The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 102: Mo Xiaosheng, you beast


"Ah!" Linlin behind Lu Man burst into a hoarse scream as she saw this scene. Lu Man turned her head back with palpitations, and saw Linlin who was only a non-noble woman just now, and she suddenly blew behind her. A gloomy wind blew her hair into a wild dance, tears streaming down her face, her fingers spread out behind her, staring at Mo Xiaosheng firmly.

"Why! Why! Why do you want to do this!" Linlin lost control at this moment. Lu Man saw her energy suddenly secured. She was burning her soul to forcibly increase her energy.

Her three children also came out from the bottom of her skirt at the same time, all of them with tears on their faces, they all stood behind Lin Lin, looking at Mo Xiaosheng with sadness.

"No, calm down." Lu Man looked at them like that, as if he was about to break the jar, and quickly stopped him.

But now Linlin can't listen to anything anymore. At this moment, she who has lost her lover has only one thought left in her heart, and that is to kill Mo Xiaosheng and avenge him!

"Ah!" Linlin's figure suddenly swelled, her speed increased a lot at this time, and the three children dispersed at the same time, and the four people were facing Mo Xiaosheng from four directions: front, back, left, and right. Surrounded by the past, they should be caught off guard by trying to beat Mo Xiaosheng.

However, Mo Xiaosheng's eyes only glanced in each of these four directions, and then chuckled lightly: "I can't help myself."

As soon as the voice fell, Linlin had already arrived in front of him, and her hand was grabbing at Chen Ziyu’s chest. Every move was a dead hand. The three children also arrived at Mo Xiaosheng’s at this time. By their side, one of them climbed onto Mo Xiaosheng's shoulders and covered Mo Xiaosheng's eyes, while the other two stood alone by Mo Xiaosheng's arm, making him immobile.

The smile on the corner of Mo Xiaosheng's mouth gradually widened. Just when Linlin's hand was about to touch his chest, his body suddenly flashed and disappeared from the air!

Linlin's speed is very fast, but Mo Xiaosheng is faster than her. He came to Linlin's back almost in an instant. Lu Man clearly saw that Mo Xiaosheng's fingers became extremely long in an instant.

"Hurry up!" She stood on the ground and shouted at Linlin from a distance. At this time, she only hated that she could not fly over to save her without wings.

Linlin's body took a while, and when Mo Xiaosheng disappeared in place, she knew in her heart that it was wrong, but it was too late at this time.

Mo Xiaosheng hugged her waist and strangled her neck fiercely with the other hand, with his palm on her chest, and whispered in her ear: "It's too late, baby."

As soon as the voice fell, he stabbed Lin Lin through her body. Lin Lin stared at Mo Xiaosheng with wide-open eyes. There were countless unwillingness in her eyes, but now there was no way.

"Ah!!!" The three children screamed at the same time, and their bodies began to become transparent, gradually, gradually, turning into a stream of light, floating in the air.

Mo Xiaosheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the three streams of light.

At the same time, Linlin's body began to unravel. The teardrops from the corners of her eyes dripped down at this moment. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but before she could say it, her body had already dissipated between heaven and earth. , Turned into a ray of ghostly energy and was absorbed by Mo Xiaosheng.

The whole process only took a few seconds. Lu Man was stunned from the ground. It took a long while before she recovered from the shock.

Roared at Mo Xiaosheng: "Mo Xiaosheng! You beast!"