The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 11: Different space?


When Lu Man woke up the next day, Lin Li was still asleep next to her. They slept soundly. They slept until three poles of the sun. After Lu Man woke up, he only felt that his body was refreshed. Originally because of excessive The shoulders that became a little sore with the scalpel did not feel anymore.

"Is it possible that you will become a fairy after sleeping?" Lu Man sat up from the ****, squeezed his palm, and muttered.

At this moment, the door of their dormitory was slapped, and the visitors were very rude, the door was slammed.

Lu Man frowned, crossed Lin Li and put on his coat and went to open the door.

"Come here." The visitor seemed very anxious, accompanied by arguing vaguely.

As soon as Lu Man opened the door, he was frightened by a group of people being crushed by the crowd outside. This... Look at this style, I am afraid that the entire floor of the building is coming.

"Where's Lin Li!" The person taking the lead opened her mouth wide. She stood in front of the dormitory and yelled at Lu Man.

Lu Man didn't wake up yet, she was stunned by her. At this time, she noticed that her open-mouthed face seemed to be different from before. Her face became extra white, and the freckles on her face seemed to disappear. Gone, that strangely big mouth was smeared with a thick layer of lipstick, and her shoulder-length hair was tied into a double braid. This non-mainstream style of the whole country looks very strange.

At the same time, the smell of formalin in her is even stronger!

"Open your mouth, how did you learn to make-up!" Lu Man was a little surprised, knowing that it was the first time she put on makeup in her impression. Her freckles, she didn't know how thick a layer of powder was to cover it. live!

"Also, what kind of perfume are you spraying on? Why is it smell of formalin!" Lu Man slapped her nose in front of her nose as she said, she was about to be sickened by the smell!

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Zhang Dazui looking at her with disgust, and said: "You are afraid that you are so dizzy in the forensic room every day! What kind of perfume do I use!"

As she said, the other classmates also nodded in agreement.

No? its not right! Lu Man was suspicious, she clearly smelled such a strong smell of formalin. Had it not been for standing in front of her alive with her mouth open, she would have thought that her mouth was a corpse.

But seeing no other reaction, could it really be that she herself had hallucinations

"What are you doing here!" Lu Man didn't bother to struggle with this question, and asked her straight to the subject.

"Lin Li!" At this point, Zhang Dazui couldn't help but roll his eyes, but I don't know why, Lu Man felt that her white eyes were more like a wink.

"She caused such a big deal yesterday, won't you explain it to us all!"

As Lin Li's voice exploded in the corridor, the rest of the people followed suit.

"Yeah! Who knows what she did yesterday? Pity the living life!"

"Isn't it! You look at her face like a fox, maybe someone else knows something shameful about her, and gets angry and kills them!"

"Yes, yes..."

The echoes sounded endlessly, Lu Man only felt that her temples were jumping suddenly, she felt that her temper was so bad for the first time, and she even wanted to tear these people apart!

"Shut up!" In the end, she shouted intolerably, and the crowd suddenly calmed down, and many eyes followed her.

"The police said it has nothing to do with her! You have to ask the police if you have any advice! The disturbing dreams in the morning are not annoying!"

Probably because Lu Man's face was too ugly, and she had always been a good person, and suddenly she had such a big temper, everyone was really bluffed by her.

Soon, the crowd dispersed in twos and threes.

In the end, there was only one person with a big mouth left. She stood at the door of the dormitory, staring at Lu Man with both eyes straight. Looking straight at Lu Man's heart, she always felt that the face with the big mouth looked extraordinarily oozing.

"Why are you still not leaving?" Lu Man asked impatiently looking at her.

"Why should I go?" Zhang Dazui glanced at her with a smile, and then ignoring Lu Man's obstruction, walked straight into the room, picked a stool at random, and sat down, and said: "I forgot to tell you. Starting today, I will move to this dormitory!"

"This bedroom is full." Lu Man said in a good voice.

Ignored her, opened his mouth and lay down directly on Li Ming's sex, and said, "This is my bed!"

Lu Man was angry and ignored her, thinking that she would leave when Li Ming came. Then he went back to the ** and started dozing off.

In the evening, she knew from Lin Li’s mouth that Li Ming had already dropped out of school. The specific reason is not clear, but I heard that it was related to the person who was supporting her. She opened her mouth and looked up under one roof, but she was panicked in her heart, not knowing why.

"Do you think there is something wrong with opening your mouth?" Lu Man was in pajamas discussing with Lin Li in the washing room downstairs.

Since the homicide occurred last night, no one dared to go to their wash room, and as a last resort, they had to run to the wash room downstairs.

"I didn't think so." Lin Li said after thinking about it while brushing her teeth.

Is it true that you are too sensitive? A question mark flashed in Lu Man's mind. She brushed her teeth quickly, and after tidying up her things, walked outside the bathroom with Lin Li.

At this moment, the light bulb above the head suddenly exploded with a "bang", and the washing room was plunged into darkness in an instant.

"Ah!" The two screamed at the same time.

The murder was only encountered last night, and even Lu Man could not bear such a stimulus. She reached out and grabbed Lin Li's hand, but she was empty.

"Lin Li, where are you?" Lu Man was shocked and shouted loudly.

"I'm here! Where are you!" Soon, Lin Li's voice sounded beside her. After Lu Man judged a lower position, he stretched out his hand again, but he didn't expect it, but he was still empty!

"Don't move!" Lu Man suddenly panicked in his heart.

"I didn't move!"

Listening to Lin Li's words, Lu Man suddenly felt something was wrong, and said, "You come to the mirror!"

"I arrived, How about you!"

"I'm here in the mirror! Where are you?"

"I am here too!"

Dense sweat oozes out of Lu Man's forehead, and she suddenly realized that things are not that simple.

The current scene is that the two of them are standing in the washing room. The washing room seems to have been duplicated, and the whole is stretched to double. The two of them stand together in front of the mirror in their respective spaces.

Just as Lin Li was anxiously looking for Lu Man, in the mirror behind her, a beautiful, weird, big red lips appeared suddenly.

His lips were slightly raised, as if he was smiling, and he looked indescribably weird.