The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 107: Wiping the gun and misfire (plus more,)


Hearing this, Chen Tzuyu's whole body was shocked, his eyes suddenly became tender, his hand fell on Lu Man's head, gently rubbing her hair, after a while, he said, "Actually, what you said is also pretty good. , I do know that Mo Xiaosheng is there."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Man's body suddenly stiffened.

Chen Tzuyu naturally felt it. His hand fell on Lu Man's waist, and he patted her lightly twice to signal her not to be nervous. After Lu Man's body slowed down, he continued, "Not long after you left. , He appeared suddenly."

"Appear? Here?" Lu Man was a little surprised. The news that they were here should be known to no third person. Even Lin Li hadn't mentioned it to her. How could Mo Xiaosheng know about it?

Chen Tzuyu nodded bitterly, "Of course it is here, otherwise where do you think it is?"

"He threatened me, saying that if he didn't give her the position of the ghost monarch, it wouldn't make you feel better." Chen Ziyu's mouth was lightly raised, and a sneered arc was set off. "I naturally refuse, Mo Xiaosheng's evil nature. Too heavy, what he said is true or false, I don’t want to entrust your safety to such a person."

As Lu Man listened, a trace of apology came out of her heart. She was suspicious of Chen Tzuyu. It was really flooded in her mind!

She wrapped her hands around Chen Tzuyu's neck and gently patted his back twice to comfort him, "What then?"

"Then?" Chen Ziyu rolled over, got off Lu Man, pulled the quilt over her, and said with a slight dryness in her throat: "I don't care about anything else, so I rushed to Baicao Village."

"What did you see?" Lu Man suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as she asked, she saw Chen Tzuyu look at her with a "knowingly asking" eyes.

Depend on! He really saw the scene where she kissed Mo Xiaosheng.

"It's not what you think." She waved her hands and restored the scene at the time. "I thought I had a charm in my mouth. Didn't you see the back? That charm hurt Mo Xiao."

Chen Tzuyu smiled bitterly. He really hadn't seen the back. When he saw that scene, the ghostly energy in his body surged. He had had two hands with Mo Xiao before, so that the ghostly energy in his body could not be suppressed for a while. In a passive state, Aning who just happened to be rushed over saw him, and dragged him away with half a drag.

While absorbing ghosts in the ruined temple, Chen Tzuyu was always worried about Lu Man's situation, and when he finally came back, he felt happy in his heart.

But as soon as she came back, she asked him if he had communicated well with Mo Xiaosheng.

Thinking of this, Chen Tzuyu sighed again, he squeezed Lu Man's nose fiercely, and said: "You grinning little fairy, there will be another next time! You just wait to see how I clean up you."

"How to clean up?" Lu Man's eyes were smiling. Of course, she knew that Chen Tzuyu's remarks were only verbal threats, and would not really do anything to her. Her hands were swimming back and forth in Chen Tzuyu's squeaky nest. , Scratching Chen Tzuyu finally showed a smile.

"You said, how are you going to clean up me?" Lu Man looked at him reluctantly.

Immediately afterwards, his body suddenly stiffened, and he took Lu Man's hand that was wandering around him, his gaze fell on Lu Man's shoulder, his throat tightened, and a certain part began to react.

He swallowed unconsciously, and said: "Madam, you are too weak now, let's do it another day."

Lu Man's body paused, her face quickly climbed up with two blushes, she withdrew her hand, wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, only one head was exposed, and she shouted at Chen Ziyu: "You Stinking rogue!"