.

Li Changjiang stared closely at the surveillance footage of the Star Soul Tower illusion.

He also wanted to see what level this hero Zuo, who had failed a grade for five years, could get.

Hu Ruoyun was drinking tea on the side, acting as if nothing had happened.

Very confident.

Repeated a grade for five years but persevered! No progress in six years but still worked hard!

How could such a person's character and perseverance not be top-notch


Teacher Hu was waiting to celebrate and cheer for his students.

The picture gradually appears.

Zuo Xiaoduo entered a strange environment...

This is a small town.

Zuo Xiaoduo felt like he had arrived in a small town the moment he entered. The soft breeze carrying the scent of spring blew on his face, and he had only one feeling: cool!

I feel my steps are much lighter.

"The spring breeze is blowing, the horses are galloping, and I can see everything in one day... Huh?"


At the intersection, an old man was staggering by. A car happened to pass by and the old man was hit by the car and fell out with a scream. He was unable to dodge.

Zuo Xiaoduo yelled, "Stop the car!"

The flying dust covered the license plate. The car did not stop but accelerated and disappeared into the distance with a whoosh.

Zuo Xiaoduo was stunned when he saw the old man lying on the ground by the roadside. He had fallen into a coma, and blood had begun to seep out of his gray hair... His head had hit the curb hard.

A pool of blood spread on the ground...


Zuo Xiaoduo could tell at a glance that although the old man was not hit hard, his head hit the curb very hard, and his life might be in danger. Without time to think, he rushed up in two steps, held the old man's head with one hand, quickly checked his injuries with the other hand, and then swiftly took out his mobile phone and called the emergency number.

After hanging up the first aid, he immediately began to check the injuries, fix the broken bones, and keep the air flowing. Then he reached into the old man's pocket, took out his cell phone, skillfully cracked the password, found the phone book, and dialed his "partner".

Before monitoring.

When Li Changjiang saw the old man being hit, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's still a cliché plot. Can't there be a new idea..."

Seeing Zuo Xiaoduo rushing to save people, he couldn't help but praise: "This guy is not bad."

Then, seeing him treating injuries, saving lives, and calling emergency services all in one go, I couldn't help but praise him again: "Calm, not panicking, well-organized, and in an orderly manner. Not bad, not bad."

Then he saw Zuo Xiaoduo take out the old man's phone, unlock the password even though there was a password, and make a call. He was stunned and muttered, "He also knows this? This... This is quite skilled..."

Like a habitual offender.

Principal Li did not say these four words.

Teacher Hu covered his face and coughed: "This student... cough cough, his interests are a bit mixed..."

The illusion inside the Star Soul Tower continues.

Emergency services are here.

As the only eyewitness and also the lifesaver, Zuo Xiaoduo, especially as his hand was still holding the old man's neck and he couldn't let go, naturally went to the hospital with him.

However, as the injured person's family members arrived, they looked at Zuo Xiaoduo with questioning eyes.

In the eyes of the family members, Zuo Xiaoduo's blood-stained body and tired face were so suspicious that he did not even get a word of gratitude.

The emergency room opened, and the whole family rushed in, then followed them to the ward.


Because the perpetrator fled, the medical expenses had to be paid by the patient's family, which was a considerable amount of money.

But the way this family dresses, it's obvious that they are not rich...

As expected, things developed as Principal Li and his wife had expected. The family determined that Zuo Xiaoduo was the murderer and demanded compensation from Zuo Xiaoduo, including medical expenses, lost wages, nursing fees, and living expenses...

As expected, I was blackmailed.

As cliché as always.

Zuo Xiaoduo had just arrived and was unfamiliar with the place. He was surrounded by the other family and had no room for rebuttal. He was unable to defend himself and was directly identified as the culprit!

The old man, who had just woken up, actually pointed out with clear teeth that it was Zuo Xiaoduo who hit him. Although there was guilt in his eyes, his tone was extremely firm.

Seeing Zuo Xiaoduo being blackmailed, Li Changjiang and Hu Ruoyun both sighed.

This is the usual routine of the Star Soul Tower illusion, specially used to test the character of the trial-taker.

And Zuo Xiaoduo is now in the trap, how can he escape

In the current atmosphere, many trial participants became furious, hurt others, and ran out of the door in a rage. It was not uncommon, and even revenge was not uncommon... Of course, there were also people who gave in and worked honestly to pay off their debts until they were paid off and the illusion ended.

But those with strong psychological qualities will choose to file a lawsuit and resort to the law. As long as they submit enough evidence, they can turn the situation around. Or they can look for evidence from multiple sources to exonerate themselves.

This game seems to be disadvantageous to the party, but as long as you search carefully, there are too many evidences that are favorable to the trial. Of course, these evidences need to be found by the parties themselves, and there will be no one who will take the initiative to uphold justice.

For the same thing, how you deal with it and what approach you take reflects a person's character.

At this point, a long time had passed in the illusion, but to the two people outside the screen, it was only a few minutes.

Although Zuo Xiaoduo was filled with anger, unwillingness, and... he was completely powerless to resist at this moment, and was soon sentenced by the judicial authorities as the person responsible, and had to work to pay off his debts.

Seeing Zuo Xiaoduo's angry expression, Li Changjiang and Hu Ruoyun both looked helpless.

He didn't even choose legal action!

Moreover, he did not defend himself. The few words he said were just "It's not me, it's really not me..." over and over again, stammering. He looked honest and simple, but he was too honest and simple. He had nothing else to say

"I originally thought that this kid could be rated highly, and that he should have good psychological qualities, at least he should be calm. But now it seems that he is not a combat type, nor an intelligent type, not even an average type... I think... even if he can succeed in training in the future, I'm afraid he will only be able to be a support and logistics type."

Li Changjiang sighed: "This character is a little too soft."

Hu Ruoyun frowned, somewhat puzzled.

Looking at Zuo Xiaoduo who went to work honestly, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that this guy was not the type to suffer losses for being honest.

But what is going on

Zuo Xiaoduo worked hard to pay off his debts. In a blink of an eye, a month passed and the salary was paid. The two men saw that Zuo Xiaoduo received the salary and only kept one tenth for himself as living expenses, then put the rest in his pocket and left.

Obviously he went to that family to pay the money.

Both Hu Ruoyun and Li Changjiang were greatly disappointed.

This guy is too weak and has absolutely no blood in his veins.

Not only does he have no means, he also has no wisdom and is completely devoid of any thoughtfulness. He just lets others manipulate him like this. It's really a disgrace to a practitioner!

Hu Ruoyun became more and more confused.

Is this Zuo Xiaoduo

Seeing Zuo Xiaoduo arriving at that family's house, on the screen, the usually honest Zuo Xiaoduo's expression suddenly changed after he knocked on the door and got a response. The moment the person inside opened the door, he kicked the person out hard!

With a bang, the security door in front was kicked open with a loud noise.

The family inside looked at Zuo Xiaoduo with horror and surprise. They obviously could never have imagined that this seemingly honest and submissive young man could be so violent today.

Could it be that the way my family opened the door was wrong

Zuo Xiaoduo walked into the room with a furious look, like a devil who wanted to destroy the whole family. Without saying a word, he rushed into the room like a tiger into a flock of sheep, punching and kicking, pointing south and hitting north, pointing east and hitting west. He beat up everyone in the family except the old man and his wife who were in the hospital!

Including the old man's son, daughter, daughter-in-law, son-in-law and two grandsons, every one of them was ruthlessly beaten by Zuo Xiaoduo!

While playing, he shouted: "Awesome! So awesome! I've been waiting for this day for a month! It's awesome, I'm so excited! Hahaha..."

… … …

(End of this chapter)