The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 71: A small flying knife, flying, flying


"The one who broke the army!"

Qin Fangyang shouted: "How brave you are! You sneaked into the interior of Star Soul. Are you really not afraid of death?"

Li Changjiang swung the two swords in his hands repeatedly, dancing tightly and protecting the students behind him firmly.

Principal Li was confident that even if the incoming cow-hair needles were twice as dense, they would not be able to break through his double sword defense line!

Students are safe!

But, at this moment, something unexpected happened. Zuo Xiaoduo, who was less than ten meters away, suddenly widened his eyes!

As far as the eye could see, the five students behind Li Changjiang all drew their weapons and stabbed Li Changjiang hard in the back!

With a light "puff" sound, the sword closest to Li Changjiang viciously pierced into his back.

But Li Changjiang had always had a high level of cultivation. As soon as the sword tip entered his body, he reacted immediately. The spiritual energy surged back and sealed the muscles at the injured location.

The strength of the student who drew the sword was far inferior to that of Li Changjiang. Even though he caught the opponent by surprise and succeeded in his attack, he could not further expand the victory. It could only be regarded as some minor flesh injuries!

As he turned and dodged, the other four weapons brushed against his back, leaving four deep bloody marks.

Although the injury was not serious, Li Changjiang looked at his student in disbelief.

But then I understood.

"It's not that the students betrayed me, but that their minds were controlled!"

"It is indeed Po Jun Mihun."

When he turned around, the tight defense of the two swords disappeared, but the needles in the air were still attacking him rapidly.

Seeing this, Qin Fangyang swung his sword with all his might and shouted, "Principal!"

Teacher Qin naturally wanted to turn around and rush over to help Li Changjiang, but the ten people now entangled him tightly, and the self-destruction of his clone just now also caused him great damage to his vitality. For a while, he could not move even a step!

Puff puff…

As countless cow-hair needles pierced Li Changjiang's body, Li Changjiang let out a long scream.

With a wave of his hands, he was able to block all the cow-hair needles that were shot at the students.

I am the head of the school! No one can hurt my students in front of me!

This is the tradition of No. 2 Middle School!

As long as the teacher is still alive, the students are safe!


A devil-like figure suddenly appeared from the shop, covered in black mist. His figure flashed at an extremely fast speed, as if out of nothing. In just one step, he was behind Li Changjiang, and chopped down with the long sword in his hand without mercy!

It was a fatal blow, designed to cut off the head and kill the person!

This man's cultivation was obviously much stronger than the previous eleven people. His movements were faster, and his attacks were fierce and without reason, full of deadly intent.

Li Changjiang was protecting his students, with the door wide open behind him.

Qin Fangyang was extremely anxious but couldn't rush over and was tightly entangled by those ten people!

Kill with one strike!

Seeing such a shocking change, Zuo Xiaoduo was so anxious that he was smoking. He no longer cared about anything else. He just reached out and threw the thing in his hand away with all his strength.

"I must carry some hidden weapons with me from now on, just in case..."

Zuo Xiaoduo felt inexplicably regretful at this moment.

When the time came, he realized that he not only didn't bring any hidden weapons, but he didn't even have any weapons. He only had the bloody little flying knife that Uncle Nan had just given him!

But at this time of war, any help and any hope cannot be given up. We must grab it even if it is a straw, just in case we succeed in saving lives!

As soon as the flying knife was released, the originally hidden red blood color flashed with a mysterious blood light, and it actually made a "woo" sound. It rushed out all of a sudden and disappeared in a flash!

The speed of castration was far beyond Zuo Xiaoduo's imagination.

The man was ready to kill, and was about to swing his sword to kill Li Changjiang, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a red light approaching quickly from the corner of his eye.

But the red light was only a flash, and the momentum was weak, just like the attack of an ordinary martial artist.

With this person's cultivation level, he would not take such a small thing seriously. He just grabbed it with his left hand and the knife in his right hand fell with murderous force.

The most urgent task at the moment is to kill Li Changjiang, everything else is secondary!

Our target has never been the students, but Li Changjiang and Qin Fangyang!

As long as these two people die, this hidden danger will come to an end. The rest of mediocrity will not be able to stir up any trouble!

However, the left hand that greeted the incoming red light suddenly felt a sharp pain. The palm of the hand was actually pierced through instantly? !

The moment a piercing pain came, the smooth star power in his body was suddenly interrupted, and some of it was lost. The killer move that had been accumulated to the peak, and even his right hand, were all stagnant.

When masters compete, a slight mistake can lead to a huge error. Just this split second can mean the difference between life and death. Li Changjiang tried his best to hold on, and his short sword swung back quickly, blocking and horizontally, and narrowly blocked the deadly long sword!

With a loud bang, Li Changjiang was pressed to the ground.

But if it weren't for the sudden accident, with Li Changjiang's current serious injury, he would never be able to withstand this fatal blow!

The man turned his head in surprise and looked at his left hand, only to see a small, delicate, exquisite and beautiful blood-red flying knife. After piercing his left hand, its momentum weakened slightly, but it was still flying gracefully and was about to pass in front of him.

The man saw very clearly that it was this small flying knife that pierced his palm, but its power had been exhausted and it had no further killing power.

This time, you can catch it with just a grab.

Watching it from such a close distance, the exquisiteness, delicacy, slenderness and smallness of the flying knife are all in sight. Also, the flying knife itself is not only as thin as a cicada's wing, but also almost transparent. The most dazzling thing is that the flying knife seems to be wrapped in a layer of blood-colored smoke!

Such a wonderful thing, you can tell it’s a good thing at first glance!

Not to mention that it is extremely sharp, it can be called a magical weapon that can cut through iron like mud!

Such a treasure is within reach and within easy reach!

However, the moment this person saw the small flying knife up close, his expression suddenly changed to shock to the point of madness. He shouted: "No! No no no!!"

Afterwards, he completely lost his composure, fell to the ground, kicked his feet, and retreated more than ten meters, his eyes full of fear.

The flying knife flew softly in the air, and finally ran out of energy. It fell from the air and softly stabbed into the ground, with only the tip of the knife inserted into the road surface. The thin blade swayed weakly in the air.

At this moment, everyone stopped moving.

Li Changjiang took the opportunity and knocked out all five students despite his seriously injured body. He joined forces with Qin Fangyang, who also had a look of shock on his face and was confused.

What is going on

Everyone is waiting, waiting for this mysterious master to appear!

Who threw the flying knife


Nothing unusual.

No one ever showed up.

The gray-clothed man who appeared last stood up slowly, looked around, his legs still shaking. He looked down at his left hand, which had been pierced by the flying knife and was completely dry!

He stood there trembling, as if waiting for something. After a long while, there was no movement. Suddenly, he felt as if he had been pardoned. Then, with a pale face, he whispered, "Go! Go!"

The other group of people collected the body of the man killed by Qin Fangyang and left in a hurry; in just a moment, they disappeared in the distance.

The way he ran away was so embarrassing that it was no exaggeration to say that he was crawling and rolling, as if there was an evil ghost chasing him.

Li Changjiang's heart was filled with extreme shock and doubt at this moment. In addition to the feeling of having escaped death, he also felt inexplicably confused.

The last master who appeared just now had a higher level of cultivation than the two of them, and he also had the advantage of sneak attacks. Li Changjiang, who was the first to be hit, was seriously injured and there was no chance for him to escape by luck.

There was also Qin Fangyang who was tightly entangled by ten opponents. He was waiting for the master to kill Li Changjiang and then come to encircle and attack him. He would surely die. The moment the master made his move, the two of them knew that they were about to die and there was no hope of survival. However, the situation suddenly reversed and took a sharp turn for the worse. He just died like that!

The two of them were gasping for breath. It was more than just the feeling of having escaped death, it was a mixture of emotions that were hard to describe.

The biggest question is, who is the one who helped with the flying knife

Qin Fangyang looked at the flying knife on the ground, his eyes filled with inexplicable shock and respect.

But when he saw that no one showed up, he immediately suppressed his emotions.

The shrill sirens sounded, and the inspection team finally arrived.

Zuo Xiaoduo ran over breathlessly: "Teacher Qin, Principal, are you okay?"

He bent down, collected the throwing knife, put it into a small leather sheath, and put it in his pocket.

Li Changjiang and Qin Fangyang's eyes popped out at the same time: "Your flying knife? Was it you who threw the knife just now?"

"What else?"

Zuo Xiaoduo didn't realize the key point at this moment and answered casually.

He had just come to the point where he didn't think about anything and threw the flying knife out subconsciously. After throwing it out, he remembered that his own strength seemed to be of no help at all, and this action would only expose himself.

Therefore, after he shot the flying knife, he immediately shrank back and squeezed into the garbage pile on the side of the road.

I kept popping my head out to check what was going on until I heard no sound, and I had no idea what happened afterwards.

"That's great, Principal. Your injuries are quite serious. You should get treatment first."

Li Changjiang looked at Zuo Xiaoduo with extremely complicated eyes and was speechless for a long time. Qin Fangyang's eyes were also extremely complicated.

Li Changjiang didn't recognize the flying knife.

But we know that the reason why such a powerful enemy retreated was just because of that flying knife, and there must be other reasons!

If this flying knife didn't have a great origin, how could the master lose his composure like that? !

And Qin Fangyang obviously knew it.

But precisely because I knew this, I was even more shocked!

This flying knife...hiss!

How did it end up in Zuo Xiaoduo's hands? …

… …

(End of this chapter)