The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 106: The edge of life and death


A series of sweat began to burst out of Lu Man's body. She opened her mouth wide and stared at the ceiling with anger. Her body was so painful as if someone had split her whole person in half with an axe.

"Ah!" She ignored Chen Tzuyu's words, she curled up in a ball and couldn't help herself.

Chen Tzuyu looked at it, and suddenly understood something in his heart. He put Lu Man's wrist and tapped his fingertips lightly. A trace of purple ghost energy was transported into Lu Man's body along his fingers, and the ghost energy wandered through her body. In a circle, when he just reached the position of the heart, he was absorbed by the ghost energy in Lu Man's body.

The connection between Chen Tzuyu and Ghost Qi was broken. He retracted his finger in surprise. Although he had already thought about the various situations that might occur during the fusion, he still did not expect that the ghost Qi in Lu Man would be so tyrannical. , Even directly absorbed his ghost energy.

Lu Man was so painful that she was speechless. Chen Ziyu picked her up from the ground and put her aside. The temperature on her body was frighteningly hot.

Chen Tzuyu pulled her clothes apart one by one with a black face. If this goes on and the fusion is not over, she will be directly exploded and killed by this burst of energy!

As soon as he finished taking off his clothes, his whole body was gone. His body was icy cold, pressing on Lu Man's body was like pressing a piece of ice, and the whole person was more comfortable. She hugged Chen Ziyu busy. Body.

In the next second, Chen Tzuyu’s lips fell on her lips. At the same time, he dispatched his own energy and started sending it to her mouth. With his previous experience, this time he did not tentatively release a trace. Energy, but directly lost the amount equivalent to the energy body in her body.

As Chen Tzuyu's energy body entered, he began to see Lu Man's interior clearly.

Her meridians have been destroyed by the energy erupting between the ghost fire and ghost energy. At this moment, it is like a crooked embankment in which the blood is cut off and piled up in one place.

Chen Tzuyu mobilized her own energy and rushed towards her broken place, slowly repairing her meridians. The destroyed meridians in the place where the energy body passed by began to be absorbed impatiently like a long drought and nectar.

Along the way, Chen Tzuyu saw no less than ten such fractures in her body, and he repaired them one by one. When he finally reached the position of the heart, the overall situation was settled, and the ghost energy had absorbed the ghost fire. At this moment The cloud of ghost energy curled up into a circle, with white and green brilliance flowing in it.

Chen Tzuyu looked at the circle with a startled heart. How could she have merged the ghost so quickly

He watched for a while, and finally added a protective shell outside the circle. It was an accident. The ghost gas collapsed and finally caused heart damage. After making sure that there was no omission, he retreated from Lu Man's body.

At this time, Lu Man had regained her sanity. She was lying naked under Chen Ziyu, her body was sweaty and greasy, not to mention uncomfortable.

Chen Tzuyu wanted to get up subconsciously, and Lu Man quickly hugged his neck.

"Chen Tzuyu, do you believe me?" Her voice faintly sounded in Chen Tzuyu's ear.

She still remembered this thing! Chen Tzuyu sighed helplessly, and nodded fiercely on her forehead with a finger, and said, "Do you know how dangerous it was just now? If you are not careful, you may be burned to ashes."

Lu Man tilted her head, recalling the pain that was better than death, she twitched all over, buried her head in Chen Ziyu's arms, and said softly, "I'm not afraid, I have you."