The Undertaker: Forensic Medicine to Rise

Chapter 120: Kill two birds with one stone


Granny Zhang's words were justified and well-founded, telling her clearly that there was no Nether Flower in the bridgehead of Naihe.

But if not, why did Aning lie to her to go to Naihe Bridge

As soon as she threw this question out, Granny Zhang looked at her with a smile but a smile, "You have to think about it."

"As far as the old body knows, the nether flower is full of pure Yin power, which is a rare healing medicine."

"But no one has ever been able to approach it alive."

Speaking of this, the funny smile on Granny Zhang's face is even worse.

At this moment, Lu Man's mind suddenly showed the strange emotions in her eyes when she first saw Aning for the first time, as well as her overly caring eyes for Chen Ziyu.

"Huh! What a good move!" Lu Man clenched his hand tightly and sneered.

Now she basically understands the order of the whole thing. As Chen Ziyu’s protector, Aning lives in ghosts all year round. She must know the dangerous situation under this sewer, but she just pointed her this way. .

Nether Flower can heal Chen Tzuyu's injury, but she didn't say anything false. Aning must have expected that she would go to Nether Flower. If she went to Naihe Bridge, it would be just right that she would be gnawed away by that divine beast.

If she accidentally escaped, as long as she still wants to find Nether Flower, then she will definitely be absorbed by Nether Flower's pure Yin power.

What a trick to kill two birds with one stone!

She really underestimated Aning.

"Can Nether Flower really cure Chen Tzuyu?" Lu Man suppressed the anger in his heart and once again asked Granny Zhang for confirmation.

Granny Zhang nodded, "Unfortunately, this flower is no longer easy to find. It was almost destroyed during the ghost war a thousand years ago. To find it, you can only try your luck in the Sea of Wuwang."

"Are you really going?" Granny Zhang asked suddenly.

Listening to Granny Zhang’s words, her heart began to hang again, and the time of the Freedom Challenge Month was getting shorter and shorter. The grievances between Mo Xiaosheng and Chen Ziyu were not clear to her for the time being, but from Mo Xiaosheng’s attitude , It seems that he would not let Chen Tzuyu easily go. With the Nether Flower, he would have one more chance of winning.

As for the power of pure Yin...

It just so happens that her body is also full of pure Yin power. During this period of time, she has clearly felt that the pure Yin power in her body is constantly strengthening. She wants to see if the Nether Flower is stronger or she is stronger.

After the decision was made, she didn't hesitate anymore. After repacking the contract back into the clean bottle, she walked alone. There was a strong ghost spirit floating everywhere here, and the more she walked forward, the more terrifying the scene.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking. Two ponds suddenly appeared in front of Lu Man. The ponds were not big, and they were all scarlet red, bubbling and churning, emitting an unpleasant stench. There is only a narrow path between the two pools, which can only accommodate Lu Man with one foot.

She walked carefully along this road. When she came to the pool, the water in the left pool turned more violently. Gradually, one finger after another was tossed out along the current, the fingers became white and the skin was soaked. Got to fold up.

Lu Man looked at him, only feeling that his stomach was turned upside down.

The water in the pool on the right also began to turn. The difference is that in the pool on the right, there are heads after another.